^ Something I did and wasted my time on =)) Fortunately, with reference, I could draw a proper-looking cat.
^ I was studying and studying and when I had wanted to do mah homework, I realized I didn't have space at all. Inever noticed I was taking up the whole table.
Besides, what's the rabbit and pink pig doing there, upturned? o.O
^ Cleared some space =) I really have nothing better to do...
^ Through rummaging through the whole stack of paper, I didn't find the transparent pencil case, but I found this. HAHAHAHAH, Sarah, remember??? My ultra lame-ness at sec 2...
^ RUO NAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THE BEAN OF LOVE YOU GAVE ON VALENTINES DAY EVE'S AFTERNOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!! But it's yellow. Dying. Oops.
Super long post. Boldened main topics to make things easier.
One thing I simply don't get;
In any way, does Leong Yew and I look like an item?
Turns out it went as far back as last year August, Debby Van's birthday.
Shi Ting!! I've told you umpteen times already... I shall hack into your blogger account and wipe off that paragraph from your blog =33 Melina ish a good hacker, maybe I can ask her to help.
That's why I said that Shi Ting's the evilest person among us.
Besides her, Bryant isn't letting me forget either. I suspect he knows more than he's telling, and I know why he probably knows more than he's telling, but I'm not gonna get an answer from him anyway.
But tis okay. They will fade away.
Like what LY told me yesterday, let them think what they want. Shouldn't care anyway. The 'rave' will pass and I can finally have peace (:
Still, thanks a lot Ms Lau -.-"
Rawr, I'm not going to let her bathe in the glory of being right.
If you, teacher, for some weird astonishing unexplained out-of-the-world reason, is finally right, you'll be the last one to know, yeah? :D I sound mean.
Lol o.o
Wah, aside with all these stuff!!
YMCA childcare centre...
FINALLY, we got the chance to really see the kids.
Lemme tell you, the younger generation are downright perverted and knows too much, far too much, about this world.
I'm not going to say what they said or did, but I think some of you might have known already :)
There's one girl who's really violent... grabbed the guy and all. Ommmggg, Khadeza was so amusing. I think she actually squeaked aloud when the little girl grabbed the boy by his shirt.
I just stared.
I'm always like that.
Anyway, I was appointed this girl, Pratyusha, and I first thought it was Patricia. Whatever lah... everyone seems to call her Patricia.
I taught her english.
Oh how so predictable.
Together with Annabelle, we taught her, or at least tried, grammar. Past and present tense.
Firstly, would like to say, I suck as a teacher.
Annabelle... lol xD
From attempting to teach grammar, I ended up teaching her plural and singular. And now that I thought about it, I had no idea at all how I got from there to there.
In the end, I just mixed myself up and caused the girl to daydream, like she always does, which is ironic because her compre passage has the word daydream and she hadn't known the meaning.
She always gave me that super innocent look that meant she was going to believe everything I said, which was absolutely baaaadddd.
Finally, I just told her, "forget it -smiles sweetly-"
SO. The compre was just as bad, if not worse. She couldn't get it!!!
It was quite nice going through with her word by word and all, but well... she just couldn't answer.
Fortunately, I was very patient.
Finally finished, and tested her spelling, and all....
And helped Khad test the Burmese girl CHINESE!! spelling...
^ Here goes! From left, Khadeza, the violent girl who grabbed the guy (couldn't catch her name), and the Burmese girl (long name). The Burmese girl's really pretty right? In my opinion, she's gonna be a killer (aka beautiful) when she grows up. Her personality is nice too.
The hand above Khad? I think that's Jerry, the one who suffers from some hyper thing... couldn't keep still, and real... 'matured'.
I think I was lucky. I didn't get one of the wild ones. I got the quieter, innocent-er one. She's still pure, fortunately. Not deprived of childhood; she drew stuff and showed me, telling me who is who and all.
Joseph, mah junior, who labels me as 'the tall sec 4 girl', and the one who seems bent on being taller than me and emphasizing on how old 15 is, got the naughty boy. Who was, one of the 'matured' ones.
Joseph came over to us complaining he was molested.
And for some weird reasons, he, Annabelle and Khadeza started burying into the year book, MY year book, and staring at photos and... cute guys? That was like, so super random.
