^ From Shi Ting's blog. It's only a click away! A scene from Off-Centre that we roleplayed, starring Alan as Mr Chow, Jack as Vinod and Kenneth as AH SENG!
I actually laughed out loud even though I was hearing it from a clip xDD
The funniest part was when Kenneth blabbered in that slurred voice... and especially after Mr Chow fired Vinod, and was calling him back.
Jack actually turned back and
SMILED, "yes?" Omg. Hear the whole class walaoing at him, especially Kenneth.
Omg. I nearly died twice today.
Firstly was when I alighted from 77A and crossed the road. This car was U-turning, I think? It was so close to me. If it had been moving faster, I think I'd be a gone case.
The finest thing was that I didn't see it -.-"
Debby thought I was gonna die for real.
Second time was after I returned from school.
The exact same thing lah!! Car turning and I barely saw it.
Today, Elliot acting as Vinod was super hilarious!!! xDD
Oh yeah. The chem test was awful. I know I can get at least one mark for the carbon dioxide thing.
I think I can still list it out now.
Test for carbonate: Add dilute acid. Effervescence, carbon dioxide gas is produced; it turns limewater chalky.
Test for nitrate: Add aqueous sodium hydroxide and then aluminium foil, warm carefully. Ammonia is produced; it's colourless with a pungent smell and it turns damp red litmus blue.
Test for sulphate: Acidify with dilute nitric acid, and add aqueous barium nitrate. A white ppt will be formed. The ppt is barium sulphate.
Oh great. I'm going chemistry crazy @.@ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
CIP at YMCA child care centre!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoa. We went there expecting some tasks like taking care of kids, but ended up cleaning the windows. How very pleasant.
Okay lah, we slacked a bit at one point =P But if the juniors can, why can't we seniors do so, at least for a while?
I went around mainly with Annabelle and Yew Cheng. LOL, we are ze mighty 'supervisors'. If you count dismissing the uncleaned area as cleaned supervising.
Talked a lot with Adinda (sp?).
She's from Indonesia too! But another part. She's also taking the same combination as I am, pure literature. The thing is... her rank was 10, and my rank was around 100, so how did I get into 4e2, exactly? o.OO.o
Common interest in literature!! Haha, she's also doing Off-Centre. Only we're looking deeper since we're sec 4s.
She gave a logical reason why people chose triple science instead. They had a bad impression on lit in sec 2. Of course, since we were doing something similar to comprehension.
But they haven't seen the awesome-ness of upper secondary lit!!! HAHAHA.
I'm hoping we can have a Valentines Day party again this year! Though it seems verrry unlikely, since I have that dumb oral thingy that very day... argh. Mrs Toh asked almost everyone in the class!!
"I feel that it will benefit you all......."
-sigh- Just say two words: "You suck". And we'll get the idea =DD
I do admit I'm terrible at reading. It's not natural to read before someone.

^ This was an awesome deal. It was the last plate of rice, basically left-overs. The stall-holder was so kind! She wanted to give me
free!! But I insisted until the end, so she finally accepted 50 cents. Yup, so I got the meal for 50 cents =)

^ For your info, this is the new in =D Ironing the clothes while memorizing cations and anions at the twilight hour of 3am. I think I spent almost 15 minutes on my lil bro's uniform because I was distracted by chemistry.

