Sunday, June 29, 2008
Field agents Blaha! Doesn't that remind you of something? :o
Anyway the movie was very funny. Maxwell aka Agent 86 is stupid, hahahha.
Watched Get Smart because I failed to sneak in to watch Wanted, which is NC16. How can she doubt I'm 16?? I look 16, even if I'm not. In the end we bought tickets to Get Smart instead, and I'm glad we did!
Ruo Nan! The movie revealed one very interesting fighting technique; long story short: While tumbling in mid-air, in order to make the bad guy let go of them (punching and kicking his groin didn't work), Agent 99 (female) turned and kissed him and he let go due to his shock.
Wahahaha, I was O.O o-kay, how simple.
Add that to your list, if you have one!
Anyway I think Maxwell, despite his being over-confident and all, is quite a potential for a romantic man. Haha.
I have a new organ song!!
It's called: "La Vent Vert" Le Temps Bleu!
That's what they wrote in the title anyway; I don't know French.
Nice sad song like someone's dying, but stupid ending, no offence :)
I love the spunky fast-beat song "Mickey Mouse March (Springtime Extended Version" :) One of my favourites.
MOM, I wish you would one day stop living other peoples' lives. We are not like those ASC(I) friends of ours, those genius cousins or like you. You can't make us live their lives or your dreams.
Doctor? Lawyer?
They are not the only careers that exist.
I do try to be the best daughter I can be, but I live my own dream (whatever that is), not other people's.
The more you think I have no talents, the closer I am to believing I don't.
Maybe if you pay closer attention you'll see that I'm not completely the pile of shit you said I was (yes i remember that time).
Yes, by the way, the new generation doesn't dictate us to MUST excel in Science.
Sorry, but Science is not the world. Didn't you see the story Science vs God?
My dad... he supported my mother by saying that the teachers couldn't possibly give homework that cannot be completed.
How do you know?
Each teacher would say they're only giving THAT little, but THAT little x8 equals to THAT much!
Or maybe the problem lies with me; time management. Well I apologize for that :)
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Based on the answers you gave, we would categorize the Decidophobia you are experiencing as severe. It is a major problem for you that is producing totally unnecessary anxiety, and may well be taking a toll on your working and personal relationships as well as your career and your overall quality of life.
» on the way down says:
same! lol
SHI-TING says:
hahaha awesome
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
wah shi ting
» on the way down says:
it's supposed to be bad!
» on the way down says:
we;re supposed to be crying now!
SHI-TING says:
it's awesomely bad!
» on the way down says:
SHI-TING says:
but we chose to take the test leh!
SHI-TING says:
so it's not that bad to the extent that we pondered over taking the test
» on the way down says:
good point
Chinese oral was screwed!!
The conversation, that is.
But anyway it's over so let's just get on with it eh? Listening comprehension next! :o
SO, since I'm the third last, it was pretty boring. We sat there socializing for two hours :D So fun! Pissed off much Shi Ting? =P
Basically I chatted the time away with: Irvin, Rui Shan, Xiao Hui, Debbie Chia and Chrystabel because they were nearby!
Nearing the end, only Irvin, RS, me and XH were still talking animatedly (a bit too animatedly).
Afterwards the examiner asked me: "ni men gang cai zai jiang hua, shi ma?" got me in a spot! Oops!
RS, XH and Irvin have strange childhoods! LIke me like that.
I sent everyone this revolting email showing a woman killing a kitten.
Take a look at everyone's reactions.
Shi Ting (trust me it took a long time to convince her to open it):
» on the way down says:
SHI-TING says:
haha i wont go and open
» on the way down says:
no lah
» on the way down says:
just open
» on the way down says:
then you'll feel very strongly about it
» on the way down says:
it's a good thing for you!
SHI-TING says:
SHI-TING says:
i have to do lit!
SHI-TING says:
and so do you!
» on the way down says:
still have to see!
» on the way down says:
jack thinks i send the email cause i too stress
SHI-TING says:
SHI-TING says:
you say until very scary
SHI-TING says:
» on the way down says:
you know i like to exaggerate =P
» on the way down says:
maybe the picture was edited in photoshop, we never know
SHI-TING says:
yeah exactly!
SHI-TING says:
» on the way down says:
but how could anyone edit that and not feel bad?
SHI-TING says:
yeah precisely
SHI-TING says:
eeyer. cruel.
and it goes on and on and on until finallly!!
SHI-TING says:
anyway, i'm opening your mail
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
i probably will o.o
SHI-TING says:
» on the way down says:
SHI-TING says:
SHI-TING says:
SHI-TING says:
» on the way down says:
Big reaction Shi Ting!
Jack™ unit 11 is dead says:
Jack™ unit 11 is dead says:
too stress is it?
Jack™ unit 11 is dead says:
snd me that kind of email
Jack™ unit 11 is dead says:
i receive dozens eevryday
» on the way down says:
well, it's a tragic email
Bryant's (it took even longer):
Art Of Life says:
Whats in your email?
» on the way down says:
just see lah
Art Of Life says:
I'm lazy
Art Of Life says:
» on the way down says:
just seeeeee
» on the way down says:
it's a murder
Art Of Life says:
Is it porn?
» on the way down says:
Art Of Life says:
» on the way down says:
it's a murder
Art Of Life says:
When people say just see
Art Of Life says:
They usually mean porn
Art Of Life says:
» on the way down says:
Art Of Life says:
Or is it rotten pics
Art Of Life says:
If it is
Art Of Life says:
I'll kill you
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
so what defines your rotten pics eh?
