Ah... so what happened these few days?
To name a few...
The worst was the Incubator poem. I did in God knows how many hours... and then I accidentally cancelled everything without saving it.
Don't ask how I managed that!!! Argh!!
I stoned. Yes, I really genuinely stoned. I stared and stared at the blank screen for two full minutes, before I gathered myself up, stop myself from crying, and re-did the whole thing.
Ya think it's fun? Try it yourself -.-"
I figured that if I didn't get down to it, I'd never get anything done. Inspired by Debby Van.
Finally managed to do a whopping five-page long essay.
But big font, so Mr Latiff's eyes degree won't shoot up by at least 500 after reading it.
And the lit test... ahhhhhhh!!! 18/25! Okay lah, still distinction. But I somehow expect the best from myself for lit since I flunk almost every other subject. And he wrote, good try, so I think it was a little out of sympathy?
He took my paper and was planning to point out my mistakes.
Mr Latiff: Michelle did a very good work...
Me: -softly- good meh?
Mr Latiff (apparantly he has really good hearing): FAIRLY good...
Class T-shirt
Didn't have a good opinion of it first time round... but the boys looked good wearing them, so I thought it was fine, pretty good.
Until I tried it on and it has got to be the biggest shirt I've worn. Or jersey.
Valentines Day
Namely would like to thank everyone loads and one person in particular.
Decided not to give all the names... Haha. No idea why o.o
Please don't ask why I singled out 'one person'. HAHAHAHAHA.
I hope it put that intended punch on this post and attract people and make them really think.
I'm a literature student, after all *grins goofily*
I'm hyper o.O
What did I give?
Like I said, I think I was supposed to give sweets... but I really forgot to buy it?
And I think I was supposed to bring a couple of branded chocolate to give to the closer friends... sorry, that one, I really really left it at home ._.
Don't blame me.
I'm a really blur and forgetful person, according to Mdm Yeo.
Did I end up giving anyone a gift?
Sarah's one was more of a belated birthday present.
Other people?
For me to know, for you not to find out =P
Oh how I love melodrama.
What? You didn't know that?
Loser. Hahaa. You don't know me.
Oh yeah... on a side note... I went with Ruo Nan to Yellow just now. I realized there was no price tags on them, so yeah, it was priceless after all.
^ One of my brother's gift from his class.
^ Debby's gift.
^ Irvin's card. He and his Christian friends were so nice.
Those are not all our family received... not uploading everything lah.
One thing that was really so funneh was on V. Day, when Mrs Toh was late for half an hour. OMMMGG? So rare!!
Alan went up to the board and wrote that Mrs Toh was late because she went to look for her lost water bottle, which is here >>> [bottle here]
Yeah, he placed the purple bottle underneath.
The class actually went completely silent for two seconds and Alan, whose back was turned, thought she came in already or something.
I could hear a pin drop if it did drop!
It was hilarious!!!
Especially when Mrs Toh went in and saw the message.
Obviously... she's not that kind of person.
We wished Mdm Yeo a happy valentines day!!
So loud some more!!!!
And when we were done, she said: "MORE HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I think that's basically all.
Wish you guys good luck on common test.
Will be on hiatus until CT's over, I suppose =D
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