I'm so bored that I'm blogging about practically nothing.
So, today, i spent half the day doing nothing. And i got pretty worked up over a few pointless things, like this cough.
Ah well.
My brother brought his friends over, two girls, one guy, for swimming. My mom was startled because he invited girls for swimming, but she didn't give any violent objection.
Besides, the girls brought chocolate. Haha.
Oh, I remember this funny conversation we had.
» effervescence of the present says:
do you think Shakespeare was a true romantic?
SHI-TING says:
i have no idea
» effervescence of the present says:
SHI-TING says:
should i ask my sister?
» effervescence of the present says:
ask ask!
SHI-TING says:
» effervescence of the present says:
» effervescence of the present says:
SHI-TING says:
she says that he's a bastard
That was so funny, but also kinda bad because Shakespeare is the father of literature, in a way I respect him, even though I don't understand half of what he's saying in his poems and plays.
OH, I remember now that I said I'll post about Jason Mraz :D Ruo Nan was waiting, HAHA. Kays, I'll make this short. I think he's a really decent guy, he likes things simple which is good!
I've listened to him before when he talked with Justin and Vernon on 987FM Muttons to Midnight, he was so easy-going and carefree! Not to mention open-minded, he's willing to try new things.
And he has a cat!! Or he's going to get one?
His album, "We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things." is very frank, we're like that, we have fun, and we make mistakes =) I think that's sweet.
And the lyrics of his songs are quite straightforward, positive, lively. Relaxing tune too. Agreed?
No? Too bad.
Mark, stop it... ._.
Picnic tomorrow!
UPDATED: I am going to Italy!
Yay I'm back!
KL was okay, weather too hot for me, yes i'm kinda spoilt, but when i was young i nearly fainted because of heat! So i'm not cut out for hot places!
Even though Indonesia is hot!
Anyways, the hotel Sheraton Imperial was so pretty! Even though the lift system was weird, you had to transfer lifts so many times to get to the lobby.
My dad's always travelling, so he has enough points to get five free nights (he wasn't happy about it, it was too little), and we spent two of them in KL. We had two connecting rooms, and the rooms were nice! The TV was at least 50 inches, and the bathroom was amazing. hahahaha. a pity i didn't take a photo, because there were mirrors everywhere and when you're in a bathroom you're naked. or half naked. or about to get naked. or about to get half-naked.
i am not making sense.
anyway i didn't want to be in the photo.
We went shopping, but at the mall the stuff was expensive, LY lied to me, some were more expensive than the ones in Singapore! Boo! Same brand but more expensive.
I saw many nice stuff, but they were over 100 bucks, and I haven't done anything to deserve branded things. So too bad.
Anyways, I did get a pair of sunglasses, MWAHAHAHA, i don't know I feel so proud of getting one. My mom went and bought one from Esprit, those sports kind. I got mine at 39 RM, which is about $17?
And I went around showing it off even though there was no sun, i need to get a life -.-"
Finding the hotel was a bit troublesome though, had to ask a few people, and the GPS was kinda useless. Not to mention noisy. My dad called it a show-off and told it to shut up. Which was strange because he was talking to a machine, and he sounded like me.
Like father like daughter.
I also know why i'm always going off for detentions blahblahblah, because my parents are rule-breakers, but they keep quiet about it.
I am done ranting. Finally.
Happy Birthday to my mom!! YAY i'm actually typing this at 12, but i started this post hours ago and forgot to continue, so my mom's birthday is at 29th December.
She wants to go to a nice hotel to eat and she's got her dress.
So that means I have to wear a dress, or something as nice as a dress, or something almost as nice as a dress, or something nowhere near a dress but nice anyway.
I'm talking crap again.
So it's a pretty big day tomorrow, I guess. Anyway, we let her choose her present, which was a set of body lotions.
But they were quite expensive, but it's okay.
My dad just sent a $1 sms to wish my mom happy birthday to the mediacorp thing, channel u, so that it'll appear onscreen.
But it didn't appear!
It's so unfair, my dad was being sweet, but they weren't letting him be sweet, and they wasted his money. Plus, there were messages like, "testing testing" appearing onscreen, those pointless kind.
I'm so rarr-ing over it.
I haven't found my Ez-link card yet, I'm going to report tomorrow. a bit late right. I was hoping the evil person would suddenly turn kind and surrender it.
turns out the world isn't fair.
Christmas day, I finally told him.
I don't know if I was too rash, but if it dragged on and nothing changes, it'll just hurt everyone more.
It was really sad hearing what he had to say, but it was something... inevitable. And I'm not a wonderful girl, maybe I just appear to be. Haha.
I can say without feeling guilty that it was almost a waste.
But I feel kinda better now.
Merry Christmas everyone :)
By the way, my older cousin Martin had a baby boy! I mean technically his wife did. Lol.
The baby was born at 11.30pm, yesterday, Christmas eve :)
That's so special!
Tomorrow I'm going Malaysia by the way. For fun!
Be back on 28th!
25.12.2008 - MERRY CHRISTMAS!

