Friday, November 30, 2007
Poor you. You must be isolated there, as you seem so desperate to see someone you know and talk to him/her.
Ah yes, poor you. Nemo's mommy bit you. Nemo's grandpa cut you. Nemo's family attacked you. They should have bitten more xD Jkjk.. hope they don't hurt much... though obviously they would...
I know you'd be reading this even if you don't tag.
SEE?!?! I said I'll mention you somehow, and I did. >D
Okay, my dad has issues.
He has seven handphones:
a Nokia N73, an old blue Nokia (no colour), another old white Nokia (no colour), one of the Samsung slim versions, a Samsung flip phone, a Nexian, an O2 phone and a Sony Ericsson (those big ones).
And I thought I had quite a lot, with four altogether.
Five, including the one I LOST in sec 1 =(
Three of them were second-hand ones though, passed down from my parents.
^ Argh! [A Whole New World], the song I wanted to play... hey, this one is not so simple. Though it looks simple. But when you play it, WOAH. This was played by this guy from Finland.
Don't feel like posting the video... click the link - your own choice.
Piano is more of agility; electone is more of co-ordination. You have to pace with the beat, plus there are three parts to play together.
It's not as well known as piano, but well...
That doesn't mean it's easy.
I think I'm not going to take the exam this year... I mean.. there would be a JAPANESE DUDE sitting there. Omg. I can't take that. I'll be even more nervous.
See the tagboard spam? Ruo Nan aka Blaha, is switching from Dramatic Mode to Sarcastic Mode. I should switch too.
THIS YEAR IS ENDING SOON!!! Argh! It's the end of the world!! Not really... but... it'll be sad to know next year is THE year... and after that, it's goodbye.
Fate brought so many friends to me.
But it'll take it away again.
So cruel =(
But still...
There are times when fate finally gives me something I want, I actually throw it back in its face.
No wonder it's cruel to me.
Why am I talking about fate?
Today I simply touched up on my HTML 'skills'... I think I'm doing quite fine. I mean, at least I got the codes figure out. Plus, the layout could work in Firefox.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Watched it with Ruo Nan, Khad, and Khad's sister. It was nice! I love Giselle xD Ruo Nan said she spoils the reputation of all princesses. It was amusing how she goes around asking for the direction to the castle. Her wedding dress was FAT =P
And the prince. Prince Edward. He's stupid. "Thank you.. peasants." Yeah, that's what makes people like him.
Both the princess and prince are stupid =.= I mean, Giselle cried because two people were getting a divorce. She was like, "oh I know why you love her!!!!! she has sparkly eyes...!" And then she found out they were separated for ever... and ever, she sobbed. Like, what?!
And she drank a fish. As in water, with a fish in it. And she spat it out later.
The singing in the park was omg, LOL. I was thinking if such things can really happen in New York.
"How does she know you love her? How does she know she's yours?" After Robert dragged her away, she met this bunch of youngsters. And she started singing the song in a trendy modern style. And the whole park people followed o.O O.o
Prince Edward: -in that deep voice- GISELLE!!! -bites fist excitedly, jumps over the bridge and starts singing- I've been dreaammiingg
And then the group of cyclers ran straight into him. OMG. That was h i l a r i o u s!!! xDD The people in the theatre burst out laughing. Edward's face was really...! I couldn't get enough of that scene...
The song about the true love's kiss was kinda, err. But still. They were both good singers.
Robert and Giselle look pretty good together... their faces were terrific when they were dancing to the song [So Close]
The ending was so sudden, please. Suddenly a dragon pop up. And wow, everything happened. Well, it was expected the princess won't end up with the prince but with Robert. But the prince with Nancy?! ? err?
AND I LOVE PIP! The chipmunk is soooooo... xP
The song [That's How You Know] - dedicated to this post.
List of movies I want to watch:
The Golden Compass
Alvin And The Chipmunks (aka my brother and the chipmunks)
Jumper (2008)
(insert title of that action movie here) (2008)
And more I forgot................
Hitman? NO THANKS. It's NC16, for one. Plus, it's like... I don't know. Not the right kind of action movie. Don't know why people want to watch so bad ;_; different tastes.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
^ Can you see what's my focus here? The short-haired lady in blue, the one that's on par with the bunch of chopsticks. Never thought I'd actually meet our gracious smiling principle. We are fated =) She doesn't know me.
What's going to happen to our 3e2 classroom? =(
I'm supposing 3e1'08 will be using it next year?