Art Of Life says:
Pics from and likewise
Art Of Life says:
So it is yeah?
» on the way down says:
Art Of Life says:
Oh puhleez
Art Of Life says:
If it wasnt you wouldnt have asked that question
» on the way down says:
well the pics are a bit scary
» on the way down says:
but not from or whatsit
Art Of Life says:
Art Of Life says:
I knew it
» on the way down says:
BRYANT, you're lazy beyond redemption you know
Art Of Life says:
Well you're ebil beyond all ebilness you know?
» on the way down says:
erm, and why's that?
Art Of Life says:
Because you sent me rotten pics
Art Of Life says:
That makes you ebil
» on the way down says:
i sent everyone 'rotten pics'!
Art Of Life says:
So now you know how ebil you are?
» on the way down says:
that's not evil, it's spreading the word
» on the way down says:
to stop evil people from doing evil things
Art Of Life says:
Art Of Life says:
Thats gloating and enjoying people's agony and torture
Art Of Life says:
» on the way down says:
etc etc etc
Art Of Life says:
See what your ebilness did
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
why did he do that?
Art Of Life says:
I dont know
Art Of Life says:
Must have been so sickened
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
so you're reading it
Art Of Life says:
Reading what?
» on the way down says:
the mail
Art Of Life says:
Art Of Life says:
I wont read it
» on the way down says:
why the hell not?????
» on the way down says:
after saying soooo much in the end you're not opening it. oh my starclan, help this guy!
Art Of Life says:
Oh your what?
» on the way down says:
» on the way down says:
even if i say you wouldn't know
RAP--- Retards Attempting Poetry says:
I'll ask someone tomorrow
HAHA, I asked Bryant today if he figured out what StarClan was, and clearly he didn't. And I'm KIND! :o I hear coughs all the way from CCK.
I had no idea the email would cause such a big reaction!!
OH, and few days ago, Y.S Elliot told Melina and I his life-tale during English lesson while we were 'brainstorming'.
I saw him differently. Guess everyone has something more to them.
He's open about it, good thing too. See lah Melina, not like you lah xD
Oh yeah, and I found that Rui Shan is a Disney fan 8D Discovered that when she was getting Nuren to sing A Whole New World from Aladdin during Math lesson but Nuren forgot. RS asked me afterwards, and I was O.O, of course I know the song! In Jakarta, when I went ice-skating, they kept playing that song which was YAY. I like Disney!
And we both agreed that Aladdin's singer has a charming voice.
"I'll chase them everywhere, there's time to spare..."
As we sang till here, Debby commented that we didn't have time to spare because of the 'O's. Wahh, so depressing right?
Reality check, there's no Aladdin in the real world to take me up on a magic carpet. Boo hoo.
It's nice to see Debby starting to talk to Leong Yew again :D
Debby has been very random these days, always having outbursts concerning me and ly. I started to not look at him when she does that nowadays. Reason?
To be honest, he has the capability to look at people intensely.
And when he does that, I have to look away first right? Not that it's ultra bad or anything...
In any case, I'm not to blame because I have severe decidophobia!!
I have a feeling Simraan would be O.O seeing this because ly is famous for his expressionless stare.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Schoool :(
To sum it up, going back to school sucks.And I keep dozing off anyway.. especially during History while we're discussing SBQ. Strangely, unlike Peejay who was getting cosy with sleeping, I didn't get caught even once. That's because there's always a niggling thing in the back of my mind that wakes me up every few minutes.
Melinaaa, poor you, you're in charge of hitting me each time I sleep :D
Anyway, I need to publicise this! There was once after Melina woke me up, I laid my head down and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. And in my dream, I was playing golf and there was this weird annoying voice that kept talking about internet porn in high and low pitches, and asking if it's funny.
It sounded a lot like a buzzing bee. Or the wind talking?
Then I jolted awake and the bee was the neighbour beside me, MELINA, who probably didn't expect me to have fallen asleep.
Sorry for making you out to be a bee Melina, HAHAHA :P And anyway I don't get the internet porn joke.
After that Mark woke me and Shi Ting up with his roar and Melina asked if he was a lion in my dreams xD
Oh, and during the history exam prep, I woke up because I saw Mdm Yeo's face looming in front of me like she wanted to kill me. OMG. Scary~
Lame lamelame lame.
So yeah, school was basically torture.
The bookshop auntie asked today if debby and I were sisters. She said we looked alike. Ahhhh, I'm nowhere as crazy as her! =P I'm a calm and dignified lady *cough*
Oh, and Debby abandoned me yesterday! *wails* Okay not really.
But I ended up in 985 with three of the famous jokers in school. And, I'm quiet introverted when it comes to strangers, so I didn't answer the first time Nazri approached.
They had to take 985 as well so it was a bit disturbing in the bus.
Not that they talked that much about sick stuff.
Despite my obvious sullen silence, Nazri didn't leave me alone (good or bad?). In between his chat with the others, he would, "Michelle." here and there. So basically I didn't have much of a choice but to reply.
The ROFL part was when Alan told Nazri we were good friends and I bet I was O.O after that I just answered subtly with 'okay lah', and Nazri said that Alan was just assuming. Well something came out from my supplying him stationary (correction tape, green pen, red pen, ruler, pencil etc) for half a year. Clearly now I've, unconsciously, became his 'good friend'. Amusing.
The guy who got knocked down in America was so pitiful! :( It wasn't even his fault, come on.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Hollow Men
THE HOLLOW MENmy interpretation:
a) T.S Eliot’s view of civilisation and Man is actually very positive. Hollow men seem to give the image of a hollow wooden doll, which is lightweight and delights many little kids. Stuffed men reminds us of the scarecrow in The Wizard of the Oz. The scarecrow sets out to find a heart, which shows how humans seek to be better people with ‘heart’.
T.S Eliot also depicts humans as respectful as they do not dare meet the eyes in death’s dream kingdom. They have a respect for those of highter authority. His talk of death’s dream kingdom shows that he thinks Man have a capability of ruling both life and death, which goes to show how highly he thinks of creatures like Man.
He also brings the poem randomly to a scene of a desert. This brings confusion to many people, but only smarter ones are able to understand that desert represents a vast emptiness. This stands for Man’s vast and clear knowledge, with no obstacles except an occasional cactus, and this helps man just as cactus fights the dryness of the deserts with its juice.
T.S Eliot thinks that Man is knowledgable. They do not need speech, do not need sight, to gather on the beach of the tumid river. Ironically, the broken jaw of our lost kingdoms meant that Man’s kingdom is regained. The lostness of the kingdom is now ‘broken’, so the kingdom’s found again. Here, he also mentioned that hope lies in empty men. It means that he thinks that knowledgable men suck, and that the less knowledge, the better. Here, the mention of twilight kingdom, hollow valley etc refers to Batman. Yes, I have to agree with the annonnymus genius. Batman is a hero, and that’s what T.S Eliot’s trying to say; men are heroes. Only they can save themselves from the ‘eyes’ that are not here.
Finally, in V, prickly pear represents a sweet fruit that pricks the tongue. This means that although men are awesome, they have to be careful of several bad sheep that would hurt them. These threats would most likely attack at five o’ clock in the morning. The Shadow, the bad guy, would fall between the idea and reality, between the motion and the act, which means they would fall at the most subtle place, like a toilet. This is because, when people shit, they have the idea that it would come out but in reality it doesn’t. This is simlar with conception and creation, emotion and response, desire and spasm, potency and existence, essence and descent.
T.S Eliot also thinks that men are children at heart. This is because he uses the nursery rhyme twice.
When he said the world would end in a whimper, it means peacefully, thanks to Man.
b) The mood of this poem is happy. For example, he said that life is very long, which is nice because that means global warming isn't about to kill us anytime soon.
c) T.S Eliot clearly wanted to steer those unfortunate students who were made to interpret his work away from the correct path. He thinks we’re dumb enough to think the poem is about the hollowness of men, about war and all the terrible things, when actually, it’s a happy poem. In a personal level, I want to praise T.S Eliot for putting in such a tremendous effort to make me see that life rocks :D
HAHAHAHA, I should submit this to Mr Latiff and watch his face.
“Michelle… come and see me later.”
Okay, I actually typed out that crap in a few minutes only. Haha. The real answer... kinda takes hours to put together.
And it's still not done.
I have a new watch! It's lime green and yellow-green (like dry grass) 8D Did I mention I love lime green? Plus it's only 10 bucks. HA.
I am dead tomorrow. Thousands of homework incomplete.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Anyway I have just found out I have psychic powers because I had a hunch someone wasn't okay and I was spot on.
-prances around happily-
Okay I /am/ worried for that person, don't say I'm heartless! Lalala~
A conversation between me and Debby that was screwed up!!!!!
Several names censored.
Debby asking me
Question: What would happen if LA gave you a rose?
Answer: Well I'll be stunned.
Question: What if LADEELA gave you a rose?
Answer: Even more shocked, haha! He has a girlfriend what.
Question: What if LA proposed!!!!
Answer: I'd most likely run away.
Question: What if LA tried to rape you?
Answer: WHATWHATWHATWHATWHATWTFF?????????????????/// I would slap him and kick his ass. And that's the end of our friendship, i guess.
Question: So what'll you do if LADEELA gives you a rose?
Answer: I'll be like eh? THANKS, not wrong person ah
Question: What would you do if leon proposed?
Answer: I'll scream and laugh all at the same time, and come to realise I'm only 16
Question: What would you do if LA proposed? :o
Answer: I'll just say you're kidding right? If he's not, I'll shout and slap him.
Question: So what'll you do if LA tried to rape you?
Answer: I'll laugh because it'll be so funny.
Messed up messed up!! HAHAHA. Debby the Van corrupting me!
Debbs wanted to try on wedding gowns after the o levels... haha, then we'd better dress very maturedly and bribe some random guys we know to be our 'fiances'.
No need to buy never mind one, hahahaha.

Haunted Woods is starting to live up more to its name eh?
Conversation with cousins through MSN two days ago:
THAT is bullying number one!While they were talking about piano scores, suddenly...
Tere: What's Michelle doing?
Tere: Is she torturing people?
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: I'm kind-hearted
Tere: You????
Tere: Kind-hearted????
Tere: hahahhahaahahahaha
Felix: Hello I'm Felix!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boo.
For some reason, Felix sounds like Sarah or Debby.
Tere: Michelle
Me: Ya?
Tere: Why are you so ugly?
Tere: lol
Me: Tere is uglier
Felix: Alvin is also ugly
Tere: Michelle is uglier
-goes to a corner to sulk-
Anyway beauty is in the eye of the beholder, mwahahahahaha.
Me: When you yelled in the shopping mall, the whole world turned you know
Tere: I screamed also because of you(i think i tripped her.)
Felix: If it's you, one whole galaxy turn to look
-goes to another corner to sulk-
Number two:
I shall do the quizzes while doing my literature. Darn The Hollow Men... come to think of it, it does seem associated with Batman ;D
Question 1: How long will you wait for someone you love?
Answer: Long enough :)
Question 2: What do you hope for now?
Answer: For o levels to be over and done with.. of course, i wanna ace it.
Question 3: What is the last thing you do/say if tomorrow is the end of the world?
Answer: I'll burn all my books and notes first, then watch the world end with friends and family.
Question 4: Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Answer: I don't hate them, I just get pissed with them.
Question 5: What will you do if your bestfriend has been kidnapped?
Answer: Get kidnapped with her :D
Question 6: Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Answer: It's God's promise :)
Question 7: Will you snatch your love back?
Answer: If he seems to need/want it, haha.
Question 8: What is your desired age of marriage?
Answer: 24-29
Question 9: Are you happy with your life now?
Answer: No point being unhappy with it, even though i'm practically the deadest person in 4e2 right now (homework).
Question 10: What if your crush asked you out?
Answer: Now? I'll decline. There's a time and place for everything.
Question 11: What will you do when you have a crush that knows you have a crush on him?
Answer: Too bad lah, what else?
Question 12: What feelings do you hate the most?
Answer: Negative feelings
Question 13: What will you do if you fall in love with a boy?
Question 14: What are you looking forward in the coming weeks?
Answer: Studying *sobs*
Question 15: What is the most important thing in your life?
Answer: Oxygen! Argh, i don't know, i'm feeling vexed out over homework/revision. Anyway i answered this before.
Question 16: Who do you hope to always be there for you?
Answer: People I cherish
Question 17: Do you find life meaningless?
Answer: I used to question why I'm alive, but i don't anymore, so no, life's not meaningless. GOD gave us life for a reason, duh.
Question 18: Where do you think can true love be found?
Answer: Anywhere!
Question 19: Do you believe that there's true love?
Answer: Half-half.
Question 20: What is your greatest wish?
Answer: FOR NOW IT'S TO ACE O LEVELS. After that i'll think about it.
Question 21: What will you change if you could turn back time?
Answer: Nothing.
The 10 people to do this survey, dont break the rule,
1) Debby
2) Shi TIng
3) Pei Jun
5) Jia Ying
6-10) whoever else who needs a break from The Hollow Men :)
1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
Close friends.
2. Do you turn you cell phone off?
Before I sleep; the radiation can cause brain damage or womb cancer.
3.What happened at 10.00am today?
I jolted awake.
4.When did you last cry?
Quite recently.
5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
6. What do you want in your life now?
Everything I have in my life now. Oh, more luck and time management.
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or you just put up your hood?
I don't bother lah.. just get soaked.
8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
9. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox says?
Something about people missing me while I was in Indonesia. That's the most recent one that I can remember.
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
There's no point in that, but I think I do that a lot :D
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
KungFu Panda! Sheeeeefu is a red panda, ya know that?
14. What are you proud of?
Being alive!
15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says?
It says I'm evil :O -sulks-
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
I sing out loud too much, and my memory sometimes suck.
17. Do you have any nicknames?
YES. SARAH, DEBBY, SHI TING and LEONG YEW are officially listed for creating unnecessary nicknames.
18. What does your last message in your inbox says?
There is organ today -sulks-
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
20.Are you currently happy?
Not really...
21. Who gives you the best advice?
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
No, but I wanna try.
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
Hell, YES.
25. What/ Who was the last thing/person which/who made you laugh?
Remembering Tere's retarded actions.
26. Do you wear toe socks?
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
Some number. I already have five unknowns in my contacts okay... CALL ME AGAIN IF YOU DARE, STALKERS. HAHA. STALK VANESSA INSTEAD.
28. Had you
29. What annoys you in a person?
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Too personal, dude.
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
32. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
No, duh.
33. What is the colour of your room?
34. Do you believe in the saying 'talk in cheap'?
I don't know.
35. Who is the last person to lay on your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
My father :)
37. What do you say to the person you have crush on?
I say hi.
38. Do you have a life?
I hope so.
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they haven't?
Yup. And it's scary.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
My relatives in Indonesia :) They were all together, no specific last person I saw. Yes, I miss Jakarta and the people there; I want to go back.
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
I guess so.
44. What are you listening to right now?
45. Are you talking to someone when doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes closed or opened?
Open, DUH. I tried to use hearing only to guide my way and I nearly veered into the roads.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
Many quotes.
48. Do you want someone you can't have?
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Obviously yes.
50. What is the worst idea you had this week?
To pon school next week.
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
I can't remember.
52. Are you happy with your life right now?
Not really... I'm pretty miserable now.
53. What song describe your life?
54. Does the person know you like him/her?
Random question; yes.
55. Who always make you laugh?
Family, friends in Singapore and Tere :D
56. Do you use other language other than english?
Bahasa Indonesia. Chinese-not for speaking.
57. Are you blond?
58. What is your favourite song?
I'm spoilt for choice.
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
60. Who do you chose to die with?
Nobody. I'd rather die alone and let people grief, HAHA.
61. What do you think you are like?
A living thing.
62. Where have you been today?
Yamaha (oh shit Melina, i forgot to ask!), West Mall, home.
63. What game do you play often?
64. Who are you missing right now?
Tere, Felix and all my other relatives in Indonesia :(
65. If you would have to chose between friends and love, which will you chose?
There's love in friendship and friendship in love.
66. What are you doing right now?
Doing this
67. Which primary school are you from?
Bukit View.
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Lime green, turquoise and brown.
69. What emotion you like to show?
70. What is life to you?
A fantasy storybook.
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Keep it in. Yeah I know it's bad, haha.
