^ What else to say? Look closely at his hands. Someone had enough free time to actually try (and suceed =( ) to take a picture of me. Well it's okay. It's one for one, since he's not letting me see the picture he took, I'll advertise him =)
Oh yeah, main thing, would like to sort of say sorry to Leong Yew. I haven't done so yet:
For losing my temper yesterday. Guess I was in a bad mood, but still. Didn't mean I should say mean things to you and all. No one is perfect. I suppose I'm sorry for expecting you to be perfect. (even though you didn't sound like you took offence.. ._.) I've long accepted any flaws (if they really are)as part of you, but fuelled by the previous happenings, I simply snapped. It was nice that you were still willing to listen to me, so well, also apologize for responding with silence?
Yup, also, sorry to Debby Van!
Talked with her yesterday, but I feel like saying it again. I never wanted it to happen, yeah. My assumption was wrong, but since you told me the fact, I'll do my best to do what I should =))
Yeah, the picture above shows my emo boring seat. Having Mark, Bryant and Prakash three in a row next to me is really rawwwr. When they talk, they really talk!! When they're up to mischief, it's real mischief!! ARGHHHHHHHH... Mr Latiff or Mdm Yeo, LIBERATE MEEE DDx
Ash Wednesday
I went to church yesterday... they used ashes to draw crosses on the foreheads of everyone. Mine looked so perfect :DD Better than last year, that's for sure!
Today when I went to West Mall, I saw many people with crosses... their churches celebrated today, lucky them.
Oh, and we acted out the Off Centre scene before the bio students! I don't know what they think though...
By the way, public CONGRATULATIONS to Aashna for getting 2nd prize in her singing competition all the way across the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Among 32 people! ^^ Yep, tell Ruo Nan and Khadeza... I don't think their reactions would be as calm as mine xD
And thanks Simraan xD Random, lol...
I hope everyone is having fun at their renuion dinners while I'm stuck at home.
Not that it's a bad thing... =D
Well everyone's in Indonesia. I was hoping we'd fly back too, but well.
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