Detention on Monday was funneh, chatted with Rui Shan, Bryant they all.

^ Bryant's ultra sian-ness.
Detention on Thursday brought back nostalgic memories of having class in the Detention Room. There's a reason but I don't want to say it out? Haha. Elliot! Drive a racing car and reverse backwards and break your leg again!
MELINA! Don't stress kay, I'll upload your pictures as soon as possible =P
Class photos are out! The last official capture of 4E2 :)I'll try to get the pictures scanned in if I can... were the best photos in all the four years of secondary school.
4E2! Thanks for all your funny and retarded actions, all your booing and sometimes annoying sounds :D
Thanks for the memories, 4E2!
I can't believe I'm addressing a class on my blog.
Anyway I badgered my brothers for their opinions.
My younger brother's opinion: Prettiest - Debby & Beatrice. Handsome-est - Elliot & Kenneth
My older brother's opinion: Prettiest - Nuren. Handsome-est - Leong Yew
Then Shi Ting told me her sister/mom said I was the prettiest, and Leong Yew was the most handsome, and if that wasn't enough, she went over and told LY about it =.=
Well I look like shit in my IC/Passport/EZ link card.
OH, MR LATIFF JUST COMPLEMENTED ME AGAIN!!! FWEE~ He was discussing with Debby over the matter of 'it's inevitable that people would lie', and suddenly he said, "Look at Michelle.. her angelic face... she doesn't lie..."
And Debby: YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg I'm miffed!
And afterwards.. while Debby was having her PMS and getting pissed, Mr Latiff commented, "You look so pretty when you're angry. There's fire in your eyes/face."
And I laughed so hard.
When we returned from recess... UMA! won't let us into the classroom because her favourite man complimented us -.-"
(I don't know the details, but I'm so glad that she's decided to use time to heal the pain. Happiness is sometimes defined by yourself, not always by the people around you. You're strong Uma :D I just hope it's not a mask you're wearing eh.)
Anywayssss, Shi Ting has been up to her mischief again and she's created a family line for us.
I shall just list them out and NOT comment YET. This is from my POV. I'm Melina's first daughter :D
Bryant - Grandfather
Vanessa - Grandmother
Melina - Mother
Marcus - Father
Chrystabel - Aunt
Shi Ting - Younger sister
Shi Ya - Cousin (chrystabel's daughter)
Leong Yew - Husband
Debby - Sister-in-law (apparantly LY and Leon are brothers)
Leon - brother-in-law
Comment starts here. I request the cone of silence.
And Debby!! When I told you about Leong Yew you're supposed to say something supportive, NOT ASK WHY I DIDN'T INVITE YOU TO MY WEDDING!!!! :O [/coneofsilence]
^ See? Haha. Seriously now the prospect of being anyone's girlfriend at all is frightening. Fwee.
Still I never want to stay single. It's so lonely!! Next time I must like, take my spouse everywhere i go, yay!
So anyway I'm back to my old place. Hallelujah.
Especially during SS (for some strange reason), one of us would forget to bring something and that's when I had to join tables with Alan. Yay the two rows were finally completely joined.
I figured that since I'm going to be stuck beside him until O Levels, might as well lighten up. After all, he plays the guitar, how bad can he be? O.o
One would think I'm obsessed with that instrument...
The guys at the back are evil you know. Love to take advantage of the fact that I'm an angel and push the blame to me.
Well okay I admit during SS lesson I watched Alan play tennis in his HP instead of paying attention.
And I eavesdrop on Mark's stories that was told to PJ and WX.
And I daydream.
And I sleep.
And I don't bring my textbooks and nobody found out.
But still!
Hey, I give people foolscap right?
Melina! See? A long nice (boring) post for you, happy? hahahaha. now you have to, like, give me 1,000,000nps or something. okay TNT (The Neopets Team), I'm just kidding, dont freeze my account man.
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