I like Chinese.
Hahaha, stop gawking =P
I mean, how much and how long can I hate Chinese when it was my favourite subject 3-4 years ago?
So I'm really super lousy at it, but suddenly, I like it.
Overnight some more.
One day, I just opened up the white hao zuo wen (lazy find the characters) and VOILA!!, I re-found the joy of this subject.
It's like English lah. Just phrase differently and all.
I didn't go to West Mall after all.
Thanks to good old Khadeza who never turns on her phone.
But I needed to go home anyway.
The YMCA trip on Wednesday was different...
This time, I got a taste of primary 2 bullying.
And suddenly, I'm fat and ugly o.o
Oh boo, I'm fat and ugly.
Ya ya, and they're very handsome? =P
Lol, I didn't take offence though.
Pratyusha took offence on my behalf xD
Anyway, this time, I taught Maths. Mwahahhahahaha.
Reliving the good old days of 7+3=10
Thankfully, I wasn't that boring and managed to think up games for them to study for their maths test the next day.
The Burmese girl (forgot her name again Dx) was really nice! I think she's the most matured among all the three kids I taught :D
The boy acted all spiteful when he never won.
Pratyusha just looked immensely upset.
Each time I asked the Burmese girl, "let them try, okay?"
She'll smile, "okay!"
And each time I asked her, softly, "let them win this time?"
She'll still be smiling, "okay!"
She's a pleasant child. The brightest among them all too... that's why she was always answering...
In any case, Ms. Lau was right. Not many people wanted kids anymore, not if they're gonna be born to this world.
Maybe I'll follow Ruo Nan's suggestion and be single.
HAHA. Sarcastic laughter. HAHA.
Lester told me two days ago that Drug Lord was a virus after all.SEE?! We were right!! Rather, Peejay was right. Lol!
Thank goodness we followed her suggestion and not open the file at the school library.
We would have released a fatal virus and the librarian would probably have fainted.
And he offered if I wanted the virus..?
Wah--? Of course I wouldn't!!
My anti-virus thingy is like, expiring in 12 days. And we bought it at a high price too!!! Rawr!! The thing I hate about anti-viruses!!!
Paul came into our class two days ago. And he gave food to
'Tis time for revenge >D
But I'm not so evil -smiles-
The one which got deleted? And I stoned for one or two minutes?
Finally got it back.
I happily got 19/25.
Okay fine, in case Mrs Toh use her ammunition to shoot me down for using the word 'happy'...
I was
JUBILANT, yet a little
Mrs Toh can't throw a dictionary at me now.
My literature seems to be stuck at 19 all the time. Can't ever hit 20 eh? Forever fourth in class?
Yay. To think that I wanted to take h2 lit in JC xD
My english oral marks were more disappointing though.
It's so constant. I've been getting it since last year.
My common test marks were... well, some good, some terrible, duh.
. English - 16.5/25[i suppose it's really good?]
. Maths - 28/40[alas. could have done better?]
Chinese - 21/50[-weeps- oh well... i have long admitted to being sadly lousy at it.]
. Chemistry - 11/25[considered good already?]
. Physics - 16/25[wahaha, lovely number. i deserved it, did i not?]
. Social Studies - 10/13[i doubt i deserved this lah.]
. History - 10/12[this one was deserving :D bryant got full marks, check it out. st got 11. rawr!]
Mrs Ooi wasn't here this whole week. Was it her ear again? o.O
But I was glad for the break.
Pei Jun and I borrowed LY's chemistry notes again to photocopy.
Omg, I've photocopied like, over 5 sets and I lost all of them.
It comes from having a chemistry teacher's son in our class.
Everybody loves his notes.
It was one of my first impressions of him.
I FINALLY gave Shi Ting her belated birthday present few days ago!!!!!!!!!!!I feel so much lighter now... burden took off my back.
I have no idea why xD
The gift wasn't heavy.
Talking about gifts,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CECILIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Major event today, cause it's a leap year.
I want to watch The Leap Years.
Cause I like the commercial =3
Anyway, my father would be the first to object. Followed by my younger brother, and finally the older brothers.
Oh wells. Wait for it to roll on Channel 8? xD
The terrorist that escaped...I'm being paranoid. Like, scared he'd place a bomb on the 985 bus?
Like, he'd kidnap me?
I was already planning out what to do if that happens.
According to an email Pei Jun sent, I'd elbow him first, perhaps at the stomach.
Then I'd pinch the inner of his upper arm.
Then I'd kick his manhood.
And I'd push him to the ground.
And I'd hit the road.
Of course, we need to consider the state of mind amidst the panic.
I normally stone in times of desperation and panic.
It's become my hobby, stoning.
Leonard is coming in next week.-cheers- yay...
