-ADDED: One more thing before I go completely into hiatus:My mom bought a dress for me, and for herself, from Philliphines, for my cousin's wedding in June.
It cost ___ bucks. US or Singapore, still not too sure about that.
So yeah, I had a verrrrry strong reaction :D
It's silver. Not blue. Haha.
I love it cause it's not too complicated, nor is it the kind of dress you see everyday. Even though I look thin in it...
I'll leave it here.. will show the picture to only some people.. cause I think I should just wear that to the prom :) SINCE IT'S SO SO EXPENSIVE ALREADY.
The rest is suspense.
Okay, like Shi Ting, I'm totally slacking. Been revising SS for the whole day, but it hasn't really absorbed.
Well, actually, I can remember a little from the Iraq-Kuwait thing :)
Returned home today to find that the gas thing was turned on. The kitchen didn't stink too bad, thankfully, because dad opened the back door today.
Yes, he's returned from Indonesia :D
Just moments ago he was prancing around, singing some old 80s song I never heard of. He was swaying around and hitting us randomly.
Haizz, I do admit, my dad can be a little eccentric at times o.o But we all love him, and I'm sure of one thing, he's the best father I could hope for.
He's so easy to talk to. Even though I don't relate my personal problems, I'm sure if I do, he'd understand. He gives in to us a lot, makes us laugh with his super retarded ways and spoils us. Yet, I'm not spoiled to the extent that I forget to appreciate him.
I'm really thankful to have such a father.
My mother said that he can sometimes pay little attention to her, but from what I see, he still loves my mother a lot.
One day, I'd want to marry a guy like him.
Anyway anyway, I received a new song today, Mickey Mouse March, a disco version or something.
Very spunky, I love it! My teacher played too loud though... kinda painful for my ears.
My ears are sensitive. I remember when I was younger I used to have problems with them.
The school healthcheck people sent me to a doctor when I couldn't hear properly.
The problem: a huge piece of ear shit xDD
Super lame. I missed one day of school because of that.
I think the person, Noblesse, who sings the song playing now has a nice voice :D

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