Happy Teachers' Day!!!
I'm so glad the celebration is on a Friday!! Wanna know why I love fridays? I'll tell you why.
- It's the end of school for the week
- I can sleep late and wake up late cause the next day's Saturday
- I can don't do homework; I can do it in the weekends
- Early dismissal from school
- Normally, I don't have remedials etc on Fridays
- It feels special :)
And the most, most, most important reason... must read on.. the most important reason why I like Fridays...:
Go Fridays!!!!! =D
The teachers' day concert was okay... I had expected more programs, but it was basically just bands playing. Some of the songs they played... the lyrics... really made me think. Hmm.
History remedial was postponed as the teachers had meetings =] Postponed to monday...
I considered visiting my primary school... Ariel and gang from bvps were at the canteen... in the end, I didn't tag along... I haven't visited in the past years at all. Imagine... if they see the change in me. I know I used to be the 'perfect' model student in p6... was a prefect, band leader, etc etc -_- I never broke rules. LOL, best they don't see me as I am now... xD
After dismissal, Debby asked me a strange question. The answer was quite simple... I mean, I didn't think even she would think that way too =x
I think my ear has gotten an infection D= But I still replaced my earrings as people claimed the hole looks almost closed.
Almost forgot... good news... the column for English where everyone failed... it turns out to be a MISTAKE!!! Yay!! ^^ In fact, I didn't fail that test =o And now I've been upgraded to B3, which is oh-so-close to A2. Oh wells? Minus one point overall =)
"If you're willing to chase me, I promise, I'll run slow"
Rain rain, and more rain.
What disappointed me a lot was that Mrs Tan didn't come to school. We were planning a party with her... in the end, we had a party by ourselves.. oh wells? Ate so much ><

^ The party scene after the teachers found we were eating in the TTRm. Look how the end tables are empty? The wind blasted the rain halfway into the canteen ._.

