what a wonderful wonderful world.
I feel like my clock's winded back to the past, and very stupidly and annoyingly, it's still stuck.
Damn.I can't friggin' believe how freaking well I live up to my personality. Screw it.
Oh, and you know what I recently noticed? When I cry, it's normally the right eye that tears up first. Lol.
So Shi Ting was right. Yes, I have come to an enlightenment; the only person I should trust is myself, other than the Lord, animals, non-living objects and non-existant beings, because I know they would never hurt me.I didn't choose things to be this way, the circumstances did.I am guarding myself against him, for no better reason than him being oblivious (:Let jogging forget everything, but I wasn't even allowed to because it's too late. Screw this world.
the mall in the west!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRYSTABEL!!!! Hope you like the chocolate :D
^ Debby Van!! xD This photo keeps making me laugh.
We went to the newly-renovated McDonalds at West Mall after Physics remedial! Shi Ting told us the story of the korean series channel U 7pm on Sunday. With all the flame, phoenix, heaven, fire power etc etc. She's an awesome story-teller. ".. And the dragon was evil, so he burned the people and the village." Made it sound so casual -.-"
Then Melina and I discussed the story of the Rythms of Life, arguing whether or not Junjie knew from the start that Zhiling liked him. Argued and argued, and it was still a lose-lose situation in the end =.= We both had the same conclusion; no matter how much you want to change things, it doesn't happen. Junjie still ended up making the wrong choice, he still ended up breaking Zhiling's heart even though she didn't die this time, and he still lost Xiaorou to America. Melina liked the first ending; Zhiling, Tianbao and Nan died, Feifei, Zhiyuan depressed, Xiaorou left to America. I preferred second one: Zhiyuan and Xiaorou died, Zhiling and Tianbao with a depressing marriage, Zhiling miscarriage, Feifei kept slashing herself, Nan arrested etc.
*edited Third ending best: Junjie turned back time the third time and sacrificed his legs so that: Tianbao and Feifei married, him and Xiaorou together, Nan died, Zhiling single, Zhiyuan single. AIYO in the end it should have been Junjie as the only survival, "I AM LEGEND!"
And they kept referring it to me, saying Leong Yew likes me and I don't know and/or I like him and he doesn't know. Argh.
And Shi Ting kept, "I like Shopaholic! Let me tell you!"
And Debby kept herself busy by looking out of the window for cute guys -_-"
Meow de meow mow.
* For the benefit of Purple_Funatick
^ A mixture of chilli sauce, garlic chilli sauce, coke-tinted water, salt, pepper and a piece of french fry! I triple dog dared Debby to eat it, and guess what...

^ Tada! xD I promised to make her the Woman of the Month of May, which would end in one more day =P
Melina was hilarious when she said she couldn't open the toilet door. In the end, it was a guy who purposely said aloud, "This door so weird, must push open." So she pushed and tumbled inside.
And I was very kaypoh so I went to check it out and Shi Ting tapped me from behind and I thought she was a ghost!! I just jumped, thankfully not noisily.
After finally crapping around enough, we left McDonalds; we saw Thitipat on the way and he was studying! o.o -stress- waved HI. Rather, BYE? We then followed Melina to POSB, and we went on to discuss about romantic men! And I told them the many romantic things I watched in TV:
1. It was the girl's birthday. He asked her out, then as she was approaching him, he was hiding a phone from behind and smsed her. She received it just as they met, and I think it said something about happy birthday or i love you. She hugged the guy and then fireworks exploded from behind! After that I added that it might just be a firework display and he purposely waited for the right time. But then it's still very romantic right?
2. The guy asked the girl out and asked them to sit by the edge; the restaurant was near the rooftop, beside a hotel swimming pool. As they settled down, the girl began telling him about another guy who asked her out and she accepted. (that other guy asked her out under the stars! :O) The guy looked so heartbroken! When she left, the camera zoomed out and showed the swimming pool, which had floating candles forming the words "I Love You". :(
3. The intellectually disabled guy who carried the girl on his back and ran a long long distance just to get away from the girl's stalker.
4. I didn't tell them this, I just remembered! The girl went for a blind date, even though she already had this fat and supposedly ugly boyfriend. the boyfriend burst in angrily and took the mic from the blind-date dude. then he started singing a love song, which was sweet. the girl was touched, yay!
Debby then told me to stop it, because it was raising her expectations of her own boyfriend. Haha.

^ Emo giraffe!!! Shi Ting's future husband!! She wanted to marry him because he looked so EMO :D But really, he looked so sad I felt so sorry for him even though he's not alive. And he could be a she for all I know.
And we discussed what defines a romantic guy. Both Shi Ting and I agreed that if he played the piano in front of everyone, dedicating a song specially to the girl, it's very romantic! HAhahaa. The best is if he can sing. I said it was okay even if he sang off-tune =P, that it's really the effort that counts. But Shi Ting said it's better if he /doesn't/ sing off-tune xD
After all that discussion, Melina concluded that both me and Shi Ting are very fantasy person. Even the kind of guys have to be fantasy like. Like, if I have to arrive at a prom night grandly, it has to be in a carriage, and the guy has to be on a white horse :D
We were hoping the theme for the prom night would be "Royalties"! Then we can wear tiaras xD
Unfortunately, I heard that Singaporean guys aren't romantic? HAHA. It depends, really. Sometimes I think that if he is willing to do foolish things for me, it's romantic enough. Don't need the white horse, haha, because if he came in a white horse, he'd get arrested.

^ Iiee lurrbbbeee euux worxzz! neeber lettx moiixz goxz~ (quoted from Debby's PM). Written by 4e2's lit class's boys in reply to whatever 2e1 folks wrote previously. Ubber funny xD By putting pictures halfway through, the post shall not appear too droning.
Proceeded on into West Mall building, and met Mark! LOL, i do wonder how we could actually wave at each other from so far; we were at.. third floor? He was on the first floor. Oh, haha, I remember now, Mark and I had loads of fun teasing
PEIJUN! about her pan-asian guy =P She said Oprah proved that if you wrote your dream guy down, he will come! Luckily Mark and I could click, so we could join forces to bully Beijing =P Oops Peijun, oops *grins*
We saw ducks afterwards in a gift shop, fake ones, and I showed off my knowledge that ducks' quacks can't echo! the ducks were so cute! I remembered clearly that I ended up arguing with Shi Ting whether ducks had two legs or four.
WE FORGOT THE WINGS, how dumb is that?
Melina kept telling me that in the future, if I have four children, I'd lose three of them because I lost Melina, Debby and Ruo Nan yesterday in West Mall; we were searching for Chrystabels' present. If I had three, I'd lose them all. So I said I'd never marry a guy as disorganized as me because that would mean we'd lose all of our children. HAHA.
Oh, and Shi Ting said she
MUST have her wedding photo taken at the Nigara Falls, while I said mine must be before the Northern Lights! :D
The original purpose of going to West Mall is to celebrate that
DEBBY FOUND HER iPOD!!!! and that Melina needed to kill time until 7.30pm, her church's cell meeting.
Okay, to whoever who stole it... God bless, you have a heart. You must have had a reason for stealing it, but none of that matters anymore right? The fact that he/she returned it, it meant he/she regretted it. And that's all it takes to show a true heart (:

