^ My brother's O Levels over... now it's my turn. See the exam papers? There's evidence that my brother was slacking. Yet, he seemed pretty confident that he did well, and by the sound of it, he probably did.
^ He left behind a bio book. He barely did it, seriously. Anyone want? I'll give it to the first bio friend I meet next year =)
Finished - History & Physics
Halfway Through - English, Chemistry, Social Studies, Literature
Not Attempted - E Maths, A Maths, Chinese
Good? Bad? I feel I'm not doing fast enough. Oh well... I'm not a study person to begin with. I'm not like the guys in 3e2 who finished almost everything. But, I'm trying =D
I miss Jakarta!!! Many many things happen there. For those people in 3e2 who think I'm filthy rich? =P Reality check.
When my father married my mother, his income wasn't very stable. The house was bought by my mother, who saved up. My family started from scratch.
And the HOUSE!! It's not the kind of 3-storey terrace you expect. See, all the rooms plus bathroom and everything are located on the first floor.
The second floor is the piano and the office. Yep, we used to play a little piano =) Then switched to electone.
The third floor is to hang the clothes -_-" And the small cage-like roof that we hid in during the riots. That is basically all.
But however small or however mosquito-filled it is, it was home. And I missed it =(
That was where I fell and got this scar xD
I agree that now, we're quite well-to-do, but it wasn't built overnight.
Yeah... Jakarta had always been chaotic, still is, and would always be. This is my impression of my own home. But then, I still want to visit back again, especially to see our cousins and childhood friends, Theresa and Felix (their english names)
-sighs again- thanks to the riot of Muslims vs. Chinese, us childrens were whisked off to Singapore.
And this is where you see me now =.= =.=
Because of these stuff, I feel relations between fellow Indonesians in Singapore. Example:
Daisy Caroline Chandra: My primary friend =)
Christine Natalia: The primary school band leader before me xD She is a few days younger than my brother and they are..... friends. =P Like I said many times before, I am one over-reactive girl.
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