Graduation Night 2008

^ We plucked all the roses out -.-"
^ Ruo Nan's hat =3
^ Shi Ting and Nureeen :)
^ Irvin and band's performance!
^ Nureen and Brenda!
^ Me and Bryant! Am i that short that he has to lean? Purple shirt!
^ Leong Yew! He's dying for his pictures. He looked so different okay.

^ Ruo Nan and Debby!

^ Uma and gang :D hahaha. They looked like they bought the clothes from the same place.
^ Bored!

^ MR LATTIF!!! -hugs-

^ Hmm. An extra person to the left. Irvin, me, Mdm Yeo, Debby!
^ LY and me.
Yay, grad night photos copyrighted to debby. Haha. her camera.
THese photos are not included the ones taken by other cameras. The other photos include other people not from our table! YAY.
Grad night was okay. Wasn't that extremely impressive though, but it was okay (: Quite cool.
I have great friends (:
By the way, prom queen was Pei Jun!!!!!!!! YAY CHINA BEAUTY!!! -huggles- You deserve it!
Congratulations :D:D
And also to the prom king, but i don't know him. Haha.
And the heels were fine. Heels don't always hurt, it depends on what kind of heels you wear and how you walk in them. We girls do so so we'll look nice, just like others spend up to $1000 for their prom clothes. It's called a sacrifice (:
UPDATED! The following photos are from Shi Ting's camera!

^ Prom queen at the extreme right! :D YAY. WX looks like a superstar!

^ Xiao Hui and me :D I love her hair and make up!

^ Khadeza and Ruo Nan!

^ Sarah!!

^ I love this picture! Jack looks awesome with his shades -.-" LOL.

^ I love this picture too! It was taken by handphone, so it's not very clear, plus it's at night, plus there's that bright spot of light behind us, and that's why it's nice! at least you can't see the tiredness of our faces now :D

^ Sarah!!

^ I love this picture! Jack looks awesome with his shades -.-" LOL.
^ I love this picture too! It was taken by handphone, so it's not very clear, plus it's at night, plus there's that bright spot of light behind us, and that's why it's nice! at least you can't see the tiredness of our faces now :D
Blogger screwed up halfway -.-"
VANESSA! HELLO, I'm going to photoshop a picture of you and *ahem* ;)
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