I feel like going up to them and telling them the privileges of the classroom and how to make the best use of it, telling them how windy our class really is, telling them about the beehive outside, the rope-less screen etcetcetc. But, they'll think I'm OFF-CENTRE.
And for those taking pure literature next year, I too, feel like going up to them and telling them that though it's tough, though it's a subject that demands an open mind, respect and dedication, it's all WORTH IT!!
Feel like describing how it goes. Feel like seeing their faces when they see the questions we get xDD
But again, they'll think I'm like Vinod, off-centre.
But then again, they won't be doing [Off-Centre] next year...
Whatever xP
4E2!!! Argh.
A hell of a year next year.
Completed - History, Physics & English
STUCK =.= - Chemistry & Literature (oh man. stupid flying worm and oh thy rose.)
Halfway Through - Social Studies
Not Attempted - Chinese (okay, i promised debby to give an answer soon Dx oops...), Additional Mathematics (at least i've glimpsed at it), Elementary Mathematics (just bought the book... it's COLOURFUL!!! Omg! =DD)
i KNOW I'm at a slow pace! I'm slacking so much... can't help it. I am NOT a study person. Best of luck everyone in your ispls and revisions... and happy, 'happy' holidays! =P
I know I don't deserve it
I want to say sorry and get it over with
But I'm sorry, because I couldn't say sorry
I like what I didn't deserve
Friday, November 23, 2007
No no, I can't do Chemistry anymore. The SUN, the holy SUN at the start of the food chain, THE SUN, is depriving me from doing ISPL. Somehow, the position of my room allows the most sun in compared to the whole house. Oh yes. Every afternoon, the room is bathed in beautiful golden light... THAT ANNOYS ME.
There are times I feel like throwing down my pen. But if I do, the pen tip would be spoiled and there goes my money again. When that happens, I feel like throwing the pen out of the window -.- so. I'm not going to throw anything. I'm just going to laugh hahahahahahahah and smile all day and pretend it's really cold (someone can freeze himself to death in a fridge that isn't working).
I think I'm losing my mind.
I bet everyone's studying. My MSN contact list... all grey. Everyone's off, most of the time.
That is, except Bryant.
» when sad was meant to be says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
» when sad was meant to be says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
» when sad was meant to be says:
how much hav u done for ur ispl?
» when sad was meant to be says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
everyone's doin ispl
I'm probably not here~ says:
who's timbaktu island
» when sad was meant to be says:
who's timbaktu island
I'm probably not here~ says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
» when sad was meant to be says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
he/she asked me too
I'm probably not here~ says:
i hanvet effing touched my ispl
I'm probably not here~ says:
I'm probably not here~ says:
enjoying my hols
I'm probably not here~ says:
thank you
» when sad was meant to be says:
Erm, ignore that whatever timbaktu thingy... my point is... THE SECOND IN STANDARD PEEP IN BBSS HAVEN'T TOUCHED HIS ISPL!!! xD But then again.. he has the brains, and unfortunately, I believe I don't.
From now on, I think I won't be studying in the afternoon =)
Or else, I wouldn't be posting this right now.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
^ My brother's O Levels over... now it's my turn. See the exam papers? There's evidence that my brother was slacking. Yet, he seemed pretty confident that he did well, and by the sound of it, he probably did.
^ He left behind a bio book. He barely did it, seriously. Anyone want? I'll give it to the first bio friend I meet next year =)
Finished - History & Physics
Halfway Through - English, Chemistry, Social Studies, Literature
Not Attempted - E Maths, A Maths, Chinese
Good? Bad? I feel I'm not doing fast enough. Oh well... I'm not a study person to begin with. I'm not like the guys in 3e2 who finished almost everything. But, I'm trying =D
I miss Jakarta!!! Many many things happen there. For those people in 3e2 who think I'm filthy rich? =P Reality check.
When my father married my mother, his income wasn't very stable. The house was bought by my mother, who saved up. My family started from scratch.
And the HOUSE!! It's not the kind of 3-storey terrace you expect. See, all the rooms plus bathroom and everything are located on the first floor.
The second floor is the piano and the office. Yep, we used to play a little piano =) Then switched to electone.
The third floor is to hang the clothes -_-" And the small cage-like roof that we hid in during the riots. That is basically all.
But however small or however mosquito-filled it is, it was home. And I missed it =(
That was where I fell and got this scar xD
I agree that now, we're quite well-to-do, but it wasn't built overnight.
