^ A headstart. This is me in the Esplanade theatre. I think I recall Shi Ting taking this shot. I'm doing my famous hand wave, something I normally do nowadays if people take a shot at me. I can't stay still. It feels weird.
Photos from America!!!!!!! So tired of uploading them.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

^ Stopped at Incheon Airport! So happy to see Korea again T_T

^ Some building in San Francisco... memory loss, haha.

^ San Francisco city! I like the buildings...

^ Again, I forgot where was this. Some bridge that took lots and lots and lots of cables to build.

^ Notice the fire escape. Every building in SF has those, thanks to the fire incident way back.

^ The sea at a sea port...

^ I wish I could see through the telescope.. but have to pay -.-

^ The sort of houses they have there.

^ 17-mile drive! We passed by the sea and stopped to take photos. The air was so fresh :3
Freeizng, but nice.

^ Sea squirrel xD Didn't know such creatures exist =o It's really cute.

^ Sea gulls.. we don't see those in Singapore. But it's over populated in America.

^ Lone cyprus tree at the 17 mile drive

^ There are sea lions in the center... they're just too far away for me to take a good shot..

^ Oakland airport. We're heading off to LA.. this is where I near lost my gloves for the third time. In all, I nearly lost them about 10 times ++.

^ Finally Los Angeles! This is one of my secret photos... I didn't raise my camera at all, and just took a guess at which angle my camera should be at. Not too bad right? xD I learnt to take lots of this kind of 'secret photos' when no one's looking.

^ Haunted Mansion in Disneyland. Haunted? Yeah right. It was really nice.. the lightings and all. The theme was the show The Nightmare Before Christmas, so it's so Christmassy and not at all spooky =.=

^ Famous Disneyland castle.

^ One of the roller coaster rides we took. Not as exciting as I liked though.

^ I love this show!! It was hilarious! It was supposed to follow the plot of Aladdin, but the plot's somehow twisted. It was even funnier than Blithe Spirit's famous "Look at my finger... have you ever seen such a long finger?" and "I must go into, a TRANCE!" Western humor =]

^ King Tritan!

^ The Christmas tree is probably about two to three times taller than the one at my church.

^ Omg omg omgggg ohmygoossshhhhh, it's SNOWING in Disneyland, LA!!!!OhhhhmmyygooossshHH!!!!! Not really. It's fake snow. So lame right? But much better than Singapore's foam snow which actually stopped traffic. By the way, the firework display was cancelled due to wind (yeah right. i didn't feel any wind) and terrible weather conditions, so instead, they gave lights and fake snow. Like, err...

^ Mountains. Where? Can't remember... I saw mountains almost everywhere to remember
where this one was at.

^ Tanger Outlet. I woke up and found myself in a half-desert. The Tanger Outlet was located there in the empty lands. The things there are uber cheap, cause they were straight from the factory. 50% discounts and stuff. My mother bought a branded Coach bag at a good catch.
Shopping spree!

^ Laughlin.. slot machines everywhere in the hotel. Kids are allowed to be there, you know...

^ Snow on the ground near the Grand Canyon... there was a snowstorm one or two weeks ago. Proof that the temperature was negative 12.. the snow didn't melt at all.

^ More proof! Ice/snow on the car... and no, it didn't snow, like, snowflakes falling...

^ Even more proof... bare trees.

^ We walked this route back to the hotel.

^ Bus broke down. How nice =) Missed the sunrise at the Grand Canyon...

^ Grand Canyon with unmelted snow...

^ Different views of the Grand Canyon.. it was unfortunate about the sunrise thing.

^ Holly leaves! They're sharp, ouch.

^ There's no sunrise, but there's the sunset =P

^ Poodle-like stone at the Valley of Fire, Las Vegas

^ Valley of Fire

^ Las Vegas at night...

^ Volcano show thing at the night tour... it provided the warmth I badly needed.

^ More shows.

^ This dude playing the piano before the show starts... I would have loved to watch on if it wasn't super freezing and I had to go into the Casino... with all the colourful slot machines...

^ Nah.. I'm still in USA. This is a mini version... which is tall already.

^ Fountain show.

^ Chocolate cards!!! Omg!!!11

^ M&Ms!!! They have lots of colours you don't find in Singapore...

^ Calico ghost town.

^ The famous imprints of Hollywood people... there's the handprint and footprint of Harry Potter's gang, by the way... for fans like Jia Ying xD I just didn't get it, cause everyone wanted to take photos of it.

^ Universal Studios, Waterworld. Very cool water effects. I didn't get wet, fortunately.

^ Hi, I'm Chucky, want to play? This one beats the one at Disneyland. I'm so proud of myself =)
I rawred at the mummy, I waved hi to the draculas, I took a photo of Chucky... but then, I got freaked out at the fake strings hanging down from the ceiling =.= I got scared by another Chucky who happened to pop out with a knife exactly when I was passing by. And the human meats kinda freaked me out too.

^ Fake New York City. Buildings are made from rubber stuff...

^ Fire effects.

^ Fake King Kong.

^ Fake cars. Really fake ones.

^ How they filmed Tokyo Drift thingy... fake cars again xD

^ Fake rain.

^ Fake flood.

^ Fake train accident.

^ Fake shark. Notice how everything's fake. A sea is actually a simple lake.

^ The globe at Universal Studios.

^ Let's look at food. This is a new style of ice cream my brother invented. He thought the
machine would stop by itself, and obviously, it didn't.

^ Typical breakfast.

^ Bestest spaghetti I've ever tasted!

^ Chocolate fudge!!!!!!!!

^ Ducks. No, they're not food xD Randomness.

^ Chocolate ice cream!

^ More chocolate ice cream in winter!!

^ I found that throwing gloves and managing to catch them is an art.

^ Last shot at USA airport...

^ Final stop at Taipei airport! And then it's goodbye.
FINALLY!!!!!! Argh!!! I was about to die... so many photos @.@
I kept cancelling the page without saving, so it was super tedious.
Have to thank Leong Yew for helping though... he helped me pass time as I uploaded.
More like waste time crapping, but well.
I'm like that x) I'll find someone who won't be annoyed and call xDD
Blaha is definitely one of my top choices as well. In her case, she'll find me annoying, but I'd call anyway. What are friends for? =o I'm giving her a break this time =]
I sound mean.
No photos of me though.
HAHA. It's in the other camera... next time...
Nowadays I find that I'm asking weirder and weirder questions, and freaking people out a lot. Sometimes I call them up to ask them something, then changed my mind, tell then nvm, and hang up. Tell me, am I annoying that way, to say and then not to say? Are my questions annoying?
I must stop before I scare everyone off. Now I must go back and try to revise A Maths and prepare for Mdm Yeo's test.
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