;D The start of feline romance. Credits to beautyfromlight at deviantart

Romeo and Juliet. Hee ;D Credits to auroraphoto at deviantart
I passed my physics test. Somehow I shouldn't be celebrating. But hee. Who cares.
Debby is pervetic, Debby is sick, Debby is horny, Debby is... something something. In any case Debbs, thanks a LOT ah for supplying me with even more knowledge -.-"
That I didn't actually need, by the way. HAHA.
LOL, I think it's stupid how Mark from cheatsheet thinks that by my not replying him, I was doing my homework and being such a hardworking girl.
I only have 500 free smses and I believe with this being my birthday month, I've probably exhausted far more than that. I'm cutting down until the 14th of August.
I think my dad will
scream once he sees the phone bills.. and I've never ever in my whole life heard him scream.
Ahahaha. Anyways I think it's also partly due to my personality such that I'm introverted when it comes to people I don't know very well, unlike someone mentioned above -COUGH-
Perhaps that's why I've turned him down several times.. e.g today he offered to help me complete overdue homework.. meet at NLB or something.
DEBBY is extremely eager to meet him. Dunno why, search me.
Tennis was fun :D If only the clouds were blocking the sun. Then again, sun in the morning=Vitamin D.
Anyw I can still remember Uma's kiasuness in fighting over the M&Ms. When both of us got the chocolate one and not the peanut one, we were hi-5-ing like some... yeah. Haha. Anyway I don't like peanuts. Peanut butter is one exception, others... ><
All chocolates are nice-even those with nuts, as long as they're not excessively flowing with nuts-but dark chocolate ones are best ;D Not too bitter though. Toblerone Dark Chocolate is good. Though difficult to break apart -.-"
Talking about food, I'm hungry.
Some pictures:

^ This combo very nice :D

^ Debby and her turban :D

^ Sarah, Shi Ya and Khadeza's present. Took nearly half an hour even with the numbers at the back xD

^ After (: Haha so sweet, thanks (:
I still remember the weird questions the guys asked me on Friday. Example, Mark asked if Leong Yew ever said he loved me. Haha, thus I reacted pretty strongly xD
Scary people. Alan also asked why we're not together -.-"
Heard that Prakash asked LY when he liked me. LOL i can imagine LY's awkward moment. Ahahaha that's your retribution LY, cause you didn't help me deal with the class on Thursday.
Lol. Freaky, but kinda amusing. Haha. Yes I saw Shi Ting laughing when they asked that. STOP LAUGHING SIS. Amusing but not THAT funny sis!
I'm currently studying for Physics ._. At least, TRYING to. Physics seems pretty pointless to me. Had the world been so bored that they decided to figure out like, how sound travels and the exact speed it moves at? Or at exactly what angle light refracts from air to glass? Wth. Okay, they can do their own stuff, but why teach us? Sian T_T
Debby seh, you want to meet him then go meet lah!
Stop whooping over his apparantly nice voice (according to you) -.-" Haha!
LOL. Now you're the one getting excited, not me, okay, everybody shall be witness.
Lol, my brother just came home very late from school (he always does) and gave me a gift ((:
He said the crystal is from Korea. So nice of him to still spare a thought despite his uber late dismissal and tests tomorrow...
Anyways, I think today was hilarious. Haha! Of course, very touching also :D
The scrapbook was particularly touching as I could see the immense effort put into it, esp for those in charge of decorating?
They titled it 10 Promises Michelle Should Make on Her 16th Birthday, after "10 Promises to My Dog"
1. No doodling - Melina2. Pay more attention - Leong Yew3. No vandalising - Chrystabel4. Stop going for detention - Pei Jun5. Stop daydreaming - Ruo Nan6. Stop playing neopets - Rui Shan7. Don't wave for so long - Jia Ying8. Protect your.. (the .. here refers to BF -.-") - Bryant9. BE HAPPY! - Shi Ting10. Wash your bear - VanessaI think the wash your bear one was extremely extremely random ._. HAHA! Vanessa even mentioned selling me bleach to bleach Peach.
