birthday celebrations for st and rn
Okies, shall summarise this post because I'm leaving tomorrow and I haven't packed. Actually i don't really know what to pack. I can't be bothered with the pics because blogger is screwed.
So, two days ago, I went with Shi Ting, Leong Yew, Jack, Bryant and Ruo Nan to ice skate at Kallang Leisure Park :D
ST, LY and Bryant were all late, i was the earliest. boo them.
Bryant couldn't skate, So we took turns holding his hand and helping him.
Ruo Nan as usual, didn't need help.
We broke the rule about more than two people skating together :D
ST said that when i was helping bryant bryant could ice skate, see i'm so good. right.
leong yew then went off for his sec 2 class bbq.
ruo nan also went home because she wasn't allowed out late.
the rest of us went to the cathay to buy tickets for Beverly Hills Chihuahua, but the only show was at 9.30pm. so me and st called our parents first to get permission.
then we walked all the way to Taka to get dinner. long distance eh!
we went around shopping for stuff and we took as much water as possible from the water dispenser in the supermarket -_-"
on the way back jack and bryant kept singing their version of 'There She Goes' and it got stuck in our heads. booo.
but they weren't bad as singers. haha. i think bryant has potential. they should all create a band like in st's dream.
they also thought of a joke if say jack becomes a pilot.
"We're sorry, there has been some delay in the flight. The engine has heated up, so to cool it down, i will tell you some cold jokes. That would be my first one. Come on, we can do this."
The movie itself was cuteee! and a bit lame.
After everything ended, me and st took 190 bus to CCK, but there was no more buses in CCK by then, it was past midnight.
so i called my mom and got a scolding from her.
shi ting then took me around the mall to the front entrance, and there was a taxi.
the taxi driver didn't try any funny things and sent me straight home, but the taxi fare from CCK to BB was $8.70 and it was a painful amoutn to look at T_T
And the next day i woke up at lunchtime and went to eat brunch.
Anyways, there are suggestions for a Christmas bash, New Year countdown party, another chalet in january-cheaper and in a much bigger place, and going overseas to Bali.
Haha. You can go fight over those issues on my tagboard, it's not my business anymore until 17th December!! YAY.
4e2 Class Chalet '08
The class chalet was fun to a certain extent.
Day 1Met Leong Yew and Debby first to buy the BBQ stuff from Sheng Siong in Pasir Ris. we bought a cake for Jia Ying too to surprise her.
Met others at the interchange and went to our chalet room, F-03.
Other people start coming in later, but they didn't help with the BBQ cooking. It wasn't very nice to be cooking away at the burning pit and getting smoke into your eyes while others played cards while enjoying the air con.
Shi Ting got a bit pissed, she went up and told them to clear up later on, and ended with, 'No food for you." and slammed the door shut.
After that they went down and helped us. Yay.
Kenneth came in afterwards and helped loads. He also gave us two tickets to four free admissions to WWW or Escape. So then we had eight free admissions.
He rocks.
JY went to toilet so we quickly prepared the cake. Some were starting to go up to play cards, and I didn't like the way they couldn't wait for a while, and I shouted, but nobody cared, then Debby shouted louder and everyone went down.
Ghost stories are fine, but unfortunately they don't work for everyone.
the few of us stayed downstairs and played cards.
sadly, we're 16, but we still have fears. just like how some people are afraid of the dark, it may sound childish and lame, but sometimes we have to understand.
i thought
you would understand her, but you didn't, you shut the door. i wasn't angry, i was just plain disappointed ):
Anyways, that aside, it was pretty fun. Jia Ying was funny with her waking up at 3am and asking sleepily, "who wants to play Stress?"
We got to sleep on the beds until Jack and gang returned from their night outing.
Day 2I rock in Cheat but i suck in the mafia game because I was first killed in nearly every round, so that means everyone wants me dead all the time.
We went to Escape afterwards :D jack, bryant, ly and wylin preferred to play cards instead.
It was boring but it was fun. yay.
Those thrilling rides are not exactly mind-blowing, we were simply chatting during those rides.
honestly, those screaming girls from the haunted house and the viking thing are annoying. it's like, super duper high frequency that hurt the ears.
After everything we went to rest at Burger King, and the guys called in asking for the prices to enter Escape Theme Park. Meaning now they wanted to go. it pissed me, debby and shi ting off.
We went back to the chalet, expecting the guys to be out to Escape or WWW, but they were still at the same position
playing cards. So much for all that talk.
plus the money my mother forked out to pay for us, no one returned it, so i was beginning to get worked up. it's not part of my allowance, it's probably from my mother's retirement bank account.
i ended up snapping at everyone. sorry. and ly started asking if i'm okay, but i was still angry, so i ignored him and he gave up.
i'm so stubborn, oh boo me.
Night cycling was fun though :)
we went out at 10pm to cycle to Changi, mainly to visit the OCH. lalala.
i fell back to make sure jy won't get left behind.
ly was the one taking up the rear, and it was weird. after cycling a long distance though, i told him to go ahead.
he did.
so i ended up taking the rear after all. a bit strange/disturbing, since i'm a girl and we were entering a deserted area of prostitution in Changi.
but i kept quiet because nobody would care and they'd think i'm lame.
we reached OCH, where jack, irvin, jia xun and bryant wanted to go in.
the four of them ran out in a minute saying there were high-tech CCTVs. LOL.
we decided to turn back home then.
but jia ying and bryant were lagging behind. i decided to lag along with them. yay.
we found jack waiting for us, which was a nice thing. we were way way behind. we couldn't see the rest anymore.
i know bryant was pissed off too at that time, when he shouted, "basket, they didn't even wait for us lah."
but irvin cycled back to make sure we were okay :)
him and jack stuck with us for the rest of the times jy fell back away from the group. that's so nice.
we went back to the chalet reaching at about 3am.
we didn't get caught by the police at all.
all of us except chrystabel and ly who went up to sleep decided to wait till 4am for the bed ST and Debby took since they didn't go with us.
we looked half dead.

