Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Shyt, earthquake in Jakarta again.
I didn't feel any tremor here - if there was I prolly slept through it.
I didn't feel any tremor here - if there was I prolly slept through it.
Monday, September 28, 2009
I'm confused.
And in shock!
Anyway, while I was still registering a piece of info that might be true or false, I sought Gerard, my fencing captain.
But I spammed him a lot recently yay.
He sent me the link to this vid:
HAHA. It's supposed to make me unshock.
And in shock!
Anyway, while I was still registering a piece of info that might be true or false, I sought Gerard, my fencing captain.
But I spammed him a lot recently yay.
He sent me the link to this vid:
HAHA. It's supposed to make me unshock.
Saturday, September 26, 2009

"But the most important aspect of this cake [...] is the fact that it’s frosted in white buttercream. Why? Because the smooth white exterior makes the cake look completely normal, but once you slice into it you realize… OH SNAP! THIS CAKE IS CRAZY!
And then it all makes sense."Picture copyrighted to
Life is full of surprises.
Embrace it :]
Wheeee I feel like eating that cake nao.
YAY my parents are back, with loads of stuff and pictures. Love them.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wheee the weekend has been slack for me!
This shall be my last post, then I'll go on hiatus!
God knows if I'll keep it this time.
I took a break that I probably needed, after this is mug mug mug.
Oh yeah random. I suddenly remembered this encounter I had with a HK man.
He didn't know how he added me on MSN so he asked if I knew him.
After which, to keep the conv going, he asked me about the weather.
The weather! The next worst thing to talk about besides politics.
Then he asked if I'm in university.
I said no, took away my DP which at that time was my pic, and deleted him from MSN.
Wheeee. Random experience.
Ruo Nan came over yesterday! :D
It's extremely rare because she lives in Seng Kang which is the other world, but she happens to be in that area so she dropped by tosteal food visit.
And then she accompanied me to look for those school shoes I wanted, but most of the stores were closed because it was Hari Raya.
So we just walked around talking and visiting the cats at the place Ruo Nan used to live.
I took many photos, I'll upload them after promos yay.
I swear those cats understand us perfectly. When I took out my phone to take photos:
- The tabby and white one (which reminded me greatly of Mino in Women in Love) rolled over to pose.
- The tabby-tortie and white one woke up then deliberately slept again in the cute way it was sleeping before.
- The ginger one laid down.
- The very pretty tortoiseshell cat stood up and flexed its claws.
Intelligent creatures, they are.
So, we didn't find those shoes.
After that Ruo Nan offered to buy the $10 pair at her house there and drop by the next day, which is today, to pass it to me.
I'm really grateful at that offer, because it's verrry far from her new house to mine.
Here's a true friend indeed :]
So it didn't matter at all when she couldn't find it eventually.
I still remember the first time we knew each other, I thought she was weird (not in a bad way). Hehe.
But see! We still became besties!
Anyway, to honour her, I shall post a snippet of how she spams people.
This is what she sent me through Restaurant City on Facebook.
"WEIRDO! Why did you announce that you're looking for ingredients if you didn't leave anything unlocked to trade with?"
"Wait! Don't accept my chocolate request! And I had no idea you can trade locked ingredients... o-o Now i'm gonna go lock everything."
-here i replied-
"-screams in terror- Shall trade the chocolate back~"
"Wash your toilet zomg."
"Heeeeeey it's washed. omg"
"but...but a moment ago, it was all....-confuzed-"
"Oh wellz. laalala"
This shall be my last post, then I'll go on hiatus!
God knows if I'll keep it this time.
I took a break that I probably needed, after this is mug mug mug.
Oh yeah random. I suddenly remembered this encounter I had with a HK man.
He didn't know how he added me on MSN so he asked if I knew him.
After which, to keep the conv going, he asked me about the weather.
The weather! The next worst thing to talk about besides politics.
Then he asked if I'm in university.