^ Bukit View Primary School!!! Oh man, I felt nostalgic when we walked past BVPS on our way home from YMCA. It's so colourful now!! Yet, the clay flowers we all did four years ago were still up there. Yay.
Oh yeah, did I mention about White Day?
In Japan, it's custom for girls instead of guys to give chocolate on Saint Valentiens Day.
On White Day, 14 March, the guys return the favour in three times the value.
Woah. Profitable much? =PP
I see White Day a lot in mangas.... hahas.
Let's migrate to Japan nooooow.
Shi Ting got to skip school today. I'm so envious T_T Furthermore, she told me in the morning. It made me wanna skip as well. But then, I've got no valid reason.
Oh yeah. I got 10/13 for my SS test, which is like, cool, because I didn't think I'd do well in this test.
But I got 4/25 for my physics, haha, don't know why I'm so proudly annoucing it to the public. It's the worst marks this year.
If you're sitting right at the back...
How hard can it be to feel depressed?
Even though there's at least /someone/ nearby, it's the fact that no one glances your way that made it lonely.
Well, not really. Counting, there /are/ a few who bothered to glance, but it's just........ socially cut off.
Like the dentist.
One-way thing. I can talk to them because they're in front of me; but they can't really talk to me because it requires the pull of some muscles to turn.
No wonder Denise always emits that depressed aura. I can perfectly emphatise.
I think today's lit lesson marked a turning point and a history that will go down 4e2'08.
I don't think I've ever laughed so much at once T_T"
Kenneth's acting as
Ah Seng in off-centre was convincing. He acted like a real retard.
We learnt the word: Scatalogical.
Guess what it means? =P
It's a word associated with... shit.
They were planning to tell Mrs Toh: "Do you know there's a course called Scatalogy?" and she'll be pretending she knew and OH YES!!!!!!!! all the way.
Finally, today, I remembered to bring the thingy to exchange for the $9 voucher.
Thus, I had to delibrately make a trip to West Mall [after enduring the boring-est detention in which Ms. Koh came in 15 minutes LATE (irony)]
Then again, something good came out of it =D
I found "The Sight"!
It's the 1st book in the 3rd trilogy of the Warriors series =3
So far, the last two trilogies had 6 books in total.
Ahahahahahahah xD
And look on the bright side. I bought dinner for three of us!
So the KFC order can be brought forward to tomorrow!
The rest of the week... welllllll... I think we'll figure out somehow ^^;
Notice: Everytime both my parents are overseas, I lose weight. As if I've got much weight to lose anyway -rolls eyes-
Haiz, Shi Ting made me feel momentarily nostalgic ._.
She told me she missed the time when we (Leong Yew, Shi Ting, Rui Shan and me) were sitting together.
That was way back last year in the first or second term...
It always seems like it's better in the past rather than the present T_T
It was less complicating back then. I think I was happier then.
LOL, I'm not too sure what Debby has against Ronald Lam of 4e3.
Count his unlucky stars that she happened to be seating in front of him during the O level results.
Now she's out to
Debbs, manage your impulsivity, okay? HOM!!
Thank you for bothering =D
The mysteries of life never fails to mystify people...
It's unknown when 'time' ever starts
Is 'time' just a term for something non-existant?
Is it a word conjured up by scientists to give them the assurance that nothing questions the logic of science?
'The Big Bang'.. was it also a stupid thing they came up with to hide the fact that their faith in science and science alone was faltering?
Perhaps they thought every single thing must be paired with a reason, and upon searching for one within 'time', they found none.
To them, it must be something so atrocious, something they can't just face with a dead-pan look
And they created the "Big Bang" because it sounds nice.
BANG, and everything was born.
Maybe, there was never a beginning
Never a 'time' when the clock started turning (how ironic)
And never a 'time' when the clock shall stop
If there /was/ such a thing as 'time'...
If there /was/ such a thing as a start...
Then... what's before the start?
What, who, how, when, why?
I shouldn't even ask that, because those are only words
They can never express anything enough.
Ever since we were born, our destiny was already decided.
Our paths were laid out.
There's no un-deciding, or un-laying the carpet
No un-winding 'time'.
Sometimes, we wonder what we did to deserve this and that
Why it had to happen at this 'time' and that 'time'
Sometimes this, sometimes that
Sometimes nothing
Let us accept this destiny thrusted at us..
Long before we existed in time...
... For better or for worse...
I'm going to be stuck with flunking electone improvisation my whole life and doing those housework chores because I'm doomed to be a housewife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(I think I'll get the guy to do everything. I'll just take care of the dog.)
Argh... I screwed up my day T_T
I'm so cheesy.
I was laughing all the way to school, almost 20 minutes late.
Hey, it was a thrill. It's not everyday that I'm late for school. This is the first this year =3 Yeah. I was beginning to dislike a perfect record.
And I thought I could miss MT reading if I walked slower......
I saw Tong Fan straight away in the canteen. He was complaining that 173 took so long and when it came, two came.
It was the same situation with me =.= 985. I get really annoyed when things like that happened.
Oh yeah. Literature!!! Know why Mr Latiff asked who's michelle? BECAUSE I WROTE DOWN THE REFLECTIONS FOR THE HABITS OF MIND!!!!! How lame is that? -_-"
He actually said out everything I said, including the 'duh!!'... T_T he didn't have to announce it out.