^ This was supposed to capture Irvin's five-year-old actions during Lit class. He was swinging the stick with the blue whateve-thingy at the end. Accidentally captured Nuren, oops. But it's okay ;)
By the way, we got released 10 minutes earlier ;) Debby purposely said BYE to Mr Latiff right in front of the bio students. Boooo~! should have seen Mr Latiff's face!! very LOL.
106 bus broke down today! 77 was right behind it, so there was no way it could twist away. Was late together with Wy-lin, Cecilia, Elliot and Mark. Was the first to reach the classroom, and got told off by Mrs Toh ._.
I decided not to tell her about the bus broke-down, but it's okay because Mr Cha explained afterwards, adding that we should come earlier, and said that our definition of 8am is kinda off.
I was late the whole week except monday. Oops.
Lessons were okay... English was funny. The NCC Sea people outside were noisy, so we followed the comprehension passage and the second time they passed, the guys "BOO!"ed at them. Prakash: "NCC Sea BOOO!" with emphasis on the B. Then one by one they called out Leong Yew and Pei Jun told me to shut the outside people up on behalf of Leong Yew.
Ya, and during physics, Mark asked if I wanted to sit beside Leong Yew who migrated to sit next to Bryant -.-" i'm not his girlfriend! I am his
friend. The ape-man I drew during English was stupid though.

^ I thought she asked us to draw Man AFTER evolution. LOL. I told Melina and Debby this would be my future husband.

^ And I added that me and my ape husband shall have a pet, a wooly mammoth! They look adorable! Even though they could very well kill me with a swipe.
The dream:
I lived in a democratic country. Apparantly, the bunch of us did something wrong, so they were cornering us. We were about 5 people, and they were about 100-200 warriors O.O They used spears to push us to the lift. But when I stepped in, the lift dropped! :o It dropped to the first floor, which is near the school's BASKETBALL COURT O.O How weird is that? AND I RAN! Whee~ I ended up behind this girl who was moving damn slow. I told her to hurry up, but I realized her movement was very draggy, and I saw weapons in her hands. And that really freaked me out; the dark side of the dream ;) I quickly went by the other way. And I escaped!! I ended up in a shopping mall, which was apparantly the Communist side. The border was actully a playground in the shopping mall o.o Then I think Vanessa wanted to fetch Chrystabel? So we ran back, up the escalator, through the playground, and while we were going up the other escalator, Mdm Shi Xu blocked our way and started to preach us about 'O' Levels!! Ohmigosh how any more random could it get -.-" Thus the border closed and we failed to fetch Chrystabel over :(
Then I woke up! Tada! Actually, I think Melina was right. I AM a very imaginative fantasy-like person.
Wow! This is such a long post, I'm proud of my ability to crap! x)

^ Haha, I do wonder sometimes how he got first in class.

^ Monday, the night of the 'O' levels. I took down the crazy parts =P

^ 11:11pm!!! I told Simraan to make a wish as well, which was strange because her timezone was different o.o nevertheless... xD

^ :D
Okay, main point of coming online is to find someone to help me with physics... must do or Ms Punitha will chase us out T_T
Fweee, I got caught in the storm today!
Debby lost her iPod for the second time in a row, and she was frantically searching for it today. Melina, Shi Ting and I stayed on to help her, but it was sadly in vain ._. Debby then reported to Mr Cha and Mr Latiff, and they told her the same thing: nothing could be done at that moment. We were all pretty sure it was a case of theft. And they're making an announcement tomorrow, saying Debby is very sad etc to appeal to the thief's sense of justice. Actually, I didn't see Debby emo-ing. When it started raining, she was like, "OW my EYE!!!" like it's more important than her ipod -.-"
Haha, since Debby and Shi Ting both have umbrellas-melina already went home-I was the one left plodidng along in the rain. Halfway through I got really scared because it was raining cats (no dogs), so we rested at the bustop.
I was drenched! x) I had to endure two people against me all the way down; I had planned to hopefully catch a small cold so I can rest for one day, but they kept saying I can't do that because Leong Yew would be upset and blame them.
Which I found untrue? =.=
Then I went home and got locked out for the second time this week -.-" Forgot to bring the keys.
So I called my brother just to let him know that he better HURRY UP, and then settled down at our doorstep reading history.
Haha, I re-read War in Europe, and when I reached the League of Nations part, I felt so sleepy.
I NEVER KNEW SLEEPING AT THE DOORSTEP COULD BE SO COMFORTABLE!!! :oBy the time the rest of mah family returned, I was almost shivering.
Theory of physics! When evaporation occurs, thermal heat is removed from our bodies.
As they say, Indonesians have the amazing capability to sleep anywhere anytime. I have proven my Indonesian blood!!
*Simraan's traffic-motivated post is very inspiring!!! Go visit now at her xanga site, and do what you must before it's too late! (soft music background: it's too late to apologizeeeeeee~ it's too lateeeeeee)Anyway, I'm sad that I'm going to miss the lit fest on 17 June.
Mr Latiff told me that he has to find a suitable replacement because he had to find a substitute to eat my food and drink my drink since he booked for 23 people -.-"
Oh oh, during LIt today, we went to 3e2 classroom! Oh the memories T_T -tears- It's still as windy and spacey as ever. Hoewver, there's a very vivid difference.The class noticeboard was filled with photos and birthday foot-cut-outs, and so many colourful things. At the front plastered the words "Intellectuals at large, that's us!". Wowow, so confident.
Even littlenotices, they used colourful stick magnets and smiley faces magnets to pin up on the whiteboard.
And then I started, wistfully, recalling how our class was last year, with the words pasted on the back walls of our classroom in black and white: "The peak we".
Uncomparable to our successors ._.
During lit, each group came up with five or more questions, and we rotate them around. I was in group 1, which consist of Irvin, Alan, Pei Jun, Denise, Jia Xun, Nuren, me and Rui Shan. I couldn't come up with a question though ._. pathetic.
One question we debated on, "Would Saloma have survived if she was in Vinod's shoes?"
The battle raged on. At first, many said she wouldn't, then one by one, they lined up in favour of Saloma surviving no matter what. And I was left half-whining to Irvin as to why she wouldn't survive =P But after Irvin wrote my point down as well (HAHA), Alan was all, "That's what I said!!"
I'm a little more surprised Alan thought along my line, mainly because I thought we're just extremely different.
Hahaha, and yeah, I arm-wrestled with NUREN and she won :D That sounds wrong, I wasn't supposed to put ":D".
something has happened! =o
Debby declared today
Anti-Chinese xD Don't know, I've gotten so used to Chinese... I might end up picking the chinese novel instead of the english one later.
I suppose Debby is now having a romantic anniversary with Leon =P
Hahaha, Chinese was frankly, easier than expected, though I'm sure I won't ace it anyway.
And Q27 of paper 2!!!!!!! Argh, that was the only killer question! Even Xiao Hui couldn't manage!
So, the day began beautifully with an sms from Bryant: "Good luck guys. Mother tongue o levels~ :D" Oh yes, he really knows how to spite us.
But I appreciate it despite the obvious message (*hint hint i'm not taking it hint hint*), because it means he spared a thought for his friends nevertheless.
Despite the joy of today, there are still things worth mourning over.
Last week, my 1st Aunt's husband died )':
I had felt incredibly sad upon hearing the news, even though I didn't know him. I did know my aunt though. There are no words to describe what a motherly figure she was, and what an impact she left in my life. I can tell she was very verry close to her husband even after nearly 40 years of marriage. He kept smsing her to return home when she was in Singapore.
Haiz, and now he is gone.
Just like that, overnight.
All of you out there don't know her, so you probably wouldn't feel the pain. I know I do.
How unfair that my aunt and her children didn't do anything to deserve his loss. Not fair I tell you, not fair.
They were faithful Catholics, especially my aunt, dedicating themselves to God.
I sort of prayed for him, and kinda asked God why. I guess it was his time, his calling (:

^ This is how a Norwegian Forest cat looks like, courtesy of those who've never seen one before. This one is cream-coloured (:
Anyway anyway, good news is, I met my grand-aunt and grand-uncle last Saturday as well! O.o They are staying in Singapore for a week, living with the grand-aunt's cousin, which is supposedly MY relative as well.
They were living in Germany before! They are here to tour!
I just realized I have an extremely incredibly long family line, and very often, I'm found facing people I never saw before but are kin.
There are scattered everywhere... most in Indonesia of course, a couple of college kids in America... few in Australia etc etc.
Back to the point, they are nice :D They kept saying we are a healthy family and how I looked so much like my mother, and how my mother looks really youthful etc.
My mother started praising that I'm dedicated to Chinese (*chokes*) and how I read Chinese books such that they had a worthy impression of meh. Uh, exams were two days away, if I'm not reading CHinese, there's somehting wrong with me? o.o
And they showed us the photo of some of their relatives (i suppose also my relatives that i never knew existed) in Germany. This lady from Indonesia married a German man, and their kids... their kids!! Two sons. So good-looking!
I love their hair, which was silky brown. The older brother is about 10, half-Asian half-German, obviously making him really dashing.
The whole family were filmed in a video.. they were singing a traditional Indonesian song and saying HI to us. So sweet x)
I'm serious about the older brother's hell good looks!
Plus plus, he plays the piano, which will make him a romantic person.
^ I think if I were to be a cat, I want to be this colour! A lighter gray though, and more of gray than white. And a slightly more mesmerizing tint of green! Also a Norwegian Forest cat.
We then took them out for dinner at Mayim in West Mall. My grand-aunt then took a video of all of us, and I didn't want to smile because I think i'd look ugly if I smiled or grinned.
And them being old folks, came to our house to see
our photos! I was being a guai girl and 'studying' in my room, but I kept hearing my name associated with the word 'pretty' in indonesian language, which really disturbed me because I looked stupid in some of the photos we took in America. Haha.
Then we all took a photo together, and the old folks really made me laugh because they were pretty childish. They kept exclaiming how funny theylooked in the photo and asked my dad to erase all of them.
I am amazed that the message normally comes across much more funnily when spoken in Indonesian. And that happens very often when fellow Indonesians come together! Even in the America tour, I was faced with those I wasn't related to, but our families spoke as if we knew each other since forever. And that's why I feel so at home with many Indonesians (:
My grand-aunt and grand-uncle were such a loving couple ^^ Could see how much they cared about each other... you won't see one without the other.
I'm so glad most of my kin consist of loving couples. Meant that ther'es a higher possibility it'll happent o me as well.
News spread fast along our family line, despite our distance. My grand-aunt and grand-uncle knew about my uncle's death T_T They wrote letters of condolences already with less than a day.
This shall mark the end of my long boring ranting post, ahahaha:
1. What disappoints you most?When I don't get what I anticipated..? and etc, too lazy to think =P
2. which are more important you? friends or boyfriends?Friends (: The dictionary states that girls come before guys.
3. Who are the people you trust most?The people I often talk to... the closest friends? I don't want to name lahhhhhh~
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?Heck, NOOO.
5. what do you hate?Nuts. Oh oh, and mushroom and banana by itself. I hate physics!! And I hate people who don't spare a thought for others and those who think the world's going to end just because something bad happened to them.
6.what kind of boys do you like?LOL, kind understanding ones, the cliche. Must be sensitive and hopefully 'deep' so I can use the skill of hinting instead of outright telling them. Can't keep to themselves too much, in some way I have to know how they feel? xD Oh, must be strong because then they can protect girls. Someone who'll always make others feel secure (: Best if he plays the piano -grins- I am musically influenced due to the fact that my dad charmed my mother by bringing his guitar to her house to play for her.
7. what is your goal for this year?Erm, pass the 'O' levels with flying colours and be a better person.
8. do you believe in eternity love?I used to, now I still do but it's not as strong.
9. have you broken someone's heart till he/she wants to commit suicide?Noo, I'm not that evil!! I am a kind person! At least, I think so O.o
10. what feeling do you love most?The feeling of being loved and appreciated (: Yea, and happiness, RELIEF (when exams are over), anticipation for something good that's gonna happen (going back to Jakarta).
11. what are the requirements of the other half?This is almost the same as question 6? Someone who can take me here:

^ I don't expect him to get us a flight there, I would much rather hike all the way to the North. I would freeze my toes off, and would most probably die on the way, but it's fine if I've seen a glimpse of the Northern Lights. A worthy place to die in!
And my other half should feed me to the wolves because I like the haunting beauty and nature of wolves.
Okay, that's a bit too much to expect xD Hmm, someone whom I can trust and who accepts me for who I am. And someone who'll be there for me all the time.
FYI: If I were a wolf, I want to have a tan, red, black, brown and cream-white coat because it's prettayyy. And brown eyes.
12. Do you love to make your friends happy?
Yes, haha, but in simple ways. Sometimes I don't succeed though.
13. do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
14. What are the things you'd do if your days are numbered?
I shall go sky-diving!! And tell people all the things I never said before. I shall also eat mushrooms and try laughing my head off in the library. I shall also attempt to smash the computer (I've been wanting to do that), not to forget going diving, breaking my handphone etc.
15. what are the most important things in your life?
Oxygen, water, family, friends, God, love, the natural wonders, the joy of life.
16. do you love anime?
Yep, though I stopped watching a while back.
17. describe the person who tagged you in five words.
Generously compassionate, hyper and sophisticated
18. if you had one one wish, what would it be?
To live happily ever after!!
19. if you could rewind time, when would you go back to?
I don't exactly regret anything... don't want to go back to anything? Maybe to sec three, and stop myself from letting my marks be adversely affected?
20. do you love yourself?
More than anything else x)
instructions: remove one question from above and add in your personal one. make a total of 20 questions and tag 8 people. list then out at the end of the post. notify them thru their tagboard that they have been told to do these questions.
1) Debby
2) Khadeza
3) Melina
4) Pei Jun
5) Shi Ting
6) Ruo Nan
7) Jia Ying
8) Leong Yew (this shall hopefully help fulfill Simraan's wish >))
I find that Leong Yew and I have adapted the weirdest ever sort of communication ._.
My mother is damn disappointed with me ._.
She doesn't actually nag or anything, but I could see it on her face.
She's disappointed with all of us... somehow, I want to prove myself, just that that might go beyond my limitations T_T
My internet connection is still choppy! ): But my handphone fixed by itself, albeit the picture slideshow function which keeps functioning itself without my command.
Shi Ting is a bully :( She verbally bullies me! *meows* LYGF, liang you de nu peng you, Leong Yew's girlfriend...
And Debby Van is just as bad with her LYGF dance -.-"
And Melina is just as evil :( with her sly smile.
Not to forget Elliot, Irvin, Vanessa, Chrystabel, Jia Ying, Nuren etc.
In Shi Ting and Nuren's case, it's evilness amidst the surface of innocence.
With the rest of them, it's the similar sinister smile and knowing gleam in the eyes.
Tsk tsk.
For calling out loud, stop looking at me each time his name is mentioned -.-"

^ Alan Chee Wei Feng, the very responsible chairperson of 4e2'08, doing his job and giving us the Milo coupons months after the Sports Day.

^ Leong Yew, this was Ruo Nan's reaction when I told her you wanted to take up guitar :D Too bad the drawing is tiny. Drawn in Bukit Batok CC, when we were *trying* to finish the chinese marathon.
Oh, and from there, we argued whether cello is better than guitar. Then sorta dragged violin in as well, and finally electone inside, thus ending up in this drawing:

^ And this is supposed to be me? Hahahahaha, I look like an old granny! :D I like it xD Means I'll live to a ripe old age =o

^ Doesn't it look like winter from here? (: It reminded me a lot of San Francisco, now that I think about it. Of course, this is still good old humid Singapore T_T

^ The tree! Yes, this still looks like a cold winter morning. I love the wintery feeling it gives because I very much love winter pictures. Reason being, I know I probably can't survive in winter itself due to my sensitive skin.

^ Sexy Pei Jun!!!!! Okay, so sue me for being that lazy to even rotate the picture.
What's with the mating calls? O.o
I'm serious, the guys are starting to sound a bit like desperate geese, and Debby sounded like a humpback whale in season O.O
It was just a yawning thing that went overboard, with Kenneth and Irvin at the lead, and Debby starting to 'answer' =P Peejay did an imitation once during Chinese :D
Hahaha, during Chinese class, it's like, our whole row listening to music. From the right, Debby Wan, me, Abel's Girlfriend aka Nuren, Shi Ting, Irvin, Debbie Chia, Erriot and Jia Xun.
Music rocks our worlds..? (:
Oh yeah,
Intensive Chinese thingy? It's over, fortunately. Let us all learn to find ♥ in the Chinese Language in these pathetic two days time, not that it'll exactly incredibly help.
Even if it doesn't benefit me now, maybe it'll benefit me when I go to China as a volunteer to help earthquake victims?
Yes yes, I want to do that, with my dad :) He really felt sorry for them.
If I really had time, I'd do that... haha, if I did, I'd just be praying the plane wouldn't crash and that another after-effect of an earthquake would happen.
Actually, if it did and I die, at least my name would be honoured somehow. And at least I wouldn't be afraid to let the Lord judge me :DD
Ooh, I've decided now, the best way to die is either of old age or of good will! I absolutely do NOT want to die from a freak accident or terminal illness!!
=)? =(?
My phone needs to be sent for repairing, I think!
I asked the Sony Ericsson people on my way home, and they told me I should do something.
And it's not a good thing.
The soap from the bubble thing went inside my phone =( Now it's all foggy.
I had a quarrel with my dad. I raised my voice in response to his yell. Then he stormed off and I slamned the door to my room... and well, don't really want to talk about it.
Another thing that really threw me off was that my memory stick got stuck in my dad's laptop ._. Completely stuck. After trying for so long, i threw down the fork in frustation and gave up. After telling my brother, I actually cried. I mean, basically, my phone has NOTHING in it. It's all in that little piece of thingy.
And I thought, things couldn't get any worse than this.
But suddenly, hope came!! :D
GOD came to rescue me through my dear older brother. When I went up to him wailing, he sort of tried. Yeah, thinking about it, he has a much clearer mind than me at that point in time, and he used the tiny scissors used for cutting nails to pull it out. HAHA, better than a dumb
FORK.He showed me the card and I was suddenly okay! =)
Things do get better sometimes. Just have to believe in it, haha.
I thought, maybe, the Lord wanted to give this setback to me so that I can learn from it. But of course, he set things right again (:
Oh by the way, it's very obvious if I have cried. So so, Debby, when you told Leong Yew I cried, it was so fake! And when LY asked me several times if I really cried (thanks to you!), it was so weird. I thought it would've been a clear difference whether I cried or not =x
Oh haha, I remember something. On Friday, we had no backup plan you know. If it had rained, there was nothing to fall back on. That's how prepared we were! Haha, basically we gambled with nature and luck, and we won!
I did try to look at in in a good way. At least my phone wasn't lost or stolen. And at least I can rescue the things I want to, unlike Divya; in her case, she couldn't even turn on her phone.
I'm scared of charging the phone! 5 in 6 people told me it's risky, might cause electrocution.
Oh, I havent' said that we went for our CIP today :D
Our destination was Nan Hua Primary School. Me, Divya and Bharani were sent to the Bubbles stall, while Jia Ying, Vanessa, Melina, Debby, Yu Tong and Chrystabel were in charge of the Drinks section.
Oh oh, we all wore our class t-shirt! Bright yellow :D Sunny royal t-shirt, according to the shirt o.o And anyway, I look scrawny and vulnerable because it's too big, like I can be bullied like that.

^ We were brighter than the surroundings! People were staring ya know, but I kinda love the uniqueness of our class :D The bananas, according to Debby.

^ Matching tags O.O We were told to wear red, but... =P The tags were blue and yellow as well.
Ahaha. And Debby started seeing hot guys everywhere, but very unfortunately, she missed the one in the white shirt *grins* It's really too bad Debby. I felt like pulling out his nose, or poking out his eyes, or pinching his cheeks, or scratching his face, or messing up his hair or whatever, precisely because he had perfect features.
And I'm jealous. Kidding, haha xD
We sold the bubbles thingy. It got sold out so fast! I was shocked. We kept running out of stock.