image (c) Tenaga from deviantart.
I am here again!
I nearly fainted sending eCards to everyone, because you need to fill in the email addresses and names separately. Boo.
And one time i navigated away from the page -.-"
But I'm done! I think I missed a few people out though. I should check.
This year's
Christmas spirit is half gone already. Haha. No
Christmas tree firstly.
And etc.
But whatever, it's still
Christmas! :D
I'm still happy.
Even though I'm not happy I didn't get presents for anyone.
I am talking crap in the middle of the night.
But who cares, it's
Christmas!!We've already dropped our tradition of midnight church service, but well.. it's still
Christmas!!! meow.
lalalallaala. i want to sing
Christmas songs.
but there are so many choices i don't know what to put on my blog.
I am being so random and high on
Christmas day.
It's my favourite day of the year.
Lol. I think I like it more than my birthday. Even though I don't have people calling me at midnight to wish me MERRY CHRISTMAS! unlike my birthday.
Do you know that
Christmas and my birthday ALWAYS falls on the same day every year?
I am crapping again.
I need to stop this high-ness. Haha. And go to sleep -.-"
I am still disappointed that i'm not in church.
But at least i'm going tomorrow!! :D
My brother gave me a Piglet soft toy! It's so cute and he is so nice!
and my smses are not going through because at this very moment, well maybe not this moment but yeah, millions of souls in the world are wishing each other
That cheered me up! I mean, the failure to send messages. Made me happy. Because it's nice to know how happy everyone is. Lol.
And at around afternoon-evening our time, people in US etc will start sending. So i should forget about smsing the whole day today.
Can you believe it's already the 25th December 2008,
Christmas?!I am typing such a long post! but it's worth it!
Christmas is worth it!!!
Christmas is also the day Jesus was born! It's a day of celebration and peace.
Screw wars and un-peaceful stuff!
I am typing so much and I'm currently in a dark room. It goes to show that my typing skills rock, I don't need to look at all! =D
I seriously need to chill. haha! but i should not!
because it's
CHRISTMAS!! wheeeee~
I shall finally end off here with
Christmas Eve!

image (c) =ginee from deviantart.
I am so sad, we are not going for midnight mass :( my dad is sick, it's more likely that he'll be better and is able to join us tomorrow morning.
My mom also finds it difficult to find parking space etc herself. Earlier on before change of plans, she was talking to herself and hoping that everyone will go to faraway churches, like in Orchard or something. lol.
My brothers are kinda lazy.
Therefore i'm the only one who wants to go. Like now.
Whatever. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!! yay! Christmas is coming! :D:D
Simraan told me that her parents got married on Christmas day. Wheee. That's awesome. Happy early Anniversary to your parents!
That is kinda sweet, getting married on Christmas.
Hmm, Leong Yew told me to write a long post, but since i'm still brooding over not going to church like NOW, I forgot what I wanted to write.
No long post. Yay.
Where's Santa? He should be on his way~ i want a bear for Christmas. haha. it's so random, but yeah, i've been seeing bears selling everywhere and i have a sudden craving for one.
boo me.

image (c) maina from deviantart.
since yesterday was a wordy post, today shall have more pictures! yes i shall be posting everyday up till Christmas, i'll be going to Malaysia for a while then until 28th December. OH NOS, i'll miss the advent calendar on neopets again. that sucks.
Anyway, i've uploaded some photos from Indonesia :) taken from my dad's iPhone. i've also found some pics from june i uploaded, shall include that too.j

^ part of the living room, it's crooked i don't know why.

^ some people are born to trip =) or maybe he just had a good teacher >)

^ blessing of our house since it was new =D we invited the priest to the bbq. haha.

^ wii characters! they all look retarded and we give them funny names. mine is called aiyo.

^ wedding of Yuri and Linda~ this was the afternoon church service. and the place was already so nice. we couldn't take a clear picture of my cousin, she was beautiful =)

^ mom!

^ kevin and felix. they get along well but they fight sometimes too, that includes physically.

^ my boyfriend in indonesia =) i have good taste.

^ my dad and me! i am catching up in terms of height, mwahahahaha.

^ alvin and me!

^ Theresia and me :D

^ dad and alvin!

^ mom and me! see the likeness now?

^ i look so fake here, but everyone else looks nice, so who cares. we're all related, so we look kinda similar. you know i was joking right? alvin is my brother in case you haven't already known.
back row: Lydia, Wulan, Alvin
front row: me, Theresia
:D everyone loved this picture so much.

^ half of my cousins plus my brothers. haha. the other half of the cousin collection were not there, either working etc. plus the wedding was in Bandung, most of our relatives don't live there. yes, we had to travel by car from jakarta to bandung, HELL.

^ we are all looking the wrong way! there were three cameras! they all love us because we are so lovely~ i'm reminded of the song "She's So Lovely" playing in the movie Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. haha.

^ me and theresia aka ching. this was at the hotel =) the makeup has faded so i look more natural here.
the wordy part of the post!
the place at night was fantastic i tell you, at least like, 5m tall or something. and there was a band complete with a grand piano. all night long they sang love songs, and there was a powerpoint slide showing pictures of Yuri and Linda and it was so sweeet.
outside, there were pictures of both of them in different places in the world; they hired four photographers and went around the world to take pictures!
i think that's a waste of money but yet, very romantic :D
we reached the place about 6+ but the thing started at 8!!! the shoes i was wearing hurt, and i was bored. but the place was so nice it was worth it.
and the fake eyelashes felt weird, and the right one came out a bit, so i spent half the night fidgeting with it -.-" by the way, the people at the salon said my makeup was too little! o.o
Yuri and Linda then threw the bouquet, my brother was among the crowd trying to catch it because you can probably trade it for like, an mp3 player? xD he didn't get either of the two ._.
AND, the next day, i was told the story of Linda. when she got engaged, her ex-boyfriend from two years back, whom she didn't hear from, rushed with his dad to find her mother to ask for another chance.
my poor aunt was confused and called Linda back from Bandung.
Linda brought Yuri along, and without warning, the ex boyfriend punched Yuri O.O
so they fought but Yuri won because he was taller!! YAY FOR HIM!!
AND AND, i don't like make up! it's hell tiring to remove you know, cause my mother forbids me to use water, i have to use the remover. and the eyeliner part was, RARR.
at Lembang:

^ we picked strawberries ourselves! :D

^ flying fox was only 10,000 rupiah, less than $2. it was long and super nice, it made my headache go away. i was sick at that time.

^ wall climbing! also 10,000 rupiah.

^ at Lembang De`Ranch :) my brother on a brown horse.

^ YAY i got the white horse! :) he was so calm!

^ kevin on the biggest and oldest stallion there was there. haha. lucky for him.

^ Felix on a tan and white horse.
Theresia was scared -.-" boo her!