I strayed away and ended up playing hangman with the kids.
What they wrote:
F _ _ _
Omg. I nearly yelled at Jerry not to write it, and erased the moment he tried to write. The teacher really yelled, real loud, demanded to know if he was about to write a bad word.
Can't blame him anyway. He's just hyper.
Mrs Chee told us not to whack him if he's naughty.
^ The other one-third got down to painting. And wow, they painted real well!! Made the coat so 3D.
The other one-third played games with the older kids.
Oh yeah, the year book?
If I get the chance to, I'd describe who is in which page >D But I'll skip the page I'm on. I hope you people didn't notice.
The whole load of 5 of us there. 3e2 friends.
THEY EVEN USED US AS A BACKGROUND, BELIEVE IT OR NOT??????/ Why couldn't they take the Debby+Shi Ting side, instead of the Me+Leong Yew+Bryant side?!?! Rawr!!!
I feel sorry for my brother.
Freaking MOE who couldn't distinguish who came first and all.
They accepted someone with 11 points who picked CJC as their 11th choice, yet, turned down someone with 14 points but picked CJC as the first choice, AND was already in from the Prelim score.
And now, my brother ends up unexpectedly at Jurong JC.
Unless CJC calls him up before Sunday.
What would you do if you got asked out on a date with the most popular heart-throb in the school and you run out of things to say?
OMG!! Khadeza, Ruo Nan and I saw this quiz book that tests about yourself, and this question.
The options are more or less like this.
1. Say, "so, have you been here before?"
2. Something about your mouth being a motor... and the word 'waffle', which got me laughing.
3. Sit there smiling and feeling like a prat.
4. Talk about favourite stuff or what? Do you like this or that or this or that... something like that... can't remember...
The one that triggered me off was 'waffle'. I first thought it was stuffing your mouth with waffle and eating because you didn't know what to say, and somehow, I burst out into a fit of laughter.
But the one that was the killer...
Was the prat thing.
Because I know that if I got asked out by the heart-throb of the school and I accept and on our date, we ran out of conversations,
And wait for him to say something x)
So don't ask me out unless you've prepared a list of things to say.
I laughed till my sides really hurt. And I cried while laughing.
There are stuff that questions you on social skills... Like, "Would it be wise to listen to music full blast on the streets?"
I picked the best and loll-est option, "that I was afraid I would get distracted and stray out of the kerb and get knocked down by a car from behind."
One more...
They asked that if you wanted to get attention or whatever, or flirt or show interest or something (can't really remember la...), they have the options:
1. Give a big smile to show you see something nice.
2. Dress up? I think? Beautifully...
3. I forgot this one. Something about doing something stupid to get his attention...
4. Looking at him for a second, look away, then look again for a long time.
I thought option 4 was interesting.
But 1 was nice too, so I was caught.
But OMG, it doesn't mean that I like every guy I look at, zzzooommggg.
I have about, 70-100 different kinds of stares that show what I feel.
Only about 3 kind would mean something close to that line.
DEBBY THE VAN!!! It's sad you weren't with us.
Fire Drill at the wrong time
Why?!?! The alarm went off just as we finished our 6 rounds around the track!!! W-H-Y?!?! -sad-
I think I yelled at the noisy alarm because I was feeling miffed that it had to go off at the wrong time.
And it was deafening. My voice was lost anyway. Hahahahhaa.
Reminds me of how I could sing if it was raining reallly hard.
Not to mention I think I had a cramp near my hand, and it hurted.
And I could actually see my purple nerve there. OUCH.
Now the spot is red. Slightly red.
Not to mention I think I was sitting on an ant nest in the field.
But walking up the steps like snails was fun.
Some chairman (alan) and vice-chairman (irvin) we have.
Innitiated that since we were heading towards the basketball court when the bell rang, that we go to the destination first.
There goes the class, walking real slow towards the basketball court, then turning and went a whole round back and walked up the steps.
Especially when we were nearing the fourth floor.
Jia Ying and company slowly slowly, painfully slowly, crawled up the stairs. I just went along with the flow.
And then suddenly, it stopped.
The traffic stopped.
I didn't know the class disliked physics THAT much =O
-pant- Sorry if I totally burst your eyeballs.
Deal with it o.o
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