^ Most were blown by Bharani. Debby.. adds to the size, hahaha. I piled on all of the gel bubbles together. And it did work in attracting more people to buy it.
The teacher was nice! She's amusing. She doesn't even know how to eat/drink the frozen jelly pop thing. Halfway through, she exclaimed, "Why so difficult to suck? Look, they are faster than me!" xD She sounded so much like one of us.
10 hours ._. I'm really drained.
And I hurt my lower palm... felt the pain when we were doing the human chain for the milo boxes.

^ Migrating to the drinks stall when we are sold out and I got tired of telling them, "Sorry!" while Bharani explained, "Finished already, come back in half an hour's time."
It'll forever be half an hour, FYI, hahaha.
At the end of it, we gathered the leftover bubble bottles and started to blow bubbles.
Debby got emotional halfway and left, haha o.o Childhood days (:
We're all damn childish! Even worse than the primary school kids...
We then retired to the little wooden platform beside the pond! :D It was so nice and quiet, I loved it. Before that though, I approached one of the little kids remaining, a small girl, very young and innocent. Haha, and I passed the bottle to her, sort of like, smiling (hopefully not in an evil way).
Yu Tong started blowing her bubbles at the pond. And we're practically just like the little kid nearby, trying to catch the bubbles.
After which I found out something sad. Divya is leaving Singapore :((

^ One picture I won't wanna lose. Omg, I think I might cry when Divya leaves T_T
Ahahaha. And we shoved ice down each others' back when it ended -.-"
I know i know, I'm so oblivious that I got bullied TWICE.
Debby was the main bully. She slipped ice into like, four people's backs.
It was so COLD! But NICE, hahahaha.
In the end, Divya and I chased Debby across and around the school compound. But since I have such lousy stamina (I woke up late today and had to sprint to the mrt station within 4 minutes because debby said the train was coming. the lady who was jogging steadily, also in a rush, reached first!! Slow and steady wins the race!), I fell back. Especially since I had a bag, and Debby didn't.
Then we cornered her.
Divya grabbed her, and I gleefully shoved a huge piece of ice into her shirt.
screamed.Then she said that it was nice.
I'm going to start listening to chinese radio now! Yay!
My mom booked the ticket to Indonesia on 6th June to 17th June. Yes, I'm happy!! Yes, despite the flooding and heat and mosquitoes!!
Firstly, my cousin is finally getting married.
Secondly, our apartment is ready!
Thirdly, my dad's birthday on the 10th!
Fourthly, I get to see our long-time-no-see favourite cousins! The girl is the same age as me :D
Fifthly, ICE-SKATING!!!! The rink there is huge and empty man!!!!!
Sixthly, FOOD! Indonesian food! For real, hahahaha.
Seventhly, shopping :D Things are so much cheaper in Jakarta. And the PS2 games only cost... *grins*
Eightly, language! I haven't spoken my real mother tongue in a long long time. This is good practice.
Ninthly, i can study better! No distractions except the Wii thing my dad bought for the bros O.o
Tenthly, of course, the sense of belonging :D It's never the same with Singapore, and there are just no words to describe exactly why.
Of course, there are some things that I'd really miss when I leave ;)
Oh, and my marks. I've counted, L1R5: 25. Congratulations.
I'm only proud of my English essays, both 24/30, and my literature, 76/100, second to Irvin who achieved 77 -.-" And hopefully, second in class..?

^ Omg omg, look, omg, it's Bryant's swimming pool! xD
Argh, I feel really lost about Chinese =(
I'm supposed to be doing the worksheets, and reading up all the chinese compos, but... so boring!
I feel super damn guilty man! If I screw up Chinese, I have no one else to blame ='(
Out of sheer restlessness, I ended up smsing Debby the VAN in Chinese xDD
And and, Debby! You know, you keep telling me about the
cute guy from nanhua -.-" I know about everything I'm supposed to know; so he's tall, lean, has a nice tan, is kind, looks hot when he folds his arms, hardly smiles, has wide eyes, most definitely single, and that he has that special aura around him.
And the part you said that I liked best: he looks icy cool, but his eyes give him away.
I'm the sort that has to be sure of what the other is feeling, or I'd be very uneasy. It'll be so cool. He doesn't have to say anything, I'd know what he's thinking/feeling etc.
Yep, that and that he's very very hot and cute.
The more you talk about him, the more I'm like, tempted to look him up or something. After all, you already have Leon and I don't *evil grin* Ahahaha.
I think I'm starting to listen to Chinese songs now o.o
Yes, and I realize lyrics of Chinese songs are specially meaningful o.o
Must be wondernig where I start, since I don't listen to Chinese songs o.o
Well, I begin from songs from popular chinese dramas o.o this one is from "Devil Beside You", i know many people are in love with the drama o.o even though I'm not o.o
Okay okay, I've decided to dedicate Monday to focusing on Chinese... =x Provided I don't get distracted. I was completely off-focus today.
Yup, and maybe I'm going to watch that movie with Shi Ting, Shi Ya and gang...
My internet connection is going haywire! And I'm absolutely
english translation:
coffee has
lost its heat
quietly at a corner daydreaming
even the wind stopped short outside the window
telephone has
lost its ringing
quietly in a corner feeling lost
don't know why time has stopped
suddenly awake
there's you
comfort support
to love or not to love, that's the question
back and forth
i guess you know maybe it's not love
i think you only want a replacement
you also said you're actually not that cute
i guess you understand
this actually isn't love
i guess you've forgotten what is love
i'm merely just cute
but still not loved enough
Haha, a basically direct translation from a website, hahaha. Doesn't quite make sense right? xDD Nevertheless, I gave this song the honour of being the first chinese song of this blog, because the lyrics vividly remind me of something sad =x
Gave me the feeling of being a mere substitute/replacement or something, haha ._.
The other two songs from the same drama are nicer, but one's too slow, and the other is too.. popular? I see it everywhere. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT, that's what I'm doing now. Maybe I'll change it to the slow one soon because that one is nicer x)
I have a screenie of Neopets in Chinese language, but it's in the other comp =P I'm trying, okay? To practice chinese in other means, since I can't concentrate with the normal way.
Look look! I even changed my handphone to Chinese language, and frankly, I think I nearly resetted the whole phone or something.
Plus, I got jumbled up and ended up with an mms template when I was smsing -.-"
My command of Chinese sure is mixed up.
Happy Birthday Leong Yew :)

^ Simraan, you wanted photos? xD He's cutting the cake. It lacks one cherry; I stole it before he even cut the cake. Did I say I love cherries?

^ Honestly, Leong Yew was really strong O.O Needed four guys to hold him down. and he still could struggle.

