Okay okay, so this skin is falling apart. Majority of the code are still from the previous skin. Kinda lazy to switch them.
Will perfect this skin in time though... =/
I modified the picture myself, and did the background myself too. So it's erm, partly, credited to me.
^ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's sweet 17 this year. *throws confetti* I'm not one who says fancy words, so just a simple 'happy birthday' should do =)
Okay, so I was the only one who gave him a present. At first. My lil bro got him one today.
My parents' presents are the BBQ party plus the clothes, I suppose.
Oh darn. Ruo Nan might not make it tomorrow. Though it's my brother's party... I have this strong intuition, that if Ruo Nan comes, SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN!!!!!!!! And I'm positive this thing will be something that will change her life, for good. I feel like screaming because she couldn't come.
I know it's just a hunch. But I'm someone who follows hunches almost.. blindly, you could say, ie, follow my heart. I believe it'll happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't let it not happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *faints*
With reference to the previous post, actually I'm starting to understand Crowfeather's feelings.
He did love her so much that his fur trembled =.= It was probably tough on him.
I'm starting to like this korean drama "Witch Yoo Hee" also known as "Witch Amusement". It's kewl. The main actress is pretty. I envy her NOSE! *gasp* It's so western-ish!
I don't know why I get attached to some korean dramas so easily.
Someday when I grow up, I'm gonna go Korea, AGAIN! Yay!
My brother said I was studious.
My eyes nearly popped out when he said that.
We had bets today. Bets whether our dad is coming home today. Birthday boy said tomorrow, the other two said today. I was neutral.
Me: Okay!! I know already!! He shall come home... *dramatic pause*
Alvin: One of these days -_-"
Me: *jaw drops* HOW DID YOU GUESS THAT?! You guessed word for word!!! Omg, it was just a coincidence, isn't it???
And then the debate started.
Him: There's no such things as coincidences. Only the inevitable happens.
Me: It's like expecting the unexpected.
Him: Whatever. Anyway, coincidences are inevitable, agree?
Me: Coincidences are NOT inevitable. You can avoid them. See, if you are meant to coincide with your friend, but you decided to turn around, then you DON'T MEET!!!!!!
Him: Noooo!! That's not what I meant!!! Tell me, do you believe in fate?
Me: Of course.
Him: Fate is inevitable right?
Me: Yeah?
Him: So. Coincidences don't exist. It's simply inevitable. Like fate.
Me: (is he saying fate doesn't exist?) Wait wait wait. See, you said coincidences is inevitable?
Him: NOT LIKE!!!
Me: Okay, proportional.
Him: INDIRECTLY proportional.
Me: Okay. So coincidences are indirectly proportional to inevitable. Am I right?
Him: Yea?
Me: And inevitable is indirectly proportional to fate?
Him: Uh-huh
Me: Cancel cancel, so coincidences=fate. Ta-da!!!
Him: You can't cancel cancel!!!
Me: Negative plus negative equals positive. Indirectly proportional plus indirectly proportional equals proportional.
Me: It's not maths! It's like... body proportion! It's bio!
Him: ....................................................................
To be completely truthful, I so did not get our conversation =.=
Okay, I'm being stupid.
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