Rockafella rocked! Literally! Hahaha. I love CJC for organizing things like this for us. Rockafella is an annual CJC rock concert by the way.
I think I spoiled my hearing but it's worth it. The money from the sale of tickets and t-shirts is going to the needy students' fund.
And and and I just gotta say there was this singer from the band called "Fried Rice Paradise" (yeah, the band names are pretty cool... Hastily Assembled, Panic at the Audi etc.), his voice is FANTASTIC! Haha now I understand why the band didn't need to do anything to get the crowd so wild the 'security' aka council people had to step forward to get them back to their seats.
But anyway his voice was so strong and confident, he can go for Singapore Idol and pwn it.
Of course, he chose the right song for his kind of voice... like "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing".
Ahhh I'm in love with his voice -swoons-
The DJ from Class 95FM was one of the judges!
AND Bjorn, fencing captain, was performing as a drummer. At one point he stripped and bared his chest. Ooh SOMEONE must have liked that VERY VERY MUCH ;D she was sitting nowhere near, such a pity, couldn't see her blush or something.
The last performance was by last year's Rockafella champion band, name was "Class Act" or something. Everyone stood up because they were a pretty good band. I just didn't really like the songs they sing. But I also stood up and cheered, a bit meekly, as i was sleepy, tired and ravingly HUNGRY. But the lead singer, a female, had charm.
Oh I wanna congratulate Cassandra for getting into Debate! :D
Lol. Fencing training was tough.
Bjorn said it's not even 10% of what we're going to do in the future T_T
Omg lahh, a guy from HONG KONG just asked me how he added me on MSN! I didn't even remember cause I accept everyone who requested! -.-"
And now he's chatting me up with general lame things like the WEATHER, the WEATHER! and he thought i'm in the FINANCE INDUSTRY in HONG KONG!
I thought of lying to him, but scully he's also from finance and he starts asking me questions and i'd blank out.
So i just told him i'm a student from singapore.
I wonder if i should block him, what if he's a sexual predator or something... must be wary of strangers right. Hahahaha.
I shall porbably do so when he goes offline. cause i'll feel bad hahaha.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANNE! Hope you like the 'surprise'! I bet it was damn obvious.
The candles were blown off so many times by the fans. In the end Cassandra got Joanne to blow out the fire on the matchstick, but it blew out by itself once more -.-"
And... I'm officially inside Fencing! :D
It's such a relief. Today I went to school extra early instinctively, but the list was not up yet. I helped Tivona with her friends' birthday banner.
It still wasn't up yet, so after Chem lecture I anxiously hurried down. I had five minutes before the next lesson!
And I saw the list:

^ I just felt so amused that my name is the longest that I had to take a pic! hahaha.
I was like OMG YAY! YAYAYAYAY. Then Carissa came by and she was selected too :)
But I'm sad Geraldine didn't get in. Boo. Only 13 out of the 26 girls were selected, and 12 out of around 18 guys.
Ahhh the trials yesterday scared me.
I was one of the six girls who did not get to fence a second bout. According to them if you have to fence another round it means the coach missed out something and wanted to observe again.
Now I realize that it didn't mean we're horrible, it probably meant we've secured our place. Got me worried for nothing.
And yeah, Mass PE was horrible. The running part is okay, but I absolutely hate crunches because now i cant' sneeze or laugh or cough without feeling muscle pain!! Curses! And it's going to get worse!
But the six rounds of running was okay, I completed below 14 minutes! Yay. I've improved tremendously, i wonder if it's mostly in the mind.
And yeah, Mass PE was horrible. The running part is okay, but I absolutely hate crunches because now i cant' sneeze or laugh or cough without feeling muscle pain!! Curses!
And it's going to get worse!
Anyway I actually have a maths test tomorrow. Ugh. I does not like binomial theorem. ahhh.
1T09, Fencing, IG01!
Things I wanna post about:
- 1T09
- Fencing
- IG01 outing!

