Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A woman came up to the priest and told him a tragic thing; Her husband had
betrayed her. After she found out, her husband had gone up to her and said,
"Sorry, darling. I don't care about that woman anymore. It's over, let's get on
with life."She was weeping as she related her feelings. Her husband was a clever
bussinessman; when there's a problem, he'll go all out to solve it. This strong
spirit. So strong. Yet. Yet. Yet.He had left such a deep cut in his wife. Yet. Something that was far more
important than bussiness: his wife, marriage, relationship. He did not even try to show his worth. He never even bothered. He will try so
hard to clinch a deal. But when it comes to his wife's wound, it just vanish.
Instead of proving that he deserved her forgiveness, he just said sorry, let's
get on with life. He seriously thinks it's so easy?Imagine how the wife would feel. She is probably prepared to walk out of
their marriage, there and then.
If I find a guy like that... I will...................
Saturday, September 22, 2007
^ (Un)fortunately, the straight-ness is temporary. Weird? I'm not photogenic; I don't know how to smile nicely.
I'm still getting frustated over how long my hair still is. They basically thinned it, but didn't reduce much of the length -_-" Oh wells. Can't help it -shrug-
It was in West Mall... and after I cut, I met like... 6 people from BBSS, including Mdm Yeo. I spotted all of them, but none spotted me =P
REVISION UPDATE: Okay, I've tried. My studying rate? Fathom this... from 8-11am in the morning, I managed to complete 2 math question, 10 physics questions and a bit of lit analysis. Yeah. If I go on like this... don't know what to say ._.
Actually, I had distractions.
- First, set alarm at 6.30, but waking up only at 7.30 o.O
- Then I got drawn to sec 2 science book, and remembered how biology used to be my top science.
- Then I began to wonder what it would be if I had taken bio instead of lit.
- Then I started to look through my book of drawing/scraps/scribbles/ideas
- Finally, I started on physics.
- And not long after, the distraction of FOOD.
Like I said, at home is probably one of the worst place for me to study. School's still the best.
"There is no remedy to love but to love more =)"
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Even today, at the hall, I messed up. Got Section 1 and 2 mixed up. I would have gotten zero if I hadn't noticed my mistake and ran up to Mdm Yeo ._.
Felt so scared.. exam nearing ='( If I fail A math, I might have to drop it, and that's NO WAY.
Sometimes, I am tempted to bite my tongue to feel the pain.
I'm always tempted to walk near the edge of the drain when heading towards the bus-stop.
When I look down from high up, I'm tempted to jump.
At times, I am tempted to blurt out secrets.
I hold a knife, and I'm tempted to slash myself.
I am even tempted to poke my eyes with a pencil o.O
I'm tempted to scream and go crazy; I think I know how it feels like.
I can almost taste their emotions.. when they broke down.
In fact, when I put myself in their shoes, I don't think it's crazy at all.
Just like when I try to understand how thieves feel, I feel stealing is not wrong.
Maybe it's because of my EQ.
According to tests... though I have a low EQ...
My strongest point is EMPATHY.
In other words, the ability to put oneself into others' shoes.
I don't know what's wrong with me, hahas xD
I'm getting more dangerous by each day.
And the danger is to my own life o.o
I need someone to stop me least I do any of the things above.
Every good thing will end one day
Even if I try save it
It will still die...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hey, not really.
I clinched the 5 points for standing broad jump and sit-up with my own 'skills'.
And the 4 points for shuttle run... -_-" Don't wanna talk about how I slowed near the finishing line.
The rest.... nothing to say, hahas.
22 points overall. I get silver every year, no? o.O
Tomorrow is english. Kinda nerve-wrecking.
My recent essay got 23/30
Hmm... good? I guess =P But I'll definitely freak out during the exam, and mess up everything ='(
Doesn't help much that the venue is to be at the hall =o
^ Proof taken; this is how Mr Quek punishes students. He sent the whole 3e4 down with their tables and chairs to do their test there, because they were noisy. In the scorching weather. Poor them D=
^ 'Artistic' photo taken by the 'artistic photographer', ME. I was forced into doing this by Khad. If you see closely, there's Ruo Nan at the background row, relaxing.
