^ Birthday Boy's presents. Includes an expensive pen with his name carved on it, a John Little wallet, a Christmas pen holder, a Mr Midnight book (my brother gave it), a Tsubasa Chronicles comie (my present), a magic trick thingy, a card by Penny ?.
The BBQ party was awful =((
For a start, there was barely anyone I knew from my brother's class.
1. Some of the girls were unfriendly.
They stared at me with that look. Made me shrink away. I'm not someone who'll be friendly towards someone who's not friendly towards me.
2. I felt outcast. I even had difficulty getting the food; our own food, for your info.
It was awkward, since the tables were surrounded with my brother's class. To just barge inside like my father did...............
3. I saw him.
The guy I met from the bus, my p-school friend. At first, I saw this muscular yet thin guy in the clubhouse playing the pool. I thought he looked familiar. And he saw me as well.
After, I dismissed it as someone who looked similar.
Then he stepped out of the clubhouse. And waved at me.
OMG. I nearly dropped the fishball I was biting into. And I almost choked on the piece in my mouth. It WAS him!!!!! I was, argh?? He doesn't even live here.
He smokes.
My family were terribly shocked. They knew him as well. Esp my mother, who used to like him.
Now I realize people aren't always what they seem. *sighs dramatically*
Add this to my dream guy. He must NOT smoke.
4. I spilled raw chicken sauce on myself.
This was seroiusly rawr rawr rawr rawr RAWR!!!!! I was helping my mother bring up the leftovers. And while putting the extra chicken in the fridge, woosh. I spilled them all over myself. The smell wasn't very pleasant, just so you know.
5. It doesn't feel like a party at all.
I went up after one or two hours, and after finishing the food. I've had quite enough of relaxing by the pool and watching the water ripple beautifully and cursing because I didn't bring a camera. Quite enough of spotting Christmas trees by people's windows, and feeling nostalgic because this year there isn't space for us to put up the Christmas tree.
It brought me to the time last year when the decorations stank like rat faeces. For the sake of Christmas, me and my brother tied handkerchiefs to our mouths and get on with the job. To surprise our parents and my younger brother who went to Sentosa. Without us =.= Thanks a lot.
But, there are some interesting/nice people, of course!!!
1. The Two Mysterious Girls
While I was playing 'Snake' on my dad's hp, and my lil bro was playing his gameboy.
Girl 1: Hello!!
Girl 2: What are you playing?
Me: Err, hi! *smile smile and turn a bit* (my snake crashed into the wall, by the way)
Kevin: Erm, Final Fantasy.
Girl 2: Ooohhhh. *to her friend in chinese* I know their names. He's Kevin.
Girl 1: And that's Michelle.
Me: ...... *tries to turn around and smile but fails* (snake crashes again, by the way -_-")
*the mighty moment of silence*
And they went away!!!! I feel bad. They did try to be friendly and all. Hell, I never even saw their faces cause I was sitting by the pool, and they sorta sneaked up behind.
2. The Computer-Camera Guy
So he's the first one to say hi to me, when he went up.
I found out later he's the oh-so-famous IT president my brother's been mentioning about. Computer Guy fixed my brother's computer a LOT.
His name: Rensen. Still prefer to call him Comp Guy.
After that, he turned to ask me, "Err, you're not using the camera?"
Me: *shakes head*
Him: So can I borrow, to, take photos of... everything around?
Me: *nods* Ya.
And he went to seek permission with my mother.
At the end of the party, when my mother called me down to ask me to help, he was going home too.
At the lift.
Him: So, you're Alvin's sister?
Me: *nods* Yeah. (did he think i was alvin's cousin =.=")
*the mighty awkward moments of SILENCE*
As I got off at the second floor...
Me: Bye.
Him: Erm, *clears throat* Haveaniceday, bye.
It was 10 pm++. Nice day. Yeah, nice.
I bet he's interested in photography, from the way he does things. That interest in photography is what actually sets him apart from the rest of the dudes there.
Sort of, the same interest me and my lil bro have.
And his computer skills is woah.
He's nice, actually. I would've liked to get to know him. He can impart his legendary computer skills, perhaps his photography skills, and maybe how he could grow so tall.
3. First IMM Guy
He joined us at IMM before the party. So he's techincally, 'the first guy' to reach. No idea what's his name. He was kinda quiet though.
But he was quite nice to my mother. Served her chicken wings and all. He served about eight, by the way o.O My mother was quick to reject, friendly-ly, of course.
4. Stylish Girl
Wow. She came dressed elegantly! With a skirt, but not those kind of mini skirts, those flowing ones reaching the knees. She looked... like a model.
She gave my brother expensive chocolate for his birthday!!!!! (okay, so I peeped inside the plastic bag. but hey, i wasn't the first one!)
She left a good impression.
5. Apology Girl
She wanted a chicken wing. But when birthday boy said, "Oh, i wanted to give it to my sister and brother..."
She was like, "Oh, your sister!!! Sorry!!" and she backed away.
Lol! She was kinda nice. I guess?
6. Chilli Girl
Approached the table our family (except birthday boy) were seated at. She didn't look at any of us, and grabbed the chilli. And then hastily backed away.
I was like, "What?! *fumes for no reason*"
I really have to applaud 4e1'07/Hillgrove. Most, if not all, dressed in B L A C K. Woah... what wonderful unity!!!!! Except the boy who just returned from a wedding party (dressed in white), and my birthday boy (dressed in olive green).
What an interesting BBQ party. I still smell the slight hint of raw chicken gravy. Rawries.
*mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow mow*
They threw the cake at my brother!!!! =oo
And guess what?
I MISSED THAT PART!!!!! ARGHITIS!!!! I went up because there wasn't anything else I could do.
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