1T09 is such a cute class! we have our own tables and benches in the canteen that we always sit on at every recess. we spend them together :D
OMGOMGOMG Debby I forgot to show you those awesome calculator tricks I got so amused over few days ago! I was so amazed that the maths AND chem teachers went to my table to ask what was the matter.
And and, Cassandra has a crush on Keane!
Few days ago a relief GP teacher came and he's nice! Maybe cause he was only 21? A few girls thought he was cute and all. Haha. He gave us some statistics that I forgot, one of them was like, majority of young girls fear fats more than nuclear wars? But i think it's American based?
he also said that most girls over-estimate the size of their hips by 16%.
The people at the front heard it as tits! I know Yong Quan, the only guy there, was like, "HUH TITS? O.O"
And I'm not oblivious! I'm just a little clueless sometimes, that's all :D and on friday i dozed off and stoned more often because i was going through a dark period of my life! max and tivona sleeps in class too hahaha. and the guys!
And during Econs on friday the other teacher in the class dozed off himself!
Anyway do you know that I'm planning to register for the NYAA silver? HAHA it's so unbelievable. I have to confirm my CCA first. But it's gonna be great because we're going as a class :D at least, most of our class people going.
Marjority of the people in our class also bought tickets for the Rockafella concert next friday. We're united! Yay!
And I think there'll be another IG dinner after the concert..
I'm a water element! Yay! i took the test! Water element people:
- calm
- Right-brained
- internal focus
- practical
- think before they speak
- feelings
- considerate, patient, hesitant
- share $
- buys peace
my second element is fire!
- bright
- right-brained
- external focus
- conceptual
- possibilities
- spontaneous, enthusiastic, easily distracted
- spend $
- buys praise
i'm equally earth and air. we had to pste the stickers on our diary.

majority of 1T09 are water elements, the rest are fire with the exception of david. after we calculated our results, and the teachers showed us our key personalities, we started a funny war between the fires and the waters. All this time David remained immensely quiet.
and there are no air elements which means our class is unclear, illogical, unorganized, inaccurate... lol!
Anyway, moving on to Fencing!! We got to free-fence a few times the past few trainings... rock.
it's cool! Free-fencing rocks. I fenced with Geraldine and Monisha on Friday. I think me and Elise are planning to approach Aaron on Monday for extra training or something?
I want to get into Fencinggggggg. I'd cry if i don't!
Trials next wednesday... -crosses fingers-

^ This was so cute! me and ST made them hug!
I met Karin and her friend at 5 and we went to cineleisure!
Met up with IG01! Yay! or half of it anyway.