I showed it to my brother and he, "Who's your BF?" OMG THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT ST. I KNOW YOU ADDED THAT IN.
Not to forget DEBBY VHAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNN who stringed 49 (sstraw hearts for me, even though you had one missing in the morning -.-"
AND, she recorded a super super retarded version of "Happy Birthday" song.
AND, her boyfriend gave me a small piece of cake :D which i'm going to eat tomorrow for tea time.. haha xD Debby sent me flowers! Three red, three ivory, one pink.
So sweet right, Debby? xD
OH YES, the crucial part of FLOWERS.
OKAY I HAVE TOLD SIMRAAN WHAT HAPPENED, SHALL TAKE IT DOWN HAHAHAHA. NOW NO ONE SHALL KNOW WHAT WENT ON BETWEEN ME AND LEONG YEW AND THE CLASS 4E2 ON 24th JULY 2008 xDDIn any case, it was a fantastic birthday, the best I've ever had :) Made me realise I have brilliant friends, even if they act retarded, haha!
You know even my brothers are touched by meh friends' presents, let alone me!
On a note: Leong Yew is not my boyfriend!
-edited- Happy Birthday to Leong Yew's mom :D
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me--
Wait, it's not happy. I'm
16!!!!!!!!1 -wails in agony-
In any case, congratulations to Uma, Xiao Hui, Thitipat, Mark, RUO NAN and Debby for happy birthdays in advance.
And to Leong Yew for being the first to call me at midnight. Yeah, despite his "my phone bills" -.-" Okay I give you credit for staying up xD And Simraan, half credit >D I feel so bad. Haha.
And Shi Ting, Simraan, Vanessa and Reynard, and of course, DAD!! for being the first few.
Thanks thanks thanks thanks. I can't sleep now. Thanks a lot. Haha.
Techically I'm not 16 as I was born at 7am xD
Why is he asking me weird questions?? Debby help me out here...
Lol. Mark
is a nice guy, I won't say otherwise.
After all, he did willingly helped out with The Tiger, which I was struggling with days ago.
Look at his personal message on MSN, "Michelle's poem makes Mrs Ramesh's assignments look lyk fish food"
Aww, see people, BBSS still kinda rocks, or rather, our english department still rocks. HAHA. Rather rather, Mr Latiff still rocks 8D
DEBBY VHAN, I WANT THOSE RACIAL HARMONY PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg I'm old -sobs-
I mean, techincally not yet, BUT.
I'm old! -wails-
15 feels like in-between, just nice.
16 feels like the end of youthfulness, marking the beginnings of adulthood.
Which means...
I still remember the details.. I was born on Friday, 24th July 1992, 7am, came out leg first, caused hell lots of trouble for my poor mom, a cesarean baby, 3kg at birth, discharged from hospital on the 27th July 1992. I actually forgot the hospital in Indonesia.
Sian. Haha. I created chaos from the first moment i stepped into the world.
Didn't I hear somewhere that babies who come out legs first are very naughty?
But aren't I angelic? -blinks- HAHA.
Today I helped Shi Ting reject someone! Okay sorry, I'm not supposed to be happy.
-rants some more-
Ansen. is. scary.
He seems much warmer today as compared to yesterday.
I guess it boils down to being focused on the right thing; yesterday was business, today was leisure.
“Keep it going long enough and she’ll thaw. Then tell her you’re sorry.” She suddenly looks up; it’s gotten darker. “Oh, it’s after dusk and I told them I was out to catch a vole—they’ll have the whole Clan after me.”
“Well, I told them I was off to get a drink,” Breezepaw remarks. “I’ll have drowned by now. They’ll be celebrating.”
“Shush, you. Get ye gone.” She flicks her tail on his flank in a manner that could be construed as either playful or threatening, and bounds away into the dark.
Breezepaw stares after her. Now, here’s a mystery. A cat who’s so in touch with reactions and emotions that she knows exactly what to expect. How he wishes!
And she was nice to him, he realizes. As she vanishes into the growing darkness, he looks after her blankly and his heart warms. She was nice to him.