^ a handsome stallion we spotted. i think he was being trained for something, maybe some competition. you could see the muscles rippling, and i think he's as big as the biggest stallion :D
sorry for the extremely long post.
Yes Man!

image (c) moonlightamber from deviantart.
time for a long and boring post. mwahaha. it's late and i'm having my period, so it will sound dull.
I went out with Shi Ting, Leong Yew and Mark today to watch Yes Man in the Cathay.
I lost my Ez-link card!! :(
So i had to buy the temporary one for CCK so that we can meet shi ting.
But it's a blessing in disguise because leong yew took pity on me and treated me to lunch :D
omg, so many people saw us in lot 1! like beatrice, haha, he's not loverboy! melina called saying she saw us too.
We then took 190 to plaza sing.
Ly was approached by many people at one go asking him to buy the photo album while we fled. oops. we did the same with jack + bryant. shi ting, you're so evil! :)
mark booed us from behind; he lied about his location so he could appear suddenly -.-" but it didn't work!
we went to buy the tickets, but the seating was weird, two in first row, the others sat separately.
so me and shi ting sat on the first row, which sucked! you had to crane your neck. but the movie was funny and nice! :D
and mark treated me to the movie! haha thanks, everyone's so nice to meee, mwahahahaha.
before that we window-shopped to kill time, shi ting was looking out for something she could buy. the things there were expensive! but the stuff at esprit was niceee.
mark kept bullying shi ting, but i'm spared =)
we ate dinner at a food court around there. i paid for it myself this time xD
after which mark asked us to go home by mrt, and i agreed, but then ly reminded me that i lost my ez-link card which made me emo all over again. so we parted ways, mark and shi ting took the mrt, i took 61 bus with leong yew.
the bus trip took a long long time, leong yew told me about his malaysia trip, and he gave me a deeper insight on autism so now i understand christopher better.
he also explained about a guy who could read emotions, personality etc just by looking at the muscles on your face. i was thinking that was cool but sometimes using instinct works too, and reading what the eyes say is more reliable, because eyes are the windows to your soul, as mr lattif puts it.
and after a while he finally said that it's harder to read me than shi ting. is that good or bad?
after about an hour (-.-") we finally reached bb. but i realized i had to walk a lot so ly offered to send me home.
outside my condo i had a funny quarrel with ly because he thinks it's right that he sends me right up to my door, but i didn't want to trouble him, he still has to buy something for his mom and he looked tired.
and then he asked something and gave that face that made me feel really guilty, but he finally said bye.
and i thought next time i should just let a guy send me home since st said that all guys are egoistic to a certain extent just as girls are vain to different extents.
MY DAD SHOWED ME A PHOTO! i was fat when i was young and i pout most of the time and look grumpy. ee.

image (c) ratchetcat from deviantart.
edited by me.
omg, whole day at orchard road today, accompanying my mom. she wants to buy clothes for christmas and new year. she found them, thankfully, haha.
my brother found something for him too.
anyway, i'll be going orchard again tomorrow.. to watch movie. i'm somehow apprehensive of tomorrow, don't ask.
and on tuesday, maybe, roller blading.. but i promised my mom something on tuesday, if i don't accomplish it i'm not going. haha.
5 days!

image (c) Echofeather from deviantart.
My dad has $220 worth of vouchers! But he'll probably end up spending it himself. Booo.
Shi Ting just told me that Mdm Yeo has those kind of sunglasses that are glasses in shades but sunglasses in sunlight!
I had no idea man.
I really am pretty blur.
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
Today I went to Plaza Singapura to watch Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging with Debby and Ruo Nan!
It was hilarious and a bit sad and quite romantic too. and a bit cheesy, but it's okay =D
First of all, let's meet Angus!

^ Funny cat! Always looks so grumpy. always dressed up by georgia's sister.