^ Shi Ting and me!!
Got back my result slip! Nope, I didn't cry. I laughed, because it was better than I thought. This year has taught me to set my expectations low, but try your best. So I told myself: "You will fail every single subject." Apparantly, I didn't xDLiterature:
Test 1 - 73.2
Test 2 - 83.6
CA2 Ave Mark - 77.8
Grade - A1
^^ This is the only subject I'll show.
My points are 22. A fair amount of improvement, but it can't even get me to any JC -_- Anyway, I'm considering poly. More choices, less stress. What Elliot said today made lots of sense: "Going to a JC for image is the dumbest thing I've heard."
True enough... how many in Singapore attended JC just to 'show off', and regret it later?
I may appear to be a 'good' girl
But I have a bad side of me,
And some have already seen it
I may have annoyed people unintentionally
I know there are people who dislike me
However much, I don't care
Just don't expect me to be perfect
I am so far away from it
I may be selfish
I may be annoying
I may be spiteful
I may be jealous
I may be impatient
I know I don't tell people much
Some secrets I just don't reveal
Sure, maybe I don't trust them
But they don't either
Even I myself hate myself many a times
But you know what?
That is me.
The 'me' that God made for a reason.
Deal with it, or leave it, kay?
Physics test, first period. Zzzzzz... I woke up at 4 to revise... don't say I didn't try! If I fail again... only thing I can do is shrug. It's not like crying will change the figures.
I thought Mrs Toh forgot!!! She still remembered about my CA2 english essay, where I scored 22/30. She had wanted to do something with it last term... but had no time. To think I was so happy she forgot. Seriously, I didn't think I wrote well... I felt like breaking the thumbdrive there and there =o
PE: Rain,
AGAIN. For calling out loud, more than half of the class haven't taken or failed their 2.4km run, me included. Thankfully, the rain stopped after a while, and we were able to go down; but no running. With a couple of other people, I played tennis; or what I thought was tennis. I think it was more like squash. Whatever it is, I just used my tennis moves. Hard. The yellow plastic ball was so light a small impact send it flying over the wall near the basketball court. Annoying!!
Something seems to be making me feel down. During chinese lesson, I had no reason to be sad, but I was. It felt like I was supposed to feel upset. Can't think of a proper reason.. it's just like that. I became frustated over nothing xD
CIP packing!! 3e1 had SO much foodstuff! And they were really into this... they brought huge tins of biscuit, 48 packets of milk etc. I think e3 got more than us ><
It's all wrong. Sadness is NOT supposed to strike you when good things are happening. I wonder...
Let's dance like no one is praising us
Let's sing like no one is listening to us
Let's work like we don't need money for it
Let's live like today's doomsday
Let's love like we've never been hurt before
Happy Birthday Kevin!!Emo day =(
1st. Got a very, very depressing poem in Lit... we analysed it so much that we got affected.
2nd. Doing English summary while it rained hard
3rd. Not understanding Math
4th. Breaking my ruler
