I've got you under my spell.
Credits to ~DezMezgermeister @deviantart
Today's coach training for fencing was fun! Got to learn a new parry combination, parry 8 and 4. Last week we did 6 and 7.
i think parrys are the pwn, but it's the matter of doing it fast enogh during a bout.
Plus fencing requires much more mentality than I initially thought.
Today was Estella's birthday. They bought her a cake and several pao-s as they were her favourite. Haha.
I can't wait for tomorrow! Outing with the class-i think. MOVIE~
Haha I zonked out and forgot what happened the whole week. Oh wells.
OH i've half-returned to Pet Society because there are so many nice items! Omg. And I love dressing up Brambleee. the 'eee' must be pronounced.
And I've given him the sort of smart casual style. Yayy.
Do you know?
Of course not.
Hah, anywayssss, I like our P5 lit lecturer! He's so passionate about Literature, and he speaks about the novel Women in Love as if he's D.H. Lawrence himself!
He sounds like him anyways.
And his analysis are superb, very deep and philosophical. He tries to cover everything and not miss out on any effect that Lawrence might be trying to create.
All the themes were laid out and explained clearly.
That's why I like P5 lectures :D You can't really sleep in them.
YAY we get to be in the school magazine! A teacher approached us asking for our help, but only cassandra was the only one acting and being in the foreground! The rest of us were just the background scenery.
Plus I didn't know so when the photographer was taking shots i was stoning and looking so ennui. BOO. I hope they blur the background, so you could all only see cassandra and the teacher, and four other people in the background, one of which looks stupid.
Hah. I rest my case.
I didn't really pay attention to the lessons today and i kinda screwed up my lit test. as expected.
Anyways, fencing PT was toughhh, at least for me, since i'm still recovering.
Part I: 3.5-3.8km outside schoooool. You all lied, where got fun!! Hahaha.
I lagged :(
But but, they've ran that route three times and this was my first, and I hadn't ran in one whole month.
Most of the time I was just,
"OMG KILL ME NOW D:"Despite my lagging behind, the team still managed to come back in 25 minutes. Last week they came back in 32 minutes. See see what i mean, this is not the pace in which I should be re-introduced to long-distance running.
Lawl I need to stop whining T-T
Part II: We went to the slope at the back of the school, near the hostel and mango trees.
Aaron made us sprint up the slope many times.
I did two times, but then I started to feel my ankle clicking like it's gonna break off.
So yeah, I slacked :)
We did sets afterwards, ON THE SLOPE D:
Sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks etc... on the rocky slopy ground D:
I just kept whining. I find it easier to complete them if i whine. Sirius, it's a coping mechanism.
Part III: Footwork. I couldn't do it because my ankle hurt when i moved too fast.
Took a nice bath to get rid of the dirt.
My legs and arms are starting to hurt. Kind of.
Random fact: I accidentally twisted the "." key out of place. But i fixed it.
Therefore I rock.
It seems so easy to get along with people from Fencing. Maybe it's the whole thing about getting through torture together.
YAN TING, WHO DRINKS VEGETABLE JUICE?? like, drinking grass and celery D: I remembered on Wed, Cassandra was so apalled by the idea of blended veggy
Lawl Cassandra and Jayne have the same eyecandy target. I agree that he has this aura of mature confidence and yet, a kind of warm-ish vibe. Can feel.
He looks like a Japanese photographer.

