Thursday, December 20, 2007
Finally got around to editing the blogskin.
I was quite, maybe, pretty much, almost, nearly, very, sorta, kinda pissed off cause there wasn't a suitable background color.
Left it to default, white.
It looks hideous.
But it's only until after Christmas...
Grand Canyon
Temperature: -12 to 3 degrees celcius
Weather: Snowfall
The weather forecast better be right.
I'll strangle whoever predicted wrongly xD
I'm probably gonna leave the Chinese ISPL alone, to do after I come back... the ss, aside from the SEQ cause I forgot to buy the book, I can finish now. The A Math, can attempt... almost do finish is good enough xDD
Literature... the fax attempt by our only Blaha failed.
She's gonna photocopy for me and hand it over next year, though, it would be a rush to complete it.
Yeah yeah... because of that, I owe her a meal ;_; I know she loves getting treated.
But someone owed me a meal as well... the meal is yet to come my way ;_;
We're talking food here. It's more important than returning foolscap or pencil lead or etc.
I'll be leaving in the morning tomorrow :3
We bought scarfs just now... last year we were fashion disasters.
Let's make sure we're not any more this year, kays?
I'll try to get those belated birthday presents for november and december people! Probably everyone would be getting the same... but hey! It's quality stuff!! Be honored!!! -is indignant for no reason-
Ze mighty list:
- Khadeza
- Jia Ying
- Shi Ting
- Sarah
and other peeps... don't get offended if I forgot you.. I do suffer from short-term memory loss.
and all other close friends...
If I made it back to Singapore looking the same as when I left school next year...
Well, I never do...
But... *shrug*
We'll just see.
I'm kinda worried about the career course thingy.
No business clothes as of now...
And the shoes? You expect me to wear... high heels?
LOL!!!!! It's a little funny about it... but I don't think I've ever worn high heels for more than 3 minutes in my whole life.
-burst out into a sudden laughter-
Sounds almost blaha-ish...
Sounds very michelle-ish...
Very me-ish... not wearing high heels...
Very me-ish... not wearing skirts...
Very me-ish... who will wear high heels and skirts if must...
Very me-ish... typing this into my blog...
Hey, I can see myself falling down if I wear high heels to the career course!
-collaspes laughing-
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! to everyone celebrating it!!!
And of course... an early HAPPY NEW YEAR!
When I come back, it'll be already new year.
Countdown in the airplane? LOL! The hours are so different... I might need a calculator.
Two new years. Well, that's a first.
Until 2008, everyone...
THE year...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Wasn't exactly the best project on earth to do...
I mean it; all three of us aren't that brilliant at Chinese, and we had to use the aid of Babel Fish translator =/
Repeat: I DON'T like Chinese!!!!!!!!
Debby's brother is an awesome kid =P Though, I do admit, if you stay around him too much, you MIGHT (no offence, debbs xD)get annoyed. He's kinda like the stick-around, kinda thick-skinned kind.
It's good he didn't seem affected at all if Debby yelled at him.
My own brother would have been hurt and would, well, yell back at me >(
In any case, I could say it was a disaster.
But we managed to brush the 300 words mark. Yep, that's an accomplishment =D
Don't worry, I can try to touch up a bit... though I doubt I would make much of an improvement.
Ooily is a family guy. Lol. But it's not unexpected; you can tell people from their personalities...
Anywho, I need to start packing already. Actually, I wasn't allowed on the computer until I finished packing.
What did I do? I threw everything into the luggage and told my parents I've finished packing, and that they can check if they want to.
I said I'd pack, but I didn't say I'll make sure I can close the luggage.
ISPL?????? SCREW IT, freak. I'm still left with so much. No point trying to finish them off now... wouldn't learn anything.
No use =/
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
You can't stop the tears from falling
But you can choose the purpose behind the tears
Do you cry because it's all over, you're in pain, and you miss it when it wasn't over?
Or do you cry because it's all over, you're in pain, but you are finally freed?
Make the choice yourself
Come on. All the teens out there. Love is important, but you can live without it, at least while you're living your youth.
Cause the thing about love, you can choose who you want to love, but then, so can he/she. Some keys just don't fit into some hearts, and what makes people feel terrible is that you can't change the lock in the heart. Some people, you just can't get =/ Get it? xD
Oxygen is a hell lot more important =P
Gosh, I'm flipping out over that sentence cause it sounds so purdy.
I sound like those psychologists with small eyes that crinkle when they smile. Those who speak slowly, gently. A counsellor, to be precise.
Whaddya expect from a dumb SI (advisor) person?
For some people, I'm sure you know what kind of happiness rave I'm currently suffering under.