Sadly, he's not sitting next to me.
It's either Mark, Bryant or Jack who'd be next to me.
Mdm Yeo!! Change my seat ._.
Even though it kinda benefits me cause I have tutors in the people around me.
My eyesight has worsened over night, and now I can't see the numbers on the board.
The Off-Centre play was a SUCCESS!!!!!!!! Whoopee~
Congratulations to everyone, the 4e2 Literature students for all the moral support, but largely to Mr Latiff and the cast:
Alan as Vinod
Kenneth as Platoon Commander
Irvin as Fong
Jack as Sergeant Mok
Uma as Saloma
Debbie as Emily Gan
Debby as Nirmala
Farah as Mak
Yay!! I think everyone acted really good (: Far better than the rehearsals :D
The whole class owed a lot to Mr Latiff, an awesome teacher and guide. We had a great advantage cause he was a cast in the official play. He could act as everyone. Hence, he had given us plenty of advice.
So happy already!
I was nervous before the play started, even though I wasn't acting.
Feel so proud of us xD Like Mr Latiff said, we're not professionals; but I think some of us can really be.
Anyway... today was... okay... haha.
Got back English marks, and laughed out loud when I saw how much I got:
16.5/25. I thought I would've failed.
Physics too... I laughed. Laughing means I'm relieved. Physics was
Once again, I thought I would've failed.
But my chinese was terrible.
Terrible terrible terrible. Terribleness. I think some of you know, my so-called bed-time story is no longer an English book from the library, but the Chinese composition book... haha. I know you don't believe it. Haha.
Aside from that, my mood ranged. Okay and pretty blissful in the morning...
But after school was rotten.
Melina came back (: Glad she's fine now... she had been sick for quite some time, sore throat and all.
Shi Ting and I nearly died four times. Lol! Nearly got knocked down four times. I saved us twice, she saved us twice. Fair's fair. But it's still an unfair world.
Anyway, the most dangerous was the slope outside school. The car was descending the slope, and could not have seen us. Distracted us only remembered to look left. We could have been killed, actually. Close one? xD
Next time, before you ignore me, warn me, why don't you?
"I'm going to ignore you."
It shall make things much easier for me.
If you're not going to look me in the eyes when we're talking, then might
as well don't talk to me at all.
Leong Yew apologized yesterday.
When I saw the message, it was... so weird.
So random.
He was sorry for laughing along with the class over what Ms. Lau said while I was sulking.
Heys, it isn't a big deal anymore =P
I simply found it extremely un-amusing, perhaps cause I was just embarassed.
But it's kinda funneh when you think about it now :D -laughs-
In any case, still have to thank you for being so thoughtful :)
Thoughtful guys are close to endagering.
Actually, now that I think about it, I'm just glad our teacher thought I was
your gf and not anyone else's.
I don't think they would've been thoughtful enough.
Don't get me wrong x)
So I guess it's right I apologize also?
Wow, we seem to survive on lots of sorries.
Anyway, this time, this sorry is for all-time kind of thing.
Sorry for always saying something then nothing.If I could give you the answer to the many things I said, I would.Someday, I've got to tell you all the things I said I'd tell you 'next time'.
And this goes to everyone else I said 'next time' to as well.
I am tired.
From running the six rounds yesterday.
I have this tendency to feel down when others are down.
Seeing some people losing hope, I lose hope as well.
Cause I'll feel really bad when I'm so yayi'msohappywheeeeee and others are ohwhateverdon'ttalktome. It doesn't make sense in my opinion that you could still be so cheerful. It just feels wrong.
Thus, of the times I'm upset, almost half of them are probably from others being so upset.
This new blogskin relates to me.
I need time to sleep ya know.
My eyebags are blatantly obvious already.
Gotta do homework now.
Gonna hit the pool in a short time, but hoping to finish maths first.
See you in school.

^ Something I did and wasted my time on =)) Fortunately, with reference, I could draw a proper-looking cat.

^ I was studying and studying and when I had wanted to do mah homework, I realized I didn't have space at all. Inever noticed I was taking up the whole table.
Besides, what's the rabbit and pink pig doing there, upturned? o.O

^ Cleared some space =) I really have nothing better to do...

^ Through rummaging through the whole stack of paper, I didn't find the transparent pencil case, but I found this. HAHAHAHAH, Sarah, remember??? My ultra lame-ness at sec 2...

^ RUO NAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND THE BEAN OF LOVE YOU GAVE ON VALENTINES DAY EVE'S AFTERNOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!! But it's yellow. Dying. Oops.
Super long post. Boldened main topics to make things easier.
One thing I simply don't get;In any way, does Leong Yew and I look like an item?
