the mall in the west!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRYSTABEL!!!! Hope you like the chocolate :D
^ Debby Van!! xD This photo keeps making me laugh.
We went to the newly-renovated McDonalds at West Mall after Physics remedial! Shi Ting told us the story of the korean series channel U 7pm on Sunday. With all the flame, phoenix, heaven, fire power etc etc. She's an awesome story-teller. ".. And the dragon was evil, so he burned the people and the village." Made it sound so casual -.-"
Then Melina and I discussed the story of the Rythms of Life, arguing whether or not Junjie knew from the start that Zhiling liked him. Argued and argued, and it was still a lose-lose situation in the end =.= We both had the same conclusion; no matter how much you want to change things, it doesn't happen. Junjie still ended up making the wrong choice, he still ended up breaking Zhiling's heart even though she didn't die this time, and he still lost Xiaorou to America. Melina liked the first ending; Zhiling, Tianbao and Nan died, Feifei, Zhiyuan depressed, Xiaorou left to America. I preferred second one: Zhiyuan and Xiaorou died, Zhiling and Tianbao with a depressing marriage, Zhiling miscarriage, Feifei kept slashing herself, Nan arrested etc. *edited Third ending best: Junjie turned back time the third time and sacrificed his legs so that: Tianbao and Feifei married, him and Xiaorou together, Nan died, Zhiling single, Zhiyuan single.
AIYO in the end it should have been Junjie as the only survival, "I AM LEGEND!"
And they kept referring it to me, saying Leong Yew likes me and I don't know and/or I like him and he doesn't know. Argh.
And Shi Ting kept, "I like Shopaholic! Let me tell you!"
And Debby kept herself busy by looking out of the window for cute guys -_-"
Meow de meow mow.
* For the benefit of Purple_Funatick

^ A mixture of chilli sauce, garlic chilli sauce, coke-tinted water, salt, pepper and a piece of french fry! I triple dog dared Debby to eat it, and guess what...

^ Tada! xD I promised to make her the Woman of the Month of May, which would end in one more day =P
Melina was hilarious when she said she couldn't open the toilet door. In the end, it was a guy who purposely said aloud, "This door so weird, must push open." So she pushed and tumbled inside.
And I was very kaypoh so I went to check it out and Shi Ting tapped me from behind and I thought she was a ghost!! I just jumped, thankfully not noisily.
After finally crapping around enough, we left McDonalds; we saw Thitipat on the way and he was studying! o.o -stress- waved HI. Rather, BYE? We then followed Melina to POSB, and we went on to discuss about romantic men! And I told them the many romantic things I watched in TV:
1. It was the girl's birthday. He asked her out, then as she was approaching him, he was hiding a phone from behind and smsed her. She received it just as they met, and I think it said something about happy birthday or i love you. She hugged the guy and then fireworks exploded from behind! After that I added that it might just be a firework display and he purposely waited for the right time. But then it's still very romantic right?
2. The guy asked the girl out and asked them to sit by the edge; the restaurant was near the rooftop, beside a hotel swimming pool. As they settled down, the girl began telling him about another guy who asked her out and she accepted. (that other guy asked her out under the stars! :O) The guy looked so heartbroken! When she left, the camera zoomed out and showed the swimming pool, which had floating candles forming the words "I Love You". :(
3. The intellectually disabled guy who carried the girl on his back and ran a long long distance just to get away from the girl's stalker.
4. I didn't tell them this, I just remembered! The girl went for a blind date, even though she already had this fat and supposedly ugly boyfriend. the boyfriend burst in angrily and took the mic from the blind-date dude. then he started singing a love song, which was sweet. the girl was touched, yay!
Debby then told me to stop it, because it was raising her expectations of her own boyfriend. Haha.

^ Emo giraffe!!! Shi Ting's future husband!! She wanted to marry him because he looked so EMO :D But really, he looked so sad I felt so sorry for him even though he's not alive. And he could be a she for all I know.
And we discussed what defines a romantic guy. Both Shi Ting and I agreed that if he played the piano in front of everyone, dedicating a song specially to the girl, it's very romantic! HAhahaa. The best is if he can sing. I said it was okay even if he sang off-tune =P, that it's really the effort that counts. But Shi Ting said it's better if he /doesn't/ sing off-tune xD
After all that discussion, Melina concluded that both me and Shi Ting are very fantasy person. Even the kind of guys have to be fantasy like. Like, if I have to arrive at a prom night grandly, it has to be in a carriage, and the guy has to be on a white horse :D
We were hoping the theme for the prom night would be "Royalties"! Then we can wear tiaras xD
Unfortunately, I heard that Singaporean guys aren't romantic? HAHA. It depends, really. Sometimes I think that if he is willing to do foolish things for me, it's romantic enough. Don't need the white horse, haha, because if he came in a white horse, he'd get arrested.

