Fishes (Mrs Toh, I still believe there's such a word =D)
A sudden rush or randomness compelled me to send a text message to vhaaan:
Ohmys I should stop my random outbursts. I don't wanna imagine what it'll be like if I send that kind of text messages to a guy. The whole randomness led me to tagging on everybody's tagboards (the ones i linked up), some professing my love for the owner of the blog =DD
Yayie, I managed to do a few MCQ questions for Physics. Pathetic, but better than nothing eh?
And anyway I'm dealing with a challenging situation right now that's not really challenging but all of a sudden, a tad worth considering.
That is, giving THAT a chance :DD
Because if i let THAT slip away, i MIGHT have let something good disappear.
Which would suck, but classifying THAT as good is questionable in itself.
Even though Vhan said THAT is assholey (O.o), it's still a fish I've never seen before in my pathetic 16 years 1 month and 7 days of living. At least the fish seems to think I'm important and 'loves' me, yeah?
Even if I'm not exactly specially fond of the fish.
The question still remains despite all the fishy topics: give THAT a chance, or not?
Anyway it's so obvious I wonder why I ever try making it not obvious -.-"
OHOH, this reminds me of a JOKE by JACK SIM!!!!!
Q: Which fish is the most expensive fish?
A: GOLDFISH!!It's WRONG by the way, Kenneth pointed out that there was this diamond-whatsit fish that's more expensive because its name has 'diamond' in it. And presumably so, it probably IS more expensive to buy.
My CAPS LOCK is acting up. I used lots of CAPS in this post! YAYIE!
Found the screenshots!
^ Masterful poem! Shi Ting asked him about some chinese word, he didn't know, thus he presented his poem! Click to zoom in.

^ The rage about balls and who rocks more in the name of History xD
^ Bryant asked about mo ming qi miao, Irvin's favourite phrase, so we explained it to him. I was amazed he didn't detect our sarcasm. Hahaha.
Ya know this reminds me of the time he stayed during our chinese class. He sat next to me to so-called 'spite' ly, which I found to be a lame attempt, but commendable, I guess. Mdm Shi Xu read so fast I didn't catch some answers for the cloze passage. Bryant went about pointing, "it's this one! it's one! two! if not then it's either three or four" and if his answer wasn't right, he would add, "Ya, I said that one was out." =.= Him teaching me Chinese? ROFL.
Oh and by the way, I’m in danger of some terminal illness because I’ve eaten four times McDonalds this month, two times KFC, two times Pizza :D:D:D:D yayie.
Happy Teachers' Day!
Far better than National Day Celebrations -.-"
Concert wasn't that impressive, but not too bad compared to national day. Everyone who sang had decent voices, some pretty good, but some not quite. The duet was a bit off-pitch.
The dudes from sec 3 who danced heaps were cool though. They had the flexibility. Two of them delivered the moves naturally.. interesting to watch!
The third one was a tad disappointing.
I wasn't supposed to join Floorball, in fact, i was in skipping. But RSNEO wanted to go skipping, thus i assume they didn't need me anymore.
Floorball needed one more player, so i joined, though I felt kinda extra. Haha!
Team members: Bharani, Chrystabel, Debby, Jia Ying, Leong Yew, Vanessa and mee.
The way Clive told LY to protect the girls was so funny! He's the only guy in the team after all.
First match against 4E3 wasn't fruitful. Basically, Clive and gang seemed eager to lose so they could go home. It was a draw at first, then Leong Yew scored in the penalty shot so we went on to the second round.
Jia Ying, Debby and LY fell down, with JY having the worst injury (let's forget that i whacked her by accident after her fall T_T), so Bryant substituted her.
Second match was violent (can't remember the class exactly) Was a bit taken aback at their energy, but we decided that if they wanted rough, we give them rough. it was more challenging as compared to the first match! Won with a 1-0.
And the finals, against 5N2. They were very strategic. LIke, discussed a lot before the game. So yeah, we lost, but second was awesome enough, and Debby congratulated them on our behalf. Hey we're not sore losers :D
We received medals!! silver! honestly i feel damn bad for Jia Ying, i think she deserved a medal as much as we all do ._.

