=)? =(?
My phone needs to be sent for repairing, I think!I asked the Sony Ericsson people on my way home, and they told me I should do something.
And it's not a good thing.
The soap from the bubble thing went inside my phone =( Now it's all foggy.
I had a quarrel with my dad. I raised my voice in response to his yell. Then he stormed off and I slamned the door to my room... and well, don't really want to talk about it.
Another thing that really threw me off was that my memory stick got stuck in my dad's laptop ._. Completely stuck. After trying for so long, i threw down the fork in frustation and gave up. After telling my brother, I actually cried. I mean, basically, my phone has NOTHING in it. It's all in that little piece of thingy.
And I thought, things couldn't get any worse than this.
But suddenly, hope came!! :D
GOD came to rescue me through my dear older brother. When I went up to him wailing, he sort of tried. Yeah, thinking about it, he has a much clearer mind than me at that point in time, and he used the tiny scissors used for cutting nails to pull it out. HAHA, better than a dumb FORK.
He showed me the card and I was suddenly okay! =)
Things do get better sometimes. Just have to believe in it, haha.
I thought, maybe, the Lord wanted to give this setback to me so that I can learn from it. But of course, he set things right again (:
Oh by the way, it's very obvious if I have cried. So so, Debby, when you told Leong Yew I cried, it was so fake! And when LY asked me several times if I really cried (thanks to you!), it was so weird. I thought it would've been a clear difference whether I cried or not =x
Oh haha, I remember something. On Friday, we had no backup plan you know. If it had rained, there was nothing to fall back on. That's how prepared we were! Haha, basically we gambled with nature and luck, and we won!
I'm scared of charging the phone! 5 in 6 people told me it's risky, might cause electrocution.
Oh, I havent' said that we went for our CIP today :D
Our destination was Nan Hua Primary School. Me, Divya and Bharani were sent to the Bubbles stall, while Jia Ying, Vanessa, Melina, Debby, Yu Tong and Chrystabel were in charge of the Drinks section.
Oh oh, we all wore our class t-shirt! Bright yellow :D Sunny royal t-shirt, according to the shirt o.o And anyway, I look scrawny and vulnerable because it's too big, like I can be bullied like that.

^ We were brighter than the surroundings! People were staring ya know, but I kinda love the uniqueness of our class :D The bananas, according to Debby.

^ Matching tags O.O We were told to wear red, but... =P The tags were blue and yellow as well.
Ahaha. And Debby started seeing hot guys everywhere, but very unfortunately, she missed the one in the white shirt *grins* It's really too bad Debby. I felt like pulling out his nose, or poking out his eyes, or pinching his cheeks, or scratching his face, or messing up his hair or whatever, precisely because he had perfect features.
And I'm jealous. Kidding, haha xD
We sold the bubbles thingy. It got sold out so fast! I was shocked. We kept running out of stock.

^ Most were blown by Bharani. Debby.. adds to the size, hahaha. I piled on all of the gel bubbles together. And it did work in attracting more people to buy it.
The teacher was nice! She's amusing. She doesn't even know how to eat/drink the frozen jelly pop thing. Halfway through, she exclaimed, "Why so difficult to suck? Look, they are faster than me!" xD She sounded so much like one of us.
10 hours ._. I'm really drained.
And I hurt my lower palm... felt the pain when we were doing the human chain for the milo boxes.

^ Migrating to the drinks stall when we are sold out and I got tired of telling them, "Sorry!" while Bharani explained, "Finished already, come back in half an hour's time."
It'll forever be half an hour, FYI, hahaha.
At the end of it, we gathered the leftover bubble bottles and started to blow bubbles.
Debby got emotional halfway and left, haha o.o Childhood days (:
We're all damn childish! Even worse than the primary school kids...
We then retired to the little wooden platform beside the pond! :D It was so nice and quiet, I loved it. Before that though, I approached one of the little kids remaining, a small girl, very young and innocent. Haha, and I passed the bottle to her, sort of like, smiling (hopefully not in an evil way).
Yu Tong started blowing her bubbles at the pond. And we're practically just like the little kid nearby, trying to catch the bubbles.
After which I found out something sad. Divya is leaving Singapore :((

^ One picture I won't wanna lose. Omg, I think I might cry when Divya leaves T_T
Ahahaha. And we shoved ice down each others' back when it ended -.-"
I know i know, I'm so oblivious that I got bullied TWICE.
Debby was the main bully. She slipped ice into like, four people's backs.
It was so COLD! But NICE, hahahaha.
In the end, Divya and I chased Debby across and around the school compound. But since I have such lousy stamina (I woke up late today and had to sprint to the mrt station within 4 minutes because debby said the train was coming. the lady who was jogging steadily, also in a rush, reached first!! Slow and steady wins the race!), I fell back. Especially since I had a bag, and Debby didn't.
Then we cornered her.
Divya grabbed her, and I gleefully shoved a huge piece of ice into her shirt.
Debby screamed.
Then she said that it was nice.
I'm going to start listening to chinese radio now! Yay!
My mom booked the ticket to Indonesia on 6th June to 17th June. Yes, I'm happy!! Yes, despite the flooding and heat and mosquitoes!!
Firstly, my cousin is finally getting married.
Secondly, our apartment is ready!
Thirdly, my dad's birthday on the 10th!
Fourthly, I get to see our long-time-no-see favourite cousins! The girl is the same age as me :D
Fifthly, ICE-SKATING!!!! The rink there is huge and empty man!!!!!
Sixthly, FOOD! Indonesian food! For real, hahahaha.
Seventhly, shopping :D Things are so much cheaper in Jakarta. And the PS2 games only cost... *grins*
Eightly, language! I haven't spoken my real mother tongue in a long long time. This is good practice.
Ninthly, i can study better! No distractions except the Wii thing my dad bought for the bros O.o
Tenthly, of course, the sense of belonging :D It's never the same with Singapore, and there are just no words to describe exactly why.
Of course, there are some things that I'd really miss when I leave ;)
Oh, and my marks. I've counted, L1R5: 25. Congratulations.
I'm only proud of my English essays, both 24/30, and my literature, 76/100, second to Irvin who achieved 77 -.-" And hopefully, second in class..?
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