Turns out it went as far back as last year August, Debby Van's birthday.
Shi Ting!! I've told you umpteen times already... I shall hack into your blogger account and wipe off that paragraph from your blog =33 Melina ish a good hacker, maybe I can ask her to help.
That's why I said that Shi Ting's the evilest person among us.
Besides her, Bryant isn't letting me forget either. I suspect he knows more than he's telling, and I know why he probably knows more than he's telling, but I'm not gonna get an answer from him anyway.
But tis okay. They will fade away.
Like what LY told me yesterday, let them think what they want. Shouldn't care anyway. The 'rave' will pass and I can finally have peace (:
Still, thanks a lot Ms Lau -.-"
Rawr, I'm not going to let her bathe in the glory of being right.
If you, teacher, for some weird astonishing unexplained out-of-the-world reason, is finally right, you'll be the last one to know, yeah? :D I sound mean.
Lol o.o
Wah, aside with all these stuff!!
YMCA childcare centre...FINALLY, we got the chance to really see the kids.
Lemme tell you, the younger generation are downright perverted and knows too much, far too much, about this world.
I'm not going to say what they said or did, but I think some of you might have known already :)
There's one girl who's really violent... grabbed the guy and all. Ommmggg, Khadeza was so amusing. I think she actually squeaked aloud when the little girl grabbed the boy by his shirt.
I just stared.
I'm always like that.
Anyway, I was appointed this girl, Pratyusha, and I first thought it was Patricia. Whatever lah... everyone seems to call her Patricia.
I taught her english.
Oh how so predictable.
Together with Annabelle, we taught her, or at least tried, grammar. Past and present tense.
WALAOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Firstly, would like to say, I suck as a teacher.
Annabelle... lol xD
From attempting to teach grammar, I ended up teaching her plural and singular. And now that I thought about it, I had no idea at all how I got from there to there.
In the end, I just mixed myself up and caused the girl to daydream, like she always does, which is ironic because her compre passage has the word daydream and she hadn't known the meaning.
She always gave me that super innocent look that meant she was going to believe everything I said, which was absolutely baaaadddd.
Finally, I just told her, "forget it -smiles sweetly-"
SO. The compre was just as bad, if not worse. She couldn't get it!!!
It was quite nice going through with her word by word and all, but well... she just couldn't answer.
Fortunately, I was very patient.
Finally finished, and tested her spelling, and all....
And helped Khad test the Burmese girl CHINESE!! spelling...

^ Here goes! From left, Khadeza, the violent girl who grabbed the guy (couldn't catch her name), and the Burmese girl (long name). The Burmese girl's really pretty right? In my opinion, she's gonna be a killer (aka beautiful) when she grows up. Her personality is nice too.
The hand above Khad? I think that's Jerry, the one who suffers from some hyper thing... couldn't keep still, and real... 'matured'.
I think I was lucky. I didn't get one of the wild ones. I got the quieter, innocent-er one. She's still pure, fortunately. Not deprived of childhood; she drew stuff and showed me, telling me who is who and all.
Joseph, mah junior, who labels me as 'the tall sec 4 girl', and the one who seems bent on being taller than me and emphasizing on how old 15 is, got the naughty boy. Who was, one of the 'matured' ones.
Joseph came over to us complaining he was molested.
And for some weird reasons, he, Annabelle and Khadeza started burying into the year book, MY year book, and staring at photos and... cute guys? That was like, so super random.
I strayed away and ended up playing hangman with the kids.
What they wrote:
F _ _ _Omg. I nearly yelled at Jerry not to write it, and erased the moment he tried to write. The teacher really yelled, real loud, demanded to know if he was about to write a bad word.
Can't blame him anyway. He's just hyper.
Mrs Chee told us not to whack him if he's naughty.

^ The other one-third got down to painting. And wow, they painted real well!! Made the coat so 3D.
The other one-third played games with the older kids.
Oh yeah, the year book?If I get the chance to, I'd describe who is in which page >D But I'll skip the page I'm on. I hope you people didn't notice.
The whole load of 5 of us there. 3e2 friends.
THEY EVEN USED US AS A BACKGROUND, BELIEVE IT OR NOT??????/ Why couldn't they take the Debby+Shi Ting side, instead of the Me+Leong Yew+Bryant side?!?! Rawr!!!
AND THEY MISSED OUT DIGITAL ART!!!!!!I feel sorry for my brother.Freaking MOE who couldn't distinguish who came first and all.
They accepted someone with 11 points who picked CJC as their 11th choice, yet, turned down someone with 14 points but picked CJC as the first choice, AND was already in from the Prelim score.
And now, my brother ends up unexpectedly at Jurong JC.
Unless CJC calls him up before Sunday.
