^ The closest I could get to taking all three of them :)
^ I had no choice but to take her by surprise... she's camera-shy.
I guess this trip did me good, because I now have an idea of how to do that sudden braking. An idea. Still couldn't brake completely though.
Leong Yew; okay, yeah, I didn't know he could skate that well T_T don't know whether to say he's a dare-devil... keeps 'stealing' lessons by observing the coaches and students, and trying it out himself. But yeah, I suppose I was impressed..? Because he doesn't exactly look like one who'd ice-skate... but he fell once though =P But I didn't see -.-"
Jack; really good for someone who hasn't skated for three years... willing to venture out. He fell once also? Or twice? Can't really remember... oh yeah, I think he and LY crashed once, but only he fell..?
Ruo Nan; awesome for a beginner... really! When I first tried ice-skating, I clung on to the side (yeah blaha, imagine me doing that). She went head-on into the center in little time. I left her alone most of the time, because she loves to be independent. She fell a couple of times...
Me; what to say? I'll always fall at least once for every trip. How did I fall this time?
The Fall:
I was skating along the cone-border happily, when this guy saw me and started to stumble. This kind of thing always has an effect on me. He then fell in an attempt to dodge me, and I fell in an attempt to jump over him and at the same time, avoiding the innocent standing cone.
Ruo Nan... haizz, helpful Ruo Nan tried to help me up and fell herself O.o
The guy fetched his friend and tried to help both of us, though they didn't make good progress.
There were many people I knew at JEC today... firstly, we spotted Ronald and Nicholas from 4e3. Of course, the first thing I thought of was: SMS DEBBY NOWWW!!!!!!!!
Moving on, we bumped into Jia Xun and Elliot sitting outside the rink. Just sitting and watching. They stayed on longer, I think to watch Jack ice-skate -.-" laughed at him a lot. Evil people.
Oh yeah, we bumped into Sarah and Brenda going to school at Bukit Batok MRT. The look Brenda gave me.. (i was with leong yew, waiting for ruo nan).. spells more trouble ._.
In the rink itself, some girls called out, "Jack!". I was like, "who are they?" and our dear head-prefect shrugged.
Turns out they were some sec 1 girls from BBSS...
Trying to trail ooily is kinda difficult. He could just stop suddenly to do a twirl, or brake, etc... and I have to do the same.
After ice-skating, we saw Cynthia and Fang Ting too outside Mac... said hi again.
NOW I know what Jack is like =)
Now I know his scoop on things like relationships, and.. girls.
Apparently, he likes 'cool' girls, so I'll just say it in case someone stumbles here and happens to carry a torch on our head-prefect. Oh yeah, and he looks at personality.
With respect to his strange question about guys, my answer remains as: depends. On his personality, mainly.
He asked Ruo Nan too, and her answer was.. well, kinda different from mine.
I can't remember why I agreed to go..? I think Leong Yew made me go, then he dragged Jack so I dragged Blaha along.
Overall, it was really really tiring, but I suppose, worth it x)

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The holidays are coming to an end T_T
Why am I stuck with a personality that does its best to please everyone but screws up?
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