Recently, I've been going around asking people to teach me math or chem. I don't quite get the logic in these things. My brother, Khadeza, Leong Yew.... I think I've pissed them all off xP Oops. But I'm asking questions, and that's part of the HOM =)
Good luck to everyone for the exams... work hard people! =D
"Sometimes, the best way to let go is to pretend it never happened...
So when you're upset, you say you're okay.
When you feel like crying, you smile.
When you are concerned, pretend you don't care.
When you remember, look as if you forgot.
When you like someone, pretend you don't.
When you get lost, put on the 'i know where i'm going' mask.
When you are dying, look alive.
So next time I smile and say, "Everything's okay,"
Remember that things are not what they seem.
I can't help it, it's all of you that make me this way.
Pretending has become my forte =D"
Monday, September 17, 2007
Mrs Toh was gabbling along about our vocab being built up over the years; Rome was not built in a day.
Sure it wasn't... it was built in a NIGHT.
Funny? Lame?
That's e2 for you -_-"
We got some exercises for English. Debby is... very simply... what?? She made up sentences like this:
"Beyond the gate, I saw a bee."
"Screaming, he died."
There was this shape thingy outside our class.. suspected to be a bat. A bat in Sinagpore? =o
Was really really tired+sleepy in both Chem period and remedial... I mean, I understood, yes, amazingly; thanks to the chem+math pro of a brother =) even Jia Ying was dropping off, hahas =P
The.. talk by Mr Ong again. It's simply put it, boring, to me.
Seriously, even if I had considered a relationship, I wouldn't have thought of physical intimacy.
Give me this kind of talk when I'm 18 and above, kay? xP
I've turned numb to many things these days, I suppose.
"Don't you just agree love is horrible? You stupidly spent so many years building up stupid shields to protect your stupid vulnerability... and then some stupid person, no different from any other stupid people, just wanders into your stupid life..."
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Lemme introduce to you my new interest and goal:
^ Disney's Aladdin famous song, "A Whole New World" This book's imported from Japan =o It's expensive kay??
^ Part of the song; two pages of it only =P It's not as simple as you think.
^ More parts of the song!! See how the the right hand keep jumping from U.K (upper keyboard) to L.K (lower keyboard)?
^ Disney electone!! Cover page!! Grades 5-3; for organ, it's descending, meaning the hardest grade is 1. "A Whole New World" could be:
1. A difficult grade 5 song
2. An average grade 4 song
3. A really easy grade 3 song
According to my ratings anyway ^^
^ Ze mighty chorus. For those musically inclined (xD), the notes are pretty simple to work out.. Didn't capture the bass part though...
I shall one day conquer this song xDD It's really nice, if you know how to play it. This song proves as a challenge to this Grade 5 girl ._.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
^ Finally received a new song. Should I be happy? I don't know. I don't really like it that much T.T
Jesus once said, "There will come a day when I will judge you..."
Thinking back to the recent earthquake in Indonesia, I think judgement day is nearing. I'm afraid; not of how Jesus will judge me, but that I might leave without telling each individual what I want to say to them.
When that day comes, God's people will be divided into two categories... hell or heaven.
I hope I'll go to heaven =D
Each day, I play a game of staring with the math revision papers. I sit there, staring at them. They lie there, staring back at me. Back and forth, and no one does anything. After this, I'm probably going to resume the useless game.
Wish me luck, that I might triumph.
-sigh- Stay with me, God. And pray, give my brother more faith.
Forever and a day.
Friday, September 14, 2007

^ Remains of Noah's Ark.
Said I have no proof, huh? This shape was found exactly at the spot where Noah's Ark landed in the bible. Scientists have confirmed the 40 days 40 nights flood did happen too. Even the length and width of the boat matched. Experts confirmed, no doubt, that it is in the shape of a boat. Tell me, how can a boat just land on a mountain? Solution: flood.