What would you do if you got asked out on a date with the most popular heart-throb in the school and you run out of things to say?OMG!! Khadeza, Ruo Nan and I saw this quiz book that tests about yourself, and this question.
The options are more or less like this.
1. Say, "so, have you been here before?"
2. Something about your mouth being a motor... and the word 'waffle', which got me laughing.
3. Sit there smiling and feeling like a prat.
4. Talk about favourite stuff or what? Do you like this or that or this or that... something like that... can't remember...
The one that triggered me off was 'waffle'. I first thought it was stuffing your mouth with waffle and eating because you didn't know what to say, and somehow, I burst out into a fit of laughter.
But the one that was the killer...
Was the prat thing.
Because I know that if I got asked out by the heart-throb of the school and I accept and on our date, we ran out of conversations,
I WOULD SIT THERE, SMILING AND FEELING LIKE AN ABSOLUTE PRAT!!!!!!!!And wait for him to say something x)
So don't ask me out unless you've prepared a list of things to say.
I laughed till my sides really hurt. And I cried while laughing.
There are stuff that questions you on social skills... Like, "Would it be wise to listen to music full blast on the streets?"
I picked the best and loll-est option, "that I was afraid I would get distracted and stray out of the kerb and get knocked down by a car from behind."
One more...
They asked that if you wanted to get attention or whatever, or flirt or show interest or something (can't really remember la...), they have the options:
1. Give a big smile to show you see something nice.
2. Dress up? I think? Beautifully...
3. I forgot this one. Something about doing something stupid to get his attention...
4. Looking at him for a second, look away, then look again for a long time.
I thought option 4 was interesting.
But 1 was nice too, so I was caught.
But OMG, it doesn't mean that I like every guy I look at, zzzooommggg.
I have about, 70-100 different kinds of stares that show what I feel.
Only about 3 kind would mean something close to that line.
DEBBY THE VAN!!! It's sad you weren't with us.
Fire Drill at the wrong timeWhy?!?! The alarm went off just as we finished our 6 rounds around the track!!! W-H-Y?!?! -sad-
I think I yelled at the noisy alarm because I was feeling miffed that it had to go off at the wrong time.
And it was deafening. My voice was lost anyway. Hahahahhaa.
Reminds me of how I could sing if it was raining reallly hard.
Not to mention I think I had a cramp near my hand, and it hurted.
And I could actually see my purple nerve there. OUCH.
Now the spot is red. Slightly red.
Not to mention I think I was sitting on an ant nest in the field.
But walking up the steps like snails was fun.Some chairman (alan) and vice-chairman (irvin) we have.
Innitiated that since we were heading towards the basketball court when the bell rang, that we go to the destination first.
There goes the class, walking real slow towards the basketball court, then turning and went a whole round back and walked up the steps.
Especially when we were nearing the fourth floor.
Jia Ying and company slowly slowly, painfully slowly, crawled up the stairs. I just went along with the flow.
And then suddenly, it stopped.
The traffic stopped.
I didn't know the class disliked physics THAT much =O
-pant- Sorry if I totally burst your eyeballs.
Deal with it o.o
this post has been un-posted because of what peejay mentioned in her blog... o.o lol. if you missed it, too bad =P
I don't know what's up with me these days...
If I don't give an answer, it means that I couldn't find the words. When I don't give the answer, I really don't want to.
Emo again?
The whole world feels like... upside down. Gravity's turned off.
The globe's gone square again. There's now such thing as the edge.
I don't even know what "friends" mean anymore.
Screw the definition in the dictionary.
What about friends ten years down the road? What are they already then?
And what about that average girl-next-door teenage who told the one guy, "you're a
friend" when she knew she didn't mean it?
What happened to all that? So what are friends?
I'm questioning logic and illogic, and I don't know what's going on anymore.
Tell me when gravity's on again.
Sick and tired of everything already.
For instance, yesterday.
Lost all mood to study, gave up halfway doing the pressure topic, physics (which was useless anyway).
I texted some people.
I called others up.
And no one.. had answered.
The rest of the people, I just didn't want to bother anymore. Studies=first priority. Eveyone's probably revising their brains out. Or like Mr Latiff said, vising.
I only tried to contact three or four people.
Still, know that kind of feeling?
where the heck was everyone when I needed them the most?
I just needed one friendly voice, not to rant to, but just to talk to. Simple talk.
I was thinking they threw their phones away or they hate me when Sarah called.
Mighty Sarah called randomly and suddenly.
I guess old friends know each other best (:
I was cheered up instantly.
During that time when we were talking, our house's dustbin caught fire.
I thought it was a cockroach from how my mom screamed.
Haha, I'm still alive.
