^ The kind of influence I receive... which is why I've become so random.
Our interesting conversation yesterday..
I didn't feel like doing chemistry, didn't feel like sleeping, didn't feel like practicing organ anymore, didn't feel like defeating that rawr AAA in Ultimate Bullseye in neopets (I think I tried nearly 50 times already -.-") because I accidentally challenged him instead of Abigail who was 100 times less challenging... you get it.
Felt like talking to someone... Debby was on and she told me about ahem, what happened at camp =o
Then she poofed to dinner. Rawr.
Honestly, he's the first person I know that thinks he's the general of ants.

^ How I was rescued from nothingness.
HAHA, Simraan, see your friend, HAHAHAHA.
I can safely conclude I'm not being evil by uploading these screenies, because I had permission from him >D (i half-used threat)
We went on to talking about more meaningful things, like our dreams.
And I told him what I typically tell everyone else, that I dream of flying several times each year.
I dreamt of joining NCC Sky before, and there's actually no such thing... it's NCC Air. But doesn't matter lah.
I've organised the O Level list according to dates into Microsoft Word... First exam is Chinese, duh, and the last is Chemistry :D Nice way of ending the examination, yeah?
I'll be sure to cheer in the hall =P
My arm's getting better :D Actually, it took a worse turn yesterday... but when I woke up today, it's much much better. Unless I stretch it to the right, or twist it in some weirdly way, I don't feel the pain anymore.
And now, my muscles ache.. not sure if it's thanks to ice-skating, carrying the sack of rice, or the cross-country run.
There's a huge bruise near my lower back, and on my legs where the shoes were pressing in.
Sadly, I'll live (:
Currently doing lit project with Debby =P
She's so totally focused... wahh...
Luckily I spent today's morning reading Curious Incident once more... but only halfway.
At least now I have a fresher memory and I can add in the details after Van! completed the outline.
Mrs Ooi T_T I think you're trying to kill us with your homework.
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