^ Excerpt from fanfiction. They met so that Hollypaw could advice Breezepaw on this she-cat Heatherpaw. It might sound better if you read the whole story, and if you knew their personalities. This writer is good with words (: And she's probably only about my age.
What to wear on Monday aside from school uniform!

^ Haha. I took off the orange afterwards.. it's a special keychain :) My brother gave it to me after trying umpteen times at the fair.

^ Evidence of how people bully me Dx But I'm so nice that I put back everything 8D Debby extra.
Anyways we won the off centre debate (: Pretty much thanks to Debby's conclusion.
Oh, let's sum up the people I've worked with for.. an hour? Heh.
Ansen, from the proposition team, is very business like. Gave me his number without a care in the world, saying i could text him with anything relating to his webbie O.o i'm not gonna do that, it's a bit freaky.
Mark, from the opposition team, is pretty nice.
Linus, from the opposition team, I guess is the nicest. Don't know why, just gives me that kind of impression.
All three from Christ Church Secondary School.
Judge of the debate was from St. Gabriel.
There was only one girl aside from Debby, that's Vivian. Are guys more enthu about studies?
Notice, they're all from English schools. NEVERTHELESS! We don't lose out. BBSS have Mr Latiff as the head of the English department, and he was the original Vinod while his wife was the original Saloma. PLUS, Mr Latiff and Mrs Tan wrote the Off Centre guide. HAH!

^ A little insight. This was before the debate started. Click to enlarge.
the void deck didnt really did them good... its where they call it heaven or haven.. its a place to avoid the society and thats why its a VOID deck... hanging your life in a void deck would not do any good to you since money dont drop from sky and it develops them an incorrigible stubborness not to assismilate to the society where their life will have meaning... or rather more meaningful than just hanging around in the void deck
from Linus. i think mrs toh would love him lah.
Oh, and I think I'm the most knowledgable girl in the class 8D
In what sense?
In the sickest sense, duh. I'm trapped between two horny people.
I know so much more than I should be knowing ._.
OH, do you know? Today I asked Bryant, " Do you know what's copulating?"
Asked the wrong guy! He answered, "Having sex?" Mark knew as well.
Sad. FYI, it's from the unseen prose titled "Terror Comes Cheap at the Supermarket"
If not in short supply they're locked together as if copulating, either
circumstance provoking vicious tugs-of-war and fishwife obscenities.
We lit students just love to provoke bio students. LIke the life is transient thing.
About yesterday, Alan declared that he was William Blake of the 21st century.
Know my reaction?
I spun around, "NO?! He's better than you!"
Ahahaha I bet Alan had never expected that xD
Vanessa's reply was so funny, "So you admit that you're poofy." inside joke between lit students ;)
Yes, I'm an ardent fan of William Blake. For now at least.
Shi Ting told me today that she's so suay, all her ex-boyfriends and her possible future boyfriend (HY!) have never dated anyone before her.
Suay meh? I call that lucky.
And Melina! She thought that the reason why LY and I never got together was because of me. I so did NOT expect that. It's not because of me okay. Not entirely anyway ^^; I'm angelic, pure and innocent!
If you are in the midst of a tug of war today, just let go of your end of the rope.
Time to let go. But of what?
Someone tell me how the hell did I end up flat in the middle of a debate discussion on Off-Centre with two guys from Christ Church? @.@
But it's okay, Debby's taking my place as I don't do well under pressure.
Currently, Debby, Mark and Linus against Reynard, Vivian and Ansen. Judge is Nelson.
How come majority guys ah? I don't understand either. They all team up. I was orinally the only girl, thankfully Debby's in now. So now she's the only girl.
Ah whatever.
I'm worried. I hope we can do it.
I'll update this post later to give more details.
It's 4.30am in the morning.
And it's raining.
And I'm shivering in the air-conditioned room.
Finishing up The Man in the Bowler Hat..
The Dad Effect
If A. can prove, however conclusively, that he may, of right, enslave B. why may not B. snatch the same argument, and prove equally, that he may enslave A.?
You say A. is white, and B. is black. It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own. You do not mean color exactly? You mean the whites are intellectually the superiors of the blacks; and therefore have the right to enslave them? Take care again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an intellect superior to your own.