What do you say to this, Khad and Ruo? Tried to dampen my faith, eh? =D Not a chance. You want evidence, there you go.
1. Chemistry
2. Physics Test
3. PE in the rain
4. The beginning of secondary school =D
1. Chemistry
Our group didn't present again... Jia Ying came to school telling me I've sent the wrong file, and that the edited version didn't reach her. It was because I saved the newer one under the same file name as the old one in Jia Ying's comp... Oh, the horror. Kept me in a not-so-good mood... the non-edited version was messy and not organized... I was particularly upset since both versions were put together by me... I had both versions in my hands!! And I couldn't even get the correct one across ._. I despise that kind of mistakes sometimes D=
But there wasn't any time anyway... hahas xD All that worrying... I think lots of white hair had grown.
2. Physics Test
More horrifying horror. e5 had told us water pressure was going to come out... originally, I had wanted to revise all, but fell asleep. Can't believe this. And with the lights on... like, I completely contributed to the depletion of ozone... *guilty guilty*
I ended up only revising through water pressure.
I need someone to wake me up everytime I do that... I sleep so much.. even in the OBS camp, I found the tent really comfy 0.0
Air pressure came out in the end... it was simply terribly terrible terror.
3. PE in the rain
Rained, again. Rain seems to have a linking to e2.. everytime we have pe, it rains. Again, the more-than-half-of-the-class people couldn't take their 2.4km run... argh? =x
After the rain lightened, we went down.
Badminton = fun
Rain = awesome
Combined, we have... =P
Was really cool! And I mean both cool... cooling weather and cool as in cool. And even when there's strong drafts of wind, the shuttlecock doesn't get blown out of track, since it's heavy with water. I would have taken a photo if I had the chance... I think the whole class, those who are not sick, was down at the basketball court; nice to see no one in 3e2 is afraid of rain =D
We have the whole thing to ourselves... figured the other classes didn't want to play in the rain.
Was kinda funny seeing everyone drenched by the end of pe...
After recess... the consequences of pe in the rain that I didn't consider. Some boys aired their shoes and socks on a chair... and well... Bryant even swung his sock for a long time to spread the stink. Eww. Debby then sprayed the thingy directly at it xD
4. The Beginning
Was discussing with Khadeza and Ruo Nan about the first people in my class I meet on year beginnings... let's take a trip down memory lane. Honestly, I don't ever forget about the first people I meet... I remember clearly every detail of each first encouters =o
IF I'm not wrong...
Secondary 1 Registration Day
First Girl: Annadil
First Boy: Thitipat
Secondary 1 First Day of School (I was LATE -_-")
First Girl: Aashna
First Boy: Jia Cong
First Friend: Wen Xin
Secondary 3 First Day of School (I was LATE again. Hmm.. Hard to say since there was OBS)
First Girl: Cecilia
First Boy: Bryant
First Friend: Xiao Hui
Photographic memory?? xDD Now do you understand why I always forgive but never forget?
Notice the pattern? None of the first people I met, other than Aashna cause she was in my primary school, became my close friend. Haha =P That's my doomed fate.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
^ This is the start of all our sufferings!!! Don't try to figure out what I wrote... it's a little harsh xD When Mr Goh mentioned him, even Denise was like, "Who cares??"
Tremor!! =D first assumed it was Jia Ying behind me erasing something with much force... then Debby turned to me: "Do you feel that?"
It was only then that the class realized it was not a normal 'i am shaking my leg' or 'someone is kicking my chair' kind of incidence...
Hahas xP Can't say I wasn't the least bit excited... these kind of things don't happen everyday!!
The school evacuated; I didn't cheer though.. we got run down by Ms. Lao that people are dying, and we are cheering. Felt guilty afterwards D=
Now this is something I haven't experienced before. I mean, in Jakarta, there were earthquake tremors before... but mostly I was asleep. Little girl needs her rest. Or you can always say 'little girl is a heavy sleeper'... your choice ._.
Our lit teacher made the joke of the day... when Irvin was fooling around...
"Physically 15."
The best I've heard, I suppose xD Physically... get it? Not psychologically, but only physically.