^ Wei Yan sleeps through class so peacefully, yet she's still bound to get better marks than me.
Anyway we decided to balance these stuff on her, though our class was laughing so loud and our teacher making remarks, she remained in lala land.
Something really exciting happened to a friend today ;) Come on, he doesn't even know I'm in this class and he knows that you are! And I've known him since Day 1 in CJ! I personally feel his talking to me was just an excuse. Because that conversation was kind of fake. MAYBE HE JUST WANTED TO HANG AROUND OUR CLASS.
EXCUSES~ omgomgomgomg HAHAHAHA i need to stop looking too deep into stuff and gettting carried away.
I'm so sorrehhhh~ ;D
Don't worry! He doesn't read my blog, at least that's what i believe...
Ice apple wine is nice <3
We didn't get free ice cream cause the queue was crazily loooooooong. It's like, twisting twice around the mall.
So we went down and instead got ice cream from GelatoSole.
Like in Island Creamery, sin never tasted so good.
My parents are back from HK! YAY. My mom had a shopping spree and she bargained like 20 bucks off each piece or something. So typical, hahaha.
YAYYYYY I made my great leap of faith today by
It feels so weird to be back on the tracks again, but it's a familiar feeling. Unfamiliarly-familiar. YES I am a stubborn non-supporter of Aristotle. He thinks if X is X, it cannot be non-X at the same time.
Whateverrrrrr, I refuse to believe that.
I was so indignified after seeing his theory during GP lecture that I fell asleep :D
No link right?
Doesn't matter. Life's a mess, that's how we live.
Back to my running issue. I could run, but my stamina sucked and i lagged behind during fencing PT and everyone took pity because they thought it was my ankle, but it wasn't!
Oh well. I still finished each round more or less with the pack. Just a weeny little bit behind :D
Plus they were sprinting 1min40seconds per round.
That's 12 minutes for 2.4km.
D: be nice to my poor ankle.
I joined PE once more today! We were playing netball but i obviously suck cause i can't jump or sprint :D how dare my classmates try to block a cripple!! the horror.
I have a nice husky and sexy voice!
Fencing PT nearly killed me because I hadn't exercised in a few weeks, but I cant die because tomorrow's Ben & Jerry's
free ice cream day. FREE. OHMG. CJ seem to be so hyped up over it. Chatted and discussed the t shirt issue with fencing mates until it's nearly 7.
Then I got stuck in this stupid massive jam at the highway until almost 8.
Then I bathed and washed my hair and now i can't sleep because it's not dry and i'm sleepy.
-throws a temper-
CJ cheered me up! I was emo-ing in the morning but now i feel fine :) albeit the hair part. YAY.
Oh and the weather has been so humid and HOT. Ugh. It shouldn't just rain, it should snow.
Then we'll be happier people because there won't be school due to the disturbance of the transport system due to the snow. HAH.
Well, it's nice to daydream.
OH one day i should seriously post up some of the dreams i've had, they are so william-blake-ish style.
I wonder if I should've told him all that.
Depressing. But it had to be said eventually.
Okay well. I need to stop feeling distracted and get back to ironing those clothes.
Like seriously. Get a grip and start doing the homework, whatever they may be. I realllly forgot.
I don't want to be like those Victorian women in the past who depend completely on guys that kinda thing.
Getting depressed over a guy, not worth it if it's long term... this goes out to a friend :) jiayou.
Yeti, I still rip off leh, what can you do about it =P HAH. FYI, these were what our maths teacher drew because he was so exasperated that everyone was copying the "DIY" part he wrote on the board on their papers. Whenever he put "..." signifying we do the rest ourselves, we'll all copy that "..." down as well.
So he drew those faces since we copy every single thing down.
And yeah I copied those faces. They were cute okay~
1. I want to strangle someone really badly, even though I didn't know what happened.
2. Elizabeth is hilarious, Wei Yan reminds me of me.
3. We finally ordered the fencing jackets.
4. I don't know how to explain it to him. What if it all turns out horribly..
Shall continue next time. Now I shall continue on my tough journey of slacking.

HELLO~You know whaaattttt, I went to the gym today! Originally was planning to try limp-running, but there was someone there and I changed my mind.
Then I met this guy who started giving me advices on what is good for leg muscles so I just blanked out and nodded. He doesn't even know fencing, he was like, "Huh? Fancing?"
I rest my case.
SO, I went back up feeling dissatisfied. I didn't stay in the gym for long because more people came and I like privacy. Anyways, my yonger brother returned home sulking because he did badly for napfa test. So I started lecturing him on the various aspects of physical health and fitness like what Mr Isaac Lim told us. After all that I jumped on the opportunity, asking him if he wanted to swim, and after my fantastic lecture he wanted to.
YAY. Then my mom decided to go too so we all swam.
But I swam so slowly, I felt a bit stupid; i was cautious about my ankle, which feels weak after I took out the adhesive bandage support.
At one point i felt i was
sinking because I moved too slowly. HAHAHA. Can you imagine?
NOW I feel sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy. But also happier because of the workout.
Exercise cheers me up :D No wonder i was grumpier and snappier during the period when I couldn't use my ankle properly.
And you know you know,
I FOUND MY HP POUCH! I is so happy. I was taking out my swimming stuff from my wardrobe and it was underneath! :o
SEE, the benefit of my swim today.
Hopefully it didn't do anything to my ankle -prays-
I love my econs group concept! It's so cute. I love the bottle, but I took no picture ):
Lalallaa. I am sleepy and high. How weird.
Twinkle twinkle little star, how i wonder what you are~I'm going back to BBSS on friday for AAC!! I don't care, we should just crash. Most likely they'll allow us in anyway because we're sexy.
Okay not really, but we can always go McDonalds to eat Happy Meals if we get kicked out right?
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight~Sorries i feel really random today.