We played the first game, which was to find all the listed items.
It was funny when they had to get the empty popcorn boxes. They couldn't get it from the counter selling popcorn, even when they acted. Shi Yong ended up with a bunch of plastic bags he didn't need because he faked that he needed something to put the popcorn in.
With no other way out, we all headed towards a theatre through the exit! When i relized that i was like O.O
Two of the guys from my team went in against the people going out, pretending they've left something behind or something.
Sabrina from Jakarta held the door open and some people atually thanked her. Her expression was hilarious.
Adeline also from Jakarta fished one frm the dustbin! See how desperate we were!
You know why?
Because the forfeit was: you had to kiss a member from the opposite team and opposite sex!!!
In the end our team won.
So the other team had to kiss us.
OMG horrid! A guy kissed me, there was no escape, but on the cheek so no fret! And it's very brief only, dont' ask me about it okays?
We went on to the empty space near Plaza Sing and played Dare or Dare. The dares were horrible, kissing, licking, YUCK.
Okay this part got deleted because blogger is so screwed so i shall just briefly summarize. we went to play I Never too outside Starbucks. It was a funny game, we turned a bit sexist near the end.
Took a group photo.
Reached home at 12.40 because the stupid mrt broke down.
to you: I am NEVER going out with you and her together again unless there's someone else there. UGH.
I'm sorry for sounding like such a wet blanket and everything, but I simply couldn't stand it.
I wish you all the best with her and do continue to smother her with your undying love, just leave me out the next time okay? Because when you include me in your little romantic outing it makes me think you're deliberately doing it to spite me and if you really were, maybe it's your way of dealing with rejection but that's childish dontcha think?
if you do love her NOT because she just seemed like someone ideal, then good, i give you my blessings. but make sure she's not just your pretty rebound because she deserves better.
honestly, don't be so desperate for a girlfriend.. love will come your way naturally, but yours seemed to be forced, pushed and developed from your yearning for love.
Being in love with love and in love with someone is completely different.i wish you all the best, i don't mean to offend or hurt anyone with this, though it probably has.
Happy Valentines' Day!
YAYYY Valentines' Day Eve in CJC rocks.
I wanna thank: Bjorn, Natalie, Syam, IG01, Ms. Chan, Sofia, Pei Xuan, Tivona and Yan Ting... for the rose, chocolates and straw heart. And the little messages that mean a lot.
Well as I've said before, I'm not an evil person, therefore I gave out chocolates to the class :D hope they liked it. i liked it.
it wasn't uncommon to see people with roses in CJ, because people in CJ are quite enthusiastic about wasting their money 8D
But it's nice to feel appreciated :)
And it's not even Valentines' Day today! It's actually Friday the 13th, but I hardly noticed because of all the spreading of lovee :D That includes Cassandra's little four-paged booklet that says, "Happy Valentines' Day!" that she passed around. Haha. YT was so cute lah. She wanted to give her straw hearts to some SJI guys, but she was too shy. I actually got our gang to wait outside the toilet for one of the guys to come out, so that we can see how he looks like.

^ And this is the stalk of rose I hung on my room wall. The wall's too white and plain. I should've done this long time ago with debby's ones, but too late anyway.
Fencing afterwards was hahaha. They made us run five rounds around the track! That's 5/7 of 2.4km...
I actually kept up with the pace and stayed at the lead when the torture was over!
When one of the seniors turned to tell me my stamina was notbad, I decided not to tell her I just managed to pass 2.4km. Hehe.
We did some footwork afterward! We learnt to move forward and backward properly, and how to lunge... we were also trained to react quickly.
At the end of the day they sent us for another five rounds and it was horrible okay! I know I shouldn't have stopped because the moment i stop, i couldn't start again.
Oh well. I was tired after all.
but i gotta buck up because i heard that mass PE in CJ is horrible. They made students run 16 rounds the other time! That's... 5km? T_T
I hope I can get into Fencing.
Yayy tomorrow I'll be so busy. 1 hour of a not-so-exciting-organ-lesson-date with my organ teacher. I should give her chocolates so she won't be so strict on me for not practising.
Next, I'll have a date with my family. We'll probably be watching a movie.
Lastly, I'll meet up with Khadeza and Ruo Nan for a dinner date at Redhill.
Fascinting. Are you people disappointed I've mentioned no guys? I know you lot like to read about stuff like that. HAHA.
It's a long story. And I'm not planning to narrate.

