Technique at Clementi: Smile innocently like you really mean to help Technique at Orchard Road: Look lonely and sulk
It works, really. Some people at Clementi seriously skipped others and donated to me x)
Inference: In general, older people and singles donate more frequently. Among the young people, guys donate slightly more often (in clementi anyways), but the gals give much more coins.
We went to Woodlands first. Didn't really work... too many other-school people there. After a while, we decided to head towards Clementi instead. There, I happily stood outside the mrt station, waiting for donations to come. Felt kinda bad though, cause I think I was getting the most from that position...
Afterwards, went to KFC to eat. The burger can NOT be compared to McDonald's one!! KFC one is not nice enough!! I didn't touch the chilli. There weren't enough space, so we split. And they conveniently sabotaged me to sit with Leong Yew in that table for two.. which is.. right by the dustbin.
ORGAN LESSON AFTER THAT! Teacher sleepy, student even sleepier, so it was a fairly meaningless lesson. Oh well. Then I flew to Somerset. Literally. And well, I sorta got lost in the middle of it, and went one big round, but it's okay after I received the right directions. And I got lost in Orchard Road as well because I had no idea where the visitors centre was.
My can was still with the SJAB people, so I could slack. But my kind heart (YEAH RIGHT)decided I should help out. While Nureeeeen happily slacked with Paul (well, she collected plenty), I helped out. I reasoned that it shouldn't matter that it wasn't my own tin, because it's still helping the same organization. Helped Nuren first, but switched to helping Paul because his was the lightest, and I felt real sorry for him because he was completely isolating himself for the first half of the day, and I didn't do anything about it. HAHAHA, SIMRAAN! Don't be too happy yet, LOL, I don't know know Paul, I just know him and talked only a couple of times, you know? =P It was that one random dude with his family who went over and said, "Since you look so lonely, I'll donate." that gave me the new technique. Since my face muscles were tired from smiling, I turned to sulking. AND IT WORKED. Sometimes.
Oh yeah, and there, I found a broken flower and I spent a couple of minutes mourning at the loss of a beautiful life. -.-"?
I got back my tin after that, though it was pretty light. Shi Ting and I ran around the streets crazily in uniforms to find our individual tins. ST went for tuition about the time I went for organ lessons... I thought the green man thing at one of the traffic lights was super lame. I mean, it was on for a while, so I thought it was gonna blink. We ran. But after we got to the next traffic light, it was still solidly on, without blinking. Diaoo.
Paul, I notice, gave the look like, "why am I stuck here doing this?" Lol xD
I followed them to SJAB headquarters at Lavendar with the hope I'd get about half more CIP hours.
^ LY stacked this up for dunno what reason. Lazy rotate lah. Just turn your head =P
^ I know one of you took our photo!!!!!!! SWEET REVENGE x) This is my 20% evilness.
^ Headquarters! I think I was too sian. Haha.
After which, I went home with Leong Yew. I know we passed by lots of BBSS students on the way, who stared. Haha, whatever. I guess at that point, I was too tired to care. Simraan was right. It doesn't affect anything. We're the ones who would decide what we want our status to be, not the people around us. I'm the one deciding if I want to like him any more than a friend. It won't stop some people's thinking whether or not I'm next to him, right? Enlightenment =O Besides, I seriously need someone to lead me to the MRT station far away, or there's no way I'd get home.
^ Someone very familiar copying me and sleeping while standing. Don't blame me! I have a tendency to take photos of people asleep, partly to test whether they're really sleeping, and to show them when they wake up. It's fun.
He is contradicting mannn. He said before he didn't like animals who scratch or bite, but he said me today, "Cats are cute. Don't you think so?" after I approached two stray cats. ._. Plus his stapler has that cat sticker. I knew it >)
By the way, how can you not like cats?? They're independent, dignified, elegant, sharp and intelligent creatures. White tigers and leopards are nice. And lions too, my horoscope (: I'm currently learning to be like them. That's why I didn't let anyone help carry the tins I was carrying or my bag or whatsit. Must be independent or I'll never survive.
I finally had a proper looooong crappy yet meaningful talk with LY. It's been a long time. Really long time.
After we parted ways in Bukit Batok, I toured West Mall, going to each floor and circling them while drinking the heavenly Oreo Crush. I was dehydrating. After 20 minutes, I went down and caught the shuttle bus on time x)
Super tiring day... but now I know that I should donate to those students I encounter holding tin cans. I know how it feels like.
