1T09, Fencing, IG01!
Things I wanna post about:- 1T09
- Fencing
- IG01 outing!

1T09 is such a cute class! we have our own tables and benches in the canteen that we always sit on at every recess. we spend them together :D
OMGOMGOMG Debby I forgot to show you those awesome calculator tricks I got so amused over few days ago! I was so amazed that the maths AND chem teachers went to my table to ask what was the matter.
And and, Cassandra has a crush on Keane!
Few days ago a relief GP teacher came and he's nice! Maybe cause he was only 21? A few girls thought he was cute and all. Haha. He gave us some statistics that I forgot, one of them was like, majority of young girls fear fats more than nuclear wars? But i think it's American based?
he also said that most girls over-estimate the size of their hips by 16%.
The people at the front heard it as tits! I know Yong Quan, the only guy there, was like, "HUH TITS? O.O"
And I'm not oblivious! I'm just a little clueless sometimes, that's all :D and on friday i dozed off and stoned more often because i was going through a dark period of my life! max and tivona sleeps in class too hahaha. and the guys!
And during Econs on friday the other teacher in the class dozed off himself!
Anyway do you know that I'm planning to register for the NYAA silver? HAHA it's so unbelievable. I have to confirm my CCA first. But it's gonna be great because we're going as a class :D at least, most of our class people going.
Marjority of the people in our class also bought tickets for the Rockafella concert next friday. We're united! Yay!
And I think there'll be another IG dinner after the concert..
I'm a water element! Yay! i took the test! Water element people:
- calm
- Right-brained
- internal focus
- practical
- think before they speak
- feelings
- considerate, patient, hesitant
- share $
- buys peace
my second element is fire!
- bright
- right-brained
- external focus
- conceptual
- possibilities
- spontaneous, enthusiastic, easily distracted
- spend $
- buys praise
i'm equally earth and air. we had to pste the stickers on our diary.

majority of 1T09 are water elements, the rest are fire with the exception of david. after we calculated our results, and the teachers showed us our key personalities, we started a funny war between the fires and the waters. All this time David remained immensely quiet.
and there are no air elements which means our class is unclear, illogical, unorganized, inaccurate... lol!
Anyway, moving on to Fencing!! We got to free-fence a few times the past few trainings... rock.
it's cool! Free-fencing rocks. I fenced with Geraldine and Monisha on Friday. I think me and Elise are planning to approach Aaron on Monday for extra training or something?
I want to get into Fencinggggggg. I'd cry if i don't!
Trials next wednesday... -crosses fingers-

^ This was so cute! me and ST made them hug!
I met Karin and her friend at 5 and we went to cineleisure!
Met up with IG01! Yay! or half of it anyway.

We played the first game, which was to find all the listed items.
It was funny when they had to get the empty popcorn boxes. They couldn't get it from the counter selling popcorn, even when they acted. Shi Yong ended up with a bunch of plastic bags he didn't need because he faked that he needed something to put the popcorn in.
With no other way out, we all headed towards a theatre through the exit! When i relized that i was like O.O
Two of the guys from my team went in against the people going out, pretending they've left something behind or something.
Sabrina from Jakarta held the door open and some people atually thanked her. Her expression was hilarious.
Adeline also from Jakarta fished one frm the dustbin! See how desperate we were!
You know why?
Because the forfeit was: you had to kiss a member from the opposite team and opposite sex!!!
In the end our team won.
So the other team had to kiss us.
OMG horrid! A guy kissed me, there was no escape, but on the cheek so no fret! And it's very brief only, dont' ask me about it okays?
We went on to the empty space near Plaza Sing and played Dare or Dare. The dares were horrible, kissing, licking, YUCK.
Okay this part got deleted because blogger is so screwed so i shall just briefly summarize. we went to play I Never too outside Starbucks. It was a funny game, we turned a bit sexist near the end.
Took a group photo.
Reached home at 12.40 because the stupid mrt broke down.
to you: I am NEVER going out with you and her together again unless there's someone else there. UGH.
I'm sorry for sounding like such a wet blanket and everything, but I simply couldn't stand it.
I wish you all the best with her and do continue to smother her with your undying love, just leave me out the next time okay? Because when you include me in your little romantic outing it makes me think you're deliberately doing it to spite me and if you really were, maybe it's your way of dealing with rejection but that's childish dontcha think?
if you do love her NOT because she just seemed like someone ideal, then good, i give you my blessings. but make sure she's not just your pretty rebound because she deserves better.
honestly, don't be so desperate for a girlfriend.. love will come your way naturally, but yours seemed to be forced, pushed and developed from your yearning for love.
Being in love with love and in love with someone is completely different.
i wish you all the best, i don't mean to offend or hurt anyone with this, though it probably has.
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