^ Dumping the cake on him :D

^ Bryant -.-" Picked up the cake from the floor and threw it at LY. After that LY took revenge and Bryant had nice hair, with lotsa snow >D
Haha, I know I should be studying for the Chinese 'O' Levels. Argh.
Okay okay, sadly Simraan, Leong Yew actually knew something was coming :(
Mastermind: Simraannn
Executors: Yours Truly, Debby VAN, Shi Ting and Ruo Nan
Co-Executors: Bryant, Jack, Melina
The people who participated in the surprise were too many to count xD Wen Xin and bunch turned up too, and Rui Shan, Khadeza, and the original people involved.
The Plan?Yours Truly: the 'victim'
Ruo Nan: the one comforting the 'victim'
Debby: the one confronting the culprit
Jack, Leyu, Samuel: distracters, by making him play CHESS!
Bryant: the one with the cake
Shi Ting: the one with tons and tons of plans that i'd never agree to
Birthday Boy: the culprit.
By the way, at the end part, I asked him, "Can you be my boyfriend?" before telling him I was kidding, dump the present on him with a 'happy birthday' and then everyone would spring out from behind the green wall.
DEBBY THE VAN, MA RUO NAN, THIA SHI TING, I'M NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN! -.-"Turns out some people made so much noise that Leong Yew actually NOTICED o.o He suddenly asked me, "Are you trying to play for time?"
And I was, "NO?"
"Then why do I see people there?"
Anyway, what did I talk to him in that period of time? Well, half the time I was mostly quiet. Afterwards, I just told him a bit here and there, like how he made me feel very uncertain and all that crap xD
He actually apologized. I know it's fake, because I know he knows that I know it was just a trick.
At the end part, everyone was gathered behind the wall, and DEBBY was peeking out and grinning =P How to not smile?
So duh, I acted very badly.
Shi Ting brought party poppers, so they popped it at Leong Yew. Haha.
http://www.theworld-isround.blogspot.com/^ Go here
http://www.theworld-isround.blogspot.com/^ Go here leong yew
http://www.theworld-isround.blogspot.com/^ :) Happy Birthday.
Leong Yew obviously knew something, since Debbs and I kept talking to Jack or Bryant etc.
I remember the first time I told Bryant of the plan, LY came over, looking very suspicious. Haha. But there were instances though, I was
really just plain chatting with Bryant o.o Likely over english... or.. chinese.. -grins-
I was told to get into an emo mood. Luckily, I got moody pretty quickly and even lost my temper with Khadeza =x sorry khad. Even Mrs Toh asked why I looked so lifeless. Isn't it what every girl goes through? Mood swings? -.-"
Sadly, when I was acting, my mood wasn't at its worst.
* Leong Yew, when I said we needed to talk, it wasn't just so that the whole surprise thing would be convincable; I meant it x) Just as I meant everything I said, except the last part about getting together.Anyway, my SA1 results were really sucky, hahaha. If I counted, my L1R5 would probably be above 30 or something O.O
Come on lah. Life still goes on outside studying and aiming for awesome results.
That's why despite our busy schedules, Debby, Shi Ting, Ruo Nan and I still gathered at KFC after school for about two days before LY's birthday to discuss.
There's no point doing so well and forgetting that it's the people around us, not results, that make us what we are.
Despite that, I've gotta work hard. I'll slack for a while more >D before I'll poof off to studying.
I had a great time working with you guys :D I found in Bryant, friendship and sincerity ;P I always had the impression that he wouldn't do this kind of thing. But obviously, I was proved wrong.
OH YAHH, we went to his house!!!!!! I saw Shi Ting's blog and remembered. Omg, we were going to buy the cake that day... with Jack, ST, Ruo Nan, Debby and Bryant... I was over-excited about visiting a rich man's PRIVATE estate, and was gushing over the swimming pool there -.-" I even took a photo :D Will upload it next time.
Bryant's a nice guy, and
someone should accept him >D
No doubt, I saw the gentlemanly side of
Leyu! -evil grin- Not really from the birthday thing, but from what he said to me during chinese lesson few days ago... so simple, yet
OHOH, and Melinaaaaa~ you're keenly sought after =P But remember that if you don't feel the same, don't lead them on...
The Theory of True Love
Melina, you continued where Damian left off, and I appreciate that.
Thank you you. :D
And Debby? I'm NOT interested in that Dominic dude, come onn~ =.=
I tell you, do NOT tell him anything along that line. Omg o.o
Snippets from PJ's blog:
"i have serious doubts that true love exists.seriously seriously."
"Happily ever after never existed!!"
"my uncle exclaimed in chinese, "see the guy helping his gf with her handbag? FAKE ONE AHHHH!! When they get married, the guy will then ask the girl " why can't you take it yourself?".JIA JIA DE!!"(translation: It's an act!!!)"
"i guess,love still does exist.Probably between the family and the family dog?"
Ouch Pei Jun, so pessimistic ._. But I, despite me being a strong believe in true love, actually agreed with Pei Jun.
Can't help but feel doubtful, eh? Haha.
Of course, Debby would object violently to this O.O
"c)spending my days living in hawaii,with my golden retriever and siberian husky(whatever,i'll probably like,install a aircon kennel for it or something).With the sun,white soft sand,and crystal clear water.
... No annoying wrinkly,old husband demanding if i had worn his false teeth instead of mine or sth."
Pee jay, the way you wrote was hilarious xD The Shaolin temple one was totally weird, and so unlike you. The yarn part sounds a bit like you =P
Look at my improvised theory on nice guys (from MNIKSS's theory on hot guys):
1) If the guy is nice, he's most likely snapped up.
2) If the guy is nice, not snapped up, he's gay.
3) If the guy is nice, not snapped up, not gay, he's poor to the extent that he can barely provide for himself (not that I mind, but I don't want to burden him)
4) If the guy is nice, not snapped up, not gay, not poor, he's a player.
5) If the guy is nice, not snapped up, not gay, not poor, not a player, he can't speak English (foreign talent -.-")
6) If the guy is nice, not snapped up, not gay, not poor, not a player, an English speaker, he smokes/drinks/gambles.
7) If the guy is nice, not snapped up, not gay, not poor, not a player, an English speaker, doesn't smoke/drink/gamble, he's not interested in you.
Ohh burrnnn.
Possibly though, they're just the wrong guys. Just haven't met them yet, perhaps? O.o
Hahaha Beijing, if
I don't marry, I'll probably live with about 8 cats, different breeds. But I want two Norwegian Forest Cats :) They're very beautiful, perhaps the most eye-catching of all, and have happy-go-lucky personalities.
And finally I'll get a black labrador, cause I think they're really handsome.
Plus, a Border Collie, and a couple more.
Not to forget a Puffer Fish (this is a fish, not a dog).
I'm sure Ma Ruo Nan would fall in love with this plan of mine straight away, especially the part about 8 cats.
She was planning to marry a cat anyway.
Ruo Nan, make sure it's a really handsome one. Hmm, a dark tortoiseshell pelt sounds really dashing. Must be well-built, tall, elegant in a rugged way. Green eyes are the most charming :)
Tabbies are nice, but have to be Norwie tabbies.
Oh wait, you probably wanted a black cat. Make sure the eyes are green.
Done with my reasoning of love :)
Melina :)
I still feel sad for you after hearing that, haha ):