I liked the storm though... Alan's paper flew out of the window into the rain =o It was drenched, obviously, after he retrieved it.
We received more food items from 1e2 and 2e2 today!! It was a huge improvement compared to yesterday, where we received only one pathetic packet of instant noodles.
I tried on Ly's nccsea hat thingy... I briefly wondered what it was like if I had turned up for the nccsea recruit testing thing. I was already accepted in... but I completely forgot about the friday training for sec 1s xDD And thus...
I lost my mind in SS lesson today. I don't know why, but I just did.
Today's my lil bro birthday, as you might have known from the first part of this post. Oh crap... phy test tomorrow... math test on thurs... and my brother's bday... ><
I thought back to the past during the more boring lessons in school. I remembered clearly, the chinese teacher in p6. I was in the lousier chinese class... I wouldn't forget that the teacher was my reason why I could clinch an A for Chinese in PSLE.
She was inspirational. Her lessons were not boring. She told us we're not the stupider batch.. it's just that the other class work harder. Every word she said made me believe she truly understood us. She described how the primary school uniform is ugly, and that we must get to secondary school. I listened closely to her every advice. I was inspired.
And thus, I got an A for Chinese. Somehow.
Today is a normal, normal, normal day ._.
"Why bother wasting a perfectly good flower when you know he loves you not?"
As promised, pictures!! Took lots of them today... yup yup, no me at all... the party was fun.. but so many food I can't take >< Okay, I have to rush through the homeworks tomorrow...

^ The functional room; not many people.. the rest are out of the picture.

^ Leong Yew back from kayaking.. he looked so burnt and tired =D

^ Swimming pool! We were wading in that 0.1m pool with Debby's brother. Fun fun!

^ Ruo Nan entered the sauna; it was scorching, such that her glasses turned foggy immediately.

^ Ice cream cake!!! Omg!! So tantalizing... I could only eat one piece that was smaller than others', as I was losing my voice.

^ Strips of what? Can guess? Plastic cups! We tore it apart. Yessss... me and Ruo Nan were like: "Oh, I'm so sorry!!" and tore it. So sadistic.

^ This was what the cups had looked like before we shredded it. It was reduced to this after some people forced it down the hole.

^ The birthday girl! Happy Birthday Debby!!

^ Xue Li and Ruo Nan, who covered her face, as usual ._.

^ Someone's blocking me from taking photos xP Take a guess: who has a Nokia phone?

^ Mrt train! Almost 11 when we headed home. Ruo Nan is that bright blue t-shirt girl. She's wandering for some reason. Leong Yew, the black one, demanding his bag back from Xue Li.

^ Debby's room! I was crouched under the table; no space.. so many people. Leong Yew, Xue Li and Ruo Nan, in order from the left.

^ Debby's living room!

^ The snail on Ruo Nan's hand; she claims snails are her kins. So yeah, this snail freaked birthday girl out...
Crapped a lot at the party. Right now, I'm so tired I can't remembered any of our conversations. Just remembered I had fun.