Home. I was greeted with Daddy saying he bought three Compaq laptops for each of us. I was like, whoop-dee-doooooo!!! Turns out he was lying, as expected. It was for my mom's three new staff. Not fair.
My thigh hurts. Melina could do an almost-split because she was in gymnastics, and she expected me to match her level, for that stretching exercise. Youchhhh.
^ Well, HELLO THERE!!! What a refreshing insight! Congradulations Mr Latiff, this quiz agrees with what you said about me being pure (even though I know debby van will deny it viciously)
Okay, the truth: No, I'm not pure or angelic or anything. I can be mean but I won't show it. However, since the test says so.. x)
It's kinda reliable though. The questions.
People Definitely Like You
You are very well liked, and many people admire you.
You are friendly, well mannered, and fun to be around.
Of course, you're not perfect... but that's okay.
Your friends are usually willing to accept you for who you are!
What People Don't Like About You:
People don't like that you're quite sensitive and easily offended. People feel like they have to watch their words around you.
People don't like that you're not very interesting or engaging. You often bore them... and yourself.
People don't like that you seem unnatural and stiff at times. You sometimes give off an impression of being standoffish or fake.
What People Like About You:
People like that you take the them to get to know them and make a connection. You make people feel important.
People like that you don't gossip or talk poorly of others. They trust that you will speak positively about them too.
People like that you truly take and interest in them. Everyone likes to be liked!
^ Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Commitment is a wonderful thing, but over-commitment is kinda strange to me. I can't say it's true, yet I can't say it's false.
One thing I know that's probably true: I don't believe in love at first sight.
Like what they said, I believe it grows. Acquaintances --> Friends --> Close friends --> Friends but not quite Friends --> [vocabulary not wide enough to describe]
I rest my case :)
^ The result of our oral enrichment discussion =) Thanks loads for the nifty gift, Cecilia!! You'll be blessed!. By the way, my name doesn't mean BEAUTIFUL ZERO, even though it's a nice definition and probably way better than the real meaning. Lol.
^ Found this in.. a shopping mall I can't remember. Somewhere in Orchard Road. Anyway, saw this, and my younger brother was paranoid about leaving without checking it out, so I accompanied him back. It's only newspapers inside, by the way. But it's always better to be paranoid than dead xD
PE today... no NAFA test, HAHAHA. Leong Yew fell down ._. It looks pretty ouch. Credits to Leyu! But yeah, guys will always act tough, so he denied any casualties, so there wasn't much use no matter how many times I asked. In any case, it can't be worse than my sec 2 incident...
I fell down while racing Larry in the shuttle run, and that was after running three rounds around the old campus (FINE, i walked only two rounds and cheated... lazyyy). I remembered there was blood and pus and I was grinning stupidly and pretending it was alright, and I ended up in the SJAB room quarreling with a SJAB senior because I didn't want to put the medicine or bandage but she wanted to put the medicine and I ended up being a pathetic whiner but I was simply being a stubborn bull-head and in any case, I ruined my reputation, if I had any anyway. ZZOMG, I JUST TALKED LIKE CHRISTOPHER JOHN FRANCIS BOONE! Sorry Debbs!
Having a seat in the last row with five boys and only being one of the two girls is horrid. Today, Alan and Mark played with fire. I keep telling them to stop it, but there's no stopping those guys. In the end, I gave myself the duty of fanning away the toxic gas, which stinks. And I ended up missing whatever Mrs Toh was saying. I will die of lung cancer without ever touching a cigratte o.o And they're destroying the earth when I'm putting in effort to save it -.-"
Okay, so they both apologized to me (they should!), but I could see they didn't mean it. I made the mistake by smiling and saying, "It's okay." Natural reaction, but it shouldn't have applied in this situation!! Rawr.
Pei Jun - don't dwell too much on that setback... it's an obstacle, but that can turn into a stepping stone if you want it to =) Crying dehydrates you. Remember to drink more water =P Simraan - email is fun, yeah xD thanks for sending mails to help.
