^ Gathered all this from the bag I use for organ lessons... all the brochures and stuff I collected and chuck it in =3 As you can see, I'm a very messy person.
^ 8 duplicates of the same thing, but in different colours and sizes :D Almost every week, they give these out at Clementi MRT station... I threw away some of them. Anyway, I heard that they only get their pay if they give everything out, so I just took. And basically ignored them? o.O
^ From Busy Bees learning centre... where I took Chinese lessons... loads =o
^ I had enough sense to clear everything... organized subject by subject... finally done!! Mwahahaha!!
^Found this! What should you do when you find difficulties with homework? My answer: stop doing.
My mother is still trying to compete with my typing speed. I took the test and my best speed was 77 words per second :DD
My mother, who always boasts about her skills, could only clinch 47 words per minute -.-"
My brother around 30+.
My father... hopeless case xDD
I'M THE FASTEST!! Comes from writing lots of crappy stories and chatting with overseas friends x)
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