I own a huge encyclopedia of dogs... when I was younger, I had begged and pleaded so hard for a dog :/ My mother dislikes them because she was bitten by one before... I think I cut a pathetic figure. In the end, the best my mother could do was buy me an encyclopedia so I could at least fantasize about owning one. And it's not really making me feel better... xD
Below are some of my top choices of dogs I want to own...
^ Border Collie. This has been my dream dog since young... he's basically the sheepdog ^^ Sharp and intelligent, he's the most trainable breed. If I get to migrate to Switzerland or New Zealand or any other countriside, he's my first choice (:
Working Group
Size: Small-medium
Grooming: Medium
Exercise: Demanding
Feeding: Medium
Temperament: Very alert and trainable
^ Siberian Husky. This is the next choice... If I keep a husky, I must live in a cold climate because his fur is thick... like Siberia? I've dreamed of living in Siberia before.. nice and cold. I'd pick this dog definitely if I end up there xD Even if I don't, I still like huskies.
Working Group
Size: Medium-large
Grooming: Medium
Exercise: Very demanding
Feeding: Demanding
Temperament: Friendly but reserved
^ Whippet. Not exactly my kind of dog; thin kind, but I considered it as it's one of the easiest dogs to keep. Not fussy at all, and intelligent. He follows the owner closely everytime it's taken out for a walk.
Hound Group
Size: Small
Grooming: Easy
Exercise: Average
Feeding: Undemanding
Temperament: Gentle and affectionate
^ Irish Red and White Setter; similar to the Irish Setter but was believed to be the original Setter. This is a good-natured dog, and a handsome one at that. Takes patience to train, but I would like the challenge =)
Gundog group
Size: Large
Grooming: Demanding
Exercise: Demanding
Feeding: Reasonable
Temperament: Cheerful and biddable
^ Kooikerhondje. Nice name =P He sounds pretty nice... happy, tidy and fun... Though, if I have one with this breed, and people ask me what kind of dog is he, I'll have issues pronouncing the name.
Hound Group
Size: Small
Grooming: Simple
Exercise: Medium
Feeding: Reasonable
Temperament: Friendly and alert
^ Japanese Spitz. Cute, furry, not noisy... serene, perfect for when I need peace.
Utility Group
Size: Small
Grooming: Medium
Exercise: Medium
Feeding: Undemanding
Temperament: Affectionate and alert
^ Parson Jack Russell. This is not a dog I'd fancy, but I put up this picture in celebration of Joy, Leong Yew's dog. And yes, it's to spite him as well, considering the fact that he detests it ._.
^Of course, I might get a mixed breed. They're cute as well!!
One group that I don't quite like is the Toy Group. Sounds like dogs are playthings, and they're definitely not. They explained it didn't mean that, but I still have that impression. Also, toy group dogs are made up of tiny ones like the Chihuahua. Those that get ribbons all over their long, tied-up-in-a-fancy-way fur. Personally, I think dogs don't like any accessories on their body.
Dogs pwn :3
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