The class was noisy during Math, when my group: xiao hui, brenda, uma and me, were trying to present... and Mdm Yeo commanded: "DOGS!!! Keep quiet!!"
Should I say it's an insult to us 3e2, or an insult to the dogs? =P
The class' violent reaction reminded me of one time when we were about to leave for lit lesson... Leyu then yelled: "Lit sux." Won't forget the reaction he received. Couldn't count how many lit students leaped from their seat and throw back the words at him.
Sounds a little like a chemical reaction o.O Which reminds me... e3 is coming over to our class for chem remedial on monday... I took quite a while trying to imagine 80+ students in one classroom...
Changed my blog song to a Jap one instead or Korean... it's titled "First Love" by Utada Hikaru.
I've accomplished my mission... to write that english essay... I hope that it'll pull me up... my recent compre was just scraping past the passing line... maybe my strong point lies in writing tragic, angst and uber dramatic stories... hahas xD
Mrs Toh was being very enthusiastic during hist. She practically banged on the whiteboard till the ohp screen slid back up.. twice.
"Behind every untrusting girl... is a guy that made her that way"
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
New teacher for lit... hey, she isn't bad!! Quite nice, in fact... but just that she doesn't teach... so now I'm left solely alone to analyze the mirror poem. And I don't think I can...
Serious case of it during English... couldn't cook up any decent story. My ideas got more and more crazy the more I thought about it. Bryant and LY bullied Jia Ying... hid the crumpled paper she wanted to throw at VV... then tricked her and placed it in her bag.
Thankfully, I still exist. "Erm... Jia Ying, do you have your chinese textbook? Can I see?" Subtleties is the way to reveal the truth without truly 'betraying' anyone.
I like my method xDD
Mr Chia told us we were going to have this thingy next year... we had to choose between bowling and some self-defence art. I chose the self-defence one, of course... haha xP I know how to bowl, not too bad either =P, so I don't really need all the coaches and such. Self-defence is something I have to learn one day... if I get robbed or something... xP
Chinese test was easy! Can't believe I'd actually be saying this... I glanced through all 6 chappies and surprisingly, I could remember most of the meanings =o For those who studied, I think the test must be the most simple one this year; for those who didn't study... bet it must have been pretty tough.
Passed "Comical Train" to Yi Ting, plus the diskett... It's not the nicest of all songs, nor the hardest, but she wanted the 'banging' part =D The disney book is much better... imported directly from Japan, grades 5-3, nearly the toughest range available; I bet 2-1 would be really...... ouch. I'm taking on "A Whole New World" by myself, and trust me, it's not easy ._.
"In this world, there's always someone for everyone"
"You know you truly love someone when everyday you meet is like the first time you fell in love"
"Everyone has a prince charming... mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions"
Monday, September 10, 2007
Tried so hard to do chem worksheet, and nearly dying from the process, and it turns out Mrs Ooi was going to go through it next week.
Stayed up so late to revise physics, and turns out the test wasn't today.
Kenneth: Tomorrow geog remedial at 3e3 classroom!
Leyu: Shut up la!
Kenneth: What la! You think your brains so big?? My muscles bigger than your brain leh!!
-applause follows-
Free period during and lit... I asked everyone around me which JC they wanted to go to. I live completely in the present... never planned for my future; my career, where I should live etc.
Today, my diet is over!! Wait, was I on a diet in the first place? And why did I need to go on diet? I can't live through a 'diet' for two days. I live to eat.
Leong Yew: I'll tell you a secret. -whispers- The world is round.
And there's the mighty chocolate from Debby =D
Discussed a great deal about organ with Yi Ting... and sharing our 'hatred' for improvisation =)
Some day today... =o
Saturday, September 8, 2007

For the advanced learners, we have the ability to 'predict' what will come next in a song. Roughly, we know which tune it'll hit; a happy tune or a mournful one. Or any other types... often, I can predict right. Hahas... I do that all the time when a song isn't to my liking.
It's all thanks to motive improvisation, I guess. It trains us to 'continue' a song from where they left off.