but after all, it's just a piece of metal plate?
the handball people told us that since we got the silver, they would get the gold, so we could be like the Olympics Games, one silver and one gold. Haha!
The Handball game was intense and hence scary. I was proud of our class' spirit, a lot of us turned up, pressing ourselves against the fence in one line :D We made a racket, yeah we did. We yelled, screamed and jumped each time Mark saved a ball or someone scored in. People like Prakash climbed it for some weird reason. Others like Bryant and Elliot shook the fence violently. Oh, and Elliot kept scolding the referee a b****, which i found a bit cruel. She was just doing her job.
4E2 won the match against 4E5 :DD Initially 4E5 was winning, so I was pleasantly surprised. kenneth scored in the last ball.
Irvin ran out yelling SINGAPORE!!! and started singing the National Anthem. Like, wth? LOL!
Good job 4e2 :)) to everyone who participated and didn't participate xD you guys rock.
Oh yes, and we found Mr Latiff in the end and handed him Latiff Lamb, the little sheep soft toy that resembled him xD
We also handed MDM YEO! the bunch of stamps, and she was pleased because now she can stamp down "See Me" on our papers. hahaha!
After school, I took 157 with Debbs, Nilesh, Bryant and Leong Yew. Bryant went about his ways of teasing us again. LY saw my expression and laughed. Evil right?
I still think that Bryant isn't gentlemanly. He treats girls like he treats all friends, and that's a treasure in itself :) And Vanessa is a really really nice girl =P
Got down at West Mall and went to McDonalds for the fourth time since last week. ate a HAPPY MEAL!! and got a Pokemon toy! yayie!
I ate too much junk. Lol. Gonna die from cancer or something? Omg i shouldn't say that.
Dropped by West Mall today to buy the last minute present... this cute doggy banker, for my lil brother. He thought I didn't remember =D
Anyways, Debby's surprise was a success :D Actually she already suspected the surprise waiting for her at McDonalds, and she even told Leon. What she didn't know was,there was another surprise lined up for her. SO, me and ruo nan distracted her, making her stay in school in all ways possible, while st and gang rushed to West Mall where Bryant and LY were waiting. We followed soon after.
Debbs obviously not surprised lah.
hahaha, then we gave her the box with Safety Precautions the soft toy cat inside. hahaha.
i got her to read all the hearts from all the people first because leon hadn't arrived yet. he smsed me he was already reaching, yet he took so long and i was HUNGRY and i couldn't buy food before he arrived. you don't wanna see me when i'm HUNGRY. rawr.
We finally saw him creeping in and 'boo'ing Debby according to the plan.
and he gave her his white rose, the eleventh rose ^^ the real one.
And booya, she was surprised! credits to simraan for giving the idea of involving leon somehow, and shi ting for digging up his email through friendster xD backup is always good :D i didn't have a backup for ly's, but i still managed to pull a second surprise unknowingly (in all its embarassing-ness)
treated debby to that meal i promised her if i got above B4 for my chinese o levels... then talked a bit. shi ting mentioned the thing about 'suck my cock' in Curious Incident. Evidently the rest of us didnt pay attention to details. we missed it despite it being boldened.
ate my burger, finally!! earned a little coffee/milk topping from ruo nan ^^ yep, felt ly staring from beside me (bryant gave his ebil mwahahaha laughter and switched places so ly was next to me). nah he's not weirded out, just jealous :D i think he thinks the way i eat must be strange because i notice he stares when i eat. or maybe he wants my food. OMG -clutches food-
before the surprise:
On monday, i told debby i'd be taking 173. she hadn't suspected a thing :D met leong yew who was going to bryant's house, had a little disagreement with him, attracted unnecessaryt attention just because i was standing there talking to him -.-" The arguement stretched a bit more before we returned to the school canteen to discuss with melina and st.
He went to Bryant's house for his games and we hit Bukit Timah for lunch.

^ This is the box! Safety Precaution is cute right?? I made five pink and red roses, though i ran out of wires so some were deformed. I knew Debbs' favourite number is 1, i was planning for 11 but thought of Leon giving her the 11th one (:
After a long time, we finally reached my house where Melina took 10 minutes to wrap the flowers into a bouquet -.-" to think i took hours and failed. boo.
melina then stole the computer while st and i played the PS2, dancing thing. we had just set up the mat and prepared the game when ly chose that moment to come and none of us wanted to dance with him around. so we ditched it and played digimon. i battled with him for a bit, losing more often than winning. then st played Metal Slug 6 with him while i wandered around eating (as usual) and entertaining myself.
We finally got around to discussing the plan a bit, and ly broke the box melina took so long fixing O.O but it was okay afterwards, and he took it home to bring the next day; he had no bio paper, and he had the grace to emphasize on it. He could then go to McDonalds beforehand with Bryant.
St and melina stayed on for one or two hours more, and i played lots of games with st. she kept wanting to play that pervertic PS2 game =P
Suddenly it was a bringing-friends-over spree. Two days ago, ruo nan came over to steal my internet with the pretence of STUDYING -.-" she watched episode 6, 7 and 8 of Couple or Trouble.
Okayyy, time for exam analysis.
Passage B of comprehension pissed me off. Like, if you don't wanna go to see the damn ruins, then don't freaking go. Don't get me wrong, i love ruins.
Literature:Difficult. Sorry Mr Latiff! hahahaha
Physics:Mr Q and Ms P cracked me up.
History:I love Gorby, but I simply couldn't twist my knowledge to fit the answer. Nevertheless, I still like Gorbachev.
A Maths:Like shit 8D
Chemistry:Easier than thought, but still not well-done.
Social Studies:Let's just say I tackled a topic barely anybody would tackle?
Loooooooong post! On a happier note, my lappie is back-till December, and my maybe-prom dress was imported back from Indonesia xD Yes, and my parents are back! Yayie!
Olympic Games
Olympic games are over?
I wouldn't have any idea if Mark hadn't asked about the closing ceremony. Caught a little of it, not that impressive. Bet the opening was better.
If having dreams meant that you're not at peace, then I'm hardly at peace, because 90% of the time I sleep, I dream.
The good thing is, often I have control over my dreams. I know the difference between dreams and reality, and I can make myself wake up as and when I like it.
Of course, that's not fun all the time. Sometimes it's great just to let the dream develop by itself.
Trust me, my dreams are not simple jogging or ice skating like some people.. they are like.. William Blake's one or something, only less intense. No images of dying souls xDD
Personally I think IF i could draw and paint, I would paint out my dreams like William Blake did. They are strange mixed images.. like the time I dreamt of communism and democracy in our school field, with all those guards with guns, and how I escaped and bumped into this psycho silent killer o.o and how the whole border between communism and democracy is a playground, how Mdm Shi Xu stopped me and VV from fetching Bel because she wanted to tell us about O levels bao zhang bao dao. HAHAHAHA.
And when I dream realistic things, they're normally dramatic.
A maths tomorrow T_T
Your Birthdate: July 24

For you, love is a natural progression from friendship. You are almost always friends first.
In love, you are loyal, steady, and honest. You are not a cheater or even much of a flirt.
You are likely to stay friends with your ex... and open to rekindling something in the future.
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 4
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 1
You are most compatible with people born on the 6th, 15th, and 24th of the month.
Your Famous Movie Kiss is from Romeo + Juliet

"Has my heart loved 'till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw a true beauty 'till this night."
You Can Definitely Spot a Liar

Maybe you have good instincts. Or maybe you just have a lot of experience with liars.
Either way, it's pretty hard for someone to pull a fast one on you. You're like a human lie detector.
Chemistry didn't turn out as bad as we thought. The teachers made it sound like a killer paper, fortunately it wasn't (:
Was dismissed at 9.30am, and I was momentarily stunned because I didn't really have anywhere to go. And I had no lunch at home besides good old instant noodles.
But then Shi Ting saved me because she had no lunch either xD Was just as well I failed to flag down the 985 bus and took 77 instead.
Vhan went her own way and I ate early lunch with Shi Ting, Melina and Bel in McDonalds.
After which I was still stunned and extremely reluctant to go home because I'd be alone for quite some time again.
Loneliness sucks.
So therefore, after three minutes of contemplating, we (without Bel) trooped off to Shi Ting's house!
There, I rushed her to her computer and we watched Couple or Trouble Episodes 1 and 2.
Awesome. And she sided with me, saying Princess the fluffy white and gray cat is so much cuter than Flush, the short-furred beige dog, probably a mixed breed. I wonder why nobody sided with Solomon the orange fish. HAHA.
Then while Melina surfed the net, me and Shi Ting played the PS2, Guitar Heroes III. For all of my family's collection of 50-100 PS1 and PS2 games, there's none of guitar games of any kind. Lol.
It was 3+ then, and I told her i wanted to go home.
haha funneh, i didn't end up going home. i decided to do a bit of a maths before i left. but we ended up calling leong yew to discuss some impersonal stuff. st called and passed the phone to me. talked to him a bit. he was doing maths at that time, so we were probably disturbing him. he started quoting maths problems and saying bye. i found it amusing for a while, but after that i got a bit irritated, i suppose. it was like, he couldn't even spare 10 minutes of his precious youth to talk to us without dying to hang up. i think that was when i handed the phone back to st and let her do the talking. haha but she passed back to me again after a while. lol, at one point i was sure i actually sounded a bit impatient. and that was when i realized that the whole horoscope star thing wasn't entirely crap.
irritable mood, i guess. having my period now, if you want to know why. suddenly i'm being so direct and almost.. mean. debby was right, girls are scary, and that includes myself.
in any case, did a bit of a maths with them xD a bit, how much you ask? very very little. haha. met st's mother and sister, pretty nice people (:
You Are a White Rose

You represent youthfulness and purity.
Your vibe: Sweet and heavenly
Falling in love with you: is like falling in love for the first time
Anyway st, once you finish watching Couple or Trouble, you have to tell me! There are three things in the series that i interpreted beyond the surface, i can cross-reference to you to see if it's true xD Honestly i think the director is clever. it's like, when you tell people what you interpret from the characters' words, it seemed very obvious, but it isn't to everyone when you watch it yourself. especially since the drama is on-going, doesn't exactly give you time to reflect. i noticed he used emphasis through repetition to get his deep message across. there are several blatant contrasts too, and lots of involvement of memories and all that complex issues.
Now i feel really weird because i'm going into litetary analysis of the drama series. weird! hahahaha. i guess it comes naturally to me, being exposed to so much by Mr Latiff.
And today's episode was so sad by the way. A very convincing cast. I cried. Congratulations, I don't cry during dramas... not even during My Girl. Yayayay and i actually found it funneh that i cried.
Oh man.
Here comes that time again. Parents both in Indonesia, thus dear Kevin went on a rebellious strike, bringing friends home too often too long.
Arrived home before my mom left. Originally planned to send her at least to the taxi, but was tired and freezing due to being caught in the light rain. Fell asleep.
I remember somewhere in between i heard the front door open... i half-shouted bye, and she heard.
And there was that superbly lonely period from 2 to 6. Furthermore I was reading the library book 666. It has fantastic literature devices that would leave you feeling extremely disturbed. I was preturbed at one of the stories, "If You Knew Suzie". It has a twisted and complex plot, so I'm not going to try explaining.
The exams haven't been that fantastic. Haha, got my phone confiscated on Chem prac day. And anyway I told Mark Prasath Christopher the wrong gas-i think. Well, nobody asked him to ask others for answers anyway ^^; and anyway he got into trouble with the teacher.
And I got into trouble with Mr Quek for bringing the phone.
Whatever anyway, he's insulted us more than once.
Prelims are here, 'O' levels are in 48 days away, and I feel that I'm getting priorities hell mixed up. Ah well.
insert title or whatever you call it here
HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRVIN!!!!he's a fellow Leo! Hahaha.
English Oral went fantastically. Fantastic not as in I think I did well, but it went much better than I thought. I could actually rattle on. Even if it was crap, at least I didn't keep my mouth clamped did I?
When I was P2, I stayed silent and attained a 0 for my english oral. Yeah, slight trauma since then.
I had tons of fun talking about hairstyles and hairdressers. Kinda easy topic.
The examiners were nice too, even though they must be beat after so many candidates.
I think I have gastritis. I think. Maybe I've been skipping breakfast a tad too much-necessary, since I've already been awarded a beta form for being late seven times 8D
I suddenly have this feeling that I should stay single forever o.o like Ms. Lau. Haha, don't ask why, I've always been random.
Organ teacher taught me this new technique called the "Cycle of Fifths" thing. Something to do with converting a minor to a major with reference to the fifth note of the key. I remember she taught me the Parallel Motion a while back too.
Plus she said after the Os i should start choosing the songs for my Grade 5 exam. I wonder how she ever imagined that I'm prepared.

^ Can't really remember when was this, a short while back I suppose. Cute word he used =D
More amusing pictures i should upload, but lazy. Perhaps next time. I still gotta revise SS.. did a bit of e maths today. Though I didn't think it helped at all T_T
I feel weird now. Really weird, half drained too. Weird.
:D lalalala
B3 for my chinese! I just told my ex chinese tuition teacher and she said it was fantastic... for my standard -.-"
Haha I can understand. Mdm Shi Xu had the same reaction :D
But no one has a right to say I didn't deserve it, because I did put in a lot of effort in trying to improve. I just didn't really boast about it during the mother tongue extensive week period.
Haha. Debby announced it during PE, distracting me from the floorball game -.-" Shouted across the whole court. After which I spent the half the recess digesting the results. The other half trying to send silent moral support to LY by following him around with Shi Ting and Debbs, feeling very extra. Heh.
Lol. There will always be people there for you LY.
Pictures stolen from Melina:
^ This one was so funneh. I didn't know the lights would change colour. Thus the whole lot of us gathered to watch it change. Their reactions were hilarious, "It really changed colour!"

^ they took down the message and put this up 8D quick ST, interpret it!!

^ Something i came up with in seconds. It was hilarious and looked stupid.
Haha, Mark is back from Malaysia today. He came reporting to me that they lack cat stuff over there. LOL, i like the word reporting. I remember the last time he reported about his soccer match, so amusing.
I'm a bit sad now because I think i'm a deformed Leo!
You are a born leader: people naturally gravitate to you, and look to you for guidance and security. This is especially true if you are born in the very first part of Leo - that is you're born between 24th July and 3rd August.
wowie. I should be like, the best among all the best leaders? Ee. i only show leadership when no one else wants to show it.
very personally i often think i'm more cancer than i'm leo. Hmm. should i have been born two days earlier?
Spiritual Goal: To learn the true meaning of love
Spiritual Correspondence: The Powers
Apostle: John
Prophet: Hosea
Anatomy: Rules the heart, cardiac system, upper back and upper spine
Corresponding Tarot Card: Strength
Associated Countries: France, Italy, Peru, Czechoslovakia and Rumania
Associated Cities: Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Madrid, Rome and Prague
Animals: Lion (and all varieties of Cats), Wolf, Griffon, Peacock, Rooster and Eagle
Watchword: Faith
Keynote: Glory
Physical Manifestation: Radiation
Mental Manifestation: Comprehension
Motto: Sun, Not Shadow
Quote: I Will
They made Leo females sound so charming, dynamic, influential, confident, proud, elegant.. and everything seems to go against me T_T a deformed Leo and.. proud of it?
Often handsome creatures who take great pride in their good looks, there is a tendency for the Leo native to put on weight after a rather streamlined youth.In short, thin at youth, fat with age.
As for compatibility, I have to find an Aries or Sagittarius. We would hit it off. However, with earthy elements like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, there would be strong mutual attraction, but the relationship requires a lot of understanding and such or it wouldn't last long. With the other elements, there is a fair chance of the relationship taking flight.
And now...
Celtic Horoscope:
July 15 - July 25: The Holly
Animals associated with: Cats and unicorns
8D YEAH, i'm always associated with felines and magical creatures. Whoot.