-start rant-
Let's throw it away, for once, for at least moment, forget all those pains and lies, forget all those hurts inflicted, forget all those grudges and hatred, forget all the dumb ISPLS and revisions and thoughts of being the sinking ship for the O Levels, forget all the sufferings and injustice, forget all the differences in races, forget all UN's failures as peacekeepers, forget bionominal theorems, forget moles, forget quartiles, forget chinese powerpoints and compos, forget Mdm Yeo's test, forget enemies, forget annoying pestering problems, forget the dishes, forget the laundry, forget the dirty floor, forget the stinking bathroom, forget the freaking slow internet connection, forget the hot or rainy weathers, forget the equipments that can't work, forget the scratches on the expensive handphones, forget the scars, forget the utililty bills, forget the ants running across the wall, forget boys, forget girls, forget muscle aches, forget weight, forget height, forget pimples, forget emo bloggings, forget words, forget the wars in the world, forget the anti-virus lagging the computer, forget game losses, forget LF2, gunz, neopets, maple, ww, runescape, battleon, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, harvest moon, marapets, and all other worldwide games, forget yesterday, forget tomorrow, forget past, forget future, and
BE HAPPY, at least for today.
Come on. Life isn't as bleak as you think.
Look back not on the times that made you cry, but the times that made you smile.
Cherish those old times.
I'm sure everyone has one.
But don't dwell on them. More good times are coming your way.
Especially for those dumb people completely, and I mean 100% purely obsessed with emo-ness...
I ish happytasticly happy cause Dr. Sloth from neopets gave me a very expensive item, a Tuskaninny Transmogrification Potion!!

^ Zoom in if you wish. Don't zoom in if you don't wish.
Argh! An item worth 110,000 nps... ILY Dr. Sloth :3
I was searching for a Christmas Paint Brush.. they gave it out for FREE (this caused a huge ruckus) at today's daily advent calendar giveaway. SUPER-DEFLATION xDD I loved seeing the price drop from over 80,000 to even 100 or 1np (!!!!!!). Everyone wants to paint their pets, so paint brushes are expensive.
I regret not buying it while it was selling at 40,000 nps. Just now I checked the price, it's already 70,000nps. People realize that everyone would want to grab the paintbrushes at cheap prices and sell them next year at high prices for profit, so they quickly raise the prices, knowing people would buy them anyway.
Complicating? xD
Simple, actually.
We're talking BUSINESS and PROFIT here!! That's why neo isn't really for kids.
I'm not gonna sell my pb. I'm gonna keep it for collection >D
Oh my gosh, she missed the Christmas Paint Brush! -legaspeh- Unless she gets it NOW before 4pm.. it's 12am in the UK when ours is 4pm...
If you happen to wonder, neopets is still yellow. I changed to the Halloween version; you have to be in the Haunted Woods on Halloween at 12am exactly?
Still wanting the Winter one and the Valentines one. Difficult Dx
-end rant-
How do I finish all the ispls before friday?
It's impossible!!
Especially with all the distractions ._.
Let alone revise through sec 3 works... D=
Reaching here, my happy moment has stopped.
Now it's time for reality again.
Everyone gets to the point of a breakdown; only some people hide it better
Sunday, December 16, 2007
^ Posted this specially for Ruo Nan..
Olive-green I.P Zone jacket worth $33 SGD exactly.
To bring to America :3
- It's long, but it's well above the knees.
- I like it cause it's olive green and olive green is an awesome color, and it beats the black version.
- I like how it's zip type and button type at the same time.
- I luff the pockets.
- I like it cause the I.P Zone outlet at IMM looks cool xD
- I love it most for how it's a collared and not an open-necked jacket, and yet, it still has a hood. This is the kind of jacket my brother wants, because Allen from D.Grayman has that sort of jacket which looks nice... -_-" LOL, not to spite him, of course not... *shifteh eyes*
Only problem: It's not thick enough =.= The temperature in the U.S may fall below 0, so I have to put on another layer.
My dad says it's only for the photos o.O Which sounds stupid...
Well, it doesn't look that impressive in the photos, but it was the moment I set my eyes upon it.
And Debby: I can't get my facts right... in fact, I thought you're the one who correct me each time? LOL, that's your duty as my friend xDD
Like, everyone who's my friend has a duty to fulfill.
Okay okay, I sound scary.

^ Well, it looks promising, the logo of CJC.
It emphasizes a lot on the Catholic religion.
The school anthem sounds holy xD
And I really like doves, so I luff the logo.
Oh well. Let's see how it goes.. see if I want to go CJC as well. And I'll have to work for it too.
Even the MOTTO!!! : “In Veritate et Caritate”.
The English version is “In Truth and Love”.
The flag speaks of the Jesus cross. Though it's too colorful for my liking, but. AHAHAHAAHAHA.. perhaps it's not only ACJC after all =O
Friday, December 14, 2007
He told me some of the questions.
Principal: What church do you go to?
Bro: St. Mary Church of the Angels
Pri: When is your mass?
Bro: Morning
Pri: When in the morning?
Bro: 10.45am
Pri: How many siblings do you have?
Bro: Two
Pri: Younger or older?
Bro: Both younger
Pri: Ah, so you're the flag-bearer
Bro: (flag-bearer?) I hope so.