I said no, took away my DP which at that time was my pic, and deleted him from MSN.
Wheeee. Random experience.
Ruo Nan came over yesterday! :D
It's extremely rare because she lives in Seng Kang which is the other world, but she happens to be in that area so she dropped by to
And then she accompanied me to look for those school shoes I wanted, but most of the stores were closed because it was Hari Raya.
So we just walked around talking and visiting the cats at the place Ruo Nan used to live.
I took many photos, I'll upload them after promos yay.
I swear those cats understand us perfectly. When I took out my phone to take photos:
- The tabby and white one (which reminded me greatly of Mino in Women in Love) rolled over to pose.
- The tabby-tortie and white one woke up then deliberately slept again in the cute way it was sleeping before.
- The ginger one laid down.
- The very pretty tortoiseshell cat stood up and flexed its claws.
Intelligent creatures, they are.
So, we didn't find those shoes.
After that Ruo Nan offered to buy the $10 pair at her house there and drop by the next day, which is today, to pass it to me.
I'm really grateful at that offer, because it's verrry far from her new house to mine.
Here's a true friend indeed :]
So it didn't matter at all when she couldn't find it eventually.
I still remember the first time we knew each other, I thought she was weird (not in a bad way). Hehe.
But see! We still became besties!
Anyway, to honour her, I shall post a snippet of how she spams people.
This is what she sent me through Restaurant City on Facebook.
"WEIRDO! Why did you announce that you're looking for ingredients if you didn't leave anything unlocked to trade with?"
"Wait! Don't accept my chocolate request! And I had no idea you can trade locked ingredients... o-o Now i'm gonna go lock everything."
-here i replied-
"-screams in terror- Shall trade the chocolate back~"
"Wash your toilet zomg."
"Heeeeeey it's washed. omg"
"but...but a moment ago, it was all....-confuzed-"
"Oh wellz. laalala"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I swear Jack's like a stand-in brother or boyfriend.
Maybe scratch the boyfriend part. Shi Ting will probably freak!
But thanks Jacqueline :D
However you spell that name.
Maybe scratch the boyfriend part. Shi Ting will probably freak!
But thanks Jacqueline :D
However you spell that name.
I CAN'T connect with some people in 1T09, I won't be subtle about it.
I know there are a couple who are generally annoyed at me for just being me.
They find my presence unnecessary and if possible, I should not be paid any attention to.
And nothing will probably change if I don't exist, if not for the better.
Sometimes I just sit there doing nothing and I feel it.
That dreaded, gut feeling.
I know I'm not pretty, or interesting, or popular, or pleasant enough.
And the more I try to get everyone to accept me, it feels so fake I can't STAND it myself.
So you know what?
I want my existence to make others' lives better, but ultimately, I live for me and not for others. Don't like me?
Too bad then, get over it.
I know there will be friends who'll always appreciate me just as I am. I'm grateful to them.
and that's enough.
Time to go mug now, haha. Maths maths maths maths.
I'm not emo-ing, I actually feel pretty good now.
I know there are a couple who are generally annoyed at me for just being me.
They find my presence unnecessary and if possible, I should not be paid any attention to.
And nothing will probably change if I don't exist, if not for the better.
Sometimes I just sit there doing nothing and I feel it.
That dreaded, gut feeling.
I know I'm not pretty, or interesting, or popular, or pleasant enough.
And the more I try to get everyone to accept me, it feels so fake I can't STAND it myself.
So you know what?
I want my existence to make others' lives better, but ultimately, I live for me and not for others. Don't like me?
Too bad then, get over it.
I know there will be friends who'll always appreciate me just as I am. I'm grateful to them.
and that's enough.
Time to go mug now, haha. Maths maths maths maths.