^ Random. This was a bunny my brother made with a towel. Not very obvious but it's so cute.
Happy Valentines' Day!
let us see beyond materialistic gifts and understand the thought behind it. let us also appreciate the small things we often receive but tend to overlook, a smile, a greeting, and return it in kind.
Lectures are so boring okay!!
You can ask Cassandra! I slept like some pig. me AND Max, i KNOW she slept too, though she denied it :D We are like, the sloths of the class. Cassandra was between us in class.
But as certain as the sun rises in the east, I'm the biggest sloth.
I can't help it! I even slept during lit lesson and that had never happened before! It's just that... the teacher was speaking in such a monotone voice i wanna scream.
And the lit lecturer, c'mon. He's probably just graduated, but like, he analysed Slyvia Path's poem's line, "I used to pray to recover you." as a symbol that the persona doesn't hate her father that much. That's completely contradicting what he said earlier that she hates her father with the line, "Daddy, I have had to kill you." SO she hates him so much she wants to kill him, but not so much that she doesn't want him alive?
NOO! I remember clearly Mr Lattif did that poem with us before, the whole poem and not just an extract, and that line, "I used to pray to recover you." meant that she wants her dad BACK ALIVE so that SHE COULD KILL HIM HERSELF.
Of course everyone's interpretations can be different, none are wrong... but doesn't Mr Lattif's one make more sense...?
Argh I miss him and his lessons so much.
But yeah, I KNOW I have to buck up. I'm just sleepy maybe cause I didn't sleep well last night.
Anyway, after school, I took a long bus trip to Lot 1. I slept again. See what I mean?
Met up with Khad, Debby, Ruo Nan. We talked a bit and i bought a burger for my dinner. Later i discovered my mom was cooking. RARR.
So, we told each other about our JCs while RN listened on. Finally went to replace my ezlink card. FINALLY LAH. i've been having problems with it for so many months. and they deducted $1 from the amount in my card, that's not fair because i was told it'd be FOC. but they closed the counter by the time i checked the amount.
Life's not fair. Nothing we can do about it.
I'm so sleepy but I must stay awake.
As they say, a picture says a thousand words. So i shall post some random pics of the orientation. more coming up next time.
Athenians! HOO SAH! IG01! People need to stop putting out two fingers and put one instead! Follow Syam's example man.
Yayyyy I have an email from the fencing people! I'm so retarded. There are tons more interesting pictures but I'm too lazy, it's a bit late and I'm eating dinner. Haha. So yeah.
And you know, I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow because it's officially school. BOOO.
You know, I noticed this standard thing in our seniors in CJC... the guys are mostly well-built, the girls are petite and fit. And both genders are tan!
And they're good-looking!
Physical aspects adide, they're really nice people! Very rahrah sort, but it's funny to see. Very enthu. Their enthusiasm never seem to waver, i wonder how. Being with them makes me feel in between, like i'm neither here neither there. Haha.
And, they all have very strong voices.
Most of all.. THEY LOVE CJC, they sing the school song with pride! not like in BBSS.
By the way,
NO, CJC doesn't have the highest abortion rate.
YES, CJC is swarming with hot chicks, I heard Bertrand said that? :) Haha! I'm a girl, I don't look at girls, but it's true, even in my class alone... that includes me and Cassandra ;D HAHAHAHAHA~ jk.
YES, there are hot guys in CJC :) My standards have increased ever since I stepped into CJC. HAHA. nah it's not as bad as it sounds. and don't judge a book by its cover!

^ Bjorn, Syam, Natelie

^ IG01, CJC 2009 Orientation.