I actually got one extra mark for listing the HOMs. That leaves me with an average of 76/100, graciosuly putting me into one of the 60% distinctions he expects from 4e2. Yipeee~
And his son was adorable. Mr Latiff answered his call and put his phone in speaker mode. We all heard how the son wanted to watch tv and asked for the code.
The story goes:One fine day, he opened the drawer and took out a chopper, advancing towards his sister.
Mr Latiff, shocked, questioned why he took it out.
The 6-year old boy said that he saw it on TV.
LOL!!! Mr Latiff and his wife locked up the TV with some codes. Wow, that's a first. Someone asked what the world coming to =P
The CCA thing... 7 people chose DA as the first choice. There are still 4 more.
The batch this year is shy.
Last year's one was much more daring.
But this girl, Pearlyn, discovered about us long before she joined =) That's nice...
I then went all the way to West Mall with Khadeza, Ruo Nan and Annabelle before remembering:
1. I didn't bring my mother's Shop N Save thing to trade for the voucher.
2. I didn't bring "Hood" to return.
3. My Ez-link card got confiscated, and my library card is lost (it was already soggy anyway from some.. incidents). I couldn't borrow any books.
4. I already ate-d in school.
-.-" But I still needed to go to buy my brother's lunch.
Sarah told me today about Ryan Foo's party.
Okay, I don't know him, but I remembered how he looks like and that he's from NCC and from 4e4.
But the main thing is....
He stays in the same condo as I do.
It's awful.
There are quite a number of people I know attending.
Ah great. Tomorrow at five, I'm not gonna leave the house.
Even if I do, I'm so not nearing the swimming pool area.
I'll just swim on Sunday.
O LEVEL RESULTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother got 14 points!!! Bless the Lord! =3 I thought it was below his standard though.
Like I predicted, one A1, two A2s, three B3s. Congratulations!
Benjamin was the top in the school?? o.O I know he's smart, but... okay, I'm gonna tell Aashna about this =D
Ruo Nan is the best, seriously. She lost the slip of paper within less than ten minutes of receiving it ._. And I went on a search as well. Reminds me of the day of the career course, where she thought she lost her wallet and we ran down the bus and back into the school (in HEELS), only to discover it was in the bag.
Khadeza!!! Have you ever heard that you shouldn't offend an S-personality person?
Yeah, anyways.
I passed my binomial test! =) I think I was way too careless, but it's okay. It's already an A2.
Mdm Yeo!!!!!! Where's my sweet? You said you'd give sweets for those who improved T_T
I want a sweet.
Jia Ying lent me her grade 7-8 piano scores! It looks tough, yet, I think with lots of practice, I can manage it somehow =P
I said
somehowPei Jun - Life is transient!! We all have to die. =) I have this intuition I'd die before you.
So let's pray you'll be really super long-lived, so I won't die young x)
I'm giving myself a break today because I think I'm improving in my studies.
My mother's flying to Bali. A little freedom for us =)
Today, I got back the maths test on chapter 10 & 11, and duh, I failed. But I was only two marks from passing, so it was a big jump from getting one digit all the time =P
Oh yeah. In Literature lesson, Mr Latiff asked. "Who's Michelle?"
It scared the hell out of me!
I raised my hand and started asking, "Why why why why why why?"
Mr Latiff: "No... I was just flipping through all your ispls... and just wondering..."
Me: "!!!!! Did I fail?"
Mr Latiff: "No, you didn't."
Whereupon he looked beyond me and at Shi Ting. "Shi Ting..." *nods to himself*
Wahhhh!! Why me and Shi Ting?
The likely thing was that I did badly for my literature ispl. But since Shi Ting told me before (umpteen times T_T) that she was top for lit last year, I doubt it.
I shouldn't have done too shabbily for my literature ISPL lah...
I remembered the first time he taught us he also asked who's michelle. Does he really have such a
short memory? Are my works really
that different? o.o
They say laughter is the best medicine.
I've had medications this week xP
Number 1! (reminds me of Kenneth's way of announcing =P)
Elliot was pestering Mdm Yeo on which JC she went to.
I think it was him who said, "Hwa Chong?"
Mdm Yeo: How you know?
Everyone: Woahhhhhh!!!!!
-a super rare and strange moment of silence-
Irvin: Aiya. That time Hwa Chong very easy to get inside one lah.
-outburst of laughter followed by Mdm Yeo's famous glare-
Number 2!Today they announced the O Levels achievements over the thingy. Our speakers were loud but spoiled =.=
We heard only clips of it. "We are proud.... o levels... asdoidfnasdklgnaspg"
It was hilarious the way the boys cheered everytime the other classes did so.
Irvin cheered, Kenneth cheered, Alan cheered, Bryant yelled, Mark banged the notice board, Prakash cheered... and Elliot threw his A Maths book. Omg, that was the funniest part of it all. I'm shorter than Melina, and I was half-slouching, so I could barely see the top of Elliot's head.
Then I saw this thick A Maths book flung into the air.
What do you think my reaction would be?
Duh, I burst into hysterics of laughter. Irvin was also pretending to be serious, having that 'omg' look on his face, holding one finger out for silence, and holding the other up to the speaker.
Of course, we didn't hear anything.
Then after three seconds, they burst into yelling and cheering.
I thought it was so lame. And I just couldn't stop laughing.
The Kallang wave as well. It started with Kenneth and ended with Irvin. The thing is, it involved only two of them.
And we cheered over the half-day thing without even knowing when it is.
I laughed till my sides hurt T_T
Number 3!I was asking Leong Yew which house he was in,