Pri: Hope so... I see...
Pri: What CCA do you wish to join?
Bro: Fencing.
Pri: You want to stab people?
Bro: No.. I just want to learn to fight.
Pri: Fencing would be on Saturdays.
Bro: No problem.
Pri: What if it clashes with your Japanese and Music class?
Bro: (uh-oh..) I'm stopping Japanese lessons for the moment and continue later, and music classes are individual, so I can make arrangements.
Pri: Okay.
Pri: How did you know of Catholic JC?
Bro: Through my friends.
Pri: Who are your friends?
Bro: The friends of my friends who are also from Catholic JC.
Pri: What are their names?
Bro: I don't know.
Pri: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Bro: I don't know.
Pri: Will I be getting an asset or liability?
Bro: (acid??) Huh? Err.. maybe.
Pri: What do you mean?
Bro: What acid?
Pri: You don't even know what's asset?
Bro: (oh! asset!) I'll try my best
Pri: *smiles*
Pri: How much do you study?
Bro: I take a break in the weekends.
Pri: *frowns*
Bro: Weekends are for secondary schools... in JC, I'll study in weekends too.
Pri: *nods*
Pri: Why do you want to take Chemistry and Physics this time?
Bro: Oh, I'm interested. (yeah right.)
Pri: Where are your Catholic friends going to?
Bro: Anglo-Chinese JC.
Pri: They want to be Methodists?
Bro: *smiles awkwardly* I gues so.
Pri: You are not very convincing.
Bro: (!!) Well, I've never been such a good speaker.
LOL! He got in.. which was expected, of course. If he gets to the interview stage, it's good enough. And well, despite the principal's intimidation, staring as if he could read your mind... he's kind of kind.
My brother said he's an American, and his office is very American-ish, with lots of pictures of Mother Mary and Jesus crosses. He looks like a priest too.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
My brother got posted to Catholic Junior College today!!!!!!!!!!!!
He used his Prelim points (17) and actually got inside!
*sheds tears of joy*
First he saw the thingy saying he's been posted to Tampines JC, which is like, 14 points.
Then my mother applied. LOL!! She made lots of excuses... "blahblah, one of the reasons I want him to go is that we're Catholic.... blahablahablahblahblahblah... etc"
They went to the school to make a proper application, complete with baptism certificate.
I knew when it comes to a CJC, it's Catholics first =P
Same thing with ACJC, I suppose, it's Christians first.
He received a call earlier telling him to go to CJC tomorrow with the forms etc. It was a clear sign he was accepted o.O
CJC requires about 11 points, btw.
But it's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo far away!! In a deserted area. Would I want to go there even if I could?
The uniform is blue though xP
It is said the first few days there's no studying, just getting used and stuff.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
^ *flips out* It's fried chicken!! Food! Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food Food !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Those are the leftovers from my brother's party. Yes, it's the same set of chicken with the raw gravy that I spilled on myself. Alas. I still feel sorry for the chickens that was killed.
That's why I try to appreciate them by polishing them off.
Ah no... the last time I checked, I was still 44kg... or was I? o.O
Who's going for ice-skating?!?!
Khadeza has been asking this question for AGES++. I know she's eager to fall again xD
So, let's see.
I've got a rough version of the list.
Leong Yew is returning from Malaysia only at 16 December (not too sure about him though)
OBS people like Shi Ting is returning from OBS Brunei only at 18 December...
Sarah has returned from Genting, so I think she shouldn't be going anywhere..?
Khadeza.. bet she could make it anytime =P
Ruo Nan... she can't make it on CO days (which is when?) and Saturday...
Debby, can't make it on CO days either...
Mehhhh... I'm going to the U.S (=o) on 21 December.
WHICH, leaves out only... 2 days. Erm. I'm thinking this trip won't happen after all.
I finished watching "My Girl". I feel so sad. I always feel that way when a series end. Somehow happy because the ending's happy and stuff, but also not satisfied.
But mostly it's because the show has ended.
I'm currently re-watching again. Yeah. Don't tell me to get a life, because frankly, I'm quite happy with having no life =D
Without me, you're only aweso
Monday, December 10, 2007
I CAN'T GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been watching the last few episodes of "My Girl".
Though it was aired on TV long time ago...
*shrieks again*
It was so sweet, the drama.
FYI, anytime I write "*start rant*" it means it's a part that doesn't make a difference if you read it, nor does it have much relation to me.
Especially every time Gong Chan denied liking Yoo Rin and everything. And he always scolded himself if he thought of her.
And when he just grabbed her and yelled, "okay, fine. Lies are infernal to me too. And... IT'S HARD LOOKING AT YOU AS A COUSIN!! *grabs* EVERYDAY, SEVERAL HUNDREDS OF TIMES, I'M ABOUT TO LOSE MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!" ZZOMG
If I squealed or something, my family would think I'd really lost it.
So funneh.