^ Iiee lurrbbbeee euux worxzz! neeber lettx moiixz goxz~ (quoted from Debby's PM). Written by 4e2's lit class's boys in reply to whatever 2e1 folks wrote previously. Ubber funny xD By putting pictures halfway through, the post shall not appear too droning.
Proceeded on into West Mall building, and met Mark! LOL, i do wonder how we could actually wave at each other from so far; we were at.. third floor? He was on the first floor. Oh, haha, I remember now, Mark and I had loads of fun teasing PEIJUN! about her pan-asian guy =P She said Oprah proved that if you wrote your dream guy down, he will come! Luckily Mark and I could click, so we could join forces to bully Beijing =P Oops Peijun, oops *grins*
We saw ducks afterwards in a gift shop, fake ones, and I showed off my knowledge that ducks' quacks can't echo! the ducks were so cute! I remembered clearly that I ended up arguing with Shi Ting whether ducks had two legs or four. WE FORGOT THE WINGS, how dumb is that?
Melina kept telling me that in the future, if I have four children, I'd lose three of them because I lost Melina, Debby and Ruo Nan yesterday in West Mall; we were searching for Chrystabels' present. If I had three, I'd lose them all. So I said I'd never marry a guy as disorganized as me because that would mean we'd lose all of our children. HAHA.
Oh, and Shi Ting said she MUST have her wedding photo taken at the Nigara Falls, while I said mine must be before the Northern Lights! :D
The original purpose of going to West Mall is to celebrate that DEBBY FOUND HER iPOD!!!! and that Melina needed to kill time until 7.30pm, her church's cell meeting.
Okay, to whoever who stole it... God bless, you have a heart. You must have had a reason for stealing it, but none of that matters anymore right? The fact that he/she returned it, it meant he/she regretted it. And that's all it takes to show a true heart (:

^ This was supposed to capture Irvin's five-year-old actions during Lit class. He was swinging the stick with the blue whateve-thingy at the end. Accidentally captured Nuren, oops. But it's okay ;)
By the way, we got released 10 minutes earlier ;) Debby purposely said BYE to Mr Latiff right in front of the bio students. Boooo~! should have seen Mr Latiff's face!! very LOL.
106 bus broke down today! 77 was right behind it, so there was no way it could twist away. Was late together with Wy-lin, Cecilia, Elliot and Mark. Was the first to reach the classroom, and got told off by Mrs Toh ._.
I decided not to tell her about the bus broke-down, but it's okay because Mr Cha explained afterwards, adding that we should come earlier, and said that our definition of 8am is kinda off.
I was late the whole week except monday. Oops.
Lessons were okay... English was funny. The NCC Sea people outside were noisy, so we followed the comprehension passage and the second time they passed, the guys "BOO!"ed at them. Prakash: "NCC Sea BOOO!" with emphasis on the B. Then one by one they called out Leong Yew and Pei Jun told me to shut the outside people up on behalf of Leong Yew.
Ya, and during physics, Mark asked if I wanted to sit beside Leong Yew who migrated to sit next to Bryant -.-" i'm not his girlfriend! I am his friend. The ape-man I drew during English was stupid though.

^ I thought she asked us to draw Man AFTER evolution. LOL. I told Melina and Debby this would be my future husband.

^ And I added that me and my ape husband shall have a pet, a wooly mammoth! They look adorable! Even though they could very well kill me with a swipe.
The dream:
I lived in a democratic country. Apparantly, the bunch of us did something wrong, so they were cornering us. We were about 5 people, and they were about 100-200 warriors O.O They used spears to push us to the lift. But when I stepped in, the lift dropped! :o It dropped to the first floor, which is near the school's BASKETBALL COURT O.O How weird is that? AND I RAN! Whee~ I ended up behind this girl who was moving damn slow. I told her to hurry up, but I realized her movement was very draggy, and I saw weapons in her hands. And that really freaked me out; the dark side of the dream ;) I quickly went by the other way. And I escaped!! I ended up in a shopping mall, which was apparantly the Communist side. The border was actully a playground in the shopping mall o.o Then I think Vanessa wanted to fetch Chrystabel? So we ran back, up the escalator, through the playground, and while we were going up the other escalator, Mdm Shi Xu blocked our way and started to preach us about 'O' Levels!! Ohmigosh how any more random could it get -.-" Thus the border closed and we failed to fetch Chrystabel over :(
Then I woke up! Tada! Actually, I think Melina was right. I AM a very imaginative fantasy-like person.
Wow! This is such a long post, I'm proud of my ability to crap! x)
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