72. Who did you chat last in msn today?
73. Who do you admire most?
MDM YEO! I hope you see this 'cher, pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let me off for not completing your homework.
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
76. What is the time right now?
77. Where are you now?
In my room before my laptop.
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
My hair is natural.
79. Why are you doing this test?
80. What do you do when you are moody?
I blame my miserable luck.
81. At which age do you want to marry?
82. Who is more important to you?
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
84. Who is the person you trust most?
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after raining?
I said before that it's God's promise.
86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
Everlasting happiness!
87. What is your goal for this year?
ACE O LEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!! HOw many times have i said this in this quiz?
88. Do you believe in
89. What do you love?
Food. Freedom from the education system. 24/7 on the computer.
90. Do you think it's Global Warming now?
DUH. Anyway the Second Coming is nearing :)
91. What feeling you hate most?
GOSH stop repeating questions.
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
93. Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you most?
Nobody tells me, so it shall be God.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Stop asking me again -.-"
96. What'll you bring when you fight?
97. What have you regretted in your whole life?
Live without regrets...
98. What would you feel if no one cares for you?
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
I will DUMP HIM, unless he has an extremely extremely valid reason. It goes to show a lot about his character.
100. Who(5) would you sabo next?
HAHAHAHA all of you MUST do this
Thursday, June 19, 2008
This was the neomail Shi Ting sent me.
Way weirddd~
Altador Cup III has started. (a bit similar to world cup?)
I'm such a loyal person I stuck to Haunted Woods... Melina joined Altador, while Shi Ting joined Shenkuu.
Shi Ting, great choice, by the way... Shenkuu people are friendly. Mike from Shenkuu used to stick around at our HW boards all the time last year, and he's a very nice person, therefore I conclude that Shenkuu is a friend! HAHAHA xD
Still, thank you Shi Ting because you have motivated me to play like crazy like I did last year >D
Oh, by the way, NEW TIMETABLE IS OUT in case some people are slow.
I know I knew it before Shi Ting and Debby did, credits to Bryant who told me.
FYI, Bryant hasn't touched his homework (why did I even ask?) and he isn't actually planning to. Isn't it unfair that some people are just born with the brains?
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I miss Jakarta already, honestly! It was a blast of a time. Ya know the A Maths TYS, unit 11a to f, last 10 questions? I only managed to complete 11a and b and a bit of c, which was pathetic. I brought chem as well but I didn't touch it.
There is no peace there! Really. If our cousins and us aren't touring Artha Gading, Asia's largest mall, not ice-skating, not bowling, not watching movies, not getting excited over Wii's Cooking Mama, we'd be in the room chatting away about ghost stories. So there. That's why I couldn't do much homework in Indonesia.
But they were awesome company :D Theresia was the closest thing I can get for a sister. I'll blog more about her crazy and retarded acts soon.
Anyway I miss them as well, my cousins. It seems deadly quiet without them around.
Okay well, I decided this post shall be dedicated to the two movies I watched in Indonesia.
1. The Happening
It's such an awesome thriller! Even though I admit, I got freaked out at the part where the car entered Princeton and the guy put on his glasses because there was something ahead... and that something was dead bodies hanging from the trees. I was traumatized.
Symptoms are: people lose their sense of direction, like they suddenly stopped or walked backwards, they start talking weird and finally find the best way to end their lives. Tada.
We watched The Happening because Shutter wasn't out yet... yes, I had been almost 100% sure I wanted to watch Shutter... so rare right? I'm definitely not a fan of horror. I prefer supernatural thrillers and Korean dramas! Lol.
Many many disturbing scenarios... that disturbed me. Especially since I was below the speaker.
Twas similar to the Saw 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (?). Only the idea of Nature's retribution is more creepy when you think about it.
2. Kung Fu Panda
So cute! I liked Po even though he was fat. I like Tigress as well.
The oldest and wisest was a turtle, the master was a racoon, the five warriors were: a tiger, a snake, a monkey, a crane and a praying mantis. And the legendary Dragon Warrior is Po, the fat panda. The bad guy is Tai Lung, a snow leopard.
Are leopards evil?
Yayay, I loved it!!
Internet going nuts again.. shall use the lappie tomorrow if i can. Then can post pictures >D
Thursday, June 5, 2008
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RUI SHAN!!!!!!!!!!! Shared present with VV, JY, VHAN, Crystal Bell, Marcus' Love and ST. I remembered I owed her one Lunatone, that stopped her from completing her Pokedex. Oops.Lawl. Debby, you were speaking in codes, you know? You tell me something about Leong Yew but refuse to tell me why you came to that conclusion.
I shall take revenge and do the same to you when I get the chance to ;)
HAHA I'm getting the jitters!!! I mean, those kind when you're gonna leave the next day, but you don't know what to pack and all. YES I JUST STARTED!!! Fwee. I'm the first in the family to start, actually. Hats off to the Darmawan family :D
I called Ruo Nan because talking helps calm me down xD But she's not at home! Probably jogging, and I don't want to call her a second time because I'm scared of her father!
Oh oh, and I'm so jittery that I've decided to make peace with Leong Yew :) No link right?
LOL, yes, I had a... small disagreement.. with him yesterday. BOOO. Yes, that's why I didn't do anything when Vanessa, Jia Ying, Debby, Chrystabel and Melina kept teasing me to approach him when he was walking home alone today.
Any other times, I think I would've gone to him, NOT BECAUSE I'M HIS GIRLFRIEND OR WHATEVER, but because he looks very lonely.
