Yes Man!

image (c) moonlightamber from deviantart.
time for a long and boring post. mwahaha. it's late and i'm having my period, so it will sound dull.
I went out with Shi Ting, Leong Yew and Mark today to watch Yes Man in the Cathay.
I lost my Ez-link card!! :(
So i had to buy the temporary one for CCK so that we can meet shi ting.
But it's a blessing in disguise because leong yew took pity on me and treated me to lunch :D
omg, so many people saw us in lot 1! like beatrice, haha, he's not loverboy! melina called saying she saw us too.
We then took 190 to plaza sing.
Ly was approached by many people at one go asking him to buy the photo album while we fled. oops. we did the same with jack + bryant. shi ting, you're so evil! :)
mark booed us from behind; he lied about his location so he could appear suddenly -.-" but it didn't work!
we went to buy the tickets, but the seating was weird, two in first row, the others sat separately.
so me and shi ting sat on the first row, which sucked! you had to crane your neck. but the movie was funny and nice! :D
and mark treated me to the movie! haha thanks, everyone's so nice to meee, mwahahahaha.
before that we window-shopped to kill time, shi ting was looking out for something she could buy. the things there were expensive! but the stuff at esprit was niceee.
mark kept bullying shi ting, but i'm spared =)
we ate dinner at a food court around there. i paid for it myself this time xD
after which mark asked us to go home by mrt, and i agreed, but then ly reminded me that i lost my ez-link card which made me emo all over again. so we parted ways, mark and shi ting took the mrt, i took 61 bus with leong yew.
the bus trip took a long long time, leong yew told me about his malaysia trip, and he gave me a deeper insight on autism so now i understand christopher better.
he also explained about a guy who could read emotions, personality etc just by looking at the muscles on your face. i was thinking that was cool but sometimes using instinct works too, and reading what the eyes say is more reliable, because eyes are the windows to your soul, as mr lattif puts it.
and after a while he finally said that it's harder to read me than shi ting. is that good or bad?
after about an hour (-.-") we finally reached bb. but i realized i had to walk a lot so ly offered to send me home.
outside my condo i had a funny quarrel with ly because he thinks it's right that he sends me right up to my door, but i didn't want to trouble him, he still has to buy something for his mom and he looked tired.
and then he asked something and gave that face that made me feel really guilty, but he finally said bye.
and i thought next time i should just let a guy send me home since st said that all guys are egoistic to a certain extent just as girls are vain to different extents.
MY DAD SHOWED ME A PHOTO! i was fat when i was young and i pout most of the time and look grumpy. ee.
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