The greatest challenge for me is to find a song that is unpredictable, yet really nice.
^ Xolos (forgot the full form)
They are said to be the ugliest dogs on earth. Squinty eyes, piggy tails, hairless etc. Wth?? I won't forgive people who label them that. Hey, they still have feelings. How can you just call them the ugliest dogs?
You may all think I'm absurd, fuming over just a dog; I might have been a dog or some other animal in my previous life, but Xolos is just as feeling as us humans. Rawrrrr ._.
One day, if I get the chance to, I'll keep a Xolo. And when I walk him, I'll meet every glance that people cast. I'll challenge them. "Want to say something about my dog?" Hardly anyone thought they have the appearance; I'll be one of the 'hardly anyone'. I'll prove that Xolos are every bit as beautiful physically and mentally, as any other dogs, as man's best friend.
Ranting too much again... xD maybe I'm just too tired.
"Ignorance is bliss.
If I ignore you, it doesn't mean I don't like you. I have a reason for doing so."
Friday, September 7, 2007
I own a huge encyclopedia of dogs... when I was younger, I had begged and pleaded so hard for a dog :/ My mother dislikes them because she was bitten by one before... I think I cut a pathetic figure. In the end, the best my mother could do was buy me an encyclopedia so I could at least fantasize about owning one. And it's not really making me feel better... xD
Below are some of my top choices of dogs I want to own...
^ Border Collie. This has been my dream dog since young... he's basically the sheepdog ^^ Sharp and intelligent, he's the most trainable breed. If I get to migrate to Switzerland or New Zealand or any other countriside, he's my first choice (:
Working Group
Size: Small-medium
Grooming: Medium
Exercise: Demanding
Feeding: Medium
Temperament: Very alert and trainable
^ Siberian Husky. This is the next choice... If I keep a husky, I must live in a cold climate because his fur is thick... like Siberia? I've dreamed of living in Siberia before.. nice and cold. I'd pick this dog definitely if I end up there xD Even if I don't, I still like huskies.
Working Group
Size: Medium-large
Grooming: Medium
Exercise: Very demanding
Feeding: Demanding
Temperament: Friendly but reserved
^ Whippet. Not exactly my kind of dog; thin kind, but I considered it as it's one of the easiest dogs to keep. Not fussy at all, and intelligent. He follows the owner closely everytime it's taken out for a walk.
Hound Group
Size: Small
Grooming: Easy
Exercise: Average
Feeding: Undemanding
Temperament: Gentle and affectionate
^ Irish Red and White Setter; similar to the Irish Setter but was believed to be the original Setter. This is a good-natured dog, and a handsome one at that. Takes patience to train, but I would like the challenge =)
Gundog group
Size: Large
Grooming: Demanding
Exercise: Demanding
Feeding: Reasonable
Temperament: Cheerful and biddable
^ Kooikerhondje. Nice name =P He sounds pretty nice... happy, tidy and fun... Though, if I have one with this breed, and people ask me what kind of dog is he, I'll have issues pronouncing the name.
Hound Group
Size: Small
Grooming: Simple
Exercise: Medium
Feeding: Reasonable
Temperament: Friendly and alert
^ Japanese Spitz. Cute, furry, not noisy... serene, perfect for when I need peace.
Utility Group
Size: Small
Grooming: Medium
Exercise: Medium
Feeding: Undemanding
Temperament: Affectionate and alert
^ Parson Jack Russell. This is not a dog I'd fancy, but I put up this picture in celebration of Joy, Leong Yew's dog. And yes, it's to spite him as well, considering the fact that he detests it ._.
^Of course, I might get a mixed breed. They're cute as well!!
One group that I don't quite like is the Toy Group. Sounds like dogs are playthings, and they're definitely not. They explained it didn't mean that, but I still have that impression. Also, toy group dogs are made up of tiny ones like the Chihuahua. Those that get ribbons all over their long, tied-up-in-a-fancy-way fur. Personally, I think dogs don't like any accessories on their body.