^ Debby's birthday gift. I'm attending her birthday party later. The wrapping paper comes from the shop where the girl stole from.
And yesss... I wrapped it myself =o I know it looks weird from this angle and all, but hey, I wasn't born to wrap presents.
I'll try to remember to take pictures xD And when I return, my parents would have returned from Cambodia too.
Lots of things happened today. Let's list them.
1. The crazy rain
2. Chemistry on the floor
3. PE
4. Khadeza's mother
5. Ly's stormy mood
6. My lost TYS
7. My lost voice
8. The girl who stole
Those are the events I want to emphasize on anyway.
1. The crazy rainDuring physics lesson, it rained. Not the normal kind of shower. It rained only on the right side of 3e2 classroom. It was strange. The area in the parade square was cloudy, but no rain. Same thing for the field area. Only on that side, it rained. And what's stranger was that it was sunny there. What a contradiction. Bryant was explaining what it would be like for a bus to turn the corner where it started raining. It was a crazy rain.
2. Chemistry on the floorQuite some chaos in 3e2 classroom in Chem lesson. Those who didn't do homework had to sit on the floor, you know, at that big wide space we have at the right. I had left the classroom and when I returned, I had a shock. I thought some game was going on. More than half of the class were seated on the floor. I joined the group of course. All cause I didn't know there was that ws and did another one which Mrs Ooi never checked.
It was pretty much fun. Even Denise, a high-ranking prefect did not do. I don't know why though. So yeah, we sat on the floor, crapped a little, and did our work.
3. PEThis is the sixth week that we couldn't do PE. Seriously... most of the time it rained. Others, Mr Mazlee was absent. Today was because it was raining, seriously raining, in all areas this time xD We couldn't do anything. I couldn't take my 2.4 km run.

^ Folks, this is what you call Physical Edcation =)

^ This poor thing has possibly been squashed under Vanessa

^ The culprit who is suspected to have killed the bug =D
4. Khadeza's motherThis is dedicated to her. She had caught dengue fever and had to be admitted to hospital, thus Khad's absence from school. Let's pray for her recovery =)
5. Ly's stormy moodHe came back from recess with a black face. Creeped me out. His eyes were so dark and menacing, as if he'd kill you any moment. We asked him what happened, and he said nothing. He even smiled to prove it. But what a fake smile. Debby said he couldn't be in showbiz, and I agree.
That was not a natural smile. Something went wrong. And he wasn't telling.
Don't try to be like me, ly; only I can smile and fool people xPxD Or maybe he was just being emo. He even said he wanted his hair longer so he could have an emo look. Weirdo...
6. My lost TYSI lost my a math TYS a few days ago. Possibly on 77A bus... so today, I made my way to West Mall and asked the interchange people. Not found!! What the?? Now I have to buy a new one ='(
7. My lost voiceThough my sore throat is cured, my voice is not. I didn't watch my diet properly, and soon, I was fast losing my voice. At the end of the day, it was a big effort to speak, and even then, it came out hoarse. Like the lit poem stated: "The art of losing isn't hard to master". So true, so true. Lost my TYS, lost my voice.
8. The girl who stoleAt West Mall today, when Ruo Nan and I were shopping for Debby's birthday gift, we were approached by a group of girls from BBSS. They were close to tears. They started explaining very fast and begging us to lend them money, any amount. We didn't know what was going on, so Ruo Nan started saying we needed the money for the present.
Baffled, we entered the gift shop. It was then that we found out what was going on. We saw two security guards, a pissed-off shopkeeper, and a small girl, sobbing. We asked the shopkeeper what was going on.
Filled with disapproval, she told us. The girl had stolen something worth $44+ from the shop. She was clever, the lady claimed. She hid it in her file and passed it to her friend when she was called back. The two security guards then asked us if we knew her. We don't; she is in lower sec, that part I'm sure. And definitely from our school.
I then asked the shopkeeper how much more she needed to pay. Apparantly, she only got $21 as of then. I made up my mind and gave her the only notes I got; $4. Pathetic amount. But when she looked up and thanked me, I knew I did the right thing. Helping a thief doesn't seem like the right thing. But I could tell she regretted it. Her tears told me so. She was scared stiff!
At that time, I truly felt that God was next to me. I did something a Christian would do. $4 isn't much, but it's the thought that counts =D If I was the girl, in distress, crying and in deep trouble, I'd really want and need help. I just hope that she would not steal again.
And after, I found I had some change that added up to $2+. Hahas, forgot all about that. Should have given her that too.
Others can judge me all they want. They may think I'm doing the wrong thing. But who cares. I listened to my heart and did what I thought was a fairly good deed.

