... well, I take that back.
But just know that something is throwing me into the dumps, and well, try not to ask
It's not an end-of-the-world thing, but it feels like one. And it's nothing like whatever you think it might be...
My self-esteem as of now is so low I can't see it. But well... since I've always saved it, I can save it again. Rawwwrrrrrrr.
Most memorable thing: THE FLIGHT. It's.................... long. In short, it's.......... long. In detail, it's....................................... long :3
Most memorable people would be a couple of the Indonesian people and the Lam family. Especially the girl studying in Singapore, who got 6 for her o levels, and she started in sec 2. Wow much? And the Lam family.
About them...
Too lazy to blog about them. Too long. I'd be telling a couple of friends though, maybe.
And about the Lam's youngest son. 18 years old, graduating from CJC, who's, very very frankly, the best looking guy I've seen so far and as far as I can remember. What else can I say?
Movie heart-throb gonnabe. That's what I would label him.
Then again, beauty is skin deep. Haha... and that, I'd apply to many people around me.
By the way, I GOT THE GIFTS!!! It's little, but there's the thought, at least. Plus souveniers for a couple of people. Not too many though. Heys, for your info, the things over there are at least twice as expensive.
Burgers cost approximately $5, converted to Singapore dollars. A bottle of COKE in Universal Studios cost $6-$7, and that's a small bottle; the smallest =)
Bowling tomorrow?
Leave me out, please.
If it wasn't for the money spent, I would have given it a miss.
I would have given this whole week a miss.
I'm feeling really draggy from the whole flight thing, and well, I'm suffering from jet lag.
-splashes water on face- musn't sleep. Not till at night.
I hope everyone had a merry christmas and a happy new year =D My Christmas was special because the whole tour exchanged greetings, and that was nice. It didn't snow though; I guess I didn't specify to Santa I wanted snowflakes to fall from the sky, not just snow lying on the ground.
And I'm certain it snowed in Las Vegas, for at least ten seconds. The tour guide said it was very rare for snow in LV, but I'm really really positive! The first streetlamp we passed by that night, I saw snow. The second one, more snow. The third one, nothing.
My new year.... what to do? I totally missed the countdown. Singapore's countdown, meaning.
Erm, if I remember correctly, at the very point of time, ten seconds before 12am, I was watching "Love Contract".
And at the very point of time, ten seconds before 12am American time zone, I was with my neopets friends, chatting. I think they got friendly with me because I sent them plushies as christmas gifts. Not saying they weren't friendly before; but because I was inactive for a while, we were distant. Now they're friendlier again.
Let's not get out of point here.
Over in the States, the Grand Canyon, the temperature hit -12 degrees celcius. The worst part was walking in the below-freezing temperature for about 1km. The bus broke down, we missed the sunrise, argh, DON'T ASK ;_; I thought I was going to lose my fingers and toes.

^ San Francisco.
I'll post pictures and blog more about the trip next time. When there's time.
See you guys in school tomorrow.
Can't say I'm looking forward to it.
In any case...
See you.
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