Sheesh..? I thought it would fade after a while, but I guess it's spread even further. -.-"
People are relating things I do to Leong Yew, I take off my hat to them, for being able to link a chicken and a.. err, curtain. It seems that I can barely talk to him anymore. Sometimes I can't even look at him, especially if there are many people around. If I smile at him, it can't be before everyone or they'd give me THAT look... If I talk to him, it has to be brief and has to center mainly around studies and not personal matters. Which left the only option: ignore him. -.-" Nah, I'm not angry or anything. It's kinda amusing and adds life to my boring daily routine.
But we used to be pretty close friends, so it feels strange keeping that distance and keeping it well. And I guess I'm worried this kind of incident would only break us apart. Even though I don't think it'll happen, it's better to be paranoid than dead x)
I don't know how he feels towards this situation though. He's had his share of people asking.
985 bus. I have a trauma. 4 times late because of that bus. BETA form, like WOOT!!! I think I'm going to return to taking 77A.
^ Watch and vote which guy suits her more. I guess I really have nothing better to do... I just thought this mv was nice. But not the nicest I've seen.
Okay anyway, HAPPY EASTER!! Jesus is risen today. In the early morning, his tomb was discovered to be empty. He is resurrected, thus I shall not be emo or whatever =)
Yesterday, during a test video call with my older brother's brand-new Sony Ericsson W910i,
Mom: Hiiiiiiii Kevin!!!!!!!! -smiles happily- Kevin: Mummy! Mom: Can you hear me? -laughs- Kevin: Yes! Mom: Am I prettyy?~ Kevin: No.
... The family's reaction: Kevin: Dashed to the room to get his dumb 'katana' to protect himself (*cough* it's unleashing her wrath to insult anything concerning her beauty and age) Mother: Chased after him Alvin: Still playing Cabal game; I doubt at that moment he's seen his new phone anyway. Dad: Obsessively wondering aloud why his own phone couldn't have two views in the video call like the new phone had Me: ... I think I was rolling on the floor and laughing.
Okay, HAHA, I should actually have been insulted, because saying my mother's not pretty is saying the same with me, since everyone said I looked like her. But that idea hadn't ocurred to me then, so yeah.
I love chocolate. It's not being random, it's remembering. The dark chocolate in the fridge is gone. I ate the last piece. Oh poo. (even though there's still milk chocolate and tiramisu)
"It is finished." And bowing his head, he handed over his spirit.
Today is Good Friday. Jesus was crucified under the hands of Pilate through Judas' betrayal and the Jews' accusations.
For some reason, the picture gives me the haunts. But it's still nice.
I think it's the first time in all the Good Fridays of the years that I felt sorrowful during the mass. Haha, after being a true lit student for more than a year, I finally could sympathize properly. Or maybe it was cause I got a seat and could pay attention this year xD Other times I'd be standing and gasping for breath among the crowds. Yes, sad to say, and surprisingly, I sometimes have breathing problems if I'm in a crowd. From here I can infer that I generally take up more oxygen than the average people. Thus, I'm actually depriving surrounding people of approximately 5% of their oxygen intake.
I still like the hymm from the church, "Behold The Wood of the Cross". It gives the right atmosphere. Makes it possible for me to imagine myself standing before the cross and watching Jesus die for us. WHAT did we do in return? : We create nuclear bombs, we declare war, we fight over pride, difference and power, we need a dangerous crisis to bind us together, we ignore the needy asking for a little change on the streets, we abuse the word 'charity' and embezzle the money kind people donated, we stay away from people of different colours, we care more about popularity than humanity, we care only about globalization, we hate our parents and siblings for interfering, we betray our friends, we forgot to pray, we start to question God's existence, we burn away the world He created just for a space for profit, we killed the animals He made for leisure, we discriminate the mentally ill, we dismiss someone's death in the headlinesh, we think physical aspects define us instead of the souls He gave us, we think churches are boring, we worship iPod more than the Lord. We forgot to love. "we" refers to the people in general. This is only an example of what we repaid His actions. Most of us are just a bunch of ungrateful people. And I think that includes me. =(
One thing I have to say. SIMRAAN IS AMAZING, PSYCHIC and FREAKY AT THE SAME TIME. Almost each time we talk she'd ask if I was okay. And almost every time she asked that, I wasn't okay at all. I was just putting on a mask. She was the only person in like what, my whole life?, that managed to spot it. LOL!! But not everyone can be entirely psychic, because sometimes I couldn't feel better and she thought I was upset xD
I've received my share of the Lord's supper, I've eaten the bread that is his body, the wine that is his blood. (the wine tasted really nice) Last sunday was Palm Sunday when Jesus first stepped into Jerusalem. Today is Holy Thursday, when Jesus washed the feet of his disciples despite knowing they would let him down badly, and broke the bread. Tomorrow is Good Friday, one of the most important events in the Catholic calendar. Jesus gave up his life on the cross for us. Sunday is Easter, which I think is equally important, when Jesus was resurrected.
