I had stayed up till about... 1am studying for math and sciences; they're trying to kill us with the three subjects in one day.
One of the important motivations I had:

:3 I pinned it up in front of me and stared at it.
I think I'm getting stupider every day. I mean, check it out. A girl with an IQ of 137 who got all As and an A* for Math, MATH in her PSLE could get as low as... nvm. I'm not going to tell the world my wonderful marks this year.
I set my alarms consecutively at 4am, 5am and 6am. I think I'm going deaf. I couldn't even hear the first two and woke up at the 6am one. The worst part of the exam was chemistry. Omg, everything I went through did not come out, aside from the Periodic Table thingy.
I think the maximum I can get for chem is about 8/25. Pathetic. Damn pathetic. But better than nothing. Die die diiieeeeee... I've died very frequently these days.
There was a bee in class today. Debby freaked out. It was attracted to the hole in the nail at the side of her table. She had the 'heart' to trap it in with scotchtape. Though I'm not a fan of bugs either, I feel sorry for it. I have quite a weak heart. Oh wells.
However, note: don't mess with me. I forgive but don't forget xP
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