Anyway I have just found out I have psychic powers because I had a hunch someone wasn't okay and I was spot on.
-prances around happily-
Okay I /am/ worried for that person, don't say I'm heartless! Lalala~
A conversation between me and Debby that was screwed up!!!!!
Several names censored.
Debby asking me
Question: What would happen if LA gave you a rose?
Answer: Well I'll be stunned.
Question: What if LADEELA gave you a rose?
Answer: Even more shocked, haha! He has a girlfriend what.
Question: What if LA proposed!!!!
Answer: I'd most likely run away.
Question: What if LA tried to rape you?
Answer: WHATWHATWHATWHATWHATWTFF?????????????????/// I would slap him and kick his ass. And that's the end of our friendship, i guess.
Question: So what'll you do if LADEELA gives you a rose?
Answer: I'll be like eh? THANKS, not wrong person ah
Question: What would you do if leon proposed?
Answer: I'll scream and laugh all at the same time, and come to realise I'm only 16
Question: What would you do if LA proposed? :o
Answer: I'll just say you're kidding right? If he's not, I'll shout and slap him.
Question: So what'll you do if LA tried to rape you?
Answer: I'll laugh because it'll be so funny.
Messed up messed up!! HAHAHA. Debby the Van corrupting me!
Debbs wanted to try on wedding gowns after the o levels... haha, then we'd better dress very maturedly and bribe some random guys we know to be our 'fiances'.
No need to buy never mind one, hahahaha.

Haunted Woods is starting to live up more to its name eh?
Conversation with cousins through MSN two days ago:
THAT is bullying number one!While they were talking about piano scores, suddenly...
Tere: What's Michelle doing?
Tere: Is she torturing people?
Me: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: I'm kind-hearted
Tere: You????
Tere: Kind-hearted????
Tere: hahahhahaahahahaha
Felix: Hello I'm Felix!!!!!!!!!!
Oh boo.
For some reason, Felix sounds like Sarah or Debby.
Tere: Michelle
Me: Ya?
Tere: Why are you so ugly?
Tere: lol
Me: Tere is uglier
Felix: Alvin is also ugly
Tere: Michelle is uglier
-goes to a corner to sulk-
Anyway beauty is in the eye of the beholder, mwahahahahaha.
Me: When you yelled in the shopping mall, the whole world turned you know
Tere: I screamed also because of you(i think i tripped her.)
Felix: If it's you, one whole galaxy turn to look
-goes to another corner to sulk-
Number two:
I shall do the quizzes while doing my literature. Darn The Hollow Men... come to think of it, it does seem associated with Batman ;D
Question 1: How long will you wait for someone you love?
Answer: Long enough :)
Question 2: What do you hope for now?
Answer: For o levels to be over and done with.. of course, i wanna ace it.
Question 3: What is the last thing you do/say if tomorrow is the end of the world?
Answer: I'll burn all my books and notes first, then watch the world end with friends and family.
Question 4: Do you hate your friends sometimes?
Answer: I don't hate them, I just get pissed with them.
Question 5: What will you do if your bestfriend has been kidnapped?
Answer: Get kidnapped with her :D
Question 6: Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Answer: It's God's promise :)
Question 7: Will you snatch your love back?
Answer: If he seems to need/want it, haha.
Question 8: What is your desired age of marriage?
Answer: 24-29
Question 9: Are you happy with your life now?
Answer: No point being unhappy with it, even though i'm practically the deadest person in 4e2 right now (homework).
Question 10: What if your crush asked you out?
Answer: Now? I'll decline. There's a time and place for everything.
Question 11: What will you do when you have a crush that knows you have a crush on him?
Answer: Too bad lah, what else?
Question 12: What feelings do you hate the most?
Answer: Negative feelings
Question 13: What will you do if you fall in love with a boy?
Question 14: What are you looking forward in the coming weeks?
Answer: Studying *sobs*
Question 15: What is the most important thing in your life?
Answer: Oxygen! Argh, i don't know, i'm feeling vexed out over homework/revision. Anyway i answered this before.
Question 16: Who do you hope to always be there for you?
Answer: People I cherish
Question 17: Do you find life meaningless?
Answer: I used to question why I'm alive, but i don't anymore, so no, life's not meaningless. GOD gave us life for a reason, duh.
Question 18: Where do you think can true love be found?
Answer: Anywhere!
Question 19: Do you believe that there's true love?
Answer: Half-half.
Question 20: What is your greatest wish?
Answer: FOR NOW IT'S TO ACE O LEVELS. After that i'll think about it.
Question 21: What will you change if you could turn back time?
Answer: Nothing.
The 10 people to do this survey, dont break the rule,
1) Debby
2) Shi TIng
3) Pei Jun
5) Jia Ying
6-10) whoever else who needs a break from The Hollow Men :)
1. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you?
Close friends.
2. Do you turn you cell phone off?
Before I sleep; the radiation can cause brain damage or womb cancer.
3.What happened at 10.00am today?
I jolted awake.
4.When did you last cry?
Quite recently.
5. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter?
6. What do you want in your life now?
Everything I have in my life now. Oh, more luck and time management.
7. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or you just put up your hood?
I don't bother lah.. just get soaked.
8. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed?