Yeah... Jakarta had always been chaotic, still is, and would always be. This is my impression of my own home. But then, I still want to visit back again, especially to see our cousins and childhood friends, Theresa and Felix (their english names)
-sighs again- thanks to the riot of Muslims vs. Chinese, us childrens were whisked off to Singapore.
And this is where you see me now =.= =.=
Because of these stuff, I feel relations between fellow Indonesians in Singapore. Example:
Daisy Caroline Chandra: My primary friend =)
Christine Natalia: The primary school band leader before me xD She is a few days younger than my brother and they are..... friends. =P Like I said many times before, I am one over-reactive girl.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
^ Check this out! It's cool, really! It was a translation from the original:
I've decided that in my next life, if I have one, I want to be a GUY!!
I like being a girl and all, it's fun really. But at one point of time, it gets tiring. I'm sure there are people who share this viewpoint.
I'd like a change =)
As we reach here, I might as well share some experiences I had with a guy online.
I was introduced to Runescape sometime ago.
It wasn't too bad actually, wandering around and stuff.
That is, until I bump into this guy.
My brother helped me a bit, in the talking part. After, we added each other into our friend's list.
That was fine, really good.
After he needed to log out, he suddenly turn to me and said
O-M-G? -gags-
So then... trouble?
He started talking about me to some people, and my brother saw him while wandering around doing Runescape stuff.
My brother told him I didn't like it.
Seriously, the guy sounded really upset!!! I find it hilarious now... actually.
But afterwards, when I meet him online... He told me he accepted the fact that I saw him only as a friend.
And yeah, we made up.
If I'm not wrong, his name was Hayne or Hayner or whatever, plus some numbers behind or some other letters... I think of him more as Hayne.
He's not the worst.
I've seen worse... and for those who are worse, I give them the credit of harassment.
And thus.......... I don't play these kind of games much anymore.
Again, I found myself telling myself I've been dreaming
I am willing to stay in this dream because it's a nice one
Sometimes, I really wish I'd wake
Monday, November 19, 2007
^ Okay, the first time I saw this leaf insect crawling at the front of the car, I was like, SO CUTE!!!! And then, as if it heard me, it crawled towards my window =.= and when I stare at it, details complete, including the slimy legs, I changed my mind. EWWWWWW. Really, I'm not very fond of insects, especially if they're up close.
Its legs are wide open here.
Scroll down to see another version.
^ Then afterwards, it folded it front legs and hid everything else underneath its wings. Now it looks exactly like a leaf. When you see it form outside, that is. Like, ewwww. Seriously. Why ME?!?! =.=
It looked magnificent when it fluttered its wings. But anyway, it purposely hid under the thingy outside the car to hide from the wind.
I have to admit, it's a very clever insect.
In Orchard Road, in the carpark, we brushed it off. Well, my mother did. The rest of us are too freaked out.
And when we returned to the car, it had clambered on again =.=
It was smart enough to know that whatever thingy brought it to the hot place would bring it out again. It even had enough brains to turn around when the wind was blowing right at it.
It wasn't like the butterfly in our house; LOL, that butterfly was funneh. It keeps tackling the window, because it clearly didn't understand why it couldn't fly out when it could see the trees and all.
^ Whoooo~ Camera effect? This is yours truly, near-Christmas at Orchard Road =) I loved the lights =D I thought they could do better, but they've really done a LOT.
^ Yep, nice, but just that the colours are too simple. Blue blue blue. But I love blue xD And see, there's a small Christmas tree there.
All these made the trip to Orchard Road and all those walking-without-buying-everything worthwhile.
That reminds me.
The Game Plan was NICE! I liked it!
Sorry Khad, Debbs, Ruo Nan etcetcetcetcetc for not watching it with you guys... =P
It was going to not-show anymore, and you guys didn't seem bent on watching it anyway... lol!
And I bet someone is rejoicing, no? xD
My bro's applying for his JC already.
So I've decided!
If I could, I'll probably want Catholic Junior College as my first choice. 11/12 points. LOL. Difficult...
For the second choice, probably Anglo-Chinese Junior College
Reasons? Catholic JC is a catholic school, so duh, I'd want to go there xP And it's a pretty good school, though it's faaaaaaaarr away in Orchard. Oh well.
Anglo-Chinese JC is a Christian school! And it's near! Only at Dover there. So many peeps in my class want to go, mainly Debby!, Vanessa?, Leong Yew!, Jia Ying?, Crystabel? It's actually better than Catholic JC, but I don't think I can get inside, but whatever xD

^ A sample

^ Another sample. More on Shi Ting!'s blog!