As Ms Lau terms it, it's the 'holy week' for Catholics. Thankfully for that, we didn't have the ss test x)
Thus, I guess I'm bringing the blog back from hiatus =P Taking a break again somewhere closer to SA2. Ahahaha, some 'hiatus'.
Lolololol, I'm surprised I still know my bible stuff well enough. Just glad that the things I learn from young stick in my mind.
My mother just told me that a Mediacorp star is living here in our condo. She met him at the gym and started chatting away (about finance ._.). She couldn't remember the name though. I guess it's reasonable since Mediacorp is moving to Bukit Batok soon.
Caught in a pretty good mood now :D I'd be at my utmost kindness at times like this, so too bad it's night-time and not in the morning or afternoon. I'd probably show a side not often seen.
Okies, basically forgot what I wanted to say. Life's been very difficult recently, and I was amazed that I pulled through without anything close to a breakdown. I was a little astounded that I've picked up the skill of handling things more calmly, because panicking isn't going to make things any easier. Though, if I woke up in the morning and found that I had three tests that day, I'll probably lose it anyway.
Sometimes the simplest way out has the hardest route to go through. If you had spared at least one minute of your life to wonder what I've been up to, Maybe you'll understand that sometimes we just don't have choices. I didn't choose things to turn out this way. The circumstances did.
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Can you believe that? Out of all the scenes mediacorp could cut, they had to cut the part where GC sung the song. How could they? I mean, it was a huge contribution to the atmosphere, because of the song lyrics... Those who watches "My Girl", here's a link to the part they cut off -growls-
Ice-skating with Ruo Nan, Leong Yew and Jack T_T o.o ._. (trying to find the right emoticon)
^ The closest I could get to taking all three of them :)
^ I had no choice but to take her by surprise... she's camera-shy.
I guess this trip did me good, because I now have an idea of how to do that sudden braking. An idea. Still couldn't brake completely though.
Leong Yew; okay, yeah, I didn't know he could skate that well T_T don't know whether to say he's a dare-devil... keeps 'stealing' lessons by observing the coaches and students, and trying it out himself. But yeah, I suppose I was impressed..? Because he doesn't exactly look like one who'd ice-skate... but he fell once though =P But I didn't see -.-" Jack; really good for someone who hasn't skated for three years... willing to venture out. He fell once also? Or twice? Can't really remember... oh yeah, I think he and LY crashed once, but only he fell..? Ruo Nan; awesome for a beginner... really! When I first tried ice-skating, I clung on to the side (yeah blaha, imagine me doing that). She went head-on into the center in little time. I left her alone most of the time, because she loves to be independent. She fell a couple of times... Me; what to say? I'll always fall at least once for every trip. How did I fall this time?
The Fall: I was skating along the cone-border happily, when this guy saw me and started to stumble. This kind of thing always has an effect on me. He then fell in an attempt to dodge me, and I fell in an attempt to jump over him and at the same time, avoiding the innocent standing cone. Ruo Nan... haizz, helpful Ruo Nan tried to help me up and fell herself O.o The guy fetched his friend and tried to help both of us, though they didn't make good progress.
There were many people I knew at JEC today... firstly, we spotted Ronald and Nicholas from 4e3. Of course, the first thing I thought of was: SMS DEBBY NOWWW!!!!!!!! Moving on, we bumped into Jia Xun and Elliot sitting outside the rink. Just sitting and watching. They stayed on longer, I think to watch Jack ice-skate -.-" laughed at him a lot. Evil people. Oh yeah, we bumped into Sarah and Brenda going to school at Bukit Batok MRT. The look Brenda gave me.. (i was with leong yew, waiting for ruo nan).. spells more trouble ._.
In the rink itself, some girls called out, "Jack!". I was like, "who are they?" and our dear head-prefect shrugged. Turns out they were some sec 1 girls from BBSS...
Trying to trail ooily is kinda difficult. He could just stop suddenly to do a twirl, or brake, etc... and I have to do the same.