And yes, it's true what they said... Yoo Rin's tears are kinda contagious T_T She's really strong. I wonder how she could actually smile through everything. Well, it IS just acting, but someone as strong like that deserved to be admired.
I love her lies. She reminds me a bit of Ma Ruo Nan, who is expert at lying.
This one part...
YR: Seol Gong Chan sshi... There's something I want to make sure and get over with, right this moment. Do you really like me?
GC: -eyes popped out- (literally, of course. he looked so shocked)
Seriously, it was so sweet. Practically since they've been denying it, especially Gong Chan. He's like, super super against himself liking Yoo Rin.
But the part I really love was near the last few eps... where it's two years later. They've been parted for two years already because their lies were found out. They were pretending to be cousins earlier. And when GC finally found her, she had quickly covered herself with the signboard.
She pretended she was fine and stuff. Smiled so much, said it was long time no see.
I could even feel the guy's pain. I mean, it's written all over his face. He looked really angry. Of course. What else would you expect?
He said he wouldn't let her go again. And so many other things he said, and the girl didn't seemed moved. Course, since she was really determined to forget and all. Lol.
He really clung on to her.
She told him: "you can use your credit cards to take a taxi"
He actually took out ALL his credit cards and broke them.
So nice!!
He was really childish, but... it wasn't really his fault.
He really wouldn't let her go anymore.
Okay, I should stop about "My Girl" now, since I'm going to bore you people out there.
"Witch Yoo Hee"
Every weekday 10pm Channel U.
I think Ruo Nan got addicted to this drama as well xDD
You're Lovable
^ I really love this mv! It was the mv that made Ruo Nan decide to try to watch. And yay, she liked it xD
The female lead is really pretteh... though, in the first few episodes she dressed very ugly-ly. She's known as the witch for her personality. I love the clothes after her make over though... really stylish.
They kissed in the mv. Don't say I didn't warn you xDD They were just pretending to date at first. At the theatre, where she *accidentally* kissed him, she actually STOOD UP. It was ROFL when she was so shocked.
I finished my Chem ISPL!!
Congratuations Michelle. It's a small accomplishment, but still.
Okay, so I haven't modified this skin yet. Whatever.. xD
Saturday, December 8, 2007
^ Birthday Boy's presents. Includes an expensive pen with his name carved on it, a John Little wallet, a Christmas pen holder, a Mr Midnight book (my brother gave it), a Tsubasa Chronicles comie (my present), a magic trick thingy, a card by Penny ?.
The BBQ party was awful =((
For a start, there was barely anyone I knew from my brother's class.
1. Some of the girls were unfriendly.
They stared at me with that look. Made me shrink away. I'm not someone who'll be friendly towards someone who's not friendly towards me.
2. I felt outcast. I even had difficulty getting the food; our own food, for your info.
It was awkward, since the tables were surrounded with my brother's class. To just barge inside like my father did...............
3. I saw him.
The guy I met from the bus, my p-school friend. At first, I saw this muscular yet thin guy in the clubhouse playing the pool. I thought he looked familiar. And he saw me as well.
After, I dismissed it as someone who looked similar.
Then he stepped out of the clubhouse. And waved at me.
OMG. I nearly dropped the fishball I was biting into. And I almost choked on the piece in my mouth. It WAS him!!!!! I was, argh?? He doesn't even live here.
He smokes.
My family were terribly shocked. They knew him as well. Esp my mother, who used to like him.
Now I realize people aren't always what they seem. *sighs dramatically*
Add this to my dream guy. He must NOT smoke.
4. I spilled raw chicken sauce on myself.
This was seroiusly rawr rawr rawr rawr RAWR!!!!! I was helping my mother bring up the leftovers. And while putting the extra chicken in the fridge, woosh. I spilled them all over myself. The smell wasn't very pleasant, just so you know.
5. It doesn't feel like a party at all.
I went up after one or two hours, and after finishing the food. I've had quite enough of relaxing by the pool and watching the water ripple beautifully and cursing because I didn't bring a camera. Quite enough of spotting Christmas trees by people's windows, and feeling nostalgic because this year there isn't space for us to put up the Christmas tree.
It brought me to the time last year when the decorations stank like rat faeces. For the sake of Christmas, me and my brother tied handkerchiefs to our mouths and get on with the job. To surprise our parents and my younger brother who went to Sentosa. Without us =.= Thanks a lot.
But, there are some interesting/nice people, of course!!!
1. The Two Mysterious Girls
While I was playing 'Snake' on my dad's hp, and my lil bro was playing his gameboy.
Girl 1: Hello!!
Girl 2: What are you playing?
Me: Err, hi! *smile smile and turn a bit* (my snake crashed into the wall, by the way)
Kevin: Erm, Final Fantasy.
Girl 2: Ooohhhh. *to her friend in chinese* I know their names. He's Kevin.
Girl 1: And that's Michelle.
Me: ...... *tries to turn around and smile but fails* (snake crashes again, by the way -_-")
*the mighty moment of silence*
And they went away!!!! I feel bad. They did try to be friendly and all. Hell, I never even saw their faces cause I was sitting by the pool, and they sorta sneaked up behind.