^ I think Ruo Nan looks cute here. Hahaha. Pictures stolen from Shi Ting >D

^ Melina's two friends, Marcus and Royston.
I shall not give a detailed description of how nice or not nice each of Melina's friends are or I'll bore you to death xD
The trip to Mount Faber was fun, they organized many activities for us to keep us occupied.
The fireworks were nice, even though half of them were blocked by buldings -.-"

^ Couple or Trouble airing on Channel U, weekdays, 10pm.
Nice! It's directed by the same person who directed "Sassy Girl" and "My Girl".
I only saw snippets of future episodes, but can already predict it'll be sad.

^ She's carrying her cat here! Princess is really adorable. So furry. I don't think she's aware of how expensive she really is. Her meow is really cute. Eee i love Princess. She looks like a rectangular-ish piece of furry carpet floating when she runs ^^;
Sypnosis: This is a story of Anna Jo, a rude, feisty, and audacious American-bred heiress who can never be satisfied. She returns to Korea only to continue being a controlling wife to her already cowardly husband, Billy Park. When her yacht gets stuck for repairs, she hires local handyman Jang Chul Soo to fix her shower, but when they argue heatedly over her dissatisfaction and lack of payment, she pushes him overboard and dunks his tools into the ocean right along with him. Later, after a quarrel with Billy that threatens to end their marriage, she herself gets drunkenly pitched overboard and falls victim to a bad case of amnesia. But in the hospital, she ends up beside none other than Jang Chul Soo, who's still recovering from his own swim in the ocean for his lost tools. Unknown to her, he's been raising his three orphaned nephews in their unkempt house and desperately needs a nanny. Taking advantage of her memory loss, he manages to convince her that she's his live-in girlfriend and renames her Na Sang Shil. But he didn't expect her spoiled selfishness to slowly turn into compassion. And he didn't expect to fall overboard again—this time, for her.
I didn't do detention today because the prefects practically ignored me.
After a while I simply turned around and walked off. I was so ticked okay. Wth, prefects are there for a reason. If you can't handle a simple task, how's the school gonna depend on you?
No offence meant to any prefects. Sighs.
Had to borow a bit of money from Wy-Lin for my bus fare. Chilled a little after talking with her for a bit :D
Afterwards Chrystabel joined us at the bus stop too and thus I made the decision to go with Bel to West Mall to meet Ronaldo, Melina's indonesian friend.
Oh, and LY was in the stop too, but i didn't approach him because he was with friends. he doesn't exactly jump in glee upon seeing me when his friends are around. more like cease to acknowledge my presence. Great, now i sound like i'm mad at him, which I'm not. I'm just feeling sarcastic.
^ Lol. This was a picture me and Xiao Hui drew during chinese lesson. she'd draw one line and i'd draw another. somehow it became like this.
Afterwards Bel dragged me into 61, the bus that LY was taking. I was sitting at the opposite side, and he kept staring at me, which made it hard for me to reply Bel properly because i didn't want to glance away (felt like a game xD). I suppose he lost because he laughed after some time.
Turns out that he thought Bel was backstabbing him O.O so he wasn't actually staring at me, he was more like glaring at me? ._.
Melina was with Ronaldo and Marcus in West Mall. So I had lunch with them while Bel met her mother.. they sat at the table in front of ours.
It was sooo... awkward.
Ronaldo asked a couple of questions in bahasa indonesia and i reply in one-word forms. Ee.
In the end I let melina, ronaldo and marcus talk among themselves while i pick at my noodles, strand by strand.
Bel then smsed me saying i should talk xD But i've always been extremely introverted when it comes to strangers. i'd be really quiet and focus on something else, in this case, my food.
My brother just donated blood!
He said it had hurt.
Ouch, but i still want to donate blood! it can save lives kay.
I still wonder why my parents are so narrow-minded about it. They think it's not necessary and said they didn't want to give permission the next time round.
I do understand that they want us to be safe. But can't they see that if i were to donate blood, despite all the hassle, it would make me happy?
^ What i saw in the lift in my condo. The lift stinks of pee btw. But how did the person know it's a dog?
Ee Debby you made me feel darn bad. I honestly didn't know he was that... self-sacrificing.