However, my mother needs to attend more courses on why she should never place a tissue nearby when cooking, and never to throw it into the dustbin when it catches fire.
And my brother should learn not to blow at the fire, because he might not be so lucky that it extinguished instead of spreading when he did so.
Hoping that mosquito flitting across me and irritating me the whole time had bitten deep enough and passed me some wow!deadly disease.
Okai, I shall not curse myself.
But I do hope I'll fall that little bit ill, so I can take a break.
DUDE! I believe you took my eraser. It's not a biggie, only 70 cents. But the biggie was that you took it just before the maths exam.
DUDE. Do you really feel nothing forsaking others just to save yourself?
Hey, DUDE, my graph looked really smudged and messy.
DUDEY, remember that english essay of mine I believe you took as well?
DUDEY, remember that english compre of hers you took, causing the teacher to be on her heels even past the new year?
DUDEY, remember how you tore his homework?
DUDEEEEE, remember the trust you broke?
Yet, I didn't have evidence.
Not for this time anyway.
The yellow ribbon said that we should give everyone another chance.
Hence, I'm sorry for having the suspicion you were the one that took it.
But with respect to the other matters,
DUDE, thanks a lot.
I seem to be playing the game of ignorance.
And I don't enjoy it at all.
If I ignored you today, I meant it. For today, I seriously meant it.
Let's end emoness here...
Too much ain't good.
Guess I really need to hang out with at least one person all the time so I won't get distracted by all the Myre-ness inside me.
I hate Chinese cloze passages.
Repeat, I hate them.
In other words, I flunked it!!!!!!!!!!!
Physics was okay. Chemistry was screwed as well.
I was like,
"uhh, zinc? white ppt is zinc? zinc what? so A, B and C are all zinc? ooh, they're all zinc-something?? huh? if i remembered correctly anyway... let's write zinc first, maybe i can get half mark."Super.
At least I didn't fail maths common test, despite what happened with my graph back then.
I am sleep-deprived.
And I have the poorest time management on earth. I mean, who'd go spending half an hour looking beneath every piece of paper on her tornado of a room for a transparent pencil case when she's got 10+ chapters to go through?
Everytime I stay up, no one saw the effort, because effort doesn't gurantee success.
Never mind, God shall be my only witness besides myself.
(Debby Van, hahahaha, ahhahahahahhahaha, I knew right from Day 1, the time when you asked me ;))
Ah... so what happened these few days?
To name a few...
LiteratureThe worst was the Incubator poem. I did in God knows how many hours... and then I accidentally cancelled everything without saving it.
Don't ask how I managed that!!! Argh!!
I stoned. Yes, I really genuinely stoned. I stared and stared at the blank screen for two full minutes, before I gathered myself up, stop myself from crying, and re-did the whole thing.
Ya think it's fun? Try it yourself -.-"
I figured that if I didn't get down to it, I'd never get anything done. Inspired by Debby Van.
Finally managed to do a whopping five-page long essay.
But big font, so Mr Latiff's eyes degree won't shoot up by at least 500 after reading it.
And the lit test... ahhhhhhh!!! 18/25! Okay lah, still distinction. But I somehow expect the best from myself for lit since I flunk almost every other subject. And he wrote, good try, so I think it was a little out of sympathy?
He took my paper and was planning to point out my mistakes.
Mr Latiff: Michelle did a very good work...
Me: -softly- good meh?
Mr Latiff (apparantly he has really good hearing): FAIRLY good...
Class T-shirtDidn't have a good opinion of it first time round... but the boys looked good wearing them, so I thought it was fine, pretty good.
Until I tried it on and it has got to be the biggest shirt I've worn. Or jersey.
Valentines DayNamely would like to thank everyone loads and one person in particular.
Decided not to give all the names... Haha. No idea why o.o
Please don't ask why I singled out 'one person'. HAHAHAHAHA.
I hope it put that intended punch on this post and attract people and make them really think.
I'm a literature student, after all *grins goofily*
I'm hyper o.O
What did I give?
Like I said, I think I was supposed to give sweets... but I really forgot to buy it?
And I think I was supposed to bring a couple of branded chocolate to give to the closer friends... sorry, that one, I really really left it at home ._.
Don't blame me.
I'm a really blur and forgetful person, according to Mdm Yeo.
Did I end up giving anyone a gift?
Sarah's one was more of a belated birthday present.
Other people?
For me to know, for you not to find out =P
Oh how I love melodrama.
What? You didn't know that?
Loser. Hahaa. You don't know me.
Oh yeah... on a side note... I went with Ruo Nan to Yellow just now. I realized there was no price tags on them, so yeah, it was priceless after all.

^ One of my brother's gift from his class.

^ Debby's gift.

^ Irvin's card. He and his Christian friends were so nice.