^ They kissed on stage! in front of like 50 people, after robbie's cheesy but cute lines like, "I think you're mad. You're perfect for me."
by the way, robbie is hot. hehe. he has a really nice smile =) .
Random thing: Quiz!
1.what is your cca?
2.would you fall in love with a boy younger than you?
Not a lot younger. But I'd rather fall for an older guy, more likely he has a matured mindset. you enjoy gong to school?
When there are no tests, yay.
4. what would you do with a billion dollars?
We'll see about that when i get it :D
5.will you fall in love with your best friend?
Very possibly.
6.which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved?
Honestly maybe being loved is a greater blessing, because falling in love is not so hard, but having someone love you is not an everyday thing. That's a greater blessing, but it doesn't mean that you'll be happier that way. And anyway someone said that love is not love when it's one sided, so this question is redundant :D
7.list out your favourite songs.
Ah. I'm too lazy.
8.if the person you liked is secretly attached, what would you do?
Life's unfair, deal with it and move on :) there anything that had made you extremely happy?
Many things make me happy..
10.what makes you angry?
Lies. That's all i can think of now, cause i'm in a good mood! would you see yourself?
Normal but different because everyone's different.
12.who is currently most important to you?
Family and friends. Expected answer right.
13.would you rather be single and rich or married and poor.
Married and poor? Come on, i can go get a job right, say my husband is useless. hopefully not.
14.what are you favourite colours?
lime green, black, and i'm too lazy to list out the rest :D you believe in God?
16.if you fall in love with two people simutaneously, who would you pick?
The one who loves me more... or the more dependable one.
17.would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing that someone has done to you?
Forgive, forget is another issue, haha.
18.what do you want to tell the person you love?
Why the heck do you want to know?
19.what type of person will you fall in love with?
Someone who gives the impression that he'll never hurt me. The romantic etc part is at a secondary level. mwahahaha. it's still important though. Then again, sadly, things don't always go the way you want them to; debby and blogthings said I'm a jerk magnet, HMM, now why did she say that~ *hinthint*
20. is it essential that your boyfriend/girlfriend is good looking?
Not really.
I just went to Htet Htet's blog and realized the song Flightless Bird from Twilight is pretty relaxing. Haha.
As you can see, I'm back.
So yeah, basically I was sulking all the way home, from the lovely apartment to the airport, on the plane back to Singapore, and on the taxi back home. And my younger brother kept rubbing it in because it was thanks to he that we're back so soon -.-"
Turns out the PSLE thing wasn't even his reason, he just wanted to go back.
Boo him!
But i can't blame him. after all, he didn't spend a lot of time in Jakarta, unlike my older brother and I. naturally we both would feel an attachment to where we spent our childhood in.
but now i'm back!
And the moment i got back i was asked out! YAY. so i might be going out to watch some random movie with dunno who exactly.
I'm Here!!
It appears that the tagboard got quite lively during the time I was away. HAH, Tenebrae style.
By the way, I am not dead yet, sadly, it is 10.32pm over here, I have free internet access until 12 midnight. Sorry I'm not signing on MSN.
Oh by the way, if I'm not back in Singapore by 17th, no I'm still not dead yet, because we
might be postponing the flight to 26th December because we haven't done what we want to do here :D Mwahahahaha.
So, it's been fun over here. Many things are cheaper over here cause you can find factory outlets, so items are original but many times cheaper. Haha.
And the food is really really awesome, I've put on weight. Booooo.
And my cousins are constantly coming over even though they are having exams.
And I like the decor of our unit! And the apartment is nice. There's a restaurant, a salon, mini mart, laundry service, blahblahblah. all included. rocks right.
AND, I watched Twilight here with my cousins, and it was... okay.
I must say, I had outside influence, people emphasizing on how good it is, I'm afraid my expectations could've been over the mark.
Therefore, I will conclude that it's a fine romance movie, sweet, touching, but it doesn't stay with me, meaning, it doesn't leave an impact in my life.
Plus my brother fumed over how Edward and Bella could fall in love so quick. Heh, he's another firm non-believer in 'love at first sight', influenced by me i'm afraid.
The Day The Earth Stood Still, on the other hand, made me reflect on so many things like human nature. There are two sides to a human, according to the movie.
But which side is more dominant?
And all the effects and alien stuff were actually pretty cool. SEE, just because i'm a GIRL doesn't mean I'll ONLY like romance and not action. Because guys think that when I say an action or thriller or sci-fiction movie is not good, it's because i'm not interested in them. See now, I'm starting to rant.
Have to say, I'm really happy here, but anyway, miss all of you, so I will be returning eventually. Wheeee.
By the way I noticed something almost predictable, but I think too much most of the time, so it's okay, not going to say anything. But I'm about to have my mighty theory proven :D so-called theory anyways, many of my theories don't make sense. Yay.
Blaha! Did your mom pass you the message?