But anyway, your words have left a deep impact on me :D
You continued where Damian left off, and I appreciate that.
Thank you you.
And Debby?
NOT interested in that Dominic dude, come onn~ =.=
It's Mother's Day :)
At about 12 am + yesterday, my brothers did up some last minute card and sneaked into the room, switching the lights on and yelling "Happy Mother's Day!".
And my mother was just feeling sad that her children didn't care x)
I'm glad she liked the present :D Even though it's not ultra expensive and not real jewels or anything, I made the effort.. and I even had to borrow 10 bucks from Debby Van o.o Haha, you'll get it back Debbs.. maybe you can buy
something with it ;)
Anyway, my mom dragged us to IMM so that she can buy a new laptop. And none for me. Oh boo.
I must say, my parents are dammnnn good bargainers. My mother haggled the price of the laptop from $2828 to $1690 O.O and she bargained for the Microsoft Office 2007 to come in free.
Plus, I think she convinced the salesperson to give her more memory space?
Furthermore, we got the BitDefender anti-virus thing for less than half of the original price, 2 PCs for 2 years.
And she ended the whole thing by persuading him to lower the cost by $25 or so.
HAHA, so it's not that we're rich or anything. We're just damn persistent :D
Not me, I mean, my parents xD
My mom's bargaining method is friendly, but very persistent, stubborn.
My dad's more calm, friendly and convincing.
-deleted due to too much ranting x)-
Shall end here.
Currenly having four different MSN conversations, multi-tasking :D I feel drained for no reason.
Hell hell hell hell I love post-exam period!!!!!!!
As I walked into Room 18: "You look different today."
I didn't know it was so evident if I tied my hair differently.
But anyhow, it seemed appropiate for today. Cause I say so.
Yesterday's Horoscope: Your intuitive abilities are stronger than ever -- trust your gut over a friend.
Today's Horoscope: You must make an effort -- even if your heart isn't one hundred percent into it.
So I see. I'll think about it, stars x)
It's not the friend you think it is, by the way.
Argh, what an inappropiate time to realize all those things T_T
I slacked yesterday, and I will again today!!!! Whole day on the comp? I'm okay if you glued me to the chair for a few hours xD NOW do you see why my mother would not kick up as big a fuss as normal mothers if her 15-year-old daughter were to have a boyfriend (but not a serious one, according to her)? I'm such a lazy bum =P
It's too bad. I have many stories and oneshots to finish writing.
And many terrible ones I have to re-do.
Basically, my command of the language kind-of sucks. Especially when it comes to chim words.
Irvin called today.
LOL, SIMRAAN!!!! xD I see you've made your choice. HAHA, but how exactly did you tell him?
Tomorrow's Mother's Day x) My mother complained at least 10 times that no one got her a gift, so she was going to buy herself a new laptop.
;) I'm supposed to keep my mouth shut. After all, she forgot I did visit West Mall on Thursday with friends.
When we were young, my brothers and I used to make tons of different christmas wishes on blank pieces of paper. Plain, but very sincere.
Over 20 of them we made. Then we would paste it all over the house, and one of us would sneak into my mom's room to paste a few there.
We never missed out any room =)
Then my older brother would climb onto a chair and try to hang some on the ceiling. He was young then, so it proved difficult, struggling with strings and all.
We used to be so filial ya know. We did that for birthdays, christmases, everything.
And I believe, for mother's day as well.
WHAT happened now? -.-"
Now either my older brother or I would get something for an occasion and get everyone else to pitch in.
Like what I'm doing now, buying it by myself. They haven't even seen the gift yet. Ouch.
With age, I guess we all lose our innocence.
And that's a really heartbreaking thing T_T
Ah, exam is over. The feeling is bliss.
I had a verrry terrible stomach pain just now ._. And by the way, the normal 'curl up' didn't work fast enough. I just stayed curled like a.. cat? and it took so long I fell asleep. Now, IT'S GONE. HAHAHAA.
Anyway, I know I completely flunked physics. I don't even need to see how much I got for my MCQ, and I know I won't do well.
I'd rather talk about literature now. Yepp, I'm not so confident about lit either.
Especially during Paper 1. MR LATIFF. Before the exam started, he actually had the grace to waltz down our row, hands on his back, very casual, and on his face, a triumphant
I was beginning to refer him to a general, scrutinizing the troop he trained so hard and for so long.
Only Mr Latiff has the addition of a sneer.
I felt like wiping it off his face, but I respect him too much to do that x)
Question 2
"Smart, honest and wrenching... Mark Haddon's new novel will quickly hook you in." - San Francisco Chronicle
How far do you agree with the statement above? Refer closely to the novel in support of your arguements. [25]
People who are not taking lit might think it's insane to attempt it. Yup, in a moment of insanity, I took a reasonably-responsible risk. AND, I wrote two pages and a half, which is pretty much an accomplishment. Not comparing myself to Debby who wrote five pages ++ o.O
It was only after the exam ended that I found it was a good thing I took the risk. I would never have been able to answer so much if I had chosen question 1 (passage-based) or question 3 (comparing and contrasting conversations)
I know people said we should be finding paper 1 easy, because paper 1 is the standard of an elective lit paper and we're the pure lit students. But I've never thought of it that way... sometimes I can't answer what the elective lit can answer. That's why I treat both papers with equal repsect.. and fear.
Paper 2 was Off-Centre. Every paper has its killer question, and folks, here's paper 2's killer question:
Question 3
"The play probes the literary representation of the alienated mind, and Vinod is the mad protagonist whose madness reflects and challenges cultural assumptions, values, and prohibitions." To what extent is this an accurate description of the character of Vinod? [25]
^ SEQ in its most sadistic form ._.
As usual, there are phrases of encouragement:
Remember to think flexibly and to use all your senses in your
"There is nothing so confining as the prisons of our own perceptions."
-William Shakespeare, King Lear
It inspired me for a few minutes until I saw and registered the questions.
Not the think flexibly part, I mean the Shakespeare's quote x)
The poem. "Decomposition". It was actually fairly easy! But I could hardly write finish 1 page for a. I was completely brainwashed, I couldn't think of anything to do with remorse.
Vanessa said that she could write so much for a and very little for b, and I'm the other way round.
THERE GOES MY DISTINCTION FOR LITERATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not being over-confident and a show-off, but really, if you know me, you'd know that I depend almost completely on literature to bring up my L1R5. I can't get that in science or maths, and sometimes nor through humans.
Plus, Mr Latiff depended on us to clinch the distinctions for lit. He did state his expectations, which is like, more than half of the class must get distinctions.
Not only Mr Latiff,
Mrs Tohhhh also depended on the 23 of us to justify English.
Yesterday my mom was being really weird.