But, say you, it is a question of interest; and, if you can make it your interest, you have the right to enslave another. Very well. And if he can make it his interest, he has the right to enslave you.
- Lincoln in his debate with Douglas
This is an extract from a 24,079 words essay by a girl on abortion. She added that quote to prove the true meaning of abortion. More from her:
What is a person? This is where the black and white world of science fails us. Even the Constitution has no clear definition of a person (see 14th Amendment). So the gray area gets even grayer. There is no right or wrong definition of a person. It’s a matter of ethics, morals, and legal philosophy.
As living human beings in the United States of America, I believe that we all have the inalienable right to do whatever want with our bodies so long as we don’t harm anyone else in the process. The government can’t tell my not to dye my hair purple because it’s my hair, my body, my choice. As an adult, they can’t tell my I can’t get a tattoo of David Hasslehoff on my ass (even though I never would) because it’s my ass, my life, my choice.
However, I can’t use my fist to punch you in the face because my right to do whatever I want with my fist ends where your right not to be punished begins. A man’s right to do whatever he wants with this…genitalia…ends where a woman’s right not to be raped begins. Again, you should have the right to do whatever you want with your body as long as you don’t harm anyone else in the process. Your body, your life, your choice.
Makes sense. A mother's right to abort the child ends where the child's right not to be murdered begins. That was only extracts. She's some debator :D Anyway the original source: http://www.iconator.com/profile.php?UserID=128049 it's impactful. But very long, so spare some time if you wanna read the whole thing.
I have never supported abortion even though I didn't know anything about it. Hahaha. After all I was a former fetus.
So anyway, I read this section on "The Dad Effect" from the Reader's Digest (HA Mrs Toh, I READ)
- Dads have a bigger role in their child's language development. The more diverse vocabulary the father uses, the better the children are in the future in languages.
- Whereas mothers like to soothe and calm down their children, fathers like to excite and stimulate them.
- Children of involved dads are more popular, get on better with their peers and are more empathetic
- Teenagers with involved fathers are 80 per cent less likely to have been in jail and 75 per cent less likely to have become unwed parents.
- Girls whose fathers take an interest in what they do are more likely to stick with extracurricular activities such as sports, art, music and reading
While mothers carry their children facing in, protected, dads tend to carry their kids facing out, ready to take on the word. NICE OBSERVATION!
I liked it a lot. Didn't know dads have such an impact.
Oh yeah, today my mom told me slowly and gently (i found it really nice of her) that she had to return my (not really mine, i use it) laptop to the company. I was reluctant to let it go.
Then what did my father say?
He told my mother straight with a grin, "Why not buy it?"
After a little disagreement with my mother, he added. "Buy it from the company for $500."
My mother, while bustling around in the house, "You have to pay you know?"
At this, my father flashed a cheeky glance at me. "Ya lah, I'll pay. For her birthday present."
He even told my mother to tell the company that the laptop is extremely ugly and scratched and old etcetc so they won't take it back.
I was immensely grateful to him. And touched. I have the greatest father. Even though he has a belly and growing fat, he still has nice shoulders and is extremely strong. omg i love the look he always gives me when i tell him he's old or fat (jokingly, duh). priceless >D
AND, Simraan told me to post our conversation.
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
Michelle, you know this...
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
OHH y ou want a picture of LY? I help supply you :D
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
your PM:D I know michelle I understand, I will help tou get okay :D
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
it wasn't his picture
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
ooooh, but I know deep down you want it :D
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
eh as if i don't have a picture of LY
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
class photo also have what
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
oh, btw, if you wanna see how he looks like in the class photo, go see shi ting's
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
no lah, must be special his eyes must say " michelle this is all for you"
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
whaaaaaaattttttt????? that is sooo weird lah, haha
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
i can't imagine
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
no lah, imagine hahahs, his face must say it lah!
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
i still can't imagine
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
hahahahahaha i still can't imagine!