Those are not all our family received... not uploading everything lah.
One thing that was really so funneh was on V. Day, when Mrs Toh was late for half an hour. OMMMGG? So rare!!
Alan went up to the board and wrote that Mrs Toh was late because she went to look for her lost water bottle, which is here >>> [bottle here]
Yeah, he placed the purple bottle underneath.
The class actually went completely silent for two seconds and Alan, whose back was turned, thought she came in already or something.
I could hear a pin drop if it did drop!
It was hilarious!!!
Especially when Mrs Toh went in and saw the message.
Obviously... she's not that kind of person.
We wished Mdm Yeo a happy valentines day!!
So loud some more!!!!
And when we were done, she said: "MORE HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I think that's basically all.
Wish you guys good luck on common test.
Will be on hiatus until CT's over, I suppose =D
Happy Valentines Day!!!!!!!!!!!!1Ahahhaaahahahaha, I'm so hyper now... lolll, don't ask xD
Maybe it's thanks to that oreo I ate.
This year's better than last year cause I got gifts!!
Not that I got nothing last year...
Then again... I got more sweets >D
Let's count... 6 or 7? Only? Lol. I'm being so calculative that I count those who gave me something as small as a piece of biscuit. HAHAHAHAHHA.
Some were more valuable, some were less, but it doesn't matter, it's the thought that counts =3
I feel loved. But my brother was more loved in his JC. Oh well.
Ahhahaahahah Debby, I know what you're thinking right now, stooppppiit =P
I think I was supposed to buy this huge packet of sweets to give out...? Arghitis, I feel so blur. I think I had the intention. And I think I left them at home o.o
Was supposed to give chocolates to closer friends as well. Branded chocolate, okay?
Thanks for those who made today memorable =) Maybe I'll give you all a hall of fame here, but next time, cause I'm in a hurry... must queue, yeah? The restaurants would be packed completely. I'll elaborate next time on how nice some people are.
We got our class t shirt, in case you're not dwelling on the fourth floor of the BBSS building at Toh Tuck road.
The problem with nuts again! Get them away from me,
please? Beans are okay, but not too crazy about them either.
What did I do today anyway?
Just submitted three fanfiction updates in a row, didn't I?
And getting two whooping constructive criticism less than two hours from submission time.
So they like it, yet they didn't like it.
So I made mistakes, and I made the main character sound so idiotic and unlike his forethoughtful self and so super out of character.
Why do the reviews always start with, "So cute!! I like it, but yadaydadyadya blahblahblah etcetcetceeeetcc ccccccccccccccccccccc........ but I still like your style :)"
Contradicting but-ness.
Yet I appreciate it =)
Thanks... not many bothered to write a long well-thought review.
So damn tired!!Just got off the phone with Pei Jun. She said we have to do the whole zuo ye. I completely flipped out when I heard that.
I thought I was paying attention in class?? I never heard that!! T_T
Not to mention the DA shirt design...
And still,
still haven't done Incubator yet Dx
Should I say, I improved from three lines to five paragraphs?
And that is called a distinction lit essay?
SCREW YOU!!!! Not the poem, but the QUESTION.
SCREW YE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How are you supposed to write a one page long answer about your impressions of the baby?
Had I not been a lit student, my answer would be, "My impression is that the baby is ill, weak and vulnerable."
fullstop. period. nada. i rest my case.
The problem here: I am a lit student.
Sorry Mr Latiff. I mean it, I'm sorry. Can't hand up the essay tomorrow.
Yeah, so I'm pathetic...
I got completely irritated with the waterfall, repeat, the waterfall at my swimming pool, while swimming with the fishes.
Never mind, I'm not going into that again.
The present problem is this stomachache. Really bad. So much that I had to stay at home typing this and feeling extremely sorry for myself.
And at the same time, watching My Girl on Channel U. It's finally playing, yeah? Re-watching... Haha.
It's better than being stuck in my room pretending to do homework while all I was doing was drawing out the cats from The Lost Warrior comic.
My homework... I can't believe I stayed in my room the whole day today and did nothing! T_T I can't believe this. Can't believeeee~
I'm curling up like a foetus now. It really hurts.

^ What else to say? Look closely at his hands. Someone had enough free time to actually try (and suceed =( ) to take a picture of me. Well it's okay. It's one for one, since he's not letting me see the picture he took, I'll advertise him =)
Oh yeah, main thing, would like to sort of say sorry to
Leong Yew. I haven't done so yet:
For losing my temper yesterday. Guess I was in a bad mood, but still. Didn't mean I should say mean things to you and all. No one is perfect. I suppose I'm sorry for expecting you to be perfect. (even though you didn't sound like you took offence.. ._.) I've long accepted any flaws (if they really are)as part of you, but fuelled by the previous happenings, I simply snapped. It was nice that you were still willing to listen to me, so well, also apologize for responding with silence?
