Okay well, I did 8 questions of maths, and suddenly found DE not as complicated as it seemed, the previous time I attempted.
Other than that, and reading a little bit of Tess, nothing.
I'm such a slacker.
Waaay to state the obvious.
First week of school was strangely, very tiring! From monday already, I went home late because of a short briefing for open house the next day.
Tuesday, needless to say, was a super busy day. Open house meant advertising wearing (almost) full equipment, in the scorching weather. It was quite fun though!
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were trainings consecutively.
So on Saturday, I spent half the day sleeping, the other half slacking.
And today, I woke up at 11.30, studied a bit till 12, slept till 1. Hehe.
Finally I feel that I have rested enough to endure the second week!
First week felt like forever. Seriously.
I bet Estella and Cassandra are enjoying themselves in France. So envious of them!

This is sewious!
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