LY: Does it really matter where I stay?
Okay, that really cracked me up. So, while trying not to choke while straining my laughter, I explained slowly and clearly.
BBSS houses... moses, lewis, coe etc.
I know he warned me with Mrs Toh's "Nononono" emoticon not to post about him.
Well too bad =P
Certain people are fun to defy.
Anyway, I have lots of things I need to give to people.
But I keep forgetting.
Oh wells.
Everyone seems to be angry with me.
In this insane world, some things don't need explanations
But for things other than 'some things'...
They do.
Everyone has a reason for the things they do, for what they
think, for what they feel.
The duty of the people around them
Is to figure out the reasons.
Figured out my reasons yet?
RUO NAN, you really got me this time ._.
I was positive I was right. How nice of you, a literature student, to put a test on my literature skills... =P I seriously thought you were mad. I did have second thoughts though... it occurred to me that you could just be exaggerating, because that's what you always do online.
Lesson learnt =)
I now know you a fraction more.
(i still think you were really angry.. =/)
Debby VAN!!!! I want to say something to you but I can't put it in words.
Rawr T_T
Thanks to homework pressure, I haven't been talking much to some people.
I miss talking to them.
The only way of communicating is through sms/msn/phone. Rarely any face to face chat.
Much as I like my seating now, I do miss my seat in 3e2.
Like the dentist, I feel socially cut off.
This is why the ice skating trip that many people want is really important.
A gathering =)
Since we need to be in fours...
Let's make it 16!!
It's a lovely number!
How come at sec 4 I'm still making new friends?
The last year of secondary school. Making new friends would make it harder to leave.
Sad T_T
I still remember how I met everyone. One day I shall list it all out and everyone will =O
Gracias! I finally woke up this year!
I keep getting the email from W!LD RICE reminding me of the Beauty World show ending in etc days =.=
Dear Friends,
Don't miss out on THE musical of the YEAR! With toe-tapping songs,
fabulous costumes, and an amazing set, coupled with unexpected onstage stunts,
we guarantee you a MIND-BLOWING time at Beauty World!
Critics have been giving Beauty World the thumbs up! - TODAY newspaper wrote: <"GO watch Beauty World - you won't regret it.">
So, if you haven't caught this special 20th Anniversary Production, don't miss it! LAST 2 DAYS - ENDS THIS SATURDAY, 19 JAN!
Tickets available from SISTIC.
From all of us at W!LD RICE
1. Academic Status=D Scroll down to the last post and I said one day I'd do better in Maths so I wouldn't let Mdm Yeo down.
Yep, finally I made it (: It was e maths, and the test wasn't difficult, but good enough.
Getting there...
"Even Michelle could do well. She did very well this time."
Thanks a lot Mrs Ooi for that additional 'even' =.=
But i just smiled =)
It got me round to the conclusion that my seating is actually perfect.
With Alan beside me playing psp all the time and air on the other side, I've got literally no one to talk to except Pei Jun.
I'm alone, and it's the good kind of alone I really needed.
If I ever get offered to change my seat, I would turn it down x)
These days I've been sleeping little. Like that fine day when I slept in 6 out of 8 periods ._. Literature and Maths were the lucky ones. Not really sleep sleep, but dozing off for a minute or so.
I'm positive many are going through the same phase.
Shi Ting was my sms buddy for one whole morning from 2 to 6, with most of the messages inquiring about the passing up of the grand literature ispl.
I want to say something to people still failing, but I know how you all would feel as well if I try to give you advice.
"Shut up... you don't FREAKING know how I feel. Stop thinking you do."
Yet, I do understand, since I AM one of them (the two tests were only lucky... i bet i'll have many more failures in the days to come ._.)
SI - advisor. Ahaha... just trying to live up to my name xD
Prayer answered =)
2. The GirlSomething that marked my life was the very day I knocked into this girl.
I wasn't sure if I spilled soup onto her.
But she started yelling in chinese, and by the time I knew what happened and wanted to say sorry, she was gone.
But the thing is, Debby overheard her said to her friends to wait for 'her' to finish eating.
I was obviously scared, but I guess I didn't really show it.
All my life I've been trying to keep away from people like that, who get offended easily.
And that day, it happened so easily.
But the saddest thing was that I knew her... she was from my primary school, the same chinese class, under the same teacher that totally inspired us!!!!!!!!!!
But I know I'm getting plenty of protection anyway if they get at me. No worries. I know what Debby would do anyway.. hurl words at them... or something close to that xD
3. TodayWent to Ngee Ann Polytechnic... omg, I can't believe this. Out of all the courses, I had to pick the School of Life Sciences and Chemical Technology. What is this?!?!?!? it's one that requires bio, phy, chem and maths -.- I saw that you could learn to make ice cream and impulsively picked it.
Ice cream ._.
But after, we went off on our own and we ventured into humanities. Magic, psychology stuff, chinese studies which we ignored, and childcare! The childcare one was kind of amusing... games and all.
It was okay. I don't know if I'm going to poly because my mother wants me to go to a JC.
Myself... I'm not exactly attracted to poly's way of learning. Loads of fun... but the strange thing is that it didn't quite appeal to me.
Oh my gosh, I'm so tired...
And I drag and crap a lot.. coming from a girl derived of sleep, it's natural.
Anyways... will let some pictures take over =)