2. The Computer-Camera Guy
So he's the first one to say hi to me, when he went up.
I found out later he's the oh-so-famous IT president my brother's been mentioning about. Computer Guy fixed my brother's computer a LOT.
His name: Rensen. Still prefer to call him Comp Guy.
After that, he turned to ask me, "Err, you're not using the camera?"
Me: *shakes head*
Him: So can I borrow, to, take photos of... everything around?
Me: *nods* Ya.
And he went to seek permission with my mother.
At the end of the party, when my mother called me down to ask me to help, he was going home too.
At the lift.
Him: So, you're Alvin's sister?
Me: *nods* Yeah. (did he think i was alvin's cousin =.=")
*the mighty awkward moments of SILENCE*
As I got off at the second floor...
Me: Bye.
Him: Erm, *clears throat* Haveaniceday, bye.
It was 10 pm++. Nice day. Yeah, nice.
I bet he's interested in photography, from the way he does things. That interest in photography is what actually sets him apart from the rest of the dudes there.
Sort of, the same interest me and my lil bro have.
And his computer skills is woah.
He's nice, actually. I would've liked to get to know him. He can impart his legendary computer skills, perhaps his photography skills, and maybe how he could grow so tall.
3. First IMM Guy
He joined us at IMM before the party. So he's techincally, 'the first guy' to reach. No idea what's his name. He was kinda quiet though.
But he was quite nice to my mother. Served her chicken wings and all. He served about eight, by the way o.O My mother was quick to reject, friendly-ly, of course.
4. Stylish Girl
Wow. She came dressed elegantly! With a skirt, but not those kind of mini skirts, those flowing ones reaching the knees. She looked... like a model.
She gave my brother expensive chocolate for his birthday!!!!! (okay, so I peeped inside the plastic bag. but hey, i wasn't the first one!)
She left a good impression.
5. Apology Girl
She wanted a chicken wing. But when birthday boy said, "Oh, i wanted to give it to my sister and brother..."
She was like, "Oh, your sister!!! Sorry!!" and she backed away.
Lol! She was kinda nice. I guess?
6. Chilli Girl
Approached the table our family (except birthday boy) were seated at. She didn't look at any of us, and grabbed the chilli. And then hastily backed away.
I was like, "What?! *fumes for no reason*"
I really have to applaud 4e1'07/Hillgrove. Most, if not all, dressed in B L A C K. Woah... what wonderful unity!!!!! Except the boy who just returned from a wedding party (dressed in white), and my birthday boy (dressed in olive green).
What an interesting BBQ party. I still smell the slight hint of raw chicken gravy. Rawries.
*mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow*
They threw the cake at my brother!!!! =oo
And guess what?
I MISSED THAT PART!!!!! ARGHITIS!!!! I went up because there wasn't anything else I could do.
It's raining.
Oh phooey.
They are here!!!!!!!!!
Just the guys from my brother's class anyways. They're here. Omg. One is even wearing formal clothing. At first it was one. Then suddenly, the doorbell rang and about five entered. They needed to help out with the stuff see.
I scooted away into the room immediately.
With dignity, of course. Calmly and refinedly.
I think I'm supposed to be helping now?
Friday, December 7, 2007
Okay okay, so this skin is falling apart. Majority of the code are still from the previous skin. Kinda lazy to switch them.
Will perfect this skin in time though... =/
I modified the picture myself, and did the background myself too. So it's erm, partly, credited to me.
^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's sweet 17 this year. *throws confetti* I'm not one who says fancy words, so just a simple 'happy birthday' should do =)
Okay, so I was the only one who gave him a present. At first. My lil bro got him one today.
My parents' presents are the BBQ party plus the clothes, I suppose.
Oh darn. Ruo Nan might not make it tomorrow. Though it's my brother's party... I have this strong intuition, that if Ruo Nan comes, SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!! And I'm positive this thing will be something that will change her life, for good. I feel like screaming because she couldn't come.
I know it's just a hunch. But I'm someone who follows hunches almost.. blindly, you could say, ie, follow my heart. I believe it'll happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't let it not happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints*
With reference to the previous post, actually I'm starting to understand Crowfeather's feelings.
He did love her so much that his fur trembled =.= It was probably tough on him.
I'm starting to like this korean drama "Witch Yoo Hee" also known as "Witch Amusement". It's kewl. The main actress is pretty. I envy her NOSE! *gasp* It's so western-ish!
I don't know why I get attached to some korean dramas so easily.
Someday when I grow up, I'm gonna go Korea, AGAIN! Yay!
My brother said I was studious.
My eyes nearly popped out when he said that.
We had bets today. Bets whether our dad is coming home today. Birthday boy said tomorrow, the other two said today. I was neutral.
Me: Okay!! I know already!! He shall come home... *dramatic pause*
Alvin: One of these days -_-"
Me: *jaw drops* HOW DID YOU GUESS THAT?! You guessed word for word!!! Omg, it was just a coincidence, isn't it???
And then the debate started.
Him: There's no such things as coincidences. Only the inevitable happens.
Me: It's like expecting the unexpected.
Him: Whatever. Anyway, coincidences are inevitable, agree?
Me: Coincidences are NOT inevitable. You can avoid them. See, if you are meant to coincide with your friend, but you decided to turn around, then you DON'T MEET!!!!!!
Him: Noooo!! That's not what I meant!!! Tell me, do you believe in fate?
Me: Of course.
Him: Fate is inevitable right?
Me: Yeah?
Him: So. Coincidences don't exist. It's simply inevitable. Like fate.
Me: (is he saying fate doesn't exist?) Wait wait wait. See, you said coincidences is inevitable?
Him: NOT LIKE!!!
Me: Okay, proportional.
Him: INDIRECTLY proportional.
Me: Okay. So coincidences are indirectly proportional to inevitable. Am I right?
Him: Yea?
Me: And inevitable is indirectly proportional to fate?
Him: Uh-huh
Me: Cancel cancel, so coincidences=fate. Ta-da!!!
Him: You can't cancel cancel!!!
Me: Negative plus negative equals positive. Indirectly proportional plus indirectly proportional equals proportional.
Me: It's not maths! It's like... body proportion! It's bio!
Him: ....................................................................
To be completely truthful, I so did not get our conversation =.=
Okay, I'm being stupid.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
How to prove...?
I lost $10 today while buying my brother a birthday present. I gave an extra $10 note to the person in charge without even noticing. Either the person didn't notice or she noticed and took advantage of the situation. I'm currently typing this in the dark (it's a cloudy day) without the lights on because I feel awfully guilty for losing so much money. I'm trying to save electricity.
And so much more, you'll never imagine how much I've lost.
Argh. One day I might even lose people. Or worse, I might lose myself.
And for your info, "Josephine" is my catholic name. Which, actually doesn't really suit me. Josephine is the Josephine from 3e2 xD It doesn't seem to define me.
I need to add this into my expectation of the dream guy.
He needs to be someone who's not careless. Then it'll even out. Better still, he'll notice if I leave things behind. LOL.
BUT. I realize that the kind of guy someone wants will most likely NOT be the guy she'll get.
So whatever.
On a happier note, I CUT-TED MY HAIR! And it's now pretty short. Normally, I would have freaked out if the hairdresser had cut my hair too short. But today, I was exceptionally calm. Strange.
She asked if I eat beef. What?!
You can choose to skip the part below. It's part of my rantings.
Crowfeather Speaks:
A Forbidden Love
Have you ever loved another cat so much it made your heart ache and your
fur tremble?
And the way I felt when I saw her--it made me angry to realize how little I
could control my feelings. Onewhisker asked me to escort her home. I went as
fast as I could; if I spoke to her, my secret might come spilling out.
As I left her camp, Leafpaw thanked me in this sweet, natural way, as if I
hadn't been behaving like a badger with its fur clawed off. I had to get out of
there before ever cat could see what I was trying to so hard to fight.
I loved Leafpaw, and I told her so. From the look in her eyes, I knew she
felt the same way. I'd seen the same look in Feathertail's eyes... but this was
different. This was more dangerous, more forbidden.
The future was terrifying, but we could face it together... our pelts
brushing, our tails twined. Our hearts in love, forever.
*sssccccrrrreeeaaaammmmssss and nearly dies* Okay, it was so CHEESY.
Above is clips from a book based on the popular series (more like in america), Warriors. It centers on oneshots of cats on how they feel on certain events, cause the original books never got into their point of views.
Crowfeather is a cat who comes from a Clan of cats called WindClan. Get that? On a journey, he fell in love with an older RiverClan cat named Feathertail.
The rules state that cats from other Clans cannot cannot fall in love. So he broke the rules.
Then Feathertail died. So sad. No offence, she was never my fav character.
Anyway, he was devastated, so he requested his end name 'feather' when his rank was raised to a warrior.
Theeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnn.... he met this ThunderClan cat named Leafpaw. She's younger though, and a sort of healer. First, he was not supposed to love another Clan cat. Second, medicine cats are strictly forbidden to fall in love.
Double forbidden.
BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M ANGRY ABOUT!!!! After the "our hearts in love, forever =.= =.= =.=", I started to dislike Crowfeather. He did run away with Leafpaw, so romantic, but after they decided to return, he like, completely forget her or something.
He found another female cat in his own Clan this time.
And the next time he saw Leafpaw, Leafpool already, he treated her with hostility.
What the?!
What happened to the stupid "our hearts in love, forever"?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The same thing happened with Brightheart, whose face was scarred by the dogs. Cloudtail had told her "you'll always be beautiful to me" and had remained so devoted that it touched the hearts of readers.
But when later later, Daisy came ambling along with her kittens, he was like, love-struck by her or something? =.= Well, the book didn't really say that. But it was obvious.
When Brightheart scolded Daisy's kit, Mousekit, for being really naughty, he complained to Daisy, "that ugly cat sccaarred me" -whinewhinewhine-. And guess what Cloudtail did?
!!!! >=((
He scolded Brightheart. He told her they were just kits. And he couldn't be that blind not to see Brightheart wince at the previous comment about her being ugly.
*screams and nearly died again*
Oh man. I nearly cried for Brightheart.
Even though all these are all childish cat fiction, it's somehow like that in reality.
Things like that could happen.
-END RANT-We Need To Talk
by Victoria Holmes
Setting: On the border of ThunderClan and WindClan
Leafpool: Crowfeather, wait!
Crowfeather: What?! Leafpool, what are you doing here?
Leafpool: I...I wanted to see you.
Crowfeather (Wary, glancing around him to check no one's watching):
Leafpool (surpised): Because it's moons since I spoke to you! And...and
there's something I think you should know.
Crowfeather (bitter): No, there isn't, Leafpool. You don't have to tell me
anything any more. We belong to different Clans, remember?
Leafpool: Why are you being like this? It was hard for me too, you know.
But ThunderClan needs me to be their medicine cat. I don't have any
Crowfeather: You did have a choice, and you chose to stay with them! Look,
I shouldn't be talking to you. What if someone sees us? My Clanmates have only
just begun to trust me again, and that's mostly thanks to Nightcloud.
Leafpool: Nightcloud? Why?
Crowfeather (looking uncomfortable): She...she had my kits last moon.
Onestar's going to announce it at the next Gathering.
Leafpool (stunned, in a small voice): Oh. I didn't know.
Crowfeather: Well, what did you think I'd do? Let my Clanmates go on
thinking I was more loyal to ThunderClan? Nightcloud's a great cat, and a good
Leafpool (cutting him off): You were right, Crowfeather. We don't have
anything to say to each other now. Goodbye.
(more conversations here as cats from both sides joined them. yadayadayada,
talk of fighting, much hostility. then somehow the topic strayed to the traitor,
hawkfrost's, death. Tornear challenged Hawkfrost's brother, Brambleclaw.)
Brambleclaw: Hawkfrost's death has nothing to do with you. He was a traitor
to the warrior code and RiverClan are well rid of him.
Crowfeather (looking at Leafpool): Oh yes, ThunderClan cats always do what
the warrior code tells them to.
Leafpool: That's not fair, Crowfeather.
(okay. I was really beginning to hate Crowy here. Leafpool ran away and
betrayed her Clan to be with him. And look at this script!! Fine, maybe Crowfeather do feel sad inside, but he could have treated her better. He hurt Leafpool. It's a bonus script, by the way. Something that happened that wasn't mentioned in the
Tomorrow is my brother's birthday. His party is on saturday. Who wants to come?
Hmm, yep, I definitely crap a lot. Congratulations if you've reached here without skipping any part of the post =)
I'm stopping here because my eyes hurt T_T It's getting darker every minute.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
The E Maths book isn't fantastic after all.
I actually understood that.
NO, that was NOT an outburst.
See, the book fell apart within the duration of less than a week from the date of purchase.
Ruo Nan is facing the same problem. Hers split into half.
Mine? Mine?! Mine split into half at first, then the last half split into another half, which freaking reminds me of that cumulative frequency, which is odd since the chapter was in the book.
It's as if the chapter came alive and cut-ted my book.
Is it because I didn't do that chapter justice? =o
I mean, I DID, after all, rush through the chapter. However, it's not like I didn't understand upper quartile and lower quartile and mean and median and mode and cumulative frequency and box-and-whiskers etc.
I beg to differ with someone's words...
Okay, like I said earlier before, I FINISHED MY E MATHS ISPL!! =oo That's the ispl update for today. I planned to finish Chemistry as well, but suddenly lost all motivation to study. So I cast it aside ._.
I studied ahead of my supposed schedule today, which is of couse, a good thing. This is cause it rained!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've never been so pleased with the rain before. I normally love rain, but today I simply adore it.
No golden light in my room to heat me up :O
I'm so glad God made it rain =3
I spent the rest of the evening playing the typing game from Neopets, trying to clinch that that that trophy. I was so close... T_T
Yea yea, I know what you'll say... neopets is lame.
Well, it was, I admit, a few years ago.
It's much better now though.
And besides, I couldn't just let my account go dead.
I'm currently third in authority in my guild of 100+ people (which took two years), sharing that position with my first friend and mentor. She's like, from New York?
That's how I got that penpal from somewhere in California (?).
And I now own that coveted ebil plushie pet.
OMG, I can't imagine the look on that owner's face when they see that plain old neopet they abandoned some time ago (:
And I lubb scaring off those n00bs. It's always us mean teens/adults who rule the boards.
I'm a DC online, for your info.
After all, I'm a kid at heart (though neopets was originally meant for college students, and it's still 9-99, since you can play stocks, but let's not get into that again. Had had enough intense debate over this topic).
HAPPY BELATED x(insert number here) CHILDREN'S DAY.
And lookie! Through neo, I actually learned basic HTML, moving on to more advanced and CSS. Plus, I got to know this 17-year-old dude from Australia called _____ who juggled a part time job and owned a successful account. A role model for my brother.
And no, he isn't a sick old wolf in a sheep's skin -_-" I can identify those, thank you.
And many many many more purdy friends who'd suggest pretending to be n00bs. I had joined in and went to another topic, pr3t3ndin 2 b n00bs n sayin "im nt a n00b". 7hey actlly b@ck3d m3 up n got dose ppl cryin "OMG, A N00B ON FOUR ACCOUNTS!!!!! " wich m@d3 m3 laugh till i cry.
they w3r3 lyk, "wen u laugh i laugh wen u cry i cry wen u fall of a cliff i laugh even hardr" and "i h8 u ur men (mean)" and "lyk, wotz dis"
Whatever. Why am I crapping about Neopets? Most people still give up on it anyway.
Like I did three years ago. But that's partly because I lost my pw completely.
So I wasn't the kind of girl you thought I was. But hey, who is? I'm neither a kitten nor a tiger. I'm a cross between a tiger and a dragon. Can't help it if I scare people off. That's why I'm immensely grateful to those who love me as I am ^^
Which reminds me of my little conversation with Debbs;
Miw: high pitched meow
Mew: normal pitched meow
Mow: low pitched meow
ROFL. I created that mow, upon which Debby commented how it sounds like mowing the lawn, and that low pitched is mao. I violently objected. But after mow-ing a few times, I realized, "Debbs, you're right!" It sounds like mowing the lawn.
*Mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow*
I'm an elderly sick cat with an incurable flu and whiskers that droop plus fur that drops off not forgetting the layers of fat and chunks of legs that carries the cat in a stupid waddle.
-pokes ruo nan- remember Rolly? And Scoot, and Darkkestrel?
I think if you're reading this sentence, you must have a strong immunity against this radiant glow I emitt, aka BOREDOM.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
My highest points were 110; only..? It was a tie with my brother. My dad had 119 o.O
My lowest points were 68; ARGH! I messed up in that game.
Lol, I kept deproving. At the start it was fine =.=
Right beside us were the kids from some primary school... the coaches were teaching them to bowl properly. They can get the actions right, but they kept throwing into the gutter xD
I copied the action and I got it!
Same logic with ice-skating.. just look at other people and do it yourself =D
But with all those stylish actions, I got worse, as revealed in my scores. But after I got the hang of it, I managed to cling on to some 80 points.
My highest of all times was 120++. Can't remember... think I got three strikes in a row? =/ or maybe two and one spare?
Long time no played... at least I haven't forgotten yet.
My brother was freaky. He beat my dad in four games out of five, which equals out to him as the winner.
I've been abandoning my ispl, definitely. Though, at least I'm close to finishing off E Maths.
SIMRAAN IS BACK FROM THE U.S!! =O Haha, she told me lots of stuff... even reminded me to bring chilli there because they don't have them. And she told me to try the cookies. Awesome...
Only just now, I had a combined conversation with Simraan, Leong Yew and Danial. Okay, so it was really.................. out of my league? xP Some inside joke, stuff -_-" And no, I wouldn't fall for that kind of joke -coughcough-
DEBBY! She's been studying really hard. Yesterday she chatted with me in chemistry language. Some anions, cations or onions; seriously, they sound the same.
You're not getting me to study that hard Debbs ._. It's not possible for a slacker like me.
This is our LAST holiday before the O levels...!! I'm not going to let studies grab all of it.
But you can't blame her... she wants to get ACI. Where all the lockers are long, the classes allow people to sing or something (which somehow resembles 3e2 literature class) and there's a swimming pool.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
I thought of what already is, but perhaps should not have been, and I cried, because it's not easy wanting something that should not have happened.
I'm not usually one who tear up like that... though I AM emotional... but hey everyone will cry some day. Even if it's crying from onions.
I remember in home econs, while chopping those darned onions, I cried.
Lol, it stings.
Wait, where is this post going to? =o
Anyway, SWIMMING! Never swam for quite some time. We played tennis too, but well, I've always preferred badminton to tennis. It got so annoying I literally threw down the racket.
Literally and really, I suppose.
So I went swimming after. It was freaking c o l d. With all the wind... it was freezing. The water was ouch.
And when I scooted out in less than half an hour, physics settled in. The mighty evaporation theory and whatsit that left me almost frozen solid.
And I think I caught a cold ):
No update xDD Been slacking in the past few days. Motivation lost.
Unless you count losing the literature ispl package an update, then I've got nothing more to say =)
Sorry Pei Jun, coming to my blog won't motivate you no more =x
The new song: [So Close] by Jon Mclaughlin, is the song that played as Robert and Giselle danced. Whee~