My fanfic stories... haizz. What do I say? The most hits only 2788. Pathetic much? And not to forget, this one has lots of chapters and those who view may not read.
Oh well... that was me a year ago. I should be able to get more this year... hopefully =(
If you mean it, show it
If you want it, say it
If you need it, take it
If you have it, love it
Saturday, November 17, 2007
And put it down again.
So I didn't pick up the pen.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
^ Throughout the whole thing, I keep seeing groups of people lining up, skating together. Some reach to over five people, forming a snake line. Kinda amusing. I was suggesting to Shi Ting that we pick up speed as we skate, and then BOO at them xDD I can gurantee, they'll fall. At least one. Domino. Muahaha. I know I'm being evil. But hey, the rules state that not more than two people can hold hands.
But no one follows the rules anyway.
Still, I like going against the flow. Lol. It's not that I can't dodge the people... I can skate right into them and swerve at the last minute; they'll probably stumble xD No la... I didn't do that... not so evil.
By the end of the day, Shi Ya can skate already =D But Khadeza... still unsure. You know, everytime she venture out into the middle, I'd be skating round and round her.
4 people in a go, cheaper. Next time Shi Ya's inviting 8 or 12 people. LOL.
Afterwards we took neoprint.
SO FUN!!!! xDD The next time we go ice-skating, I'm going to focus on that braking. I'm still very clumsy on that. I can do the half-spin braking thingy, which ends with the person very gently skidding backwards.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
In that dream, I found him
When our eyes met, it felt like I've known him longer
Though we already know each other
We let the people do the introduction
We shook hands
In that dream
He held my hand for much longer than he was supposed to
I didn't let go, and I didn't want to.
But when we finally did, he was smiling
In that dream, I gave him a present
He smiled again.
I knew then, he was the one
Because when I'm with him, everything's in place
It felt like "THAT'S IT!"
But I woke up
I clenched my right hand, the hand he held in my dreams
And I wonder who will unclench this hand
And when will he do so
^ Okay, I REALLY REALLY had to post this. My older brother trying on his prom clothes. LOL. They're too big, obviously. It was my dad's. My brother's skinny. My father is not. Naturally.
It's not very clear, I know... it was blurred. I took it on the sneak, as he was turning around.
Personally, I had suggested he bought his own.
But he's really too lazy (like me).
His shoulders are not normally THAT broad... it's the clothes.
Looking at the picture, I realize he's really tall.
When I stand before the mirror, my head is slightly below the top.
His is far above.
No, I don't think he'll style his hair or whatever... he's a 'good' boy kind of person.
DEBBS. now you know how he looks like. But well, it's a picture, a blurred one at that.
Oh, talking about my brother... he's celebrating his 17th birthday in december.
Want to come? Ask me =P
No $$ left in there.
I'm cutting myself some slack today, so I'm not going out.
Tomorrow, maybe, I'll get that prepaid card.
Khad, no worries, I'll teach you how =P Just move your feet.
A conversation I had with Khad and Ruo some time ago.
"What's your dream guy like?"
Okay.. here we go:
1. Must take me seriously (duh!)
2. Very understanding
3. Make promises and keep them
4. Physical properties; doesn't really matter (meaning, I wouldn't want him to spike hair or whatever.. but he has to be physically stronger than me xP in case i get kidnapped)
5. Kind, devoted
6. Studious but knows when to get a life
7. Someone who wouldn't hesitate to point at me and say, "that's her!"
8. If possible, I'd want him to pull surprises now and then
9. It's okay if he has many girls in his life, but I should be the only one that matters
That's basically all, for now xD
I'm being pretty lenient; I could list 10 or 20 more qualities if I had to.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Okay okay... I've changed my viewpoint of Leon. Okay, Debby, maybe he's not THAT cold... maybe he is just shy xD Today he smiled/grinned so much... can see his bright red braces. LOL?
In fact, I found Thitipat quite cold =X Made me feel very... erm, like a monster? And intimidating and unwanted? Not like I'm going to eat anyone up... haha =P
Whatever. I was very hyper and everything today... last day of school! On this kind of day, I might even consider playing my most dreadest game, TRUTH OR DARE! Consider; not meaning I'd play... yes, that's why I refused to join in at McDonalds =D
Today was so... ! As soon as our class heard Mr Quek was coming in... woah! The effect was INSTANT!
It was freaking chaotic in the classroom.. but everything was instantly in order when they heard the news. Kudos to Mr Quek; he really can strike fear.