It doesn't matter lah, he said he's not even the littlest bit bothered because he likes quiet. Haha. Don't even know if he considers the disagreement a disagreement at all.
Anyway our short phone conversation went well without hiccups (meaning it's a happy conv), so I know it's all settled and now I can leave worry-free xD
But there should not be any hatred between people! If you want world peace, you start with the people around you =P
His friend Bryant calmed me down as well with his oh-i'm-so-smart tone and i-know-more-than-you aura that makes me feel younger than him o.O
Let's see some clips of the conversation, shall we?
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Pack your pet dog in too!
» on the way down says:
pet dog?
» on the way down says:
i don't have a dog
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Well get one and pack it
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Pack your flatscreen tv too
» on the way down says:
what the hell for? indonesia have tv
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Oh yeah
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Your mansion
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Has a 500 inch tv
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
How could I forget
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Go pack that puppy!
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Give it gummi bears to eat in the plane
» on the way down says:
Omg you are cruel
» on the way down says:
packing in a puppy
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
» on the way down says:
it can't breathe!
» on the way down says:
you don't have a dog right?
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
I do
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Its a weredog
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
It transforms into a door in the daytime
» on the way down says:
a DOOR?!
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
It barks occassionally though
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Mischievous thing
» on the way down says:
a door can bark?
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Its so evil
» on the way down says:
i never watched star wars for real before
» on the way down says:
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Oh my god
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Where have you been??
» on the way down says:
on eArth?
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Earth has star wars!
» on the way down says:
star wars is fake you know?
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
» on the way down says:
sound doesn't travel in vacuum, but star wars has all the slashing effects
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
» on the way down says:
Oh my tian
» on the way down says:
erm, yes?
Floccinaucininilipilification!!!!!!!!! VAFFANCULO!!! says:
And you said you never watched it
I am amazed, HAHAHA. Actually, I used to talk a lot to Bryant because I had to work with him so that we could get Leong Yew and Shi Ting together last year... but still, we were classmates. I hope I can confidently classify him under 'friends' now :D I have weird friends! (*hinthintdebbyvhanandblahahinthint*)
*She* should totally grab on to him and not let go!! >DD I mean, at least when she dates him, it definitely won't be a boring date right?
Debby too! HAHA, she keeps roleplaying the teddy, which means I can't use CAPS anymore because she'll be scared -.-"
And MELINA! The one who owed me the farewell meal?? xD She said she's hooked on neopets, thanks to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ I gave her tons of advice since I've been on more often.
And Sarah, who said hi then bye -.-"
I will make no comment on whether the 'he' in the previous post refers to Leong Yew. I'll let all the Literature or SS or History students have fun making their own guesses.
Argh!!! Much as I look forward to it... I'm nervous. Really. I need to talk to Ruo Nan, somehow she's the only one I don't mind annoying. Oops, I mean she's the only one that I can talk on and on to. Wherever the hell she is!!!!! She's probably jogging right now and smiling serenely because no one can see her in the dark!
One more thing that gets me nervous... my mom said that we're in a possible danger of a flood. Oh my gosh. Am I supposed to be excited?
Guess not.
I'm just hoping I'll return safely. I don't trust Nature, but I trust God :D
I've prepared smses to send out at the airport tomorrow >D Yes, call me evil or whatever, I'm SO gonna sms a few friends. I'm gonna spite them. HAHA. BYE BYE!!Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I know I am retarded! HAHA!
I want to name someone Ebony!
Today was LOL. The guys were sent out because they returned from recess late. They are: Prakash, Mark and Thariq (the parrot family), Alan, Kenneth and Irvin (IBM company), and one extra Bryant from the horrible handwriting bunch. I had a disagreement with Melina over who's taller than who -.-"
^ They made so much noise, so it was quiet inside, noisy outside. Bryant, Irvin and Mark kept sneaking in by the back door and Mdm Yeo threatened them with a broom, calling them dogs because dogs sneak in from the back door. They took chairs and tables from the next class.
Then I proceeded on to eat lunch with Shi Ting, Melina, Chrystabel, Jia Ying, Debby and Vanessa.
They were so lame! Whenever I came near they would shout "LEONG YEW!!" I had my revenge though. I shot back at Debby with Leon and Melina with Marcus. Someone helped me take revenge on Vanessa with her Bryant =P And finally Jia Ying with "W", some dude. She shouted VANESSA! so loud the whole canteen looked at her O.O Debby was shocked @.@
And since I was the slowest in eating (I believe in chewing and tasting well), I was sabotaged to put back all the plates, as shown below:
Went to West Mall AGAIN to get something :D
We walked down to the second bus-stop, but halfway (outside bryant's house), 77 came! WE RAN BACK! Debby took the lead of course; the rest were prepared to give up. I nearly got ran over by a van as I dashed across the road purely on impulse.
We are jay-walking, rather, jay-running freaks! I mean, if police were nearby, we're dead meat.
In West Mall, me, Melina and Shi Ting were babbling away about NEOPETS! HAH! I have company! I started bragging about my account. Well since I can't do well in real life, at least i can do so virtually right??

^ Melina, Shi Ting! All these toys are from Tarla you know? Notice the rare and ultra rare brackets. All of them sell for pretty good prices :)
I have very good friends there in neopets. Yes, and they're older than me.
S__e is the best friend so far, because she's the first friend I had :)
Some of my friendships in Neopets started out strangely, like with M_____l, this obnoxious guy. He insulted me the moment we met, and I got pissed, but he didn't notice, so he went on insulting in that joking manner, and somehow we just... became friends :)
My dad is still sick. I did what I should do, repaying the debt I owed him, to take care of him.
