Sunday, May 24, 2009
Blaha says:
» michelle i must be crazy says:
Blaha says:
Bryant bees right back says:
Your chocs were spiked
» michelle i must be crazy says:
One fine day on 24th May, Sunday, a girl called Darmavhaaan decided to study chemistry.
However, she stayed up till 4.40am slacking and woke up at 11.20am later on.
She finally settled down at 3.00pm but until 6.18pm, she has not progressed in her studying.
Because why?
Because of her dear laptop, and MINTDARKCHOCOLATE,LOVE.
That, my friends, is my epic story. Admire it. It's gotta be the best story next to Wuthering Heights.
Kinda can tell already she's the type that needs a lot of attention >_> I wish my brother all the best man.
Ruo Nan thinks I'm an expert 8D YAY. I somehow understand how she feels and what she wants, maybe she sounds like me? I told my brother all about surprises he can pull, and even how many roses to give. In his case, he should give 10 x) It means "You're perfect." I'm awesome aren't I 8D
I'd make such a romantic guy, but as RN helpfully pointed out, I won't know all this if I'm a guy.
One question though. Something my brother didn't know how to answer her, something I couldn't answer either.
"What if in the later parts of our lives, we find other people?"
The expert was stumped. Anyone feels like they can answer?
Happiness is like thin ice. You can be the father, and I can be the mother. We were once very lucky and had a child. The one and only thing was that we were unsuitable for each other. -FTLY.
Anyways. why the hell are we both awake at 3:48am -.-"
I'm not sleepy. And i'm supposed to wake up at 8 later. heh.
I shall now TRY to study chem. >_>
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I always believed in fate and affinity and all that, but when I thought about it just now, I realize that fate creates chances and opportunities like getting two people to meet, but if we don't embrace it, it's not up to fate anymore. Things happen for a reaon, but we can't just based on that sit back and watch life pass us by. For the things that requres decision, we make them ourselves.
Ahhhh my crapping is done x) Moving on to recent updates!
I ran 14.26 minutes for 2.4km :)
Enough said. No hard feelings about the timing.
Anyways, last saturday was LY's birthday! On friday we tried to surprise him with a cake but failed miserably.
I met up with Jack and Bryant (who was late) and went to his house because we were too late to go to his school. Haha.
The people at Bukit Timah Plaza was weird! There was one who works at the cafe there, and he had this threatening, murderous look. It's scary D: I'm such a nice innocent girl, why you wanna kill meh D:
Then LY went up for his dinner and the rest of us went to BB interchange to meet Shi Ting who just finished her tuition. Ate dinner at the food court, where Jack treated us to drinks :D We also met Mr M (censored) and Elliot there.
^ IDK what was that for, Jack just took my bag. But since someone was carrying my bag, I has no complaints x)
^ I found this funny, and they think i'm weird. oh wells. weird people make good writers and artists! Think D.H Lawrence, Emily Bronte, William Blake.
^ This was me and Elizabeth's triumph against David and Praneetha! We are the 1 pointer, by the way. First victory after David beat us 28-0 alone and him and Praneetha beat us 15-0.
^ David's pink scooter with Elizabeth on top of it.
^ On mother's day, we went to this French restaurant. This is so cool right! Anyway you can't really eat the brown and white powdery stuff. it makes you cough. -chokes and dies-
At 12 midnight on 16 May, I called LY. This was how the conversation went.
LY: Hello?
Me: Happy Birthday.
LY: Thanks.
Me: Okay, good night.
LY: Good night.
Me: Bye.
LY: Bye.
HAHAHA. I disturbed his dota playing time! Whatever lol. I was sleepy because I fell asleep at about 11 plus and woke up at 12 to wish him happy birthday! I'm so nice right! The call lasted about six seconds, and was so negligible it vanished when i checked my call history.
And on Saturday, I met him and Shi Ting at BB and we went to Orchard Cathay to watch Star Trek.
Star Trek wasn't my type of movie, otherwise I'd say it was quite good. But for now i'd say it wasn't really nice. haha. still have to listen to the birthday boy.
I shall now end with a pretty picture!"Two words would comprehend my future, death and hell--existence, after losing her, would be hell. Yet I was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton's attachment more than mine--If he loved with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn't love as much in eighty years, as I could in a day."'

The line that divides the circumference between the world and the universe is not more than a delicate silk string, adorned with illusions and complex dellusional stories of how we were once commanded by a strange form of control called fate...
Centuries of mind gazing and practical courage made some of us immerse, and find what's beyond...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
silver lining?
This is why bad things happen to good people.It started from yesterday, when I’m supposed to meet up with my group to do PW.
1. I alighted at Yishun and went to the bus interchange to look for 86 or 103. Time was approximately 10.40am.
2. I couldn’t find those buses so I went back to the mrt station to search the bus stops nearby. Nope.
3. Great, so I called David and he told me to take some bus to Yio Chu Kang and change buses. By the way the interchange and the mrt aren’t next to each other like they should. It’s like a shopping mall apart, and along the way there was some deafening construction going on.
4. Then Lizzie informed me that there’s 86 in Ang Mo Kio, and she told me why am I not taking
the mrt but the bus, cause isn’t it faster with mrt?
5. Yeah I was pretty stupid. So I went back to the mrt station and wasted money re-entering it.
6. I missed the train by two seconds.
7. I finally got on the next train but I got down at Ang Mo Kio instead of Yio Chu Kang why? Because I love the mrt so much I can’t bear to part with it. And guess what? It started raining.