^ A kitten we took from this kittens book in the school library. We were supposed to match it with someone we know, but can't really tell who's this. But since it's nice, I took a photo of it =)
Maybe this is Shi Ting?

^ This is Ruo Nan! Always climbing and looking for adventure!

^ Debby said this was Xueli. Yup, does look like her xD

^ Debby said this looked like me o.O I had no idea.

^ She said this should be Khadeza... I had no idea either.

^ And this is Debby!! Poking her nose into flowers...

^ This is either Vanessa and Jia Ying! Piano-associated, exclusively =3

^ Debby totally freaking out over a kitten.

^ A silly looking horse I found in the horses book. I just couldn't stop laughing...

^ This is so obviously Leong Yew. If he was a cat, he'd probably give people that kind of look. Duh =P

^ The day we studied in the fitness corner =o This is Emily and Saloma rehearsing!

^ PUFFER FISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the Life Sciences thing in the poly... wow. Too bad they didn't puff out T_T
You've long thrown away half of our friendship
But don't worry
I'll do my part to salvage the remaining halfI'll trust you'll do your part-To show me it's worth trying
This post is in the name of gratitude.
1. God
I made past the one-digit mark for the A Maths test :3 I still failed, duh, but it was a good enough improvement. And I didn't even study for it, to be honest. Not much.
Physics, too. I still was one of the 37 failures in the class, but it wasn't a terrible failure. I wasn't one of the people Ms. Punitha called out for questioning.
I don't know. Maybe He saw me falling asleep on my table or on my chair and getting neckache on the way, maybe He saw that I'm trying to work hard, maybe He saw how I slapped myself everytime I failed to wake up at 3am to finish up the homework... perhaps He saw me struggling to stay awake in school... maybe then, He took pity on me then and gave me what He thought I deserved.
How would I know if it's His doing? Well, I know I've been praying a lot recently.
Still, believing in something makes someone strong.
Infinite gratitude for everything He did for us =)
2. Pei Jun
In these few days only Pei Jun gave me encouragement.
You rock =P
She's the only one to ask if I'm okay, shake my hand (for what? o.O) and ask me to cheer up.
That's why if there was a pjpj fan club I'd join =D
3. Mdm Yeo
I feel bad that I've been putting aside her assignment to do other homework. Today, she asked us all to stay back and finish up the homework or we'll get BETA forms!!! Would be my first one Dx
But I left everything at home, so I sought her and kinda put on the normal 'innocent' face.
The moment she gave me that look, I knew she gave in already.
She's actually a kind teacher and a really awesome one at Maths.
She gave me an allowace, tomorrow, before her lesson.
This isn't the first time too...
That's why I feel bad.. always dragging her stuff and not other people's.
I'm going to do my best to ace in Maths =)
Some day I'll make it okay!!! And I know all you people who did poorly can too... if you try harder.
4. Alvin
He's always tired after returning from JC... there's one time where he worked his guts off solving the logarithms for me and there I was, checking out the song "Bow Down Mister".
I'm really thankful for that =D
Even if he's annoying sometimes, he still did a good job at being an older brother. A personal tutor for me =3
When he complained he was reaallly sleepy and couldn't think, and I thought, 'okay', because he did look tired and I was being demanding. But many times, as I was about to leave the room, he always called me back, "Okay okay la, give me."
There were times I seriously didn't want him to help me anymore because he did enough.
I know how i feel when my younger brother approached me for help.
And he listens to all my crap about school xD
I listen to his too okay!
And I do help him with his literature. By the way, he said lit was his fav subject in JC... it's no wonder, since I've never heard anyone doing literature above sec 2 who said they hate lit.
But that's not the point here.
Thanks for everything =)
5. Mummmyyyyyyyy and Daaddddyyyyyyyy
Reaching here, I thought it would be appropiate that I thank them as well.
My mother - For completely forbidding the use of computer until I finish my homework =.=
I was indignant.
But I should appreciate that =)
My father - I'm even more thankful to him. He doesn't scold me... he lectures me. I seem to be able to relate to him better than my mother, cause me and my mom are both stubborn and sensitive people.
My father's an awesome person =3 It's not enough to just say it in my blog... there's tons of things I'm grateful about that I don't write about... too much to count.
6. Leong Yew
You'll probably send your army of ants over sms if you see this =P
Thanks for simply being there..
Someone to sms and annoy xDD
Yup... though we've not talked for a long time... (you don't talk anymore nowadays) I know I can still turn to you for advice =P
You're patient and though sometimes, no offence, your advice didn't help, it's registered and considered.
I'm sure there are many people who'd agree.
So they say, boys are better listeners. True or not?
Hey... I did give you advice also on certain issues, didn't I? x)
They may sound lame, but I take it that you appreciated it cause you gave me that green paper.
I appreciate that day when you accompanied me to to waddle around...
It was a really dumb childish method for me to chill off, but it worked.
Thanks for being super lame (the world is round, wow), evil to a great extent (but not as much as st) and being weird =)
7. Ruo Nan
Thanks for being the weirdest and most eccentric person I've ever met in my life. HAHA! From secondary 1, I thought you were very bad and rude, from the way you spoke to Aashna. No offence meant, though I'm sure no offence were taken? =P
You kind of pissed me off many more times than just once, from your stubborness -.-"
But your stubborness sometimes amuse people, like Debbs the Van!!
Your antics are weird, but people like it...
Like Aashna, I often feel like scolding her for being... her.
Yet, it's still her, you know?
I notice I'm switching from third person (her) to second person (you)? Oh wells. Never mind.
I believe Ruo Nan has a really kind soul at heart but she just doesn't make it very obvious.
How do I know?
When she handed over the money (that she normally fight so hard to save) to the old lady for tissue that she doesn't need, I knew it.
And the time she gave up her 'office pants' for me... the pair that I didn't end up using =.=
Was really grateful then for having such a friend.
She's frank, sometimes frank to the extent it might hurt people, but people around her appreciate her frankness.
She's not one to be beat-around-the-bush, and is basically down-to-earth in a good (sometimes bad) way.
Plus, it's how she loves cats that made me further respect those creatures.
So yeah Blaha. I'm stopping here so I won't sound cheesy and you won't be sarcastic again -_-"
8. Friends
(Debbs the VAN!!!!!!!, Khadeza, Shi Ting, Simraan, Jia Ying, Chrystabel, Sarah etcetcetc)
Sorry for not mentioning all of you and/or not giving you all a personal space each, cause I'm kind of running short of time.
Thanks for... well, existing =P Existing to make my life much more easier to lead, and bringing laughter into it.
You all are awesome people!
Including those I didn't mention above!!
I think it was the Myre side of me typing all the things above.
I know I've been a real stuck-up these few days.
Losing my temper all the time.
Breaking down at random moments.
Last night, for the first time, I showed someone real attitude over msn.
I went into my fullstop mode, with every sentence ending with a fullstop.
Not that I don't have a reason for it... though it's a dumb reason anyway.
I just snapped.
But they're okay. They did the right things.
It's enough for me to finally decide to put aside some time to type this.
Neither of us was to blame, but since the other party apologized, I felt the need to do so as well.
I'm sorry.Is it wrong for someone to be born a night person?
I find it tough to study anytime else except at night.
And I need music, music that I'm not tired of hearing.
This is how I study.
Recently everyone's been feeling down. Even Ruo Nan wasn't feeling so good, even though I didn't know her to be like that. I wonder if it's the rain or the secondary 4 stress.
OH MAN. I regret not sleeping in the afternoon just now...
I haven't finished my homework...
The only thing that keeps me from doing homework at night is drowsiness.
If my mother were to open my door at 2am, I'm soooooooo dead.
She always opened the door at 6am and found me awake, but that's still okay. I was supposed to be awake anyway.
Anyways, tomorrow, if I don't smile, I suggest you don't talk to me.
I might just bite you =)
You can try if you want to though.
Certain things I said might not be what I wanted to say.
If I say weird things to you, I think you should ignore it.
Off-centre people say weird things.
In fact, I have split personality. The other side of me is called
SO SAY HI TO MYRE EVERYONE. She's really emotional, so be careful.
Just a warning so that you won't think I'm ignoring you or anything.

