1. The crazy rain
2. Chemistry on the floor
3. PE
4. Khadeza's mother
5. Ly's stormy mood
6. My lost TYS
7. My lost voice
8. The girl who stole
Those are the events I want to emphasize on anyway.
1. The crazy rain
During physics lesson, it rained. Not the normal kind of shower. It rained only on the right side of 3e2 classroom. It was strange. The area in the parade square was cloudy, but no rain. Same thing for the field area. Only on that side, it rained. And what's stranger was that it was sunny there. What a contradiction. Bryant was explaining what it would be like for a bus to turn the corner where it started raining. It was a crazy rain.
2. Chemistry on the floor
Quite some chaos in 3e2 classroom in Chem lesson. Those who didn't do homework had to sit on the floor, you know, at that big wide space we have at the right. I had left the classroom and when I returned, I had a shock. I thought some game was going on. More than half of the class were seated on the floor. I joined the group of course. All cause I didn't know there was that ws and did another one which Mrs Ooi never checked.
It was pretty much fun. Even Denise, a high-ranking prefect did not do. I don't know why though. So yeah, we sat on the floor, crapped a little, and did our work.
3. PE
This is the sixth week that we couldn't do PE. Seriously... most of the time it rained. Others, Mr Mazlee was absent. Today was because it was raining, seriously raining, in all areas this time xD We couldn't do anything. I couldn't take my 2.4 km run.
^ Folks, this is what you call Physical Edcation =)
^ This poor thing has possibly been squashed under Vanessa
^ The culprit who is suspected to have killed the bug =D
4. Khadeza's mother
This is dedicated to her. She had caught dengue fever and had to be admitted to hospital, thus Khad's absence from school. Let's pray for her recovery =)
5. Ly's stormy mood
He came back from recess with a black face. Creeped me out. His eyes were so dark and menacing, as if he'd kill you any moment. We asked him what happened, and he said nothing. He even smiled to prove it. But what a fake smile. Debby said he couldn't be in showbiz, and I agree.
That was not a natural smile. Something went wrong. And he wasn't telling.
Don't try to be like me, ly; only I can smile and fool people xPxD Or maybe he was just being emo. He even said he wanted his hair longer so he could have an emo look. Weirdo...
6. My lost TYS
I lost my a math TYS a few days ago. Possibly on 77A bus... so today, I made my way to West Mall and asked the interchange people. Not found!! What the?? Now I have to buy a new one ='(
7. My lost voice
Though my sore throat is cured, my voice is not. I didn't watch my diet properly, and soon, I was fast losing my voice. At the end of the day, it was a big effort to speak, and even then, it came out hoarse. Like the lit poem stated: "The art of losing isn't hard to master". So true, so true. Lost my TYS, lost my voice.
8. The girl who stole
At West Mall today, when Ruo Nan and I were shopping for Debby's birthday gift, we were approached by a group of girls from BBSS. They were close to tears. They started explaining very fast and begging us to lend them money, any amount. We didn't know what was going on, so Ruo Nan started saying we needed the money for the present.
Baffled, we entered the gift shop. It was then that we found out what was going on. We saw two security guards, a pissed-off shopkeeper, and a small girl, sobbing. We asked the shopkeeper what was going on.
Filled with disapproval, she told us. The girl had stolen something worth $44+ from the shop. She was clever, the lady claimed. She hid it in her file and passed it to her friend when she was called back. The two security guards then asked us if we knew her. We don't; she is in lower sec, that part I'm sure. And definitely from our school.
I then asked the shopkeeper how much more she needed to pay. Apparantly, she only got $21 as of then. I made up my mind and gave her the only notes I got; $4. Pathetic amount. But when she looked up and thanked me, I knew I did the right thing. Helping a thief doesn't seem like the right thing. But I could tell she regretted it. Her tears told me so. She was scared stiff!
At that time, I truly felt that God was next to me. I did something a Christian would do. $4 isn't much, but it's the thought that counts =D If I was the girl, in distress, crying and in deep trouble, I'd really want and need help. I just hope that she would not steal again.
And after, I found I had some change that added up to $2+. Hahas, forgot all about that. Should have given her that too.
Others can judge me all they want. They may think I'm doing the wrong thing. But who cares. I listened to my heart and did what I thought was a fairly good deed.
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