8. Anyway I alighted at AMK and thought, hey, what if the bus isn’t at the interchange cause if Lizzie spotted 86 at a bus stop it shouldn’t be at the interchange. Clever me went to the bus stop outside the mrt station, which was ridiculously a long way away, but there wasn’t any 86.
9. Okay, fine. I returned to the mrt station and headed to the interchange. I finally found 86, thank heavens. But I discovered that Jalan Kayu was approximately 15-20 bus stops away like wtf. Haha. And I also realized that if I had got down at YCK it would’ve been a lot nearer. The time then was about 11.45am. I have spent an hour wandering.
10. I waited for about 10 minutes before 86 came and I got on. I wasn’t sure where to stop so the moment I saw Jalan Kayu I got off, being the blur queen I was. I ended up outside some ulu greenhouse florist place with little signs of civilisation.
11. I called Lizzie and she said I got down too early. Okay okay, I was still enduring. So I squelched through the wet ground about 4 to 5 bus stops up some slope. My feet were beginning to hurt.
12. On the way somehow, somebody or whatever thing caused my bag to be splattered with some dirt. Could be cement or soil or mud or even bird shit, but that’s unlikely. I reached the Prata place at 12.30am. I left the house at 10.
13. After eating all of us went to David’s house which was somewhere nearby the bus stop I stopped at. If I had known I should’ve just skipped lunch and headed to his house there and wait right? Oh wells.
14. David beat me and Lizzie combined 28-0 in the X-Box game fighting game Dead or Alive. But that wasn’t so bad, it was funny. Hahaha.
15. On the way home, I stopped by Woodlands because there was a book there that I wanted that wasn’t on loan at that library. But I searched and searched and no fishing hint of that book. And the catalogue said it wasn’t on loan. It was probably irresponsible noobs who anyhow put back the book. I just helped my mom borrow some books.
16. Bad luck kinda ended for that day, but it went on to today. I was supposed to reach school by 6.45 today for my 2.4km napfa test, but i woke up late. By 6.45 I haven’t even left the house. Wtf right, I’ve been delaying my run for so long.
17. So yeah. And I realized my handphone battery was flat, so I had to bring the charger to school.
18. A mosquito left three huge bites on my leg.
19. Reaching school, I was to take the Chinese oral which was at the second period. I had left my notes in class. So I did last minute revision.
20. I screwed up my oral. And my GP compre.
I rest my case. Rofl.
But it will all end well. I believe. Haha.
Thanks Debby for encouraging me. It was appreciated :)
Saturday, May 9, 2009
^ Alternate!
^ KO.
Haha and during econs lesson, we were allowed to slack for 20 minutes because our teacher rocks.
So instead of studying like good people, Elizabeth and I decided to draw on Cassandra's table! Sharing one chalk between us, we took turns to draw stuff. Our theme was animals! All the pictures above are drawn by me.
^ Those are platypus-es, by the way. If you can't tell. Heh. Pippy is mine! Liz's one is The. It's not really called The, the word just happened to be there, hahaha.
^ Bu and Poof the whales! Yan Ting thinks mine looks like a banana. -sulks-
^ Cramb and Krabby! I call mine Cramb in honour of the internal economy of scale acronym that Liz came up with. First she told me that crabs have EIGHT legs so i drew eight legs. Really! So stupid right. By the way.. which way is the legs supposed to turn? Mine (Cramb) or Elizabeth's (Krabby)?
But Wheat really made me laugh! So cute! xD
^ Drakii and Bragon :D You can see my feet! Woot. we are so retarded! Liz's dragon looks like that rocky dragon pokemon in Pokemon ruby and sapphire. So cute. At first when I saw it from side view i thought the ears were exploding. Hahah but that's the mouth. For mine, only the wings look like wings. Hahahaha.
^ Elizabeth's animals are all cuter than mine lah! I totally love Bord. Hahah. Spike and Bord are are bald eagles. Though they dont quite resemble bald eagles, but HEY. It's ART.
^ Yay more of my feet! I really was laughing okay. Durie and Cool! They are hedgehogs, lol. But what's the difference between hedgehog and porcupine? I thought of porcupine when I drew mine =/
I also scribbled some stuff on my table to identify it as mine. Haha.
Last thursday, we went to watch 17 Again! The movie wasn't that fantastic for me, but it was the company that matters, though Zac's "Sup." is stuck in my head. So I say that to people.
And on Friday we (Bryant, Leong Yew, Debby, Shi Ting, Ruo Nan and meee) went to Jack's Place!! HAHAHA. Played Risk and Monopoly!
And yesterday we went for SYF Presents! I loved the Symphonic Band, their music was really rich. They desrved the gold with honours, as Choir did.
Ankle is almost fully recovered, but I'm doubting if I can do standing broad jump. basically i don't really dare lah. haha.
But my thigh muscles are burning and aching like hell now. It was difficult walking when i first got up in the morning. YAY we'll have nice thighs 8D
I iz sho ded yoz. Yayy, copy Bryant's style.
Friday, May 8, 2009
I can't sleep.
I've finished my PI and i'm so unsleepy!!!!!!!
And now i sound so high!!
And thus, my friends, this is the delayed effect of Nescafe coffee I consumed like 14-15 hours ago?
What the heck is wrong with me hahahahaa.
This is the second time I'm experiencing the weirdness. Previous time was from Old Town coffee.
Kay i'm now going to spam people's tagboards :D HOW FUN.
I'm experiencing such a craving for Subway's double chocolate cookie! D: