Thursday, May 8, 2008


Ah, exam is over. The feeling is bliss.

I had a verrry terrible stomach pain just now ._. And by the way, the normal 'curl up' didn't work fast enough. I just stayed curled like a.. cat? and it took so long I fell asleep. Now, IT'S GONE. HAHAHAA.

Anyway, I know I completely flunked physics. I don't even need to see how much I got for my MCQ, and I know I won't do well.

I'd rather talk about literature now. Yepp, I'm not so confident about lit either.
Especially during Paper 1. MR LATIFF. Before the exam started, he actually had the grace to waltz down our row, hands on his back, very casual, and on his face, a triumphant smirk.
I was beginning to refer him to a general, scrutinizing the troop he trained so hard and for so long.
Only Mr Latiff has the addition of a sneer.
I felt like wiping it off his face, but I respect him too much to do that x)

Question 2
"Smart, honest and wrenching... Mark Haddon's new novel will quickly hook you in." - San Francisco Chronicle
How far do you agree with the statement above? Refer closely to the novel in support of your arguements. [25]

People who are not taking lit might think it's insane to attempt it. Yup, in a moment of insanity, I took a reasonably-responsible risk. AND, I wrote two pages and a half, which is pretty much an accomplishment. Not comparing myself to Debby who wrote five pages ++ o.O
It was only after the exam ended that I found it was a good thing I took the risk. I would never have been able to answer so much if I had chosen question 1 (passage-based) or question 3 (comparing and contrasting conversations)

I know people said we should be finding paper 1 easy, because paper 1 is the standard of an elective lit paper and we're the pure lit students. But I've never thought of it that way... sometimes I can't answer what the elective lit can answer. That's why I treat both papers with equal repsect.. and fear.

Paper 2 was Off-Centre. Every paper has its killer question, and folks, here's paper 2's killer question:

Question 3
"The play probes the literary representation of the alienated mind, and Vinod is the mad protagonist whose madness reflects and challenges cultural assumptions, values, and prohibitions." To what extent is this an accurate description of the character of Vinod? [25]

^ SEQ in its most sadistic form ._.

As usual, there are phrases of encouragement:

Remember to think flexibly and to use all your senses in your
"There is nothing so confining as the prisons of our own perceptions."
-William Shakespeare, King Lear

It inspired me for a few minutes until I saw and registered the questions.
Not the think flexibly part, I mean the Shakespeare's quote x)

The poem. "Decomposition". It was actually fairly easy! But I could hardly write finish 1 page for a. I was completely brainwashed, I couldn't think of anything to do with remorse.
Vanessa said that she could write so much for a and very little for b, and I'm the other way round.

THERE GOES MY DISTINCTION FOR LITERATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't get me wrong, I'm not being over-confident and a show-off, but really, if you know me, you'd know that I depend almost completely on literature to bring up my L1R5. I can't get that in science or maths, and sometimes nor through humans.
Plus, Mr Latiff depended on us to clinch the distinctions for lit. He did state his expectations, which is like, more than half of the class must get distinctions.
Not only Mr Latiff, Mrs Tohhhh also depended on the 23 of us to justify English.

Yesterday my mom was being really weird.
She scolded my brother for not having a girlfriend (o.O) and half-chided me as well for not having 'many many boyfriends and admirers' like she did when she was my age.
Well! Surprise of a surprise!!
I heard her stories alright. Guys stalking her, visiting her house, disturbing her etc. There was one that sounded specially nice, an artist who made beautiful pieces (sketches of forests) for her.
But the part I never knew was that my mother had loads of boyfriend at MY AGE. She added she was hardly serious about them though.
I see.
Unfortunately, mom, guys in this generation are different. Sadly, I'm not born with your charm and your.. sociable-ness x) Even so, they might not work in this generation anymore.
Frankly, I have to say I'm quite glad.
Yeah. But this means I have to hunt down a boyfriend after secondary school T_T

I found one good method to have inspiration to study.
Yesterday, I was completely off-mood, since chem is the last paper. So I threw my TYS and pencil down, and marched off to the electone. I dug out all the past songs, over 10 of them since september last year, and challenged myself to start playing them without going through first.
I managed to.. err, get the skeleton of the songs right. But plenty of slips here and there, due to different sharps and flats of the song.
But I could play! :D
I made sure after that I could play each song perfectly.
However, by the third song, I was already banging away xD It's probably only half an hour of practice, but I was so tired already -.-" Unfortunately, that song was supposed to be a slow, flowing song, but I've since lost the mood and atmosphere, so I abandoned the electone and went back to chem.
Lo and behold, I could actually focus for the first time in two hours!!!

I realize I'm pretty stubborn.
Anyone surprised that I'm quite a mule? I realized it truly only today, even though Ruo kept telling me that xD

I'm shocked I even thought of this, but she spoke my mind.
This is not something a friend would say, but... I'm really sorry; I feel I don't know you anymore T_T
I tried, you know? I wanted to help, but you pushed me away. That's how the story goes.
Sharing your thoughts and feelings isn't being selfish. Look at your horoscope, even the stars agree with me.
I'll happily stay at my own side and never cross the border; maybe it'll make you happy.

I don't want to hurt you, neither do I want to hurt myself, so, just so you know...
I'm keeping my distance... for a while.


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