After ice-skating, we saw Cynthia and Fang Ting too outside Mac... said hi again.
NOW I know what Jack is like =) Now I know his scoop on things like relationships, and.. girls. Apparently, he likes 'cool' girls, so I'll just say it in case someone stumbles here and happens to carry a torch on our head-prefect. Oh yeah, and he looks at personality. With respect to his strange question about guys, my answer remains as: depends. On his personality, mainly.
He asked Ruo Nan too, and her answer was.. well, kinda different from mine.
I can't remember why I agreed to go..? I think Leong Yew made me go, then he dragged Jack so I dragged Blaha along.
Overall, it was really really tiring, but I suppose, worth it x)
^ The kind of influence I receive... which is why I've become so random.
Our interesting conversation yesterday.. I didn't feel like doing chemistry, didn't feel like sleeping, didn't feel like practicing organ anymore, didn't feel like defeating that rawr AAA in Ultimate Bullseye in neopets (I think I tried nearly 50 times already -.-") because I accidentally challenged him instead of Abigail who was 100 times less challenging... you get it. Felt like talking to someone... Debby was on and she told me about ahem, what happened at camp =o Then she poofed to dinner. Rawr.
Honestly, he's the first person I know that thinks he's the general of ants.
^ How I was rescued from nothingness. HAHA, Simraan, see your friend, HAHAHAHA.
I can safely conclude I'm not being evil by uploading these screenies, because I had permission from him >D (i half-used threat)
We went on to talking about more meaningful things, like our dreams. And I told him what I typically tell everyone else, that I dream of flying several times each year. Etc. I dreamt of joining NCC Sky before, and there's actually no such thing... it's NCC Air. But doesn't matter lah.
I've organised the O Level list according to dates into Microsoft Word... First exam is Chinese, duh, and the last is Chemistry :D Nice way of ending the examination, yeah? I'll be sure to cheer in the hall =P
My arm's getting better :D Actually, it took a worse turn yesterday... but when I woke up today, it's much much better. Unless I stretch it to the right, or twist it in some weirdly way, I don't feel the pain anymore. And now, my muscles ache.. not sure if it's thanks to ice-skating, carrying the sack of rice, or the cross-country run. There's a huge bruise near my lower back, and on my legs where the shoes were pressing in.
T_T Sadly, I'll live (:
Currently doing lit project with Debby =P She's so totally focused... wahh... Luckily I spent today's morning reading Curious Incident once more... but only halfway. At least now I have a fresher memory and I can add in the details after Van! completed the outline.
Mrs Ooi T_T I think you're trying to kill us with your homework.
ICE SKATING AT LEISURE PARK Generally, the rink was bigger than the one at Jurong. And well, definitely emptier. BUT IT COSTED LOTS OF $$
It was more or less awesome :D In that span of 2 hours, I managed to almost-perfect the basic skating skills, spin 360 degrees (but slowly), slide backwards, and skate a short distance with one leg. I guess, it was rewarding, since I finally finally felt the real rythm of ice-skating, that is, not the half-clumsy run-skate, but more of the smoother, longer strokes of the legs. I liked the turning points.
This time, I could decently skate alongside the really experts without getting off-balance or nervous =) One time, I was nearby a pro, when i dropped my glove (i don't wear them). I tried to turn back, but couldn't, of course. I only managed to slow down. I saw, though, this guy bending down to pick it up while skating. He tried to pass it to me, and I tried to grab it, almost succeeded but missed. Pathetically missed. And I think I almost hit a girl while stretching my hand. Somehow, amidst that half-forward half-backward movement, I managed to grab it. HAHAHA. AND, I didn't fall x)
I DID fall afterwards though... why? The ice was watery, slippery, my laces were... flapping? My back T_T
In any case, I kept on skating despite the shoes digging into my skin (which hurt). I didn't want to waste the money... and my brothers were 'resting'. I skated for them.
That's that then. I improved once again.
We were about to head home then, when it started pouring suddenly. My lovely mother was too 'lady-like' to run in the rain. She turned back towards the mall. I ran the furthest into the carpark, so I ran the furthest distance back. As I hit the mall, I slipped. Yes, again.