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
try lah, hahahas. LOL. his eyes will have the blankless expression
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
♥place my heart onto reverse SIMRAAN! says:
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
no way
Lame right? Really, at this moment I'm not in the mood to really go and imagine how LY would be like with eyes that say "THIS IS JUST FOR YOU". Hahaha if i imagine some more i think i'd laugh?
Haha SIMRAAN!, it'd be interesting to see, but weird. even in real life it's weird. if he does anything for me at all he WON'T be gazing at me with "all for you" eyes. won't even be looking at me. Heh. Debby said he was shy but then again, as you said, he's a 'silent killer' so we'll never know.
The guy whose photo i "wanted" was Dominic. Debby's friend. And i did NOT want his photo. Debby assumed. HAHA.
By the way, thought I should announce this, I got the semi-dress at $38.70.
But I realized it's kinda short. A few centimetres above the knees. Oh nos. At most wear jeans. Why not? Quite cool what 8D
So that's my birthday gift from my brothers. Yaydeeyays.
My mom was exceptionally nice today :)
I'm going to wear it to Cousin Lynda's wedding! She's only 22, so young. which reminds me, debby's getting married 8D
sian ._.
I hope the semi-dress isn't out of stock tomorrow!
I want it for my birthday :)
Plus it's brown, my favourite colour.
This week was damn stressful. Late twice. I kept failing to catch up on homework. But there were several strange events this week, and that included me and debby's girl-chat that the oral students/teachers probably overheard. see lah debby, you and your 'feminine wipes' xD
One of the remarkable events this week was during PE, wihle playing tennis. or squash. or whatever that is. tennis rackets/balls are definitely different.
Before that, accidentally touched some bird shit and that threw Debby into a complete frenzy. i have almost mastered keeping a very composed front, nobody that passed me could ever tell >D
ANYWAY, while playing tennis with ST and DBW, the ball rolled down the little slopy thing there near the fitness corner and into the generator thing which was fenced in.
You know debby, i know very well that you know very well that i know very well that either you or me could very well fit into the small hole at the bottom of the fence and fetch the ball.
Yet she purposely didn't want to help lift up the half-broken fence and instead yelled LEONG YEW who was all the way at the other side. i have no idea why either, search me.
So he came.
I admit i was impressed when he simply ducked and wriggled in without hesitation.
DBW kept saying he did it for me, aww, how sweet, etc.
But that's not true, he would do it for anyone. you don't even need to say who threw the ball in i think he'd get it.
Besides, when I thanked him personally later on (he didn't look at me right after he retrieved the ball) he, "Five dollars."

^ Can't remember when this was. Why won't anyone believe me siah? hahaha.
Btw, thanks melina for noticing and debby for asking why i was emo on tuesday. Perhaps no one would believe it, but it was because i lost my eraser and ruler :D truthfully i've lost or broken a LOT of rulers. the record of losing erasers is quite pretty too.
anyways i bought the ruler already, with the same old promise to take good care of it ._.
as for the eraser, Alan gave me one of his erasers (woah! the sky will fall! :o okay jk) that he didn't need. was borrowing from him, then he told me to keep it.
fyi, it's not a very good eraser. LOL.
no offence, Alan isn't exactly the most fantastic teacher. well he is, according to melina, after you praise him.
he and mark cheat during physics/chemistry tests. a lot too. i was surprised the teachers haven't caught them yet...
I'd rather ask my brother to teach me, but he needs convincing first. yesterday i told him i got the lowest in class for chemistry MCQ, and when he heard the figure, he was like OMG MICHELLE, blahblahblahblahblahblah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! after a while, i asked if he would help me. and he agreed.
He taught me a few questions yesterday then fell asleep -.-" i thought he very strong one, six pacs some more (according to the friends in his school)
Some photos from Youth Day:
^ I lost my hairband that day in the darkness of the theatre (yes, annoying how i keep losing things right?) so i made my sister let down her hair too. and i think the permanent specks on my lenses (rhymes!) are getting increasingly annoying esp when i'm facing sunlight.
I want new specs siah.
if i had worn it then shi ting would be extra 8D
^ I shall close one eye to how retarded i look here cause everyone else looked nice. I was on my way to blinking -.-"
^ ICE CREAM -flips out- The chocolate one is mine! strawberry is shi ting's, mango is shi ya's, the other golden one (flavour?) is rui shan's and the green one (flavour?) is chrystabel's.
