This is an entry, lalala
Yay i'm back to the lappie. Finally. Anyway my prelims results pretty much sucked. I think i aimed too high for the prelims.
but then again, you see the exam papers, they kept drilling to us that we have to 'aim higher than the mark to hit the mark' whatever thing.
gotta credit mark lim, he was mainly the one i complained to about my results. hahaha.
i feel damn guilty for slacking today. didn't cover up ss. boo me T_T
let's talk about yesterday! i walked down from the school with debby, caught up with ly and bryant, and all of us went to mcdonalds at beauty world and ate lunch. haha, junk food again.
actually that wasn't the real intention. bryant had a craving for chicken rice so we walked down to the five-star chicken rice place near beauty world.
we sat down to stare at the menu for five minutes, then we fled when the waitress wasn't looking -.-" HAHA! changed our minds.
i was laughing my head off because it was funny. sort of.
so then we went mac, ate lunch and stayed until around 3+, nearly 4 i think. omg that's like 3 hours of socializing. why do i keep using the word socializing? oh wait, it's to spite ST :D
debby did chem though.. i felt lazy so just chatted with ly and bryant.
i don't really recall the main focus of the conversation, i think a lot revolved around muscles. not surprising actually. bryant and ly then started comparing muscles and talking about who they'd most fear facing, Elliot or Kenneth. bryant couldn't choose, ly chose Kenneth. LOL.
Anyway LY is scary when he looks angry and says he's not. like, 'i'm going to kill you in a kind way' kinda face. hahahaha!
bryant suddenly made a random but pretteh serious comment too about me and ly which destroyed the casual mood. boo bryant, boo spongebob. ly just kept quiet like he always does, then just laughed awkwardly after that, while i reacted.
that was one weird awkward moment.
but it passed. life is full of passing moments after all. LITERATURE!
after three hours of socializing, we finally packed up. lol. debby chased her 77 bus and made it =D congrats.
By the way, I have to mention about the 10 marks I lost in the History essay. Boohoo. Mrs Toh was so evil, she counted wrongly and gave me extra 10 marks. I discovered and reluctantly told her...
I whined about it to the people near me and Bryant and Shi Ting said I shouldn't have told, because they would've kept quiet. Lol!
Poor me.
But Pei Jun praised me for being honest. woah, i'm honoured that i was praised by a china beauty =D is fun. haha. i must be bored or something, o levels coming and i'm still playing. oh wells. i know i suck, and i've scolded myself enough, so don't add on :D
Anyway, some pictures.

^ In Lot 1, after the prelim exams. Yay debby is kissing Ernie :D

^ UMA!! Yayie, your purdy picture is here xD During physics prac.

^ RUO NAN!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY don't kill me for posting this up =P I didn't wander around your house for nothing. Hahaha.
My brother and I discussed that if I get a boyfriend, he has to be good in chemistry. My mother agreed on that and it was insulting and funny at the same time.
Plus he has to be super strong in case I get kidnapped, and my brother commented, "who'd want to kidnap