9. What bottom are you wearing now?
10. What's the nicest text in your inbox says?
Something about people missing me while I was in Indonesia. That's the most recent one that I can remember.
11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated?
There's no point in that, but I think I do that a lot :D
12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
13. What was the last movie you caught?
KungFu Panda! Sheeeeefu is a red panda, ya know that?
14. What are you proud of?
Being alive!
15. What does the oldest message in your inbox says?
It says I'm evil :O -sulks-
16. What was the last song you sang out loud?
I sing out loud too much, and my memory sometimes suck.
17. Do you have any nicknames?
YES. SARAH, DEBBY, SHI TING and LEONG YEW are officially listed for creating unnecessary nicknames.
18. What does your last message in your inbox says?
There is organ today -sulks-
19. What time did you go to bed last night?
20.Are you currently happy?
Not really...
21. Who gives you the best advice?
22. Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can?
No, but I wanna try.
23. Who did you talk on phone last night?
24. Is anything bugging you right now?
Hell, YES.
25. What/ Who was the last thing/person which/who made you laugh?
Remembering Tere's retarded actions.
26. Do you wear toe socks?
27. Who was the last person you missed a call from?
Some number. I already have five unknowns in my contacts okay... CALL ME AGAIN IF YOU DARE, STALKERS. HAHA. STALK VANESSA INSTEAD.
28. Had you
29. What annoys you in a person?
30. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Too personal, dude.
31. Have you ever done cocaine?
32. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars?
No, duh.
33. What is the colour of your room?
34. Do you believe in the saying 'talk in cheap'?
I don't know.
35. Who is the last person to lay on your bed?
36. Who was the last person to hug you?
My father :)
37. What do you say to the person you have crush on?
I say hi.
38. Do you have a life?
I hope so.
39. Have you ever think someone died, when they haven't?
Yup. And it's scary.
40. What is the reason behind your profile song?
41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream?
My relatives in Indonesia :) They were all together, no specific last person I saw. Yes, I miss Jakarta and the people there; I want to go back.
42. Last time you smiled?
43. Have you changed this year?
I guess so.
44. What are you listening to right now?
45. Are you talking to someone when doing this?
46. Do you walk with your eyes closed or opened?
Open, DUH. I tried to use hearing only to guide my way and I nearly veered into the roads.
47. Is there a quote you live by?
Many quotes.
48. Do you want someone you can't have?
49. Have you ever played an instrument?
Obviously yes.
50. What is the worst idea you had this week?
To pon school next week.
51. What were you doing last night at 11.00pm?
I can't remember.
52. Are you happy with your life right now?
Not really... I'm pretty miserable now.
53. What song describe your life?
54. Does the person know you like him/her?
Random question; yes.
55. Who always make you laugh?
Family, friends in Singapore and Tere :D
56. Do you use other language other than english?
Bahasa Indonesia. Chinese-not for speaking.
57. Are you blond?
58. What is your favourite song?
I'm spoilt for choice.
59. What are you doing tomorrow?
60. Who do you chose to die with?
Nobody. I'd rather die alone and let people grief, HAHA.
61. What do you think you are like?
A living thing.
62. Where have you been today?
Yamaha (oh shit Melina, i forgot to ask!), West Mall, home.
63. What game do you play often?
64. Who are you missing right now?
Tere, Felix and all my other relatives in Indonesia :(
65. If you would have to chose between friends and love, which will you chose?
There's love in friendship and friendship in love.
66. What are you doing right now?
Doing this
67. Which primary school are you from?
Bukit View.
68. Name 3 colours that you like.
Lime green, turquoise and brown.
69. What emotion you like to show?
70. What is life to you?
A fantasy storybook.
71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
Keep it in. Yeah I know it's bad, haha.
72. Who did you chat last in msn today?
73. Who do you admire most?
MDM YEO! I hope you see this 'cher, pleasseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee let me off for not completing your homework.
74. Which month are you born in?
75. How are you feeling right now?
76. What is the time right now?
77. Where are you now?
In my room before my laptop.
78. What colour did you use to dye hair?
My hair is natural.
79. Why are you doing this test?
80. What do you do when you are moody?
I blame my miserable luck.
81. At which age do you want to marry?
82. Who is more important to you?
83. Do you think you have enough confidence?
84. Who is the person you trust most?
85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after raining?
I said before that it's God's promise.
86. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
Everlasting happiness!
87. What is your goal for this year?
ACE O LEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!! HOw many times have i said this in this quiz?
88. Do you believe in
89. What do you love?
Food. Freedom from the education system. 24/7 on the computer.
90. Do you think it's Global Warming now?
DUH. Anyway the Second Coming is nearing :)
91. What feeling you hate most?
GOSH stop repeating questions.
92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
93. Do you believe in God?
94. Who cares for you most?
Nobody tells me, so it shall be God.
95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Stop asking me again -.-"
96. What'll you bring when you fight?
97. What have you regretted in your whole life?
Live without regrets...
98. What would you feel if no one cares for you?
99. What if your stead two-timed you?
I will DUMP HIM, unless he has an extremely extremely valid reason. It goes to show a lot about his character.
100. Who(5) would you sabo next?
HAHAHAHA all of you MUST do this
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