Looked nice right? It tastes good too (how can ice cream taste bad?) but mine was over-sweet. Vanilla + chocolate what. Plus the others kept stealing MY chocolate topping!
^ Finished :)

^ Haha Rui Shan! Anyw when I did combo with her, everyone was staring lah. so embarassing.
wan! says:
ee i think i look ugly next to you
wan! says:
booooo ):
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
wan! says:
in every picture
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
really meh
wan! says:
wan! says:
eee kick you away la
» i had my heart on lockdown says:
really meh
I was surprised when debby said that! debbs, if you see the me doing the parapara dance thing.. oops i just gave myself away!
i look very retarded :D
MELINA.. can you come online MSN, I'll send you the pics?
Happy Youth Day :)
What a great Youth Day :)So, before we watched
10 Promises to My Dog, I made a deal with Shi Ting that we'll cry.
When Socks finally died just as Akari said out the last promise she made, "I'll never forget the times we had together", I cried ._.
I glanced at Shi Ting, was obvoius she cried first! Yay!
But anyways I was laughing at the fact that I really did cry, then I was trying to hold back my tears but seeing that ST already cried anyway, I cried some more and laughed some more, then the sad music came on and it triggered off an overwhelming feeling so I cried some more, and stifled more laughter, and finally hid my face in my jacket cause I felt very lame.
Thankfully you guys merely knew I cried, but didn't witness it ;)
Debby, happy now? I'm not so heartless now eh? Lol.
Chrystabel, Shi Ya and Rui Shan were yawning when the dog died -.-"
Then we made a fool of ourselves trying to take photos in the empty MRT. Ee I look blur in all of them.
No pictures now.. I have to wait for Shi Ting to upload the photos :) Maybe I'll edit the post then.
Shi Ting, Shi Ya and Rui Shan then whisked me and Chrystabel awaayyy to CCK, where we had japanese ice cream :o
And finally... the moment Rui Shan had been waiting for... and me too... the
First stop was
Time Crisis 4 with RSNEO. Okay seriously I suck man, I lost pretty quickly. Oh well at least I murdered plenty of baddies.
Second stop was the smashing the buttons thing, whatever that is. I suck even more at that one! I never played before kay!
Third stop was Racing!The first game ah.. walao eh Rui Shan, I was close that close to the finishing line then you pushed me away.. therefore she was first and I was second. Bleh. Actually ST was first but RSN toppled her car. So mean right?
Second race ST toppled herself so I came in second again, with RSN still leading.
Third race... haiz, talking about it makes my blood boil. I thought there was a shortcut (I saw chrystabel enter) and entered. They stopped me and fixed my tyres? I was like WTH?!?! Thus I came in last. End of story. *sobs*
Guitar Freak!! My time to shine! I had plenty sufficient practice in Jakarta ;D
Anywayss, I reached 136 combos! Yeah, all-time record 8DD
Fifth stop was the dancing! Not the leg one, the hand one. At first we combined forces, but in the end was only me and RSN, one side each. They had the song Mickey Mouse March the disco version you know!! My favourite organ piece!
But was damn easy I couldn't believe it. I mostly missed cause of the sensor problem.
We decided to pick 6star songs, the most difficult.
When I played together with RSN, I got B.
I played alone, I got A.
Wah, simple logic, PLAY ALONE! RSN got A as well when she did solo. The high-five we shared was so satisfying~
Afterwards the machine spoiled (must be RSN lah) so we abandoned ship and went home :)
I believed we both looked pretty stupid 8) I did anyways. You should've seen the way I struggle to reach the sensor.
Suddenly Rui Shan is my daughter you know? but adopted daughter of course! No wrong ideas people.
I'm not Leong Yew's girlfriend, hahahaha.
Today they asked if LY was like my father, because girls tend to marry guys like their father, and I know if a guy was like my father, I could depend on him to support me all the way.