^ the only picture i took. brenda K.O-ed and everyone followed soon after.
finally irvin decided to go up. when he came back he said it wasn't a good idea to wake them up.
so we left them alone and all of us squeezed into the two matresses.
i slept beside bryant and brenda.
irvin made the table his bed -.-" hahaha. poor guy.
Day 3woke up about two hours later, and found LY and Irvin staring at us from the staircase.
we got up reluctantly and went to brush our teeth.
came back and saw that everyone had woken up, so we went up and took the bed.
this time i was sleeping beside jack and jia xun.
i was awoken by jack leaning against me. he was quite heavy so i was crushed between him and jia xun.
deciding i had enough sleep, i got up. it was about 9. so we had slept for five hours.
we checked out and returned the bikes to the rental shop, headed for breakfast and finally home.
in the mrt, the guys sat on the floor and played cards. so me, st, jy and chrystabel found our own corner and played cheat and other games. haha. the center of attention in the train.
i went to st's house because i didn't want to go home with ly.
i really don't know what to say to him. i wasn't entirely happy with him, but i don't want to tell him that then, since he seemed pretty happy.
but i'm not avoiding him. at least i think so. i am going with them to ice skate tomorrow after all.
went to st's house, slept a bit. haha. st woke me up at one time, and i actually replied her, "no big difference.'
LOL. i was dreaming! then i woke up and spoke from my sub-conscious mind :o
long and boring post! wheeeee. fine. i shall cut off some parts tomorrow. happy?
by the way, sorry if i got pissed off so many times. it was that time of the month. applies to some of the other girls too ;D
BBQ food confirmed! :D
My mom made the bank transfer thing today. Yay. Stupid styrofoam box thing scared me for a moment, I thought they counted the grand total wrongly -_-"
Yay, my mother rocks.
$87.90, must set aside that money and pay her back :D:D
By the way, my tickets to Indonesia confirmed already, next Sunday flying off.
And before I forget, check this out.
"You know that when swans feel the approach of death they sing, and they sing sweeter and louder on the last days of their lives because they are going back to that God whom they serve." ~ Socrates' last words
Sweet! And sad. And swans are like penguins, they mate for life :D though for swans, it's more of a tendency to pair for life.
Mark Lim just flew off to China today. Haha. He called at 2pm to tell me to enjoy myself at the chalet. Lol. And to make up for his rude hanging-up earlier that day because he was busy. Boo him.
Yay yay. I'm so bored now. Actually i have to pack for tomorrow's chalet, but I'm so lazy you know. Like Jia Ying like that, pack the morning of the chalet. By the way,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIA YING!! :D YOU'RE 16!! Don't be in self-denial! Don't worry, it's not too old!
I think i
should start packing now in case i forget stuff, i always do.
What bag to use D:
And I feel like posting some lyrics to extend this post. Haha.
Never thought that I'd be so inspired
Never thought that I would find the higher truth
I believed that love was overrated
'Til the moment I found you
Now baby I know I don't deserve
The love you give me
But now I understand that
If you want me I must be doing something right
I got nothing left to prove
And it's all because of you
So if you need me
And baby I make you feel alive
I know I must be doing
Doing something right
It's because of you I feel so lifted
I've been looking at my life from higher ground
Never thought that I'd be so elated
You're the one who turned it all around
Now baby, I didn't know myself
Until you changed me
And made me understand that
If you want me I must be doing something right
I got nothing left to prove
And it's all because of you
So if you need me
And baby I make you feel alive
I know I must be doing
Doing something right
I like this song. It's cool and meaningful. Stumbled upon it while watching a sweet Wall-e video. Haha.
And I also like the song 'Forever' by Chris Brown. Part of the lyrics:
It's a long way down, we so high off the ground
Sending for an angel to bring me your heart
Girl, where did you come from? Got me so undone
Gaze in your eyes got me saying
What a beautiful lady, no ifs, ands or maybes
I'm releasing my heart and it's feeling amazing
There's no one else that matters, you love me
And I won't let you fall girl, let you fall girl
:D Even his Superhuman melody is nice, but the lyrics kinda... notsocool.
Plus I still have to rant about Jason Mraz and his hat and his songs, but I'll save that for next time. Hah. Too bad, Ruo Nan.
Simraan wants me to blog about this, so i shall!
Poor LY got tricked by Simraan and meee today ;D
The idea came about by the evilest Simraan, who suggested we switched DPs, PMs and names. We even took the pain to change fonts and colours and adopt each other's MSN habits, though we weren't accurate.
But we were close.
After which I had to personally call LY through his home phone because he wasn't replying to his sms because he was playing his games-as usual-to get him online.
His reaction was so funny. He was like, "Huh? I just started playing..."
So I told him that there is something important he has to know, and two seconds later he came online -.-"
I shall put an extract of the two conversations here! :D
Don't worry LY, it's censored =P
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: don't play game!
The weird one: actually started alr
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: QUIT!
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: it's not too late!:D
The weird one: NO!!!
The weird one: i have to keep my promise to my clan
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: HAHA!
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: but you have to talk to me!
The weird one: !!
The weird one: T_T
The weird one: tmr?
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: NO!
The weird one =) \
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN! ):
The weird one: =(
The weird one: don't worry
The weird one: u'll see plenty of me when u come to SG!
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: ):
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: that's a long time!
The weird one: ok ok
The weird one: talk tmr?
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: NO! ):
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: when will you stop playing?
The weird one: ARE U IN SINGAPORE??
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: eh?
The weird one: wth
The weird one: u guys switched email
The weird one: i can't believ ethis,
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: i am me!
The weird one: SO LAME
The weird one: U ARE MICHELLE
♥ you can only wish. SIMRAAN!: me is me!
:D In case you're confused, the above conversation is between me and leong yew.
Here's Simraan's:
(before i do that, i wanna comment that, my nails are still shiny!! 8D Thanks to Debby's buffer thing. haha. eh, it's a natural shine. sad to say, it's fading away :()
» the damned minutes says: hi
The weird one says: ??!
» the damned minutes says: why ??!
The weird one says: why u call me come online
The weird one says: cause i'm playuing.:D
» the damned minutes says: that is more important?
The weird one says: i promise my clan/....
The weird one says: to go online at 11...
The weird one says: and u noe i don't l;ike breaking my promises...
» the damned minutes says: really, since when?
(censored xD)
» the damned min: SHOTT!
» the damned min: DONT SAY THAT!
» the damned min: I AM SIMRAAN!
The weird one: huh?
The weird one: simraan is in singapore?!?!
» the damned min: look at the email!!!
The weird one: U ALL SO LMAE
HAHAHA. he thought simraan was in singpaore! LOL. He got confused. Simraan thinks that he thought that she was at my house using MY account. In all that confusion, he went to ask me if i was in singapore, which means he thought Simraan was using TWO accounts.
Take it easy LY. Don't kill us :D
But I make an okay Simraan! =D At least I know how she speaks on MSN! YAY.
Graduation Night 2008

^ We plucked all the roses out -.-"

^ Ruo Nan's hat =3
^ Shi Ting and Nureeen :)
^ Irvin and band's performance!
^ Nureen and Brenda!
^ Me and Bryant! Am i that short that he has to lean? Purple shirt!
^ Leong Yew! He's dying for his pictures. He looked so different okay.

^ Elliot's school shoes!

^ Ruo Nan and Debby!

^ Uma and gang :D hahaha. They looked like they bought the clothes from the same place.
^ Bored!

^ Preparations :D

^ MR LATTIF!!! -hugs-

^ Hmm. An extra person to the left. Irvin, me, Mdm Yeo, Debby!
^ LY and me.
Yay, grad night photos copyrighted to debby. Haha. her camera.
THese photos are not included the ones taken by other cameras. The other photos include other people not from our table! YAY.
Grad night was okay. Wasn't that extremely impressive though, but it was okay (: Quite cool.
I have great friends (:
By the way, prom queen was Pei Jun!!!!!!!! YAY CHINA BEAUTY!!! -huggles- You deserve it!
Congratulations :D:D
And also to the prom king, but i don't know him. Haha.
And the heels were fine. Heels don't always hurt, it depends on what kind of heels you wear and how you walk in them. We girls do so so we'll look nice, just like others spend up to $1000 for their prom clothes. It's called a sacrifice (:
UPDATED! The following photos are from Shi Ting's camera!

^ Prom queen at the extreme right! :D YAY. WX looks like a superstar!

^ Xiao Hui and me :D I love her hair and make up!

^ Khadeza and Ruo Nan!

^ Sarah!!

^ I love this picture! Jack looks awesome with his shades -.-" LOL.

^ I love this picture too! It was taken by handphone, so it's not very clear, plus it's at night, plus there's that bright spot of light behind us, and that's why it's nice! at least you can't see the tiredness of our faces now :D
Blogger screwed up halfway -.-"
VANESSA! HELLO, I'm going to photoshop a picture of you and *ahem* ;)
YES. Got my prom dress. Finally? (:
So far haven't exceeded my budget of $100. I must say my mom was extremely generous today, even more enthusiastic than i was. I mean, after yesterday, I was pretty negative about shopping. Yes, I feel sorry for guys who go shopping with girls (but that means they're sweet). I feel sorry for girls too, like we have to go shopping even though we don't really want to.
Anyway, my mom saw the dress debby didn't buy in Valerie today in Vivo City and she said it was nice.
Tried it on, wasn't sure if I looked that nice. I mean, since when was i NOT uncertain, since i have decidophobia.
She just took it and placed it on the cashier -.-"
Then she went around the shop looking for accessories and compared it with the dress and all.
Haha! So funny, seeing her more enthu about MY prom.
She might just be reminded of her own prom (:
Thanks mom. Hahaha.
My dad was easy about it too. No reason for him to be uneasy about it. He splurges pretty often. His money of course.
Mass shopping today okay. I made my brother try on that shirt we saw at Harbour Front yesterday.
Unfortunately my brother is thin. If he was bigger built he'd look sexy in it 8D
We got a free bag after paying so much for a membership at Levi Strauss Signature, which they said cost a lot. the label says: 100% PU LEATHER. MADE IN CHINA.
And i freaked because it was LEATHER, but later i checked and realized that pu leather is not made from animals, but is a 'PVC synthetic leather'. Good, PVC is plastic. HAHA.
So i'm happy again.
My dad bought four more shirts for work. Now I'll have to start giving him advice on which tie suits it and blah blah. haha. it's fun you know! he has cool ties, especially the green one.
Christmas at Vivo was pretty, but i lazy upload the photo. sorry =D
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Sarah!Happy Birthday Mark!Happy Belated Birthday Nureeeen!Happy Belated Birthday Melina!Happy Advanced Birthday Khadeza!Happy Advanced Birthday Jia Ying!Happy Advanced Birthday Ruo Nan!
Happy Advanced Birthday Shi Ting!HAHAHAHA.
Plan changed, turns out I'm going out today after all.
I'm still feeling bad over what happened yesterday. Rarrrr.
BUT, 'o' levels are over, that's most important! YAY.
It's Over :D