YA and my brothers were very very helpful. They were chattering away about games and weren't giving our dad any peace.
^ SO CUTE! That's my hand, HAHA.
^ Shi Ting took the yellow one. Actually I meant them to touch noses, which is a sign of simple affection, but it looked like they're kissing?? They're touching noses!
Girls, if you find guys staring at you, just take out your phone and threaten them with the camera function. THEY WILL LOOK AWAY
~ credits to Gloria, Debby's cousin xD
* I don't like the indecisive way you answered, and I don't like people who seem indecisive with personal matters like this. I never have had to end a friendship officially before with anyone, and I never want to, especially not with you.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My post looks long because the width of this thing is smaller!
Debby Vhan! Lemme clear things up, he's not called Peachy, he's called Peach! In fact, he's now called Peter Peach Pan, but I'm changing the Peter part because it sounds a bit dorky for a bear 8) Some info about Peach:Name: Peter Peach Pan (temporary)
Colour: Beige with a peach-colored ribbon
Size: Key-chain size.. like Vanessa's merlion
Eye Color: Black
Personality: Quiet, calm, subdued, shy, naive, simple-minded
Age: Lost count!
Girlfriend: APPLE. She is totally booked :D I haven't found an orange bear
yet though.
Others: He prefers to be upside down because it makes him look cuter.
Cats are still much much better though because bears look evil.
Oh, and you have no absolute proof whatsoever that I'm avoiding him :D After all, I was walking at my usual speed, no more right? He was walking so slowly anyway, so obviously he didn't catch up, nothing to do with me.
-princess wave-
Awwww and Debby told me a touching story about how she and Leon cried because both didn't think they deserve the other but Leon didn't want to let Debby go and held on tightly. So sweet.. it goes to show a lot :D
Do I look very blur and absent-minded?
Haha. Today at the bus stop, Denise said I've been looking dazed for the past few days and asked if I was okay.
I only remember I was on Monday, because during chem practical, I totally messed up. I had to keep re-doing the titration because I forgot things like adding the indicater.
I got C for that chem practical T_T
She also asked if I was thinking about something. I didn't know what she meant then, she had that glint in her eye that scared me xDD I just said I was okay, that I'm not emo-ing. I really wasn't at that time! I was really only looking at the advertisement on the bus, not thinking, reallyyyy~
Okay, there's a possibility my mind wandered to recent events, but even if I did, it wasn't intentional at all because I already said I'm normal now :)
Melina and I wasted paper today by using it to write messages.
But writing on paper instead of speaking is fun! You won't get caught that way.
I remember the time we competed over our stationary. I took out one pen, and she took out one pen. Then I took out a correction tape, and she does the same. It went on and on, more pens, pencils, stapler blah blah blah and in the end she won.
Oh oh, and our class did something funny today. We wanted to make Mrs Toh think she's lost her hearing, so we were planning to mouth the words but not say it out.
But a few people kinda spoiled it by greeting her.
And Mrs TOh asked what was wrong with us people xD
After that they blamed Denise, even though she wasn't the only one?
Then they dragged Mark in, and Mark dragged Thariq in, then the class dragged Leyu in because he told them to shut up? It was followed by Leong Yew, Yu Tong and finally Tong Fan out of nowhere O.O
On a side note, why do some people have issues with Tong Fan? I think he's quite nice. I always see him at the school library :D
SS lesson was so unique today. Yes Ms Lau, I think you're right, school has driven us to this state of craziness.
^ The first time I exploded because he said something that didn't sound like him.
^ The second time I exploded.
The third time he exploded. I gotta earn points for that!
On Monday, we walked down: Shi Ting, Jia Ying, Melina, Chrystabel and I. They all ganged up on me at first, but we all ganged up on Melina in 77 bus.
Then we started to bully Melina about, AHEM, some guy x) I started it? =x
The discussion circled around her asking him out for dinner.
He should fetch her in a limousine or a lamborghini! After she made that comment that he was poorer than her, Jiaying improvised innocently: "O then he'll come in his trishaw, so romantic." O.O UHH, NOT ROMANTIC, I cracked up when I heard that. The vehicle improvised to a bicycle, a tricycle, and finally a SCOOTER. He would like, yell at Melina to hop on his back, which sounded so silly but romantic.
I laughed so hard at the scooter x) Laughter is the best medicine!
One note about Jia Ying: she's not as innocent as she seems! She's almost as sadistic as Shi Ting, and that further proves the theory of evilness in innocence in 'S' personality people. Well, all the S people except me =P yes I'm a kind person. I can hear people coughing all the way from CCK -.-"
Oh, on the bus, Larry and Jia Hao, don't know what they're up to. They were trying to prove they know us or something? Then..
Larry: Michelle! Hi!
Jia Hao: Michelle, you were my primary school friend
Larry: Michelle, you were in the same class as me in sec 1 and 2
Jia Hao: You were in the same class as me in P5 and P6 right?
I sort of responded dazedly, and since I had no idea what's going on, I decided to listen to the girls instead. Girls are so much easier to understand ;)
My dad is still sick ._.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Meow de Meow Mow :)
Thanks Debby (:I'm feeling normal now.
I think I'm supposed to give an explanation.. feeling so sian now~
After that emo session, I retired to my room, since I can't go jogging as my parents feared I'd get:
1. Robbed
2. Raped
3. Kidnapped
4. Murdered
Or that I'd trip because it's so dark and fall and die, or a tree would drop on me, or I'd get run over by a bus or whatever.