She scolded my brother for not having a girlfriend (o.O) and half-chided me as well for not having 'many many boyfriends and admirers' like she did when she was my age.
Well! Surprise of a surprise!!
I heard her stories alright. Guys stalking her, visiting her house, disturbing her etc. There was one that sounded specially nice, an artist who made beautiful pieces (sketches of forests) for her.
But the part I never knew was that my mother had loads of boyfriend at MY AGE. She added she was hardly serious about them though.
I see.
Unfortunately, mom, guys in this generation are different. Sadly, I'm not born with your charm and your.. sociable-ness x) Even so, they might not work in this generation anymore.
Frankly, I have to say I'm quite glad.
Yeah. But this means I have to hunt down a boyfriend after secondary school T_T
I found one good method to have inspiration to study.
Yesterday, I was completely off-mood, since chem is the last paper. So I threw my TYS and pencil down, and marched off to the electone. I dug out all the past songs, over 10 of them since september last year, and challenged myself to start playing them without going through first.
I managed to.. err, get the skeleton of the songs right. But plenty of slips here and there, due to different sharps and flats of the song.
But I could play! :D
I made sure after that I could play each song perfectly.
However, by the third song, I was already banging away xD It's probably only half an hour of practice, but I was so tired already -.-" Unfortunately, that song was supposed to be a slow, flowing song, but I've since lost the mood and atmosphere, so I abandoned the electone and went back to chem.
Lo and behold, I could actually focus for the first time in two hours!!!
I realize I'm pretty stubborn.
Anyone surprised that I'm quite a mule? I realized it truly only today, even though Ruo kept telling me that xD
I'm shocked I even thought of this, but she spoke my mind.
This is not something a friend would say, but... I'm really sorry; I feel I don't know you anymore T_T
I tried, you know? I wanted to help, but you pushed me away. That's how the story goes.
Sharing your thoughts and feelings isn't being selfish. Look at your horoscope, even the stars agree with me.
I'll happily stay at my own side and never cross the border; maybe it'll make you happy.
I don't want to hurt you, neither do I want to hurt myself, so, just so you know...
I'm keeping my distance... for a while.
Trigonometry Functions
After a day of revising A Maths, I finally felt the hint of readiness.
But so slight T_T
I did the test paper, and I got 46/65, which is an A2 and far more than I can ever ask for.
Of course, this is not inclusive of the questions which I glance at and was 'omigosh' and left alone.
And of course, I have my 'The Almost Complete Mathematics Notes' that I spent many hours writing up, with great help from Mdm Yeo's sec 3 a maths notes, and the majestic textbook.
Die le. Tomorrow lit is Off-Centre right? I feel far from ready. At the most I'd do the passage-based questions.
Today felt very homely. Spent the whole day at home slogging out at my table, and Leong Yew as a pal to waste my smses on.
Somehow, both of us were so caught up in maths that we started talking about the possibility of substituting myself, and I began badgering him what kind of mathematics equation I'd be.
His exact words:
"Oh. An endless string of many unknowns. No formula has been created to solve you, and many attempts to solve you have failed."
And he ends the grandeur with, "That sounds so weird."
Well actually, my chinese tuition teacher succeeded before, reading me like a book ._. She lists out personalities that I never even knew I have.
She's psychic, and that's why I've always had this fear of her, no matter how easy-going she can be.
Anyway, conversation moved on to dreams followed by Singapore and finally fate. I have no idea how. It just goes like that.
So, I guess I'm thankful. I have so many kinds of friends, Ruo Nan, someone who'll stick by me, Khadeza, someone who'll help me, Sarah, someone easy to talk to, Debby, someone who cares enough to tell me my mistakes, all friends in 4e2 aka Shi Ting, Pei Jun, Melina, Chrystabel, Jia Ying, Divya, Nuren etc etc the list goes on.
And now, I have a one-kind sms buddy xD
By the way, Leong Yew is only my friend unless I say he's not x)
It doesn't matter whether I like him or not (so people have asked), he's still a friend, period.
Lol, I think I released myself from hiatus xD I'm not even supposed to be online, but since I'm checking the answer for the e-learning thing.. -grins-
How's SA1 so far? Haha.
My seating is very different from last year.
I'm sitting in front of Rui Shan and behind Mark. Beside me to the left is Yannong from 4e1, right side is Shahilla. Southeast is Bryant, Northeast is Irvin. Northwest is Yi Han; I know him cause he's from my primary school. Southwest, don't know who.
Personally, I much prefer the people around me now as compared to last year :)
OBSERVATIONS:Rui Shan - normally tired or relaxed, but happy after the exam
Shahilla - always look worried, but relieved when it's over (hand is always cold? haha)
Mark - quieter than usual
Bryant - always unprepared for humans -.-" it was so funny when he said he studied Iraq and hoped for the best, and Iraq didn't come out. Should have seen his face.
Irvin - same always-ready look. basically casual, like it's a normal test or something. always taking shahilla's things xD
My Chinese and English compos were very similar.
I hope the English one didn't go out of point.
My English report, format straight away wrong. Bad impression -.-"
I think I got a little intimate in the middle. I forgot I had to be very very distant. Out of point?
Chemistry was horrible, but physics was worse.
I studied damn hard for history, hahaha. Not really well, I just read through the text many times, cause I Cold War and Gorbachev very interesting =P I found Japan boring though, so I completely abandoned war in the pacific-asia region.
E Maths yesterday was amusing. Mrs Ooi sort of halted behind my seat. I knew she was watching me.
I think it's because my probability question, all the times and plus, took up two lines? She was probably wondering how the hell am I gonna work it out? LOL, then I turned and she ran away.
Anyway, my answer was really strange, something over 1365 xD
Hahaha, I have my spheres of influence also you know! USA and USSR are not the only ones who can kay!
I know I'm evil, since I caused you to lose your sanity and now I'm laughing.
Don't kill me. You'll regret it if you kill me, honest >) Revenge will come your way.
DIE, logarithms, die.
It has been one of my dreaded topics of sec 3.
I can't solve that darn bloody question!!
I think I need to buy a couple more pens to prepare for my lit exam next week. Sian. So many pages.. kill so many trees. Maybe Irvin was right, there should be a verbal lit exam.
I can rant and rant until I lose my voice, but at least I'll get a fairly good grade cause I excel at ranting, provided the examiner doesn't fall asleep in the middle of my crappings.
Gonna poof to Organ lessons now. I need to show off that I can play the Mickey Mouse March disco version already after only one week. Of course, I gotta slow down because she once interpreted I didn't practice my improvisation because of my exams.
For the sake of pretending I don't have time to practice my improvisation, I have to pretend I haven't perfected the song yet.
Bye bye.