Yup, also, sorry to
Debby Van!
Talked with her yesterday, but I feel like saying it again. I never wanted it to happen, yeah. My assumption was wrong, but since you told me the fact, I'll do my best to do what I should =))
Yeah, the picture above shows my emo boring seat. Having Mark, Bryant and Prakash three in a row next to me is really rawwwr. When they talk, they really talk!! When they're up to mischief, it's real mischief!! ARGHHHHHHHH... Mr Latiff or Mdm Yeo, LIBERATE MEEE DDx
Ash WednesdayI went to church yesterday... they used ashes to draw crosses on the foreheads of everyone. Mine looked so perfect :DD Better than last year, that's for sure!
Today when I went to West Mall, I saw many people with crosses... their churches celebrated today, lucky them.
Oh, and we acted out the Off Centre scene before the bio students! I don't know what they think though...
By the way, public
CONGRATULATIONS to Aashna for getting 2nd prize in her singing competition all the way across the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Among 32 people! ^^ Yep, tell Ruo Nan and Khadeza... I don't think their reactions would be as calm as mine xD
And thanks
Simraan xD Random, lol...
I hope everyone is having fun at their renuion dinners while I'm stuck at home.
Not that it's a bad thing... =D
Well everyone's in Indonesia. I was hoping we'd fly back too, but well.
I figured I should do this before I change my mind.
If you were one of those I got immensely pissed off with, sorry. For not being tolerant and understanding enough as a friend should.
If you were one of those I ignored, sorry as well. I was in the worst mood you could find me in. I suppose I just needed time alone.
And thanks Jia Ying. The only person who noticed.
What a pointless day. And I thought it could end without a pointless ending.
Maybe sleep will be a good cure.
I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead
Don't tell me I'm not gonna die because I'm prepared to jump down.
I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead
Only I won't jump down because I'm too much of a coward. Besides, if I wanted to die, I must die after the O levels.
I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead
Like PJ says, desperate situation calls for desperate measures. This is the desperate measure I've undertaken.
I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead
About the literature essay; how?
I'm so dead.
I'm just expressing how dead I feel.
I'm so dead and I give up.
Let's just surrender without a fight
It feels so much better that way
So much less tiring
I need time to regain that fighting spirit.
Wish time could stay still.
Then I can sleep forever.
Then precious moments would never pass.
Smiles would never fade.
I can spend forever living.
Or I can spend that forever dead.
The tiny baby sleeps in a cage of wires.
Lights blink on and off:
its legs are thin as matches, and its hair
a fuzz of limpid gold.
Sometimes it arches its tiny body,
Stretches itself and yawns.
delicate as an egg in that machinery
which sings its own quiet time.
Machine, you are my mother now, you feed
with the slow drop of time.
It is warm here, sleepless mother,
raise me to run one day
with my leather schoolbag among blossoms
on a day of lessons and fire.
Wakeful machinery, be good to me.
hear me if I don't breathe.
and ring you alarm bell, the panic
of your kind breast of steel.
Machine, let us sleep together,
on the bosom of the night.
till I grow tall, till I leave you
and seek soft human arms.
a. What are your impressions of the baby?
b. With close reference to the poem, identify and explain how the poet conveys his view of the baby to his readers?
[25 marks]
I understand the poem, but I can't answer so long.
And this is supposed to be much easier than "Carousel".
Let's compare this with the longer poem which is supposed to be harder:
Carousel by Lucinda Roy
I often spin around with you and hear
the fragile music of a carousel.
I feel your black arms around me in a heavy sweep
of closeness, taking me up on notes which fall
likes eggs through water.
I am older now
and you have fallen from the garish horse
a long time since, and I am holding on
with thin brown fingers. Do you know
it's been a quarter century since you
(with your voice like the man who plays God in the movies)
kissed me? I don't remember your kisses.
I remember you wearing stripe pyjamas
and waving to me from the ward - your great hand
scooping a half-circle out of nothing;
how my brother almost choked on a Lifesaver
until a male nurse turned him upside down
and out came the white mint with the hole
that saved him.
I dreamed you died, and when I woke
my mother was by the bed. 'How will I light
the fire?' she said. I didn't know.
It was cold in our hourse; our breath came out
round as balloons and dissolved till we breathed
again. We learned to accommodate spaces
as you must have learned to accommodate...
but no. Where there is no place to put things,
there cannot be a place for spaces.
It must be fine to know only lack of substance -
the round emptiness in an angel's trumpet -
and still hear music.
I have the things you made
and she has made us see you in them.
I have the ivory statues and the pictures
telling stories of African ancestors,
a birth, flights into Egypt. In your work
I find the stillness of your eyes and mouth
the stillness which is always at the centre
of the spinning ball we hurl high and long.
I often spin around with you and hear
the fragile music of a carousel.
My horse would gallop forward if I let him
but I prefer the swinging back to where
we were, slow undulations round and back
to identical place. I prefer to see
your black hands with mine on a crimson mane
which will never be swept back by the wind.
Phew!! -breathless- Tiring!!! Anyway, compare the poems. Both were separate preliminary exams in two different schools.
Argue your case, which is more difficult?
Sometimes short poems are more difficult to answer.
Sometimes long poems are more difficult to understand.
You think?
P.S: If you think upper sec lit is like sec 2 lit, think agaiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn.
Just got off from cleaning the floor (: Took me an hour because I chatted on with my brother.
I'm posting this because someone asked me to update.. zzzzzzzzzzz T_T
LOLOL, it's such a weird day.
I had a hard time deciding whether I should go for the Flag Day CIP, and get that four hours and forfeit 1 hour of organ lesson which costed approximately SGD$60. In the end, I chose organ.
Just as well, because it was a very fine lesson :D
Not only did I learn to guess notes with respect to three flats or three sharps, I showed the teacher I'm not that stupid after all xD
When she gave me motive improvisation, where they gave you three bars or notes and you're supposed to compose a whole song, with my instincts, I played beyond what I was supposed to play (accidentally).
I was supposed to play G, then G, then D7 and D7 followed by double dominant A#7 etcetcetc, which is a happy little tune.
Instead, I played G, then Em, followed by Am, bringing the song down into a sadder level.
Mwahahahha, my instincts are getting better, because the teacher said it was a nicer tune, and it's definitely acceptable
IF you know the notes.
She praised me for the nice chorus for the previous exercise too.
But then I got myself into deep waters because I had no idea how to end the tune and move on to the chorus. If I don't end it, I'd go on forever and never stop. And now it's homework. My face fell when she said that.
How nice.
On my way, I saw Wenxin, Brenda and many more people making their way to Clementi. I instinctively dodged them, making a whole around around the MRT station so I wouldn't meet them.
Haha, that proved useless.
When I headed towards the Yamaha building, I spotted Nureen, who obviously reached before me. Effort went down the drain, I guess. She was, "Michelle??"
And after a couple of words, I moved on and met Beatrice, who also, "Michelle??"
Returning home, I met: Beatrice and Nureen again, Pei Jun, Debbie Chia, Wenxin, Brenda, Irvin, Alan and Elliot (9 people, woah)
I donated 50 cents to Beatrice.
Pei Jun was doing so much better, quite obviously by the weight of her tin, and yeah, she had planted herself directly outside NTUC. Whaddya expect? xD
Near the MRT station, I saw Alan, Elliot and Irvin consequently standing in a wide triangle asking for donations. Lol! Irvin saw me and I said hi. I hope it didn't sound mocking. Hahah.
I met Debbie near the escalator... she looked the most surprised, I think =P
Wheeeeeeee, my U.S friend replied my roleplay mail!!! Like, finally! Mwahahahaha... things are finally getting dramatic between Blazetail and Howlingwind.
I like roleplaying the male (Blazyyy) because I get to be the dominant and arrogant one =DD
Alvin is really good. He's being strict, much stricter than my mother, definitely, because he feels my lil brother is spoilt rotten. Even when my lil brother is about to vomit out the pineapple, he still forces.
He's doing it for my brother's own good, because he needs to survive in the future without "Mummy!!" all the time.
I see a reaalllly great future parent =D
That reminds me, yesterday, Mrs Toh was mentioning about handwritings. She lectured us and suggested several model handwritings to refer to.
She actually mentioned my name xDDD
I managed to stifle my laughter and smile, awkwardly.
Cause I've never heard of such a thing before =o
My handwriting isn't anything close to pretty/fancy, just clearly readable and considerably neat if I'm not in a rush; that's the kind Mrs Toh likes.
-chucks paper to show everyone the only-too-normal handwriting-
It's been so weird these days.
I'm deleting the previous post due to some casualties... I'm transferring the thing about literature here =D
Someone in my brother's class said in a prayer to God, "Thank you for giving us literature, because literature students are blessed with the gift of sympathy. When they are upset, they have the ability to move into another world..."
It was so strange and random but I liked it. It strikes me that it's true literature students easily sympathize.
Reason? In all the texts and poems we analyze, we need to understand the persona's feelings as much as possible.
We end up being sensitive and knowing how others feel (for some, it doesn't really mean they'd care).
ROFL, try not to lie to a literature student, mkay? =P