Technique at Clementi: Smile innocently like you really mean to help
Technique at Orchard Road: Look lonely and sulk
It works, really. Some people at Clementi seriously skipped others and donated to me x)
Inference: In general, older people and singles donate more frequently. Among the young people, guys donate slightly more often (in clementi anyways), but the gals give much more coins.
We went to Woodlands first. Didn't really work... too many other-school people there.
After a while, we decided to head towards Clementi instead.
There, I happily stood outside the mrt station, waiting for donations to come. Felt kinda bad though, cause I think I was getting the most from that position...
Afterwards, went to KFC to eat. The burger can NOT be compared to McDonald's one!! KFC one is not nice enough!! I didn't touch the chilli.
There weren't enough space, so we split. And they conveniently sabotaged me to sit with Leong Yew in that table for two.. which is.. right by the dustbin.
ORGAN LESSON AFTER THAT! Teacher sleepy, student even sleepier, so it was a fairly meaningless lesson. Oh well.
Then I flew to Somerset. Literally. And well, I sorta got lost in the middle of it, and went one big round, but it's okay after I received the right directions.
And I got lost in Orchard Road as well because I had no idea where the visitors centre was.
My can was still with the SJAB people, so I could slack.
But my kind heart (YEAH RIGHT)decided I should help out. While Nureeeeen happily slacked with Paul (well, she collected plenty), I helped out.
I reasoned that it shouldn't matter that it wasn't my own tin, because it's still helping the same organization.
Helped Nuren first, but switched to helping Paul because his was the lightest, and I felt real sorry for him because he was completely isolating himself for the first half of the day, and I didn't do anything about it.
HAHAHA, SIMRAAN! Don't be too happy yet, LOL, I don't know know Paul, I just know him and talked only a couple of times, you know? =P
It was that one random dude with his family who went over and said, "Since you look so lonely, I'll donate." that gave me the new technique. Since my face muscles were tired from smiling, I turned to sulking.
AND IT WORKED. Sometimes.
Oh yeah, and there, I found a broken flower and I spent a couple of minutes mourning at the loss of a beautiful life. -.-"?
I got back my tin after that, though it was pretty light. Shi Ting and I ran around the streets crazily in uniforms to find our individual tins. ST went for tuition about the time I went for organ lessons...
I thought the green man thing at one of the traffic lights was super lame. I mean, it was on for a while, so I thought it was gonna blink. We ran. But after we got to the next traffic light, it was still solidly on, without blinking. Diaoo.
Paul, I notice, gave the look like, "why am I stuck here doing this?" Lol xD
I followed them to SJAB headquarters at Lavendar with the hope I'd get about half more CIP hours.
^ LY stacked this up for dunno what reason. Lazy rotate lah. Just turn your head =P
^ I know one of you took our photo!!!!!!! SWEET REVENGE x) This is my 20% evilness.
^ Headquarters! I think I was too sian. Haha.
After which, I went home with Leong Yew.
I know we passed by lots of BBSS students on the way, who stared.
Haha, whatever.
I guess at that point, I was too tired to care.
Simraan was right. It doesn't affect anything.
We're the ones who would decide what we want our status to be, not the people around us.
I'm the one deciding if I want to like him any more than a friend.
It won't stop some people's thinking whether or not I'm next to him, right?
Enlightenment =O
Besides, I seriously need someone to lead me to the MRT station far away, or there's no way I'd get home.
^ Someone very familiar copying me and sleeping while standing. Don't blame me! I have a tendency to take photos of people asleep, partly to test whether they're really sleeping, and to show them when they wake up. It's fun.
He is contradicting mannn. He said before he didn't like animals who scratch or bite, but he said me today, "Cats are cute. Don't you think so?" after I approached two stray cats.
Plus his stapler has that cat sticker. I knew it >)
By the way, how can you not like cats?? They're independent, dignified, elegant, sharp and intelligent creatures.
White tigers and leopards are nice. And lions too, my horoscope (:
I'm currently learning to be like them.
That's why I didn't let anyone help carry the tins I was carrying or my bag or whatsit. Must be independent or I'll never survive.
I finally had a proper looooong crappy yet meaningful talk with LY. It's been a long time. Really long time.
After we parted ways in Bukit Batok, I toured West Mall, going to each floor and circling them while drinking the heavenly Oreo Crush. I was dehydrating.
After 20 minutes, I went down and caught the shuttle bus on time x)
Super tiring day... but now I know that I should donate to those students I encounter holding tin cans. I know how it feels like.
Home. I was greeted with Daddy saying he bought three Compaq laptops for each of us. I was like, whoop-dee-doooooo!!! Turns out he was lying, as expected. It was for my mom's three new staff.
Not fair.
My thigh hurts. Melina could do an almost-split because she was in gymnastics, and she expected me to match her level, for that stretching exercise.
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