^ Lol... found this in the Clementi Big Bookshop. I don't like to think my blog's associated with science ._.

^ A gift my mother received from her colleague. It was so nice! With the bear sticking out and all. The colleague wanted to celebrate his first child... there's even the photos inside. Haha. He's so proud =)
My keyboard is fixed!!! I'm so happy T_T I think some people know I've been having problems with it.
My electone teacher offered me one. Since she knew I'm in Sec 4, she asked if I would have time because my previuos two songs, Merry-Go-Round and Up Where We Belong, are not perfected yet. I didn't outright say nonononononono. My expression should have said it all, because she decided I do improvisation instead.
I actually rejected an offer. An
offer. I don't normally get offered. She would decide for me.
But an offer.
Secondary four is certainly hectic. Like we told one or two sec threes in DA. Haha. So we did exaggerate a little. Welllllll.... *shifty eyes*... no harm done (:
Pei Jun told the bunch of choir boys from the library too, about sec 4. But they, in turn, surprised us. They're using our physics textbook already!!!!!!!! In sec 2!!!! Meaning they have three years to study. They already know Matrices =o
And well...
10/1/07I went with Pei Jun to the library. The same day we met those boys. We tried to do the A Maths project and failed miserably. We ended up going to Wikipedia and copy-pasting xDD One property of the Pascal's Triangle and fifteen slides. Stupid right?
PJ was saying one word per slide.
I was better. I said two words per slide x)
There was this game Drug Lord in the computer. LOL! I asked Pei Jun to try. She was so frantic, haha. They gave the warning that it might not be suitable for children as there will be killing.
Of course, she didn't try it out.
I spoke with Lester on the 985 bus.
I discovered many things.
He takes A Maths outside, but some teacher didn't let him take the O levels for it.
And I discovered he was a nice person. After three years, by the way.
PRETTY GOOD! Failing so badly and he said it was good because some people get 1/100.
He said 1/40 was
not bad.
That was definitely a first.
Someone should have been there to take a photo of my face =P
And he gives lots of encouragement.
Someone like him would make a really great friend...
11/1/07Height and weight.
I'm still the same. No change at all =D
CCA showcase.
It was so tiring!!
Went around with Annabelle to give out the papers.
Though, we were really terrible.
Not good speakers.
There were some who came to our stall really interested.
Like this father who was super nice.
He even shook our hands after we were done!
We actually hurried down to 7-eleven to get some M&Ms to give out. And we even bought two bags of chips for celebration.
We couldn't finish them, by the way -.-'
Interesting day.
I particularly like BB's booth.
It was so nice and tall xD
I kept staring at the canoe and wonder how they got that up there.
Or maybe it's part of the picture.

^ Not a delibrate crookedness. It was another of my 'secret' photos. And 'secret' photos tend to be lousy. Make that very lousy.