^ It's called "Painting Sky" by hibikio. She's the one girl I admire in deviantart for her brilliant drawing/colouring skills.
^ Rui Shan's drawing; isn't it just cute?
I recovered my ability to smile anywhere, anytime, in any situation =D I'm proud of myself. I had met with a couple of saddening situations today, but I SMILED!!! Finally! My mask is back into place.
Re-did History common test. At first, I thought I did quite well, until the after-discussion-which-always-bring-disappointment where I realized I could have gone out of point. Saw my chinese marks; it was such a sore number to look at. But of course, I've lowered my expectations so much. See it this way. I passed. Yeah.. that's what I'm going to do in the future. Look at the glass half-full and pretend life is not treating me badly.
Late again! This is because I was being a 'good sister'. Two 176s passed by. They could take me to West Mall too, but I stayed as my younger brother could only take 985. He was so paranoid. He usually get sent by my mother by car, and she's in Cambodia. Naturally, he got jittery knowing he had to wake up by himself etc. And thus........ I came to school late. In the second last 77A bus. It was fantastic; two 77A buses full of students and one 77 bus half-filled with students. They poured into the canteen. I've not seen so many people late before. Debby even took a photo.
Today was a good okay-okay day. There was a rainbow outside the classrooms. The sec threes and sec fours were so awed. Khadeza was telling me she was surprised and disappointed that BBSS upper sec students were so fascinated by something like that xD
"Sick of crying, tired of trying, sure I'm smiling, but inside I'm dying."
Being a CIP rep is streeessssss =( As the girl I am, I won't foget that Seah Pei Jun of 3e2'07 sabotaged me and landed me in this mess ._. What would I do without Cassandra...
These jaw muscles of mine haven't been exercised much these days. Not smiling, not frowning... no need for any muscles. It's getting harder to make myself smile. What happened to those days where I could smile anywhere, anytime, in any terrible situations?
Mrs Ooi entered in my chem common test marks wrongly... she typed in 17/25. Haha, many people told me I was lucky and should just leave it alone. For a moment there, I was tempted. If I kept quiet, Mrs Ooi wouldn't know... it would solve everything. But, but, of course, I have what you call
honesty and
conscience. I reprimanded myself for ever thinking that. God must be very disappointed with me.
We're going to have a Lit party next Thursday!! Can't wait for it xD I remember on Valentine's Day, we had one too... now, all bio students, this is one of the many privileges you miss out on.
History test tomorrow... due to some issues, all sec 3 elective history students have to retake their common tests. May the Lord be with me every step of this journey.
As usual, first half of the day was fine, the other half, horrendous. My throat started itching. And after, it got worse and worse. The people around me were very restless, and troubled, I know (not mentioning names). As their friend, of course, I respect their feelings and limited my words.
With all this heavy mood around me, I became gloomy too. And, coupled with the increasingly irritating sore throat... I lost my temper. It has been really long since my patience ran out. I think I snapped at a couple of people. A big sorry to those who I spoke a little too harshly to!!
By the end of school, my throat was burning. I fell into depression. Just after I recover from my fever, here comes something just as bad. My mother's off to Cambodia; I didn't dare to tell her anything.
I don't think I can be like Ruo Nan; even if she fails, she just laughs and try harder the next time. I can't do that. I'm not strong enough.
I am scared of fate. I am scared of what more misfortunes it will bring me. I am scared of what more twists it will make. I am scared of what people it will bring to me, and what hurt these people may bring. I am scared of how I will end up ten years down the road. I am not a fatalist. That's why I fear fate.
"Boy: So, who do you like?Girl: Oh, just some guy who doesn't know.Boy: Hell, then he's missing out.Girl: Haha... who do you like?Boy: Oh, just some girl who likes some guy who's totally missing out."
YesterdayI woke up feeling terrible... a serious sore-throat. I've already suspected it was going to be one of my worse days.. true enough. I cried. Haha, yeah, in class.. no one saw cause I turned away and held them back, which is something I hate to do. It was when I got back my physics and realized how awful life can be. What do you think I got? xD I was furious with myself for letting something small get to me; I told myself to smile.. things could have been worse.
Sure enough, things got worse. I was just telling Shi Ting that I usually get a fever once a year, and that this year I haven't had one, and KABOOM, I fell sick. There are various reasons why I suddenly had a fever, but I think physics was the last straw, and I sort of broke down =P
I saw my fingernails turn blue in Lit, but I said nothing. Though I already knew I was feeling an 'abnormal' kind of cold. Plus the rain. I must thank Ruo Nan; she was really kind... when she saw how I looked like a living corpse, she forced me to go down, eat something etc. Others didn't quite understand. Debby kept asking me to smile; Jia Ying kept asking me to drink water xP; Leong Yew kept asking me not to be emo (?). Shi Ting kept asking me if I wanted to go home.