I fell, on my LEFT ARM. The arm turned numb. My dad, instinctively tried to lift me up... by the left arm. I can still remember the pain now =/ Could barely lift it. I hoped, really hoped, I didn't yell. And thus, I sat there, hugging my poor arm, while typical kiasu people looked on. I sat there for dunno how long, waiting for the pain to ease. When it did, I could finally get up. And as we walked on, I started laughing. I laughed and laughed, I think people thought I was crazy. I laughed cause it hurted. What could I have done, cry? Laughing, I guess, is another of my eccentric ways to cope with difficulties. ["We all have different coping mechanisms" ~ Mr Latiff] I guess something came out of that horrible fall, because I get chocolate ice-cream to ease the 'shock' I received x)
I wished I had fallen more elegantly though.
My older brother later told me he thought we were trying to pull off a stunt. He saw me run, slip and fell sideways, on my left arm, while my right arm accidentally knocked half the coffee off the cup on my dad's hands. My younger brother followed consequently, falling but getting up quickly. He even said he felt really supreme, because we fell at his feet. -.-"
My poor arm is still sore right now. Certain things I do, it'll hurt. My ex-biology brother didn't help at all. I decided to ignore the saying, "better paranoid than dead", and dismissed the thought of visiting the doctor. It's only an injury on the nerves. How bad can it get?
I almost injured my wrist as well, and almost further injure the left arm, when my father yanked me back when I was running away from the white one-piece clothing which he thought would look good on me.
Today, I almost bought hamsters as pets, and almost bought a rabbit as well. My dad almost bought me a decent pair of ice-skating shoes. And he almost bought my older brother his own bowling ball.
Today is a big almost. Like, i almost died...?
But I still love ice-skating.
Untie them, and let them go free.
That was what was said in church. I really liked the long reading today, about people facing many problems. At the end of each case, it would be that phrase above. It's so meaningful. Lazarus was mentioned as well... reminded me of the poem Lady Lazarus. It was said that we often dig our own graves, and roll the stone to block the entrance. But Jesus will roll the rock away, and let us go free.
Firstly, I'd like to congratulate all those who made it to top 15 for today's cross-country race :D From 4e2, Girls: Jia Ying!!, Josephine, Rui Shan and one more I couldn't remember... I know there was one more. Jia Xun? Boys: Leong Yew, Kenneth? Haizz, can't remember already la. Wasn't paying close attention either.. plus twas really noisy.
Leong Yew! Why so disappointed..? 12 is a very nice number. Although I would have preferred him to get first or something... doesn't matter. You tried your best :) There's no reason why you should run for other people and their expectations or belief.
The run was fun :D It seemed shorter than 2 years ago... We (ruonan and I) are so super immatured. Like... racing with the cars... and always losing. Oh boo, I'm so slow. And I thought I had a nice record for my shuttle runs. We took our time, we sure did. The scenery was so nice to look at. And the weather was perfect. In the beginning, I was pumped with energy and prepared to run a long distance. Unfortunately, Debby, Ruo Nan and Xue Li skipped breakfast so I walked with them. In the end when they did run, my supply of chocolate has been digested. Sad.
Went to Jurong mcdonalds afterwards. I discovered: - Chilli raises your metabolism rate. Finally, I understood why I'm thin. I grew up with chilli. And I started to wonder how is it that you can tell people's emotions by looking at their eyes? They're just eyeballs after all. Just another organ of your body, yet they reveal your soul. How? How do I tell when someone's upset? Like Debby, I seem to notice easily when someone likes someone in the school. No worries though. I very rarely tell others my 'suspicion'. Don't want to create rumours and gossip. Haha x)
In any case... we got our DA t shirts!! :D I was so happy to receive it T_T It's the best t-shirt aside from 2e2'06's one. It's cooling! I was so enthusiastic I changed into it straight away. Credits to Adinda, of course! (She said she liked my design as well. I'm so honoured T_T)
This week was the last week of our weekly YMCA visits... kinda nostalgic, even if the kids drove me nuts. Anyway, I got so tired coaching the kids that I opted to help paint the wall (and i almost destroyed it xD). The Noah's Ark painting is finally done!!! Whooppee~
^ Completed version. We were super short of time, so naturally, the painting couldn't be perfected. I helped with the sky.. and a bit of the ground? The right side of the sky looks like there's been a tornado attack xD An attempt to fade the sky quickly. The proportion of the animals is a little weird as well, but tis okay. We tried our best.
