Hey, not really.
I clinched the 5 points for standing broad jump and sit-up with my own 'skills'.
And the 4 points for shuttle run... -_-" Don't wanna talk about how I slowed near the finishing line.
The rest.... nothing to say, hahas.
22 points overall. I get silver every year, no? o.O
Tomorrow is english. Kinda nerve-wrecking.
My recent essay got 23/30
Hmm... good? I guess =P But I'll definitely freak out during the exam, and mess up everything ='(
Doesn't help much that the venue is to be at the hall =o
^ Proof taken; this is how Mr Quek punishes students. He sent the whole 3e4 down with their tables and chairs to do their test there, because they were noisy. In the scorching weather. Poor them D=
^ 'Artistic' photo taken by the 'artistic photographer', ME. I was forced into doing this by Khad. If you see closely, there's Ruo Nan at the background row, relaxing.
Recently, I've been going around asking people to teach me math or chem. I don't quite get the logic in these things. My brother, Khadeza, Leong Yew.... I think I've pissed them all off xP Oops. But I'm asking questions, and that's part of the HOM =)
Good luck to everyone for the exams... work hard people! =D
"Sometimes, the best way to let go is to pretend it never happened...
So when you're upset, you say you're okay.
When you feel like crying, you smile.
When you are concerned, pretend you don't care.
When you remember, look as if you forgot.
When you like someone, pretend you don't.
When you get lost, put on the 'i know where i'm going' mask.
When you are dying, look alive.
So next time I smile and say, "Everything's okay,"
Remember that things are not what they seem.
I can't help it, it's all of you that make me this way.
Pretending has become my forte =D"
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