
image (c) maina from deviantart.
since yesterday was a wordy post, today shall have more pictures! yes i shall be posting everyday up till Christmas, i'll be going to Malaysia for a while then until 28th December. OH NOS, i'll miss the advent calendar on neopets again. that sucks.
Anyway, i've uploaded some photos from Indonesia :) taken from my dad's iPhone. i've also found some pics from june i uploaded, shall include that too.j

^ part of the living room, it's crooked i don't know why.

^ some people are born to trip =) or maybe he just had a good teacher >)

^ blessing of our house since it was new =D we invited the priest to the bbq. haha.

^ wii characters! they all look retarded and we give them funny names. mine is called aiyo.

^ wedding of Yuri and Linda~ this was the afternoon church service. and the place was already so nice. we couldn't take a clear picture of my cousin, she was beautiful =)

^ mom!

^ kevin and felix. they get along well but they fight sometimes too, that includes physically.

^ my boyfriend in indonesia =) i have good taste.

^ my dad and me! i am catching up in terms of height, mwahahahaha.

^ alvin and me!

^ Theresia and me :D

^ dad and alvin!

^ mom and me! see the likeness now?

^ i look so fake here, but everyone else looks nice, so who cares. we're all related, so we look kinda similar. you know i was joking right? alvin is my brother in case you haven't already known.
back row: Lydia, Wulan, Alvin
front row: me, Theresia
:D everyone loved this picture so much.

^ half of my cousins plus my brothers. haha. the other half of the cousin collection were not there, either working etc. plus the wedding was in Bandung, most of our relatives don't live there. yes, we had to travel by car from jakarta to bandung, HELL.

^ we are all looking the wrong way! there were three cameras! they all love us because we are so lovely~ i'm reminded of the song "She's So Lovely" playing in the movie Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging. haha.

^ me and theresia aka ching. this was at the hotel =) the makeup has faded so i look more natural here.
the wordy part of the post!
the place at night was fantastic i tell you, at least like, 5m tall or something. and there was a band complete with a grand piano. all night long they sang love songs, and there was a powerpoint slide showing pictures of Yuri and Linda and it was so sweeet.
outside, there were pictures of both of them in different places in the world; they hired four photographers and went around the world to take pictures!
i think that's a waste of money but yet, very romantic :D
we reached the place about 6+ but the thing started at 8!!! the shoes i was wearing hurt, and i was bored. but the place was so nice it was worth it.
and the fake eyelashes felt weird, and the right one came out a bit, so i spent half the night fidgeting with it -.-" by the way, the people at the salon said my makeup was too little! o.o
Yuri and Linda then threw the bouquet, my brother was among the crowd trying to catch it because you can probably trade it for like, an mp3 player? xD he didn't get either of the two ._.
AND, the next day, i was told the story of Linda. when she got engaged, her ex-boyfriend from two years back, whom she didn't hear from, rushed with his dad to find her mother to ask for another chance.
my poor aunt was confused and called Linda back from Bandung.
Linda brought Yuri along, and without warning, the ex boyfriend punched Yuri O.O
so they fought but Yuri won because he was taller!! YAY FOR HIM!!
AND AND, i don't like make up! it's hell tiring to remove you know, cause my mother forbids me to use water, i have to use the remover. and the eyeliner part was, RARR.
at Lembang:

^ we picked strawberries ourselves! :D

^ flying fox was only 10,000 rupiah, less than $2. it was long and super nice, it made my headache go away. i was sick at that time.

^ wall climbing! also 10,000 rupiah.

^ at Lembang De`Ranch :) my brother on a brown horse.

^ YAY i got the white horse! :) he was so calm!

^ kevin on the biggest and oldest stallion there was there. haha. lucky for him.

^ Felix on a tan and white horse.
Theresia was scared -.-" boo her!

^ a handsome stallion we spotted. i think he was being trained for something, maybe some competition. you could see the muscles rippling, and i think he's as big as the biggest stallion :D
sorry for the extremely long post.
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