Halfway through when I went out to get some water, the teacher grabbed me. Woah. I was shocked. She told me, "You know ah... the two kids you taught last week..." I was apprehensive. "They both got 20/20 for their maths test. Just to let you know." She scared me. I had the impression she wanted me to help with their coaching again this week, but NO WAY! I scuttered quickly to the room and stuck to painting the wall.
My common test results!!! Let's see... I improved in certain areas, but was really disappointed in the overall marks. English was strangely well done, with an A2.. so was humanitites, with A1. Literature was a sad disappointment. 74, so close to A1. It just so happens that literature was my strongest point (or maybe the only strong one) since... sec 2? My expectations are kinda high... so haha, I'm not being a stuck-up or anything. The deepness is supposed to run in our family! Well not really actually... only my brother aside from myself o.O
The rest? Don't really wanna talk about it... no Bs at all... it's kinda obvious now that my strengths lie in languages rather than maths and science. That's it. L1R5: 22 T_T
Leonard arrived this week! He still remembered me, surprisingly. He's changed quite a bit.
Oh yeah, before I forget... THANKS APLENTY SIMRAAN!!!!!!!!! for the chocolate =3 Amazing that you can still deliver presents from overseas xD
^ Rawr to whoever/whatever that disturbed the water? The best effect would be a clear perfect reflection... But I think the bestest would be the sky in the morning, before sunrise. But camera too weak.
^ Someone trying to imitate Titanic's famous pose... There is no humane and possible way that Debbs the Van can drown in that... stream.
Debbs; I told you it was okay, but maybe it is hard to pretend sometimes (: But still, for the better good, I better keep up the act x)
As you can see, my randomness had led me to changing the blog url.
Okay okay, I promised before... photos of us in the USA... yeah, for real this time. Click and zoom in, cause I look really retarded in some of the resized picture x)
Copyrighted to MEEEEE!!!
^ My brother. I'm so going to give him a make-over. He's always so unnatural before the camera... I'm always like, RAWR, act natural!!
^ I though me and my dad looked okay. My brother... as usual, always unsure how to smile.
^ I gotta post this xD Fortunately, my little brother doesn't have much qualms about being natural before the camera. A good change. Sometimes he just stands stiff.
^ Brother and father. Do they look alike? (i personally doubt it)
^ Yes... HAHHAA.. I look super 100% retarded here. Spoiled the view of the Grand Canyon. Oh well, it's called 'standing out'? It's okay when you zoom in though. Happy, Jerry-friend? I look fat cause of the jacket. Ugly? That's up to you to judge x)
^ The wind there was so nice. really strong. Well, nothing special about this photo. Just wanted to show the IP Zone jacket that has secured its place as my favourite jacket.
^ Las Vegas :D the lights were too overbearing for me though. Too many colours. I still prefer Christmas lights leh.. nicer..
^ My dad among the thingy in Hollywood? I kept telling him not to gel his hair or they'll all drop off, but he's just... business-y.
Lazy to upload others? More like I look stupid... xD
Or the others look very weird while finally, in that moment of rarity, I look nice.
^ Gathered all this from the bag I use for organ lessons... all the brochures and stuff I collected and chuck it in =3 As you can see, I'm a very messy person.
^ 8 duplicates of the same thing, but in different colours and sizes :D Almost every week, they give these out at Clementi MRT station... I threw away some of them. Anyway, I heard that they only get their pay if they give everything out, so I just took. And basically ignored them? o.O
^ From Busy Bees learning centre... where I took Chinese lessons... loads =o
^ I had enough sense to clear everything... organized subject by subject... finally done!! Mwahahaha!!
^Found this! What should you do when you find difficulties with homework? My answer: stop doing. xD
My mother is still trying to compete with my typing speed. I took the test and my best speed was 77 words per second :DD My mother, who always boasts about her skills, could only clinch 47 words per minute -.-" My brother around 30+. My father... hopeless case xDD
I'M THE FASTEST!! Comes from writing lots of crappy stories and chatting with overseas friends x)
So sorry I didn't actually know your birthday... I thought it was in november? -confused mow- Hahahahahah, I'm so blind already @.@ I'm so happy for you T_T they're awesome friends, and an awesome united class :D Forget about some ahemahem people who thought jogging was priority. Thank goodness I didn't join nccsea, or I'll be jogging right now? o.O
Gotta run and do some last minute electone practice... and it's raining.