Omg seriously I'm not going to make a conclusion, at least not now.
love is sad
http://storiesoftruelove.blogspot.com/2008/06/only-love.html^ *wails*
It's 12 midnight plus and I'm still reading tragic love stories. -is sad-
I think I should cancel the window already :(
Late twice this week! But it's okay, not like Melina, late three times already ._.
Detention on Monday was funneh, chatted with Rui Shan, Bryant they all.

^ Bryant's ultra sian-ness.
Detention on Thursday brought back nostalgic memories of having class in the Detention Room. There's a reason but I don't want to say it out? Haha. Elliot! Drive a racing car and reverse backwards and break your leg again!
MELINA! Don't stress kay, I'll upload your pictures as soon as possible =P
Class photos are out! The last official capture of 4E2 :)
I'll try to get the pictures scanned in if I can... were the best photos in all the four years of secondary school.
4E2! Thanks for all your funny and retarded actions, all your booing and sometimes annoying sounds :D
Thanks for the memories, 4E2!I can't believe I'm addressing a class on my blog.
Anyway I badgered my brothers for their opinions.
My younger brother's opinion:
Prettiest - Debby & Beatrice.
Handsome-est - Elliot & KennethMy older brother's opinion:
Prettiest - Nuren. Handsome-est - Leong YewThen Shi Ting told me her sister/mom said I was the prettiest, and Leong Yew was the most handsome, and if that wasn't enough, she went over and told LY about it =.=
Well I look like shit in my IC/Passport/EZ link card.
OH, MR LATIFF JUST COMPLEMENTED ME AGAIN!!! FWEE~ He was discussing with Debby over the matter of 'it's inevitable that people would lie', and suddenly he said, "Look at Michelle.. her angelic face... she doesn't lie..."
And Debby:
YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Omg I'm miffed!
And afterwards.. while Debby was having her PMS and getting pissed, Mr Latiff commented, "You look so pretty when you're angry. There's fire in your eyes/face."
And I laughed so hard.
When we returned from recess... UMA! won't let us into the classroom because her favourite man complimented us -.-"
(I don't know the details, but I'm so glad that she's decided to use time to heal the pain. Happiness is sometimes defined by yourself, not always by the people around you. You're strong Uma :D I just hope it's not a mask you're wearing eh.)Anywayssss, Shi Ting has been up to her mischief again and she's created a family line for us.
I shall just list them out and
NOT comment
YET. This is from my POV. I'm Melina's first daughter :D
Bryant - GrandfatherVanessa - GrandmotherMelina - MotherMarcus - FatherChrystabel - AuntShi Ting - Younger sister
Shi Ya - Cousin (chrystabel's daughter)Leong Yew - HusbandDebby - Sister-in-law (apparantly LY and Leon are brothers)Leon - brother-in-lawComment starts here. I request the cone of silence.
And Debby!! When I told you about Leong Yew you're supposed to say something supportive, NOT ASK WHY I DIDN'T INVITE YOU TO MY WEDDING!!!! :O [/coneofsilence]

^ See? Haha. Seriously now the prospect of being anyone's girlfriend at all is frightening. Fwee.
Still I never want to stay single. It's so lonely!! Next time I must like, take my spouse everywhere i go, yay!
So anyway I'm back to my old place. Hallelujah.
Especially during SS (for some strange reason), one of us would forget to bring something and that's when I had to join tables with Alan. Yay the two rows were finally completely joined.
I figured that since I'm going to be stuck beside him until O Levels, might as well lighten up. After all, he plays the guitar, how bad can he be? O.o
One would think I'm obsessed with that instrument...
The guys at the back are evil you know. Love to take advantage of the fact that I'm an angel and push the blame to me.
Well okay I admit during SS lesson I watched Alan play tennis in his HP instead of paying attention.
And I eavesdrop on Mark's stories that was told to PJ and WX.
And I daydream.
And I sleep.
And I don't bring my textbooks and nobody found out.
But still!
Hey, I give people foolscap right?
Melina! See? A long nice (boring) post for you, happy? hahahaha. now you have to, like, give me 1,000,000nps or something. okay TNT (The Neopets Team), I'm just kidding, dont freeze my account man.