I'm not emo-ing, I actually feel pretty good now.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Here are some things I can recall that I accomplished during the holidays!:
1. Done the econs essay
2. Re-did the literature essay
3. Finished Integration II tutorial
4. More or less did the Chem bonding tutorial
5. Read a few paragraphs for the GP AQ before giving up
6. Picked up the chinese book and put it down again.
7. Put up a whole bunch of post-it notes with encouragements/to-do-lists that I will actually hardly pay attention to.
8. Downloaded songs.
9. Vomitted.
10. Messed up my table horrendously.
11. Listened to 987FM.
12. Tried a few qns from ACJC maths prelim paper, gave up, tried a few qns from last year's CJ promo exam.
13. Ran twice.
14. Swam once.
15. Combed my hair.
16. Read WIL.
17. Hoped to break up with a guy in the future with this line: "It's not me, it's you."
Inspired by Lily Allen's album, which Debby introduced. Woot.
Wow my life is so interesting. Not.
School time once more! At least we are dismissed at 1/2pm everyday! No extra lessons please.
Mugging resumes once more.
Good luck for Promos, folks.
1. Done the econs essay
2. Re-did the literature essay
3. Finished Integration II tutorial
4. More or less did the Chem bonding tutorial
5. Read a few paragraphs for the GP AQ before giving up
6. Picked up the chinese book and put it down again.
7. Put up a whole bunch of post-it notes with encouragements/to-do-lists that I will actually hardly pay attention to.
8. Downloaded songs.
9. Vomitted.
10. Messed up my table horrendously.
11. Listened to 987FM.
12. Tried a few qns from ACJC maths prelim paper, gave up, tried a few qns from last year's CJ promo exam.
13. Ran twice.
14. Swam once.
15. Combed my hair.
16. Read WIL.
17. Hoped to break up with a guy in the future with this line: "It's not me, it's you."
Inspired by Lily Allen's album, which Debby introduced. Woot.
Wow my life is so interesting. Not.
School time once more! At least we are dismissed at 1/2pm everyday! No extra lessons please.
Mugging resumes once more.
Good luck for Promos, folks.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Women's roles in society
'Tis 4:36pm and I have officially done nothing productive today!And the promos are exactly 23 days away.
Omg I should stop counting down, it becomes scarier.
But then you can't blame me. I woke up finding out my bloody period (pun intended) has come, so I felt very sian and slacked around. After about an hour I returned to my room, with the mindset of finishing that lit essay on women's roles in society (bloody periods, i should add that in.), but the bed beckons.
So I woke up 2 hours later at 1.20pm, and effing cramps stopped me from doing ANYTHING.
At first it was okay, then it became more painful so I stayed home while everybody else went out.
Normally my cramps are tolerably painful, but today's one was really shit. Hahaha.
Thankfully the house was empty because sometimes it hurt so much I kept getting woken up. Which was horrible because I wanted to sleep to forget the pain, but apparently I couldn't.
So I just drifted along like some half-dead person, sometimes getting up and walking around and eating a strawberry.
I also felt this feverish feeling, hot one moment, cold and shivering about three seconds later. Literally.
So I went about cursing about how guys didn't have to go through this.
Then I went out to eat a tomato. I don't know why. It was my sub-conscious!
The tomato made me vomit, which was random and unrelated to the cramps!?
Because I very rarely vomit, I had a flitting thought that I was pregnant. HAHHAA.
Which was really stupid, because half a minute later I remembered i was having my period.
But nobody can think rationally in such a situation k!
Anyway, just a while ago my mom returned with Panadol pills. Hallelujah, thank God for Panadol. Thank God for Science and chemistry.
So now I'm fine, and here online narrating the story of my life.
But now, I'm gonna go and do Chemistry. After all, Science saved my life.
This is such a biological post. Haha.
Omfg, my mom and my brothers went to hang out at the my mom's staffs' new apartment! Yep, her staff, because it's a company that she and my dad 'own'. It seems to be growing steadily and earning supernormal profit (econs!), but they're planning to sell their shares soon. I think they know that the three of us would just destroy it if it falls on our hands.