I wanted to, of course. After recess, I was already feeling terrible. What had seemed like an hour passed was only 15 minutes. Even though I closed the windows near me and turned off the fan above me... I forced myself to hold on, even though I was shivering. I was positive my teeth chattered too =)
I call that determination when I willed myself to hang on till 2, but Ruo Nan called it stubborness.
I got an excuse to skip Chem remedial. The journey home... it seemed many times longer than before. I could barely put one foot ahead of the other. I took my temperature at home.
39.56 degrees celcius
And that was after I slept for two hours -_- Of course I was scared! What if it was dengue?
But at least I'm still alive. Amazingly.
TodayI'm proud of myself; for the first time, I fought back the high fever in only ONE day! Besides the slight cough today, I'm stronger than the other people in my class who also fell ill xP
The day actually started out fine. Though I was late. Mrs Toh is back!!! Bless you!! Finally, history lesson was lively again!! Yay ^^
I couldn't understand Chemistry though... hey, you can't blame me.. I was dying yesterday at chem lesson... do you think I could have listened?
Assembly was alright... the cooling system was kind of irritating... especially when you're standing at the direction it was blowing at. Leyu was cowering beneath the tables and looked so deep in thought xD Ah, the wise one THINKING!!!
After that though... more disappointment. English common test marks were not bad, but the other compos I wrote last term... I wasn't very happy with the marks. And then came Social Studies. I passed, but it wasn't worth all my memorizing. I felt like dying there and then. Besides, it's not like my disappearance from Earth would make a dramatic difference in anyone's lives.
Must stop my emo-ing... but I can't help it.. the common test was a complete disaster. And I do mean COMPLETE.
Church first thing in the morning =o There was this song I really liked... "Your Grace Is Enough"... the lyrics-soso... the song-NICE =) It was kinda like a modern pop song, yet not really xD Finally I found a favourite song of myself! I'm going to flick to that hymm number 621 everytime I go to church ^^
Watched Rush Hour 3 with family! It was really funny... I haven't had a good laugh in quite a while =x The characters were comical, and I liked the taxi driver for some reasons.. he wasn't even the main character.
When we reached home, we discovered there had been a short circuit. Not like I cared =P Plopped on the bed and fell asleep. Even though I've promised myself to give another attempt at A Math... It's raining. This time, it's bad. I can't swim!!!! ='(
However, not all hope is lost! My good little brother has agreed to play badminton with me, even though he has exam tomorrow. Though he's a nuisance almost every time, he has a kind heart! I figure his personality falls somewhere between S and/or I. Can't imagine him being calculative or domineering like C and D people.
I'm going to explain why I like putting Korean music in my blog.
1. It's really nice; the style is different from English music.
2. I know where to get codes for the Korean songs
3. Korean dramas has a different style of romance from Singapore movies that I like
4. Like Yi Ting, I can play some of these Korean songs
5. I've been to Korea in winter before, and it has always been etched in my mind
In no particular orders =D So, there's not much chance I'll ever put up an English or Chinese songs in this blog.
I finally, finally went to register my ic. Me and my dad took quite a while finding the neccessary documents. I even chanced upon some photos.
The ICA building was crowded, even early in the morning. While I was waiting for my turn at the photo booth, I contemplated whether or no to tie my hair. I didn't want to always have the 'same look' like I have in school. But I decided to be 'more like a student' and tied up my hair. The camera snapped my photo so fast I had no time to prepare a decent smile. In the end, the photo showed a girl with a sarcastic, unwilling smile. As soon as I got it, the thought that enters my head was: "
Oh hey... I have no pimples... and the one on my forehead is barely visible."
They registered me as Christian, not Catholic. Not that it matters anyway.
It rained. When I left the building, it was raining hard, and the wind was chilly. Yay? My wish came true a little too late. But later, I received a message from Leong Yew saying it rained the moment he read my blog. He couldn't go kayaking. Coincidence? Nah.. I prefer to think it as psychic. Haha, something good came out of the late wish xD
It was past 11 when I was done. I went straight to my electone lessons. I navigated my way from Lavendar station to Clementi station. I used the stars. Not really, taking into account that I was underground, it was morning, and that you can't see stars from Singapore. I had to use the map at the station.
Whoosh, I got to Clementi safely. Magic. Wow.
I'm in better spirits today. I suppose today was a normal day on the better side. Yesterday was on the worse side.
I must swim this weekend. And play badminton. And tennis. And go to the gym. And do whatever that is excercise.
There's a chance I might go to the movies with my family. My dad got like, 12 free movie tickets? o.O

