1 day
to Novices.
That is, for the guys.
It's 2 more days for us girls, competition on Sunday!
Yesterday, after training with Gerard and free-fencing until 8pm in school, I went home suddenly feeling like, I'm ready for the competition.
My bouts weren't perfect, and I was dazed during the one on one session with Gerard, until he even asked me what happened to me, because I kept missing.
But I had that strong feeling that I've learnt everything there is to learn, all that I needed was more focus.
Gerard told me that day that you fence with your brain, not with your heart.
Although at the same time if you think about it, you need to keep your emotions in check in order to think properly, but that's not the point!
Sherry was right when she told us how lucky we were to have him as captain, he took so much responsibility upon himself, including training each one of us individually. Not to mention, a super (gay/sick) awesome friend.
Basically he, Coach, and Sherry (the most awesome senior ever) have given me all the advice they could.
It's my part now.
6 days
to Novices.
Fencing now takes place 4 times a week, so often that I no longer feel any muscle aches after any exercise, or PE, not even after the 45 continuous guy pushups which (nearly) killed meh.
It's so often that i dream of it! Like, every night for the past week.
That's also because the competition is very important to me.
See how the conscious mind relates to your unconscious mind?
this is so Lit! Which reminds me I have a lit assignment due tomorrow!
omg. =.=
the whole day today David was singing this song "I'm Only Sleeping" by The Beatles, and he sang it so low and dreary-ly that i COULDN'T focus! Esp during GP.
Plus he wrote down the lyrics on my paper, like reminding me to sleep.
It is so THE lecture song.
When I wake up early in the morning,Lift my head, I'm still yawningWhen I'm in the middle of a dreamStay in bed, float up streamPlease don't wake me, nodon't shake meLeave me where I amI'm only sleepingEverybody seems to think I'm lazyI don't mind, I think they're crazyRunning everywhere at such a speedTill they find, there's no needPlease don't spoil my dayI'm miles awayAnd after allI'm only sleepingFreaking sleepy song can!!
Yeah, story of my life.
Sitting beside David is extremely amusing especially when you're bored, but yeah, there are moments where I suddenly want to pay attention. Yknow. Hahaha. Sudden guai-ness.
Oh and today, while waiting for PTM, which is kinda pointless because my mom couldn't come so I became my own mom, me, Lizzie, David and Yan Ting MADE cards. Because we didn't have.

^ A little blur, but you can see our effort.
This is a complete PHAIL, as you can see, there was an Ace of spades and a 1 spade. So one other card is missing, and we don't really know what.
Not knowing this, we embarked on a lovely game of Bridge.
Thus, when David chose the ace of spades as his partner, liz and yan ting were both his partners.
I flew solo. Wheee.
I so want to put this on fail blog.
In the end, we borrowed a deck from a member of Bridge club next door. We figured, a bridge club member without cards? Nowai!
The failed cards are now resting underneath david's notes on his table. i put them there, i think by tomorrow morning they'll be under my table.
The rest of the day went smoothly, albeit the few mosquito bites I received. I did a little econs, maths, read Tess etc...
Before the 'PTM'.
Oh and I had to stand during chem lecture today because I didn't bring my notes. So ugh because I couldn't sleep and replenish my energy.
Debby wants the whole world to know that bears meow too.
Random i know.
Then again, what's new? :)
I have phailed to study this week.
Okay well, I did 8 questions of maths, and suddenly found DE not as complicated as it seemed, the previous time I attempted.
Other than that, and reading a little bit of Tess, nothing.
I'm such a slacker.
Waaay to state the obvious.
First week of school was strangely, very tiring! From monday already, I went home late because of a short briefing for open house the next day.
Tuesday, needless to say, was a super busy day. Open house meant advertising wearing (almost) full equipment, in the scorching weather. It was quite fun though!
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were trainings consecutively.
So on Saturday, I spent half the day sleeping, the other half slacking.
And today, I woke up at 11.30, studied a bit till 12, slept till 1. Hehe.
Finally I feel that I have rested enough to endure the second week!
First week felt like forever. Seriously.
I bet Estella and Cassandra are enjoying themselves in France. So envious of them!
This is sewious!actinglikeanimals.com
My dad just printed out some pictures from Japan, and one of them with me and my brother in it looks effing awesome.
Oh I have a draft on the Japan trip, which I haven't complete till now. HAHA. Looks like I'm not planning to post anything about it anymore.
Except the really important stuff, like how they stand in two lines when waiting for the train.
That is not gonna happen in 100000000 years in Singapore.
I'm pessimistic. I see the glass half empty, even when it's full.
No, not really. That's just a quote from Ryan Nigahiga xD
And I wanna post the pictures on Japan's toilet. Uber fun toilets they have there.
They're also very conservative and environmentally friendly. It's really nice to see a country make such immense efforts, and pretty amusing too, sometimes.
Anyway, tomorrow's the first day of school!
I can't say I'm looking forward to it, or dreading it either.
It's like...
Okay.... school again.
But I'm watching Avatar again tomorrow ^^ In 3D, the other time I watched it in 2D.
Yayyyy, can't wait!
DW says (2:14 PM):
you have to get married before i do
» michelle 21 days says (2:14 PM):
DW says (2:14 PM):
because i want to be your fucking bridesmaid
Oh my goose.
Why do we have so many homework?
my dear friend, you are totally un-understandable ._. yet you keep going on, though i said 'huh?'
instead of 'lol', 'haha okay', 'haha'
maybe i should try 'rofl', 'okay haha', 'hahahaha'.
First movie in 2010: Treasure Hunter.
Plot is broken, a lot of scenes don't link at all, and there were some extremely random appearances of characters that were never explained.
Don't watch.
I rest my case.