Dogs pwn :3
Thursday, September 6, 2007
^ A piano genius. He's playing many "Kingdom Hearts" songs together... no, my point is not to advertise Kingdom Hearts, but to let everyone see what a true pianist is. He:
Listened to the songs
Found the right notes
Arranged the songs such that they link
Memorised the score
Played the masterpiece
I won't be able to do that in a million years ._.
I wonder how old he is...
The video quality is not very good... the music doesn't match the picture..
Alternatively, you can watch the original at ""
^ The annoying Indonesia Embassy that made us drive to all the corners of Singapore just to satisfy their 'regulations'.
We had to wear long pants.. or they will give (here it means paying for the rental) their very own 'special' one, which is either flowery or purple. Seriously... why bother about dress codes.. I don't get it. Thankfully, I had worn long pants...
And then there's the 'no teeth should be seen in photos' rule. We had to retake the photos, and there isn't any photo booths there at all -_-"
My brother questioned his faith in God today. He said the flood in 'Noah's Ark' is a true story, but scientists claimed it was because of some strange weather occurences. STRANGE WEATHER OCCURENCES. What useful evidence. My brother then said he found it hard to really believe in Jesus, because he didn't see it happen.
And I said this, "You don't have to see to believe."
And he kept quiet.
So so so.. did Michelle become wise overnight?? =o
Not really, actually. That was quoted from "The Polar Express" that showed during Christmas period a couple of years ago......
I've been pretty much depressed these few days... can't quite identify the reason though. Maybe it's the studies? At such times, I sometimes seek people to talk to... but they're often quite happy, on the contrary.
No fret though... like I mentioned to Leong Yew yesterday, on Monday when school reopens, I'll be smiling =)
Be fooled by my smile!!!!!
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
List out your top FIVE birthday presents:
1) DN Angel manga
2) Digital Camera
3) Dog
4) Jacket
5) Other relevant stuff that I completely forgot
Answer the following questions:
1) The person who tagged you to do this was?
2) What is you relationship with him/her?
3) Your impression of him/her?
Stylish, takes pride, bold, interesting
4) The most memorable he or she has done for you?
Accompany me to photocopy homework?? xDD
5) Most memorable words.
Hai Michelle =)
6) If he or she becomes your lover, you will?
Wonder HOW and WHY
7) If he or she becomes your lover, things he or she has to improve on is?
She won't become in the first place...
8) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is?
o.O Misunderstanding?
9) The most desired thing you want to do for her/him now is?
Say hello to her!
10) Your overall impression of him/her?
Nice gal =D
11) How do you think people around you feels about you?
They hate me. Jkjk.. depends. Some might find me fun, friendly, hyper or nice, but I can never know if someone just plain dislike me.
12) The characters you love about yourself.
Uhh... my stubborness?
13) The character you hate about yourself.
Too much and too horrendous to list ^^
14) The most ideal person you want to be.
15) Pass this quiz to 10 people
I'll just list out some randoms...
16) Name 10 people.
1. Ruo Nan
2. Khadeza
3. Leong Yew
4. Sarah
5. Shi Ting
6. Bryant
7. Pei Jun
8. Alvin
9. Debby
10. Nuren
17) Who is 6(Bryant) having relationship with?
... if you're talking about girls, then I don't know =)
18) Is 9(Debby) male or female?
19) If 7(Pei Jun) and 1o(Nuren) are together, will it be a good thing?
O.O Not a good thing at all...
20) How about 8(Alvin) and 5(Shi Ting)?
=o Hehe.. I'd really like to see!! It will be a good thing, I guess.
21) When was the last time you chatted with 3(Leong Yew)?
Face-to-face chat? Last friday...
22) What kind of music does 8(Alvin) likes?
Japenese songs :3
23) Does 1(Ruo nan) has any sibilings?
Yea.. a lil brother.
24) Will you woo 3(Leong Yew)?
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaaaaaa >D>D.... I don't think so xPP
25) Is 4(Sarah) single?
Oooohhh... Maybe, maybe not... okay, maybe not.. can't be sure.