^Me with an unwilling smile in Thailand airport, June 2007

^ Annabelle and Khad laughing in bus-stop outside school, July 2007
No link -_- I need a life.
There was a time when I was young, a little girl. I sat by the window and thought.
When I grow up, I will have a perfect life. I will be a model student, one who is very clever and will score good grades. I will make my parents proud and outshine my brothers. I will be pretty and popular and liked by everyone. I will have many admirers. But only one boy will love me and I will like him too. I will grow up successfully, get a high-ranking job, marry, and live happily ever after until an old age.
Someone please, give me the definition of 'naive'. I want to compare it with my dream and see the similarity. Now that my eyes are open really wide, I will tell you how much my dreams have come true.
No. That time is over. It's happened before but it didn't last. I don't want that now. I don't want that now either. These things don't happen to everyone. Not going to come true, not possible, wonder if it's going to be a happy marriage, and that's a fairytale.
Oh, the cruelty of this world... it has destroyed the innocent dreams of a young girl.
BAD.DAYI'm never going to get my wishes, am I? I failed chinese. Yes. I must appear very pathetic right now... I'm falling back while others are catching on. I have been more serious about my studies, but seriousness obviously did not get me anywhere. Looks like I need brains and dilligence. And not to forget, more faith in the Lord.Everyone has their up and downs. My downs have gone on long enough, deep enough. I want to climb out of this bottomless pit. I had just picked myself up and is now figuring out the best way to escape. I long for someone to drop me a ladder, but in the end, it's my own effort. The route to up seems so far away. I pray, when will this end?People say, set your expectations high and work towards it. What can I say? The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. I've gone through that repeatedly, so much that I have to expect the least of myself.Rain. Please rain like it did this morning. When I'm upset, staring at the raindrops on my window calms me down. The detail, the simplicity. It catches my attention. I wish for rain, tonight, please rain.Today was so normal. Nothing unique happened. I don't like normal days. It bores me. Normal normal normal. I want things to happen. The only unexpected thing today was meeting my family at West Mall; I went there with Ruo Nan and Khadeza. It's nice, but not something to celebrate about.Hmm.. do I seem happy today? If you really thought I was, then maybe my disguises are getting better every day =D Haha.. that's something worth being gleeful about!"It's easy to smile... but it's not always easy to smile and mean it."
I have made minor changes to the fonts... I can't seem to find one that fits. The music is down for some reasons.
Today started out very disastrously. Firstly, I left my chemistry file at home after arranging it so nicely. Next, I failed the chem test that more than half of the class aced in. After which, I got back my common test and what did I see? The result of my studying.
Failure. For the rest of the chem lesson, I was fairly quiet. People who think I'm being emo... not really. I was reflecting.
What did I do wrong? I studied harder than before, I prayed to God. Yet. Was it because I started revising at the last minute? Others who only opened the book and skimmed through it clinched higher marks. Is it because they're smart? Or is it because I'm just stupid?
I had expected a one-digit for my chem common test.. I got it. I saw it coming, but I had been hoping. Maybe I could get a little above my expectation; is that really too much?
I'm glad the day is gloomy in the morning. If it was scorching, I'd probably lost my temper at everyone.
Enough of my ranting; I do that a lot and sometimes don't know where to stop =)
The day went on more smoothly. My math common test marks were pretty good.. unless you compare them with 3e3's grades.
Lit was the period that cheered me up. We tend to drift away from our focus. First, Mrs Tan was flashing the good thesis statements. She said she remembered one of them was by a girl. Fingers pointed at Jack, saying he was a girl. How rude. Then the boys started taunting Jack for his 'return to your classrooms in an orderly manner' every morning. Somehow, the topic turned into Kenneth speaking in a hongkong man accent. He started mooing for some reason, and the boys started talking about whipped cream and how do you cream a cow. Wth??
And look at my horoscope today. "
A very fun day is in store for you; it will be full of silliness and laughter."
Lol... talk about psychic. In 3e2, sometimes I just can't stay emo.
Ms. Loo was saying there's never a dull moment with the boys in our class; they were marching to e3 with a dustpan, demanding who vandalized the OHP with 'Clive'. I hope she realizes that there's always a dull moment with her as our teacher. Oh, the irony. Thank you Ms. Loo, because of you, we have learnt to think up colourful verbs that mean 'boring'. I know I'm harsh. Maybe she's a good teacher. But she's not the teacher for us... we want teachers like Mdm Yeo and Mrs Toh or Mrs Tan. Ones that can get along with us like a house on fire.
We got back our lit tests. Shi Ting was the highest, with 11/12. I got 2nd highest, together with Jia Ying. It sort of evens out... horrible chem marks, wonderful lit marks.
Odd day.
These few days have been hectic. I was focused on passing humanities... after all, 3e2 had 100% passes in SA1. I tried to stay up but failed because I had a terrible stomachache. The exam was pretty easy, but I didn't think I've tried my very best. Oh wells. Chinese... -sigh- I rushed through it so I could sleep -_- Yes, I'm that lame. I was tired, and I wanted the energy to do SS and history. That's gotta be the dumbest thing I've done.
I had stayed up till about... 1am studying for math and sciences; they're trying to kill us with the three subjects in one day.
One of the important motivations I had:

:3 I pinned it up in front of me and stared at it.
I think I'm getting
stupider every day. I mean, check it out. A girl with an IQ of 137 who got all As and an A* for Math,
MATH in her PSLE could get as low as... nvm. I'm not going to tell the world my wonderful marks this year.
I set my alarms consecutively at 4am, 5am and 6am. I think I'm going deaf. I couldn't even hear the first two and woke up at the 6am one. The worst part of the exam was chemistry. Omg, everything I went through did not come out, aside from the Periodic Table thingy.
I think the maximum I can get for chem is about 8/25. Pathetic. Damn pathetic. But better than nothing. Die die diiieeeeee... I've died very frequently these days.
There was a bee in class today. Debby freaked out. It was attracted to the hole in the nail at the side of her table. She had the 'heart' to trap it in with scotchtape. Though I'm not a fan of bugs either, I feel sorry for it. I have quite a weak heart. Oh wells.
However, note: don't mess with me. I forgive but don't forget xP
I was late. Cool. The whole 77A was late. Clive was yelling at them to stop as he wanted to record down the names. It's just the names. People got so frightened they scurried off. Well. I stayed =P Together with about... what? 6 others from 3e2?
I didn't realize there was a chem test until morning. It was horrible. HOW could I have forgotten a chem test? In the end, I couldn't do practically everything, so I had to gamble with luck. Sad case. There's still the rave about Mrs Ooi's 'pastry'. Instead of page three, she had said 'turn and do your pastry'. There's also Mrs Toh's 'draw a Liiinnee' with the strong emphasis on 'line'. And Mdm Shi Xu's 'oh' thingy that she usually says after a sentence. And Mr Goh's 'take five'. And Mdm Yeo's various catch-phrases =D
3e2 found a new name for Mdm Yeo. Cause she just drew a stupid, nicely-curved graph, people start commenting she's a wonderful artist. She can be YEOnardo, not leonardo xD Lol. When I rested my head on the desk just now, I didn't realize Mdm Yeo was staring at me. Irvin and Elliot made up an excuse, saying I was scratching my leg. Well, I suppose I owe them one. But Elliot slamned my face with a football before, so.. yeah.
Study common test... *sigh* Went to bukit batok cc to study with Ruo Nan, but got so distracted I had to go home, where everyone's sleeping. Nice and quiet. And lonely, unfortunately.
Yesterday someone fainted in church. He seemed to be having a fit. It caused quite a catastrophe, what with Singapore's naturally 'kiasu' personality. They called for an ambulance. Watch over him, God.
"Love can be magical, but magic is an illusion"
Don't mind my font-testing spree o.O
No organ/electone lessons for me today!! Gosh.. my lil brother is yelling into the phone. It's only his friend. He can tone down his volume.. eh.. >.< Spent the day on the comp because I'm not in the mood for studying. And I'll probably end up regretting it... I used to study only one day before exam, thus, my horrible results. It was a miracle how I ended up in 3e2 :3 I've attempted making my own notes for History. It more or less succeeded =D But then, Mrs Toh already gave us notes, so I don't really get what I'm doing =.= I hope to get higher marks for this common test, and possibly, pass e math. I wonder if I should change the music... there are a couple which are nice too... I've tested them, and decided to settle for this one temporarily. I'll probably change the music a lot. Fussy meThe song is "Maybe (Piano Version)" =)"Let's play truth or dare... or let's just play dare 'cause no one tells the truth anymore."
I've decided to put some music to spruce up the web. Tell me if it's annoying or not pleasant ^^ S personality - sadisticI suppose so. I know lots of S people like that. But I'm not going to mention names =)
I went through history and SS notes again, but once more, not getting much into this head. I finally finished reading Incarceron, which, for some reason, just couldn't end. Yay?
Mah dad got a hp delivered to our home. A samsung blah blah slim edition slide phone. It was HORRENDOUS. The content of the phone; the menu etc, has a blinding colour combination. What were they thinking, seriously. And it's freaking noisy. When you save something, there's this fanciful noise that resembles what you hear in a baby toy. Hire me and I can do much better.
Anyway, I'm editing my test. I want to add killer questions. I want a test that not only kills, but also tortures, slaughters, murders and massacres. Mwahaha. Apologies to those who took the previous one...I feel like a sadist.
I just recently realized today's 09/08/07. As a lit student, I would, unfortunately, interpret this as a bad year for Singapore.
Of course, the order of the numbers could reflect something systematic and fortunate for Singapore. Nvm, enough of lit ranting.
Today I slack. I should be studying for my common test -headdesk-
And I blew my chance of watching NDP at least on TV. Oh wells... there's still a next year right? That's 365 more days, unless next year's a leap year.
I feel time wasting away, yet I'm not doing anything to stop it... -drops half-dead-
A new blog is finally born =o let's hope it wouldn't die. Exams are nearing, but I'm still gonna give blogging a shot. I need to start linking people or no one will know I exist in the world of blogs. Computer has been crossed out of my schedule though. Therefore, if I don't post in a couple of months, I'm dead... you wish. I'm a girl who wants to live =)