For the advanced learners, we have the ability to 'predict' what will come next in a song. Roughly, we know which tune it'll hit; a happy tune or a mournful one. Or any other types... often, I can predict right. Hahas... I do that all the time when a song isn't to my liking.
It's all thanks to motive improvisation, I guess. It trains us to 'continue' a song from where they left off.
The greatest challenge for me is to find a song that is unpredictable, yet really nice.
^ Xolos (forgot the full form)
They are said to be the ugliest dogs on earth. Squinty eyes, piggy tails, hairless etc. Wth?? I won't forgive people who label them that. Hey, they still have feelings. How can you just call them the ugliest dogs?
You may all think I'm absurd, fuming over just a dog; I might have been a dog or some other animal in my previous life, but Xolos is just as feeling as us humans. Rawrrrr ._.
One day, if I get the chance to, I'll keep a Xolo. And when I walk him, I'll meet every glance that people cast. I'll challenge them. "Want to say something about my dog?" Hardly anyone thought they have the appearance; I'll be one of the 'hardly anyone'. I'll prove that Xolos are every bit as beautiful physically and mentally, as any other dogs, as man's best friend.
Ranting too much again... xD maybe I'm just too tired.
"Ignorance is bliss.
Sometimes, it is better not knowing the truth.
If I ignore you, it doesn't mean I don't like you. I have a reason for doing so."
If I ignore you, it doesn't mean I don't like you. I have a reason for doing so."
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