I actually have a few things to clear up, but I have to post this.
let's see a screenshot now shall we?

click to enlarge.
I know I'm really sweet and gentle and all, but still there's no need to take advantage of my kind heart! T_T
I is cyber-bullied by your prince. You need to take him in hand kkkkkkkkk.
Since we're here, I remembered that I had an interesting conversation with a guy who has an ego as big as that of alexander. hahaha.
cause it's from message history, i'll post up a jist of the conversation:
Me: leo guys are supposed to be super nice and romantic
i don't actually believe believe but it's really fun to read hahaha
Bryant: Well THATS true about me
Bryant: But maybe not
Other guys
I'm romantic
Me: hahahahaha
Bryant: I'll take you to Bukit Timah hawkwer centre for Valentine's day
Bryant: Yeah I know right?
But me only la
Maybe other leo guys...
Not so much
Me: the most romantic guy on earth =.=
Bryant: Oh I know
Nowadays girls like it
if guys cook stuff for them
so i can make like
maggi mee or half boiled egg
or some microwave-able stuff
Me: Aww you are so sweet~
Bryant: I know aren't I?
I'd be the best boyfriend in the world
My own egotism astounds me
END STORY. That's why leo people are so cool. We have real big egos. heh. except for me =D
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I feel kind of stressed out though I don't really have anything to do.
I just had a four way conversation with Ruo Nan, Khadeza and Sarah. Ohmans I miss those sec 1 days so much~ We used to be such silly innnocent kids.
There seemed to be more laughter in the past. I used to hang around those idiots and had so much fun being idiots. We didn't even care how people looked at us. At least I didn't.
In sec three, we all separated, kind of, but I had really great friends in 4E2 too. I met people who changed my lives. It was a class full of intelligent retards. Paradox! We ganged up against the teachers we didnt like, sometimes i feel we were too mean, heh.
Like the time we all shut up and only mouthed words so that we could make Mrs Toh think that she had gone deaf. That was so super lame -.-" we didn't succeed, weren't even close to succeeding -.-"
Now we're all separated. Nostalgia.
JC life.. I don't know how great it'll be, but I hope it'll be something nice to look back on. Kays, I should finish up econs and all now. Haiz.
I love blogthings quizzes! :D
You Look Like a Sagittarius

It's likely that you have bright, sparkling, intelligent eyes.
Your eyes are the first thing that people notice about you.
You are probably quite tall and athletic.
You are the type of person who looks young for a long time but then seems to age overnight.
Like most Sagittarius people, you are probably very honest and comfortable with yourself.
It's almost certain you've lived a pretty wild life, but you have no regrets.
You Are a Norwegian Forest Cat

You are both athletic and adventurous.
You dream of climbing the highest mountain and surfing the biggest waves.
While you are active and spirited, you are also sweet and cuddly.
You're very family oriented, and you love to be around people.
You Are a Black Panther

You see through people. You understand others' motives and plans.
You have a knack for predicting the future. You just know what people are going to do.
People are attracted to you. You are naturally able to influence other people's thoughts.
You have the charisma to be a beloved guru or dictator. It's all about how you handle it.
Lol LY take care of yourself k.
I feel strangeeeee.
It's 3.31am and I'm still awake, doing SIGMA NOTATION!
I have a weird feeling of high-ness and I don't feel sleepeh.
But I know tomorrow I'll feel really drowsy the whole day, but i don't feel like sleeping.
It's so RARE that I don't doze off by 3.
I don't know you but I know you read my blog because you told everyone except her that you read all of her friends' blogs idk what the heck for.
Your methods disturb me.
I doubt he's even yours yet, and it's eerie how possessive you sound.
And I think your mindset's pretty narrow, for you to think that a girl can't be close to a guy without her having some dark intentions to steal him away from someone else.
It takes one to know one.
Plus if you had a bit of courage, you'd approach her yourself, which you didn't :)
Ah, I mean no offence at all, really.
THAT aside...
I went for the Lenten Vigil on Tuesday.
It was actually quite meaningful. We ate lamb, unleavened bread, parsley and drank some fruit syrup for wine. Hahahaha.
Washed each others' feet, went thorugh the process of station of the cross.
And today I went to church with my family again! It's an important week for the Catholics.
Anyways, the week was hectic, as usual. Haiz.
I can't really remember what happened, honestly, I don't have good memory.
I do remember that fencing training on wednesday. The coach told Priscilla to make her own decisions and kind of insulted her. I feel really bad for her because i think he missed her point and thought that she was indecisive and needed people to decide what weapon she wants to do.
But no, she just wanted advice on what she's good at.
Ohmans. I guess it's like that.
The coach said we should make our own decisions. I think that's a fine idea, so why don't we decide to have two breaks in one day instead of one?
Can't right? Because in Singapore's education system people tell us what to do.
When do we get to decide everything on our own?
Oh yeah, I decided to stick with epee. Firstly I didn't get to try saber cause my ankle's not fully healed yet, and I didn't quite fancy all the slashing. Too violent.
Poking is still my style. Hahaha.
And I think the people in epee are quite hardworking. When we got about 30-45 minutes break they went to do PT by themselves. I couldn't run so I walked around the school with Hidayah hahaha. A bit of exercise, so it's okay.
I am still adjusting to CJC. This is when my SI personality falls back into place, the difficulty for me to adjust to change and accept new people in my life.
Ugh. This is why I hate the S personality, it stops me from doing so many things.
I remember in lower secondary, when a new person enters the circle of friends i usually hang out with, i took nearly a full year to adapt and include her as one of us, that kind of thing.
I is trying my best.
Okay seriously, I forgot what to say, so yeah. Shall stop here for now :) Oh, I took a quiz on blogthings and I think the quiz's cool. They give really nice results, hahaha.
You Are Ceramics