26) What is 5's(Shi Ting) surname?
27) What is 4's(Sarah) hobby?
Not too sure... hanging out with friends? I think fishing too..
28) Where is 2(Khadeza) studying at?
Bukit Batok Secondary School
29) Talk something casually about 1(Ruo Nan).
She's the weirdest and most stubborn girl I've ever met o_o Eccentric, but funny.
30) Have you been trying to develop feelings for 8(Alvin)?
-jaw drop- completely impossible.. he's my brother!!
31) Where does 9(Debby) lives?
Choa Chu Kang
32) What colour does 4(Sarah) likes?
Umm... I suppose.. blue?
33) Are 5(Shi Ting) and 1(Ruo Nan) best friends?
Friends, but not best...
34) Does 7(Pei Jun) likes 2(Khadeza)?
As friends...
35) How do you know 2(Khadeza)?
Same class in Sec 1
36) Does 1(Ruo Nan) have any pets?
A rabbit, but I'm not sure if it was already let out...
37) Is 7(Pei Jun) the sexist person in the world?
^ Lookie! Michelle is finally being a good wittle girl and studying!!
Well, actually...
^ This was what I ended up doing. Only after finishing the drawing, did I realize how much time I wasted -_-"
Today=4 hours physics remedial=HELL
Physics test? Don't ask.. most people failed. Highest was only 17/25, followed bt 15.
Even though I didn't catch most of the pressure topic, at least I learnt a little something. Or at least I made an effort to. Mr Goh was being generous... free food for us! =o
Was dying by the end of the remedial. I wish I had a photo of how I looked like, half-dead =P
I need to go Lot 1 to take some photos... to make my passport... it has expired or whatever. Possibly tomorrow.. our destination this year is USA :3
Monday, September 3, 2007
You think you're the almighty?
You know what? I really loathe people who think they're always right, and force their views on others. It annoys me to no end.
You asked for my opinion, I gave you. I may be criticizing, but you know that yourself. I am here, trying to be realistic, and you claim I'm being a wet blanket? You have dreams, sure. But dreams always come true in a real manner. Life is not some fantasy game.
I don't like to tell you this, but you are overestimating yourself. I'll give you a piece of this world. You cannot make a company and be the number one man in just a few years. Neither can you get that amount of money needed overnight. You have to make the effort. But I see you're not. I told you, going to poly would help a great deal; you could take the courses there and save money.
But no! You insist on going to JC. I don't believe that you wanted that not for image. If you are bent on your dream career, then you would sacrifice. Do I see you making any? No.
I'm at my worst now, thanks to you. Seriously, you are not the only one with feelings. Learn to keep your emotions in, please. It will help everyone a lot. You rage, lose your temper, and vent it on others. Perhaps that's your method of calming down. However, think of how others will feel. Yes, even in the midst of your anger, the people around you still exist.
You are hopping mad. And when you leave a mess behind you, you expect people to clear it up. We are not to be pushed around. You are not the ultimate king. The world does not revolve around you.
I needed to let out steam. Ignore my ranting.
^ A lizard in my room. Pitch black, with faint stripes. It was a unique colour... I didn't kill it; I'm not that sadistic. It was found this morning in my brothers' room, frozen. Perhaps by the morning air? When you think about it, the lizard's quite pitiful.
The horror of SA2 is settling in.. I'm not so keen on studying, but what can I do ._.
Sunday, September 2, 2007

^ Zoom in =D My favourite manga: DN Angel.
The situation: Daisuke is being prompted by his other, Dark, to hold Riku's hand. When his love DNA reacts too much, he will transform into Dark... and obviously, that's Dark's motive.
Did he hold her hand in the end? Read it yourself, haha xPP They look good together...
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Me: Something really bad happened?
LY: Think through... it's in front of you.
-thinks hard- Maybe it's Joy/Agony, his sister's pretty doggie? Well, I hope it's that simple.
Should I go with Shi Ting and Shi Ya to watch Ratatouille? Hmm...
"My head is saying "who cares?" but my heart is saying
"you do, stupid!""