In case you didn't get what the picture means, the Singapore Cambridge GCE 'O' Level Examination is OVER!!!!!!! Lemme spell it again,
O-V-E-R :D
Or let's spell it in another way, it's OWER, and OBER and whatever other pronounciations that exist.
If you still do not know, the 'O' Level Examination has officially ENDED.
Tearing the Entry Proof was exhilirating! As soon as they announced that we may go, Irvin was the first one up and ripping the entry proof with a ferocious roar cry thingy. Hahaha it was awesome.
As celebration, we-me, Shi Ting and Debby- pranced off to West Mall reminding ourselves every few minutes that we're liberated!
(I just hope I didn't do badly for the exams)
There we met Mark Lim and all of us went to watch Quantum of Solace!!
Which, by the way, didn't deserve the two exclamation marks because it was boring.
I shall give my honest opinion. I've never been biased against spy movies, in fact I love them, Get Smart was a blast, Casino Royale was hilarious and up to standard. But Quantum of Solace is simply.........................
Aiyo, what the hell just happened?
Maybe I just expected too much from a 007 movie.
Afterwards went to Debby's house!
Tried to figure out how to change her TV channel to the channel for PS1, hahaha. In the end we watched a bit of nigahiga and watched The Click again! Watched it before, but I still found the father part sad even though I know he was just dreaming and it's not really happening.
I tell you, Gameboy ROCKS okay, so does the Final Fantasy Tactics catridge, I don't care. Cause sometimes the older games are better, that's why I'm not craving for a PSP. Just like Disney animations were better in the past, just like how Lion King 1 rocks more than Lion King 2, just like how Simba and Nala were sweeter and much more natural as compared to Kovu and Kiara who were pretty cheesy.
Just like how the person who won the Subaru car was in his mid-thirties, and not in his twenties, and how Mdm Yeo has never taken an MC for seven years while the younger ones always do.
Enough of the rant. I'll upload old pics when i have time, now it's time to slack ^^
Countdown Clocks at
I just saw from Shi Ting's blog that Obama is President :o
I didn't listen to the radio or read/watch the news today.
YAY! I have no idea why I'm glad he made it, I just know that he'd bring about change and change is good.
Maybe he'll like, persuade Singapore to un-ban chewing gum. Yeah that won't happen.
Anyway, I'm currently pretty slack. It's like, I don't know how to study for Literature, yet I want to get an A1 for it. Something like wishing for something but not working for it.
And people think i'm so good at it (even Bryant) which is pressurizing. I know that Mr Lattif expects me to get that distinction, as he expects 60% of the class to get it.
Mark Lim sent links to some hilarious videos yesterday which cracked me up :D I was pretty much damn pissed yesterday, it's a multi-factorial kind of built-up.
Haha I can't believe I broke out of my already-broken hiatus to post this. Rihanna's Disturbia video is AWESOME.
I had a little shock at the start, but it's dark and therefore, nice (:
No wonder Ruo Nan liked it.
The best yet (better than prancing with an umbrella), she's okay, though i'm not gonna pay $90 for her concert on 13th November.
Besides, Chris Brown composed the song for her (or so i heard).
Happy belated halloween.
^ This is Taylor Swift from her mv of 'Love Story', she plays Juliet. And she makes a really appropiate Juliet eh? Even the Romeo wasn't beautiful enough for her. Haha. She looks better in medieval attire, like ST said. i AGREE.
HAHA check this out, Debby just showed me this site that talked about IQ.
IQ Range: 137 to 150
Frequency: 0.9%
Cumulative Frequency: 1 in 100 above 137
Typical Educability: No limitations.
Employment Options: Leading math, physics professor
I tested my IQ when I was young, if you're wondering, my IQ was 137.
OMFG, in what way do i look like a POTENTIAL MEMBER OF MENSA???
In what freaking way do i look like a PHYSICS professor, repeat, PHYSICS professor?
Hello? I barely passed physics.
And maths! -dies of laughter-
Debby was totally laughign and laughing because of what her 132 IQ says about her.
Argh. Either I've grown stupider over the years, the IQ test wasn't reliable, or I'm just too lazy to bring out my 'true potential'.
Anyway I should thank Mark for dedicating that song on 987FM before my History paper. Haha. Gracias.
Oh yes, the 'O' Levels. I nearly forgot in all that excitement. I have nothing that other 'O' Levels students don't already say all the time. So yeah.
Just that i kept panicking. I didn't cry, but i really freaked out, especially before physics when i started running around and taking walks to calm down. Just before the paper i had to chill so that i could breathe properly and not break down or something.
And before SS today, i kept punching and hitting the cupboard. It kinda helps to calm down. After that i bathed and cooled down naturally. Yu Tong/Grace gave encouragements in school when i kept saying i'll die for ss! Yay, what a sweet person :D
I'm sorry, I sound autistic!!
But i'm sure it's just my coping mechanism. Like how others cry before, like Debby. YAY, the essence of Mr Lattif!!! Double 't', one 'f'!
Shi Ting is evil. Boo.