I hope he's teaching us next year instead of Ms. Punitha... I won't say any teacher is bad, just that I'd prefer someone fierce so I won't daydream and my physics can improve.
Alan played the 'silent' ringtone today. It was so obvious, from his goofy smile. Omigod, it was piercing =.=
I know well enough we made a fool of ourselves again in West Mall. Tsk tsk... we even got told off. OOPPSSSS...
Imma going Ice-skating with Shi Ya, Shi Ting, Khadeza, etcetcetc on Thursday... well, hopefully.
O Levels are over today! That added to my good mood; hey, I do feel happy for my brother. His prom night is on Thursday.
I want to help him choose the clothes!
Okay Khad, you win =.= This IS a long post...

^ Saw the puffer fish in the bio book and it was an instant love kind of thing. I want one for a pet!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
This post is more or less meant for Ruo Nan and Khadeza.
Recently had a conversation with Aashna... Guys and gals from 2e2, you should remember her. She migrated last year. Anyways... back to the point... she finally got on MSN.
wotever..... says: hihihihihi
» my life is a piece of beautiful music played out of tune says: OMG
[to cut things short, >> is me. i changed the name she used to call me -_-"]
» says: Aashna!
wotever..... says: i knew u wld b online
» says: You know what?
wotever..... says: wot?
» says: I have a boyfriend.
wotever..... says: im not dumb u noe...
wotever..... says: even tho i look like 1..
» says: And
» says: I'm cheating on him.
wotever..... says: mich 2day is NOT 1st April
wotever..... says: so quit joking..
» says: I'm KIDDING.
» says: Lol?
wotever..... says:i noe u r joking
» says: haizz
» says: so sad
» says: i expected a better reaction
» says: haizz
» says: no la.. i hav no boyfriend
wotever..... says: wot kind of reaction did u want?
» says: something like OMG
I'm a sad case of a girl who does senseless things when she had lots of stuff to do, say, HOMEWORK. I haven't changed to that extent that I'd get a boyfriend. Worse, cheat on him.
C H E A T. A terrible word. If I have a boyfriend and like another guy, I'd tell him.
I proceeded on to telling Aashna about recent happenings... she got pretty much a shock as she would if I REALLY have a boyfriend and cheating at the same time.
Aashna is suffering the typical torture over there. Poor her.
Christmas decorations are already put up in West Mall. YAY! But no Christmas tree ='( I noticed the outside when I was heading to my organ lessons.
Made a decision to take a quick look.
Was tempted to take a photo as well.
But I feel stupid enough, entering through the front gate and then slipping out by the back, making one whole U-turn to the MRT station.
If the shuttle bus driver had seen me; I wonder what he'd be thinking xDD
I was at the Clementi bookshop just now... and I flipped through cookery books.
Every week, actually, I do that. While waiting for lessons to start or whatever. So weird.
The people there grown up... felt left out ._. I think I DO like cooking.
But well. My history of cooking hasn't been good.
1. Home Econs: I always manage to mess things up. One time, some boys helped me fish the thingy out of the oven because I couldn't manage, even with the gloves. And guess what I did when it was out? I touched it. "Ee, why does it look so weird??" and I touched it, after getting to so much trouble trying to get help to take it out. Result: BURNT FINGER. duh.
2. At Home: I cooked my own meal. Okay, it was fine. I carried it out. And dropped the plate. Bye-bye to my lunch.
Not going to mention the minor ones like flipping an egg and destroying it.
So.. Cassandra; I can't imagine myself being a housewife either =P But still, I think I'll end up as one.
Whatever, I'm crapping again.
Is it better to blend in and not be noticed even if you scream? Is it better to
stand out and be lavished by unnecessary attention? How about blending in with
others and standing out only to one person? Yep, that sounds best.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
I have decided! I do want to write a novel or create a website, but that can be a part-time job.
I can't be a spy, that's sure... though that was my dream.
I shall take on photography.
I don't take very artistic photos, but at least I'm pretty much interested.
Though, I don't know if this is a short-term or long-term interest.
I'm even interested in advertising, and being a director or scriptwriter of a movie.
And there are many more I haven't considered yet =X
But I see the future.
I'll end up as a housewife.
And a lousy one at that xD
How sad.
It's like not wanting to die, even though you know you're going to.
This conveys a message of desperation, with reference to the poem 'Lament' and Mr Latiff.
It is said that in the future, Literature will be merged with English. They said only with Literature, can people truly master English. Or else, no way =P It's because Literature teaches us to look at the "nuances" of english, if the arrangement of sentences mean something.