I blasted the radio in my ears. 98.7 said yesterday that everybody were feeling bored. I listened till my ears hurt, so I stopped and concentrated on physics. I used the Fleming's left hand rule until my hand hurt. So I took the literature paper, then put it down again because I didn't understand a single damn thing due to my mood except for the fact that T.S Eliot hates the very guts of this world.
Here we go round the prickly pear
Prickly pear, prickly pear
Here we go round the prickly pear
At five o'clock in the morning.
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with a whimper
In the end, I focused on E Maths. And there, as I was getting extremely peeved over the undefinable shape of my graph, fuming over the fact that I SO didn't need that then, Debby texted me :)
I told her a bit here and there.
Haha I know what a freak I sounded like, blame it on my mother! Or father! Or whoever who created the DISC thing, making me buy into it and become even more insecure.
She said I was a strange girl for a reason I couldn't say out here.
I think I'm freaking scared the lack of compatibility of our personalites could very well be the thing to cut our friendship in the future.
After lots of discussion with Debby, I concluded that pan-asians are the best! HAHA. See how much China Beauty affected me? :D Oh the glee.
In any case, I could do nothing but mourn over the fact that I have a sucky personality, and harbour the thought that my pan-asian Prince Charming (okay i know i gotta stop obsessing about pan-asians T_T) would sweep me up onto his white horse and whisk me away to the North Pole, where we'd live in a cottage underneath the northern lights. Oh, but he has to sell his horse first. The white steed would fall in love with a black mare. Santa shall be our mentor to preach us about morals and God, and the little elves shall be our friends. Yes, elves are way cooler than pixies. Long story short: I was competing with Bryant about who knew more and ended up claiming we have magical friends that told us divine knowledge. And the rave about LOTR and Peter Pan and whatever; that was the weirdest conv I've ever had, maybe I'll post it some day.
Why am I even telling you about my arguement with Bryant?
So, I woke up this morning with two smses, one from Debby who fell asleep (it was about 12.30 am), one from him asking if i was okay.
I think sometimes he really is oblivious, because he thought I was upset over someone else.
I'm a very long-winded person, so if I told him everything, I'd waste up to 10 smses+. So I decided against Debby's method of thrashing it out.
I didn't know how to put it across in a way that wouldn't be hurtful.
The story goes: he asked questions i couldn't answer, so i didn't answer and asked him questions, he didn't want to answer and seemed to have lost his cool, so i lost my cool as well, then he found his cool but i hadn't so i went on using sarcasm, he didn't seem to detect it (which could be a good thing), so i asked him another question, he replied coldly, then i stopped talking to him. after which he asked about me again, and it went on and on until he realized i didn't trust him, which must've hurt but i couldn't help being such a terrible person.
And this is where I shall stop.
^ These are the remains of the piece of paper i tore when i was upset. HAHA. I took a long time today piecing them together, then scattered them again when i read a few lines and realized it was nothing important. THANK GOODNESS. If that had been the chemistry paper, I'd have to answer to Mrs Ooi.
I found this whole episode very unnecessary. In any case, I did wish it hadn't happened at all. Thy art of remorse.
I felt that I should make it up to him, which sounds really odd because I was supposed to be the victim here. Oh whatever, I'll see if God! will send me a dream x) He does sometimes. It helps.
Haha, but i went on smsing Debby throughout the whole thing, and we argued over who's richer:
Debby: You live in hillview leh!
Me: So? You live in cck leh!
Debby: Very posh meh. Sounds like a dump.
I did a double flip when she said that xD The first person who ever said that!
So we each took a step back and admitted that both of us were poor.
HAHA that was hilarious. Bringing in the wine issue was completely random xD
I'm really not filthy rich okay, not all chinese indonesians have to be filthy rich. Again, this comment is thanks to Ms. Lau. Or was that Mrs. Toh?
I didn't study today! Argh. Anyway I wasn't in the mood for it. Never mind, daddy got me a study table in jakarta so i can study. the wallpaper in the room is bubbly, and i'm hoping that would inspire me to do my work. I think i'd be distracted by the Wii outside though, my dad bought a kitchen game that was supposedly for me. So childish, but so fun 8) I had wanted the cats game, but oh well.
Followed my dad to the doctor today.. our whole family, that is. He's feverish. I wonder if he already passed me the virus, that'll be so cool.
^ Saw this BMW and it was sooooo ultra cool. Very posh, very outstanding, not fitting into the surroundings. The effect in this photo is cool too xD I stared at it together with my dad =P Like father, like daughter. After all, no matter how 'filthy rich' we are, we could never afford that.
Huh. Bicycles still pwn BMWs :D
Ruo Nan invited me to go running again just now. I had to turn her down. I did reason with my parents this morning. I told them I knew fighting moves and they laughed and i was insulted. I mean, I do know the basic vulnerable points of a guy, and which part of my arm or legs is most powerful. I was quite pissed when they still thought I'd get raped. As if I'm very eye-catching like that. If you want to, I can borrow my brother's clothes so that I'd be completely covered. Then I'd wear a helmet so they might assume I'm a retarded guy. But then the police might arrest me thinking I was Mas Selamat, even though I'm clearly taller than he is.
I can even put soot on my face so that all the guys would be turned off.
Then I'd invite like, 20 girls to go with me.
Maybe then I would be allowed to go jogging at 10pm.
I still have to compose 2 letters, one to Mdm Yeo indicating why I'd miss lessons this friday, and another to Ms Punitha, giving the reason as to why I'd miss both her physics remedials.
Haha how convenient. I write the letters, then my mother sign.
Darn, I can't be late again tomorrow :(