HAHA. I'm sidetracking.
Back to the point.
My mom's going shopping, and my brothers are staying at the new place to study while waiting for the furniture to arrive.
I'm so jealous, I also want to go there to study!
Or accompany my mom shopping.
Anything but staying at home.
I must have thrown it to some ulu corner in my sub-conscious state.
Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you, now I can't stop
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know you'll find another
That doesn't always make you want to cry
Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye
I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hurt you, now I can't stop
Looking at you makes it harder
But I know you'll find another
That doesn't always make you want to cry
Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The holidays have started. (what holiday?)
I've been doing my best not to slack, but yeah, old habits die hard :D
BUT, I've been doing a little of work here and there, but Integration truly pissed me off earlier today.
Met Debby at West Mall and ate lunch, before coming over to my house to do my work.
Halfway I fell asleep on my sofa, which is about to be taken away in a few hours time.
Productive or not, I can't say.
But we certainly didn't talk! Which is seriously AMAZING hahahaha.
I think we genuinely focused until I turned on the TV at the end part.
But, I went out with the ESP gang yesterday! Wewt.
We went to watch The Time Traveler's Wife.
Well, I think the plotline's creative, I like the writer's interpretation of time travelling.
Though if you think too deeply it becomes really confusing. Really really confusing.
Time has always been confusing though.
I can't BLAME the movie for anything, because it's impossible to crush one whole book into two hours of a movie. So, thou shalt not criticize the movie.
But I do want to read the book :)
OH, and on Saturday, my parents went to stay at St. Regis hotel because they had some free two nights stay thing.
We went to visit them, and the hotel was AWESOME. From the outside it looks like the usual five-star hotel, but I was surprised to see the inside decor so.. European!
The room was AMAZING. Period.
You can soak in the bathtub, eat, and watch TV at the same time in the bathroom. Pity I didn't get to try that.
I even loved the lamp, it was just pretty!
Plus the curtains can be drawn with a control button. Fascinating.
The room was very European-style based. I like.
And it wasn't even some suite room or anything haha.
their hotel service was good too.
I've been doing my best not to slack, but yeah, old habits die hard :D
BUT, I've been doing a little of work here and there, but Integration truly pissed me off earlier today.
Met Debby at West Mall and ate lunch, before coming over to my house to do my work.
Halfway I fell asleep on my sofa, which is about to be taken away in a few hours time.
Productive or not, I can't say.
But we certainly didn't talk! Which is seriously AMAZING hahahaha.
I think we genuinely focused until I turned on the TV at the end part.
But, I went out with the ESP gang yesterday! Wewt.
We went to watch The Time Traveler's Wife.
Well, I think the plotline's creative, I like the writer's interpretation of time travelling.
Though if you think too deeply it becomes really confusing. Really really confusing.
Time has always been confusing though.
I can't BLAME the movie for anything, because it's impossible to crush one whole book into two hours of a movie. So, thou shalt not criticize the movie.
But I do want to read the book :)
OH, and on Saturday, my parents went to stay at St. Regis hotel because they had some free two nights stay thing.
We went to visit them, and the hotel was AWESOME. From the outside it looks like the usual five-star hotel, but I was surprised to see the inside decor so.. European!
The room was AMAZING. Period.
You can soak in the bathtub, eat, and watch TV at the same time in the bathroom. Pity I didn't get to try that.
I even loved the lamp, it was just pretty!
Plus the curtains can be drawn with a control button. Fascinating.
The room was very European-style based. I like.
And it wasn't even some suite room or anything haha.
their hotel service was good too.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
So sorry for apologizing and hurting your ego, dear boy.
I honestly do NOT feel guilty though.
In fact I feel very MWAHAHA O.O
I bet only Debby understands what the heck I'm talking about.
I honestly do NOT feel guilty though.
In fact I feel very MWAHAHA O.O
I bet only Debby understands what the heck I'm talking about.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go, yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.
by Christinna Rossetti
This Is A Photograph Of Me
It was taken some time ago.