^ A rainbow!!!! I bet many people didn't see this. It was 7pm (7pm!!!) after the rain. The sky is still so bright.
That day I looked into the mirror and smiled. I found that a dimple was fairly visible on the right.
But it was gone in less than a hour.
How sad.
I talked with Annabelle about top good looking people in our level.
For boys, she said Kenneth, Clarence, Nicholas, Norman and the other Kenneth.
She asked me and I said I had no idea.
For girls, she said she didn't know.
She asked me and I didn't know either.
For male teachers, she said Mr Andy Lee.
She asked me and I said I had no idea.
For female teachers, she said she didn't know.
She asked me and I said I didn't know either.
Okay, so that was lame.
I have so much homework.
I think I should go do now.
Though I'm pretty sure I can never complete all by today.l
Please please please don't let me be one of the one-digit failures in A Maths *prays*
I understand it... I'm just unsure how to apply.
Please please please let me pass Physics *prays*
I understand it... I'm just unsure how to apply.
Someone give me free tuition? T_T
I've had experiences of free tuition last year.
Didn't turn out very well. I need someone whom I'm not very close to so I can concentrate.
But the problem is... who?
It is obvious why you looked at me afterwards
Did it seem obvious to you why I gave you that smile?
The same smile you gave me before
I suppose there will come a day, people start to drift away.
Sometimes it happens unconsciously, over a long period of time.
Sometimes it just happens overnight.
What makes people feel sad is not that the other party is no longer part of their life.
What really strikes was that everything that once was, all the good things, were gone just like that. Vanished. Wasted.
Not many would be strong enough to accept it could happen just like that.
People start to think if it had even existed in the first place.
This is not about one person.
This is about, perhaps, the many people in my life.
One, two, three, I don't know, you tell me.
I'm not in the best of mood right now... T_T
You could say it's thanks to my measly three hours of sleep last night.
You could also say it's thanks to the heavy homework pressure on me.
But it doesn't change my analogy whether or not I had slept instead of doing homework.
There are times when I wonder what it's like if I never met him.
And other people... her, them... so that people reading this wouldn't have that grin on their faces.
Not that he makes my life miserable or anything.
Cross-referencing to Mr Latiff's logic of a fox killing a chicken, like and hate are separated by a thin line.
Isn't it the same with smiling and crying? People can smile with tears in their eyes. Even thinner line.
What's up with the world? What's up with me?
wish that Khadeza's dream would happen. That there would be a flood and we couldn't take the O levels.
I wish it would happen.
A flood that doesn't destroy anything, just stopping exams.
On another note, it is farewell to Simraan.
Wow, first thing I saw was Shi Ting's story about 2e6'06 in her blog. It kind of inspired me to do one for 2e2'06 for the fun of it, but then again, I wasn't very close with everyone, so it'll be very vague anyway. HAHA.
Anyway, I don't get why I'm blogging when I've already planned out my schedule so nicely, such that I
WILL stay up to complete the homework by its deadline, tomorrow.
Sitting at the back isn't nice okay.
Just today I got caught by Mdm Yeo to answer a super basic question and my mind zonked out. Wahahahahaha.
She changed Wen Xin, Debby, Beatrice, Jack, Leong Yew and Debbie's seat, but she never changed mine. I was like, "err, Mdm Yeo, over here? right at the back... i'm sure you can see me cause I'm not that short."
Oh wells. There are pros and cons.
The pros would be the space, the heavenly space I have at the back. Plus I never have to pass behind papers =P
Plus, the new stay-behind boy Leonard would be sitting next to me. One of the pros. He's probably like, super smart or something... I bet his maths and chem are awesome. Yessss >D
I do have to strain at times to see the board, but I'll get used to it.
Hmm... I really wonder why.

^ A headstart. This is me in the Esplanade theatre. I think I recall Shi Ting taking this shot. I'm doing my famous hand wave, something I normally do nowadays if people take a shot at me. I can't stay still. It feels weird.
Photos from America!!!!!!! So tired of uploading them.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

^ Stopped at Incheon Airport! So happy to see Korea again T_T

^ Some building in San Francisco... memory loss, haha.

^ San Francisco city! I like the buildings...

^ Again, I forgot where was this. Some bridge that took lots and lots and lots of cables to build.

^ Notice the fire escape. Every building in SF has those, thanks to the fire incident way back.

^ The sea at a sea port...

^ I wish I could see through the telescope.. but have to pay -.-

^ The sort of houses they have there.

^ 17-mile drive! We passed by the sea and stopped to take photos. The air was so fresh :3
Freeizng, but nice.

^ Sea squirrel xD Didn't know such creatures exist =o It's really cute.

^ Sea gulls.. we don't see those in Singapore. But it's over populated in America.

^ Lone cyprus tree at the 17 mile drive

^ There are sea lions in the center... they're just too far away for me to take a good shot..

^ Oakland airport. We're heading off to LA.. this is where I near lost my gloves for the third time. In all, I nearly lost them about 10 times ++.

^ Finally Los Angeles! This is one of my secret photos... I didn't raise my camera at all, and just took a guess at which angle my camera should be at. Not too bad right? xD I learnt to take lots of this kind of 'secret photos' when no one's looking.

^ Haunted Mansion in Disneyland. Haunted? Yeah right. It was really nice.. the lightings and all. The theme was the show The Nightmare Before Christmas, so it's so Christmassy and not at all spooky =.=

^ Famous Disneyland castle.

