^ The annoying Indonesia Embassy that made us drive to all the corners of Singapore just to satisfy their 'regulations'.
We had to wear long pants.. or they will give (here it means paying for the rental) their very own 'special' one, which is either flowery or purple. Seriously... why bother about dress codes.. I don't get it. Thankfully, I had worn long pants...
And then there's the 'no teeth should be seen in photos' rule. We had to retake the photos, and there isn't any photo booths there at all -_-"
My brother questioned his faith in God today. He said the flood in 'Noah's Ark' is a true story, but scientists claimed it was because of some strange weather occurences. STRANGE WEATHER OCCURENCES. What useful evidence. My brother then said he found it hard to really believe in Jesus, because he didn't see it happen.
And I said this, "You don't have to see to believe."
And he kept quiet.
So so so.. did Michelle become wise overnight?? =o
Not really, actually. That was quoted from "The Polar Express" that showed during Christmas period a couple of years ago......
I've been pretty much depressed these few days... can't quite identify the reason though. Maybe it's the studies? At such times, I sometimes seek people to talk to... but they're often quite happy, on the contrary.
No fret though... like I mentioned to Leong Yew yesterday, on Monday when school reopens, I'll be smiling =)
Be fooled by my smile!!!!!
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