You are open to the world and it's possibilities. You are able to start something without knowing how it will end.
You trust your intuition above everything else. Going with your gut often works out.
You believe that every day objects can and should be art.
The best art allows ordinary life to be more stylish and beautiful.
If all else perished and he remained, I should still continue to be; and, if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger. I should not seem a part of it.
1. In addition, you are to produce a sample promotional/merchandising material to present to your CEO to promote your business. Should you decide to do an audio-visual presentation, it should not exceed one minute in length
2. An oral presentation not exceeding 5 minutes in length, explaining your choice of merchandise/strategies and mode of presentation (if relevant). Students must present economic reasons in addition to others for their choice.
People, remember that the econs presentation is due on Thursday, which is the second econs tutorial. Sorry I didn't know earlier, my memory's not that fab.
Test tomorrow on determinants of demand and supply, plus section 4.4 on page 29-31.
The stuff Mr Chia taught on Friday.
I'm not sure when the essay is due, so sorry, but Mr Chia didn't tell me the deadline. I suppose it's fine that you guys don't do by tomorrow, he will probably scold me but i swear I can't remember him giving any date.
Neither can anyone else, i did ask around.
Jiayou people. We can all survive JC life, haha. I shall eliminate any thoughts I've had recently of fleeing to poly. Wheee.
I caught a cold yesterday, i don't know from who. Maybe because of the rain.
In the afternoon I felt feverish so I quickly slept and after I woke up, my temperature's gone down :)
But I had a runny nose which pissed me off greatly, and I finished a large box of tissues yet i refused to take the medicine because it stated so many side effects.
This morning i woke up and I was fine.
Haha rest is still the best. I don't normally take medicine for fever or cold.
Ohoh and on Thursday, I went back to BBSS with Cassandra, Uma, Farah, Leong Yew and Wei Jie to take our SGCs.
It was great to see Mdm Yeo and Ms Lau again, though only Ms Lau had time to chat wih us. The rest of our teachers were not there T_T
We all explored the school a bit but I was still limping slightly and Cass was in a rush, so we all left.
Guess what? It doesn't hurt when I walk anymore! And I'm gradually losing the limp!
AND I can start going down the stairs without clinging helplessly to the handrail. Still a bit stiff though.
AND to celebrate that, I went to the gym! Hahahaha. But I didn't run of course. And then I realized how far back I am, I get tired more easily.
Oh noes.
Yan Ting, don't back out kay, we're still supposed to run after I recover :D I want to aim for below 13 minuts for 2.4km. It's pretty ambitious, but if I push myself maybe i can. it's the A mark right?
I hope I won't get left behind D:
The feeling of being able to walk after one week of stiffness and lots lots of pain.. rocks.
That's why they say God let things happen for a reason, now I appreciate my legs and my ability to walk so much now <3
Anyway, for all the Fencing and PE lessons, I've been just sitting at the side stoning. It's my inborn talent.
My dad got me a new phone!! :) He is so nicee. I had no clue.
Kays, I've forgotten all the things I wanted to blog about so I shall end. I think I might have some short-term memory loss problem. I should go back to the fencing sinseh and let him do more acupuncture. No link.
Short note: I'm beginning to find Chinese lessons quite enjoyable! WOW.