At first it seems to be
a smeared
print: blurred lines and grey flecks
blended with the paper;
then, as you scan
it, you see in the left-hand corner
a thing that is like a branch: part of a tree
(balsam or spruce) emerging
and, to the right, halfway up
what ought to be a gentle
slope, a small frame house.
In the background there is a lake,
And beyond that, some low hills.
(The photograph was taken
the day after I drowned.
I am in the lake, in the center
of the picture, just under the surface.
It is difficult to say where
precisely, or to say
how large or small I am:
the effect of water
on light is a distortion
but if you look long enough,
you will be able to see me.)
by Margaret Atwood
Zeroing In
"I am a landscape," he said.
"a landscape and a person walking in that landscape.
There are daunting cliffs there,
And plains glad in their way
of brown monotony. But especially
there are sinkholes, places
of sudden terror, of small circumference
and malevolent depths."
"I know," she said. "When I set forth
to walk in myself, as it might be
on a fine afternoon, forgetting,
sooner of later I come to where sedge
and clumps of white flowers, rue perhaps,
mark the bogland, and I know
there are quagmires there that can pull you
down, and sink you in bubbling mud."
"We had an old dog," he told her. "when I was a boy,
a good dog, friendly. But there was an injured spot
on his head. if you happened
just to touch it he'd jump up yelping
and bite you. He bit a young child,
they had to take him down to the vet's and destroy him."
"No one knows where it is," she said.
"and even by accident no one touches it.
It's inside my landscape, and only I, making my way
preoccupied through my life, crossing my hills,
sleeping on green moss of my own woods,
I myself without warning touch it,
and leap up at myself-"
"-or flinch back
just in time."
"Yes, we learn that.
It's not a terror, it's pain we're talking about:
those places in us, like your dog's bruised head,
that are bruised forever, that time
never assuages, never."
by Denise Levertov
Those three poems were those that left a greater impact on me :D
First one made Sofia cry, it was really sad. I guess a lot of people can relate to it, that's why. Most girls anyway, the poem sounds feminine.
Second one is morbid and is supposed to give you goosebumps. We all agreed it sounds like it's written by a girl, and someone commented it's because girls are more psychotic. EE.
I found the third one sad in a very unique way, and reminded me of Vinod and Saloma and Off-Centre. I know it's really long-ish but if you're patient enough to read it, it really is a fine piece of art :)
Now, I shall be off and obediently study for my econs test.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I just checked my inbox and realized I had 4721 messages!
Oh my goose.
And this was since 31st March, so approximately I receive 944 messages per month, which is about 236 messages per week, which is about 34 messages per day!
Oh my sock. No wonder my dad scolded me for the phone bills!
But now I has unlimited smses! I remember last year when I could only send 500 messages per month, and I started counting to make sure I sent 16 messages MAX per day! Haha.
Then ML came along and my sms count spiked.
Then slowly it returned to normal.
Then this year I didn't give a damn and started over-smsing hahaa.
Now I'm wasting my time deciding if i should just delete everything or delete selectively which would take DAYS.
I totally has ADD. Wewt.
"I wish I saved all the tears I cried for you so I could fucking drown you in them."
Oh my goose.
And this was since 31st March, so approximately I receive 944 messages per month, which is about 236 messages per week, which is about 34 messages per day!
Oh my sock. No wonder my dad scolded me for the phone bills!
But now I has unlimited smses! I remember last year when I could only send 500 messages per month, and I started counting to make sure I sent 16 messages MAX per day! Haha.
Then ML came along and my sms count spiked.
Then slowly it returned to normal.
Then this year I didn't give a damn and started over-smsing hahaa.
Now I'm wasting my time deciding if i should just delete everything or delete selectively which would take DAYS.
I totally has ADD. Wewt.
"I wish I saved all the tears I cried for you so I could fucking drown you in them."