^ One of the roller coaster rides we took. Not as exciting as I liked though.

^ I love this show!! It was hilarious! It was supposed to follow the plot of Aladdin, but the plot's somehow twisted. It was even funnier than Blithe Spirit's famous "Look at my finger... have you ever seen such a long finger?" and "I must go into, a TRANCE!" Western humor =]

^ King Tritan!

^ The Christmas tree is probably about two to three times taller than the one at my church.

^ Omg omg omgggg ohmygoossshhhhh, it's SNOWING in Disneyland, LA!!!!OhhhhmmyygooossshHH!!!!! Not really. It's fake snow. So lame right? But much better than Singapore's foam snow which actually stopped traffic. By the way, the firework display was cancelled due to wind (yeah right. i didn't feel any wind) and terrible weather conditions, so instead, they gave lights and fake snow. Like, err...

^ Mountains. Where? Can't remember... I saw mountains almost everywhere to remember
where this one was at.

^ Tanger Outlet. I woke up and found myself in a half-desert. The Tanger Outlet was located there in the empty lands. The things there are uber cheap, cause they were straight from the factory. 50% discounts and stuff. My mother bought a branded Coach bag at a good catch.
Shopping spree!

^ Laughlin.. slot machines everywhere in the hotel. Kids are allowed to be there, you know...

^ Snow on the ground near the Grand Canyon... there was a snowstorm one or two weeks ago. Proof that the temperature was negative 12.. the snow didn't melt at all.

^ More proof! Ice/snow on the car... and no, it didn't snow, like, snowflakes falling...

^ Even more proof... bare trees.

^ We walked this route back to the hotel.

^ Bus broke down. How nice =) Missed the sunrise at the Grand Canyon...

^ Grand Canyon with unmelted snow...

^ Different views of the Grand Canyon.. it was unfortunate about the sunrise thing.

^ Holly leaves! They're sharp, ouch.

^ There's no sunrise, but there's the sunset =P

^ Poodle-like stone at the Valley of Fire, Las Vegas

^ Valley of Fire

^ Las Vegas at night...

^ Volcano show thing at the night tour... it provided the warmth I badly needed.

^ More shows.

^ This dude playing the piano before the show starts... I would have loved to watch on if it wasn't super freezing and I had to go into the Casino... with all the colourful slot machines...

^ Nah.. I'm still in USA. This is a mini version... which is tall already.

^ Fountain show.

^ Chocolate cards!!! Omg!!!11

^ M&Ms!!! They have lots of colours you don't find in Singapore...

^ Calico ghost town.

^ The famous imprints of Hollywood people... there's the handprint and footprint of Harry Potter's gang, by the way... for fans like Jia Ying xD I just didn't get it, cause everyone wanted to take photos of it.

^ Universal Studios, Waterworld. Very cool water effects. I didn't get wet, fortunately.

^ Hi, I'm Chucky, want to play? This one beats the one at Disneyland. I'm so proud of myself =)
I rawred at the mummy, I waved hi to the draculas, I took a photo of Chucky... but then, I got freaked out at the fake strings hanging down from the ceiling =.= I got scared by another Chucky who happened to pop out with a knife exactly when I was passing by. And the human meats kinda freaked me out too.

^ Fake New York City. Buildings are made from rubber stuff...

^ Fire effects.

^ Fake King Kong.

^ Fake cars. Really fake ones.

^ How they filmed Tokyo Drift thingy... fake cars again xD

^ Fake rain.

^ Fake flood.

^ Fake train accident.

^ Fake shark. Notice how everything's fake. A sea is actually a simple lake.

^ The globe at Universal Studios.

^ Let's look at food. This is a new style of ice cream my brother invented. He thought the
machine would stop by itself, and obviously, it didn't.

^ Typical breakfast.

^ Bestest spaghetti I've ever tasted!

^ Chocolate fudge!!!!!!!!

^ Ducks. No, they're not food xD Randomness.

^ Chocolate ice cream!

^ More chocolate ice cream in winter!!

^ I found that throwing gloves and managing to catch them is an art.

^ Last shot at USA airport...

^ Final stop at Taipei airport! And then it's goodbye.
FINALLY!!!!!! Argh!!! I was about to die... so many photos @.@
I kept cancelling the page without saving, so it was super tedious.
Have to thank Leong Yew for helping though... he helped me pass time as I uploaded.
More like waste time crapping, but well.
I'm like that x) I'll find someone who won't be annoyed and call xDD
Blaha is definitely one of my top choices as well. In her case, she'll find me annoying, but I'd call anyway. What are friends for? =o I'm giving her a break this time =]
I sound mean.
No photos of me though.
HAHA. It's in the other camera... next time...
Nowadays I find that I'm asking weirder and weirder questions, and freaking people out a lot. Sometimes I call them up to ask them something, then changed my mind, tell then nvm, and hang up. Tell me, am I annoying that way, to say and then not to say? Are my questions annoying?
I must stop before I scare everyone off. Now I must go back and try to revise A Maths and prepare for Mdm Yeo's test.