^ Athena house :)
We were allocated to our classes today!
Final mass dance today too, I got to go onstage with the other Christopher :) Just as well, practically half of IG01 were onstage thanks to Bjorn's pushing. Hah.
I'm in 1T09, same class as Cassandra! Yay! Together it's easier for us to make friends, and we've talked to nearly everyone in the class :)
tomorrow school until 7.30pm...
And no no, we haven't started mass lectures yet. We're still finishing our orientation. Haha.
YOYOYO! Orientation is damn fun, for the past few days it's been dirty games involving water, paint, grass, shampoo, flour, sand, mud, saltwater... yay!
Anyways more details soon, when I steal the pictures from one of our IG's facils, Natalie.
We have two more facils, Bjorn is the captain of the facils and the Athena house and the fencing club.
Syam is the captain of the hockey club and he likes to advertise hockey when he gets the chance to -.-" He told us many cheesy pick-up lines and said you'll become like that if you join hockey.
Cheesy lines:
Guy: Lend me your hand. See, there's a rabbit who lives here -points at girls' fingers-... it wants to cross to the other side of the river... -points at .girls' palm-, so how does it go there?
Girl: I don't know. How?
Guy: Nothing. I just wanted to hold your hand :)
Girl to Guy: My name is jing wan (tonight). You can call me jing wan.
Guy to Girl: How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, boiled or fertilised? ;D
Guy: Are you a buglar?
Girl: Huh?
Guy: Because the moment I saw you, you stole my heart.
Guy: Did you just break wind?
Girl: What??
Guy: Because you just blew me away.
These are the retarded facils we have in CJC! Haha.
And they're quite good dancers too, when they demonstrate the coolll mass dance.
We don't have mass lectures yet! And it's a goood thing!
I like our theme Fotizo which is Greek. And the houses: Athena, Zeus, Hestia, Aphrodite, Apollo (they boast about a biscuit being named after them) and Hephaestus.
CJC said that Athena is the goddess of wisdom, skill and warfare.
So each time a facil shout, "Athenians!"
we have to reply with, "HOO-SAH!" and it's kinda cute <3
By the way, if you wanna know the summary of the orientation, it's on Cassandra's blog! :D I'm so... haha.
And she's right, there's LOADS of contact with the opposite sex!
Mass dance is one, but that's not so bad. Mostly hands... a bit of body when you do the hanky panky and the spinning parts.
During games, a lot of times you need to be paired with an opposite sex.
Today the guys had to carry the girls through the spider web thing. And they touched us everywhere!! HAHAHA. Even guys who got carried felt violated though it was just a game thing, what more the girls. LOL.
Then guys need to piggyback girls for the other game... right. I jumped on Christopher's back, he seemed to be capable of carrying me quite easily. But he dropped me like... just drop. Not quite the gentleman.
Even the spaghetti game. We girls were that few inches away from a guy's face. Plus we had to grab each other's shoulders; grabbing faces would probably be more stable but no one was willing to.
As for other random nice bonding games, most of the time we do make body contact with the opposite sex, but we're too busy to notice.
I don't know why I'm talking about physical contact with guys.
Omg, CJC is...
Well I don't really know how to put it.
The Facils were really nice, the performance they put up for the intro of houses was cool especially with the Greek gods theme. My group comes under the house Athena, goddess of what again?
Anywayyy, the mass dance was cool too, though not all were enthusiastic.
And I was paired with a SJI guy, why am I not surprised... the guys were mostly from SJI, girls mostly from CHIJ schools. Anyway, we couldn't keep up with the music.
But at least we got the hang of it. I thought it was pretty fun.
And the games were okay too.
The people are nice, the principal was nice, "I personally think I have a very good school, but if you think there's another JC better than this, go ahead and appeal out, baby! Make my day!"
But the JC1 people in my group... i feel distant from them.
Cause i'm prolly the only one not from an affiliated school.
ANd prolly the only one from a mixed school.
Like Denise said this morning, we are the minority of the minority. Like seriously, i only know 6 other BBSSians in CJC.
Anyway, tomorrow, water/dirty games. Oh mannnn. Must pack bathing stuff. Sian.
Oh well, i guess it'll be fun (:
But CJC people are funny and super lame and crazy.
Yayy I'm back! So, I finally received the letter from CJC.
Apparently I was grouped into IG 01. hmmm i hope there'll be nice people there -crosses fingers-
CJC repeated the reporting time daily twice! Hahaha. It's like they can predict that half of the time I'll probably be late :D
I also read that there will be a selection test for the English Language & Linguistics/Knowledge & Inquiry course at H2 Level during the first week. Omg. TEST ON THE FIRST WEEK! oh nos.
We can also apply for the English Language Elective Programme Scholarship.
sounds attractive...
things are going well for me so far. We shall see if my luck holds out tomorrow.
I remember on the first day of secondary one and secondary three, I was late.
Who invented the snooze system anyways?
Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg school tomorrow.
Good luck to everyone.