You can't stop the tears from falling
But you can choose the purpose behind the tears
Do you cry because it's all over, you're in pain, and you miss it when it wasn't over?
Or do you cry because it's all over, you're in pain, but you are finally freed?
Make the choice yourself
Come on. All the teens out there. Love is important, but you can live without it, at least while you're living your youth.
Cause the thing about love, you can choose who you want to love, but then, so can he/she. Some keys just don't fit into some hearts, and what makes people feel terrible is that you can't change the lock in the heart. Some people, you just can't get =/ Get it? xD
Oxygen is a hell lot more important =P
Gosh, I'm flipping out over that sentence cause it sounds so purdy.
I sound like those psychologists with small eyes that crinkle when they smile. Those who speak slowly, gently. A counsellor, to be precise.
Whaddya expect from a dumb SI (advisor) person?
For some people, I'm sure you know what kind of happiness rave I'm currently suffering under.
-start rant-
Let's throw it away, for once, for at least moment, forget all those pains and lies, forget all those hurts inflicted, forget all those grudges and hatred, forget all the dumb ISPLS and revisions and thoughts of being the sinking ship for the O Levels, forget all the sufferings and injustice, forget all the differences in races, forget all UN's failures as peacekeepers, forget bionominal theorems, forget moles, forget quartiles, forget chinese powerpoints and compos, forget Mdm Yeo's test, forget enemies, forget annoying pestering problems, forget the dishes, forget the laundry, forget the dirty floor, forget the stinking bathroom, forget the freaking slow internet connection, forget the hot or rainy weathers, forget the equipments that can't work, forget the scratches on the expensive handphones, forget the scars, forget the utililty bills, forget the ants running across the wall, forget boys, forget girls, forget muscle aches, forget weight, forget height, forget pimples, forget emo bloggings, forget words, forget the wars in the world, forget the anti-virus lagging the computer, forget game losses, forget LF2, gunz, neopets, maple, ww, runescape, battleon, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, harvest moon, marapets, and all other worldwide games, forget yesterday, forget tomorrow, forget past, forget future, and
BE HAPPY, at least for today.
Come on. Life isn't as bleak as you think.
Look back not on the times that made you cry, but the times that made you smile.
Cherish those old times.
I'm sure everyone has one.
But don't dwell on them. More good times are coming your way.
Especially for those dumb people completely, and I mean 100% purely obsessed with emo-ness...
I ish happytasticly happy cause Dr. Sloth from neopets gave me a very expensive item, a Tuskaninny Transmogrification Potion!!

^ Zoom in if you wish. Don't zoom in if you don't wish.
Argh! An item worth 110,000 nps... ILY Dr. Sloth :3
I was searching for a Christmas Paint Brush.. they gave it out for FREE (this caused a huge ruckus) at today's daily advent calendar giveaway. SUPER-DEFLATION xDD I loved seeing the price drop from over 80,000 to even 100 or 1np (!!!!!!). Everyone wants to paint their pets, so paint brushes are expensive.
I regret not buying it while it was selling at 40,000 nps. Just now I checked the price, it's already 70,000nps. People realize that everyone would want to grab the paintbrushes at cheap prices and sell them next year at high prices for profit, so they quickly raise the prices, knowing people would buy them anyway.
Complicating? xD
Simple, actually.
We're talking BUSINESS and PROFIT here!! That's why neo isn't really for kids.
I'm not gonna sell my pb. I'm gonna keep it for collection >D
Oh my gosh, she missed the Christmas Paint Brush! -legaspeh- Unless she gets it NOW before 4pm.. it's 12am in the UK when ours is 4pm...
If you happen to wonder, neopets is still yellow. I changed to the Halloween version; you have to be in the Haunted Woods on Halloween at 12am exactly?
Still wanting the Winter one and the Valentines one. Difficult Dx
-end rant-
How do I finish all the ispls before friday?
It's impossible!!
Especially with all the distractions ._.
Let alone revise through sec 3 works... D=
Reaching here, my happy moment has stopped.
Now it's time for reality again.
Everyone gets to the point of a breakdown; only some people hide it better
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