In a passage, if a woman is weeping,
The average people would say, "Okay, she's crying, she's sad."
But Lit students tend to look slightly deeper, into what else the tears might mean.
I love the feeling of being equipped with such skills.
-deepness alert-
Thus, know this.
Especially when you make it quite obvious.
Like, say, I know when a glance between two people mean more.
And I know it wasn't only a simple glance.
There's a message behind it.
So when people look at me
I can see the skeleton of their feelings.
So if you think I'm oblivious, think again.
You don't know me.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
3e2 lit class, exclusively =P
I want to be a tree.
To add to the randomness; I like elephants. I start to like them a few days ago... reminds me of the elephant at the theme park in Thailand. It stood there, at the entrance, under the sun. Its misery was RADIATING.
... I really don't know what to say.
For once, I'm stumped.
If until now, my intention is not clear enough
Maybe you really are dense.
My silence will answer for everything
But someone like you won't listen to this silence.
Who am I talking to? It's for me to know, and for you NOT to find out. For all I know, the person isn't even aware.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Picture takes a while to load, so be patient o.O
This life of mine
I'm one day going to write it down.
I already have one version, that's a very very skeletal one.
I didn't use humans, I used cats.
Because cats are more 'pure'; they are dignified, independent creatures.
Quite unlike humans =.=
This story…
This freaking story…
Since the day I started it, I already closed it. Concluded.
But my life has changed so much.
The ending keeps changing.
I myself can choose what kind of ending I want to this story;
What kind of character I am, who I’ll be with
These people around me keeps altering it
Such that, I have to keep improvising their characters
Such that, my story no longer has an ending
It’s suspended in mid-air
And forever will be
Because when I die, when my tale is over… still
I never can write “THE END” to this story
YOU tell me what kind of ending I'm supposed to write
What kind of ending you WANT.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
My back hurts. Blame who? The tennis ball. Such a soft hit and it went flying over the court. Okay, that's okay. I went to pick it up. And the railing there is so short... when clambering out, I just slamned into it =.=
And then, swimming. Exerted all my strength trying to beat my dad... lo and behold, I WON. But ouch... my leg is a little sore. And when I asked for my 'prize', he claimed I never made a deal with him. And my brother got his prize for winning... and hell, he started a full 8 seconds before us! RAWRRRRRR ._.
If I want something to happen, I think I'd better do something about it.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Ah well.
RUO NAN! I'm still going to grill you. I told you something catastrophe-ish, so you better return the 'kindness'.
Trick or treat.
I want to go ice-skating! I never liked the ice-skating rink at Jurong; it seriously... sucks. Small, crowded. MELTED ICE! How worse can it get? I loved it at Jakarta. It was wide and pretty much empty... can skate round and round without crashing head-on into someone else.
I remember at one time, I fell so much those bruises HURT the next day.
I'm the only one in the family who really likes skating.
And who can bear with the discomfort of the rented shoes, until she gets her own.
Will keep this post short.
"If someone just can't get out of your head, then maybe they're supposed to be there."
Thursday, November 1, 2007
2007 Halloween is definitely a day I wouldn't forget so easily.
Yep, something happened =PP
This post is dedicated to Melina, who said my posts are getting shorter.
Well they are... cause my brother's having his O levels...
But he's out now.
Earth-shaking things are happening.
Wonder if I can keep up with the pace.
The world's changing. The morning and nights are getting earlier and earlier.
The rate of global warming is getting worse.
People are changing!
Some friends I know are no longer who I thought they were.
Even Person 1 has changed, a little.
Hell, I'VE changed.
Debbs the Wan! How are my lips Italian? I don't remember having any mussolini-spaghetti-Italy kind of blood.
Literature is getting more tedious and challenging... if I want to continue taking pure lit in JC/Poly, I'll have to have a better grasp of the english language, and stop getting stuck with 4th in the class =.=
I like Irvin's subtleties xD Alan was playing some games, and Ms. Chandran wasn't looking.
Irvin: Hey, nice PSP!
-no reaction-
Irvin: I said... NICE PSP!
Ms. Chandran: -looks up-
The power of language?
Not only will I kill that Someone, I'll kill Person 1, Person 2 and Person 4 if they say anything. BETTER DIGEST THIS!
Spending Christmas in USA; I'll be in Las Vegas at Christmas Eve... good or bad? Will be in the Grand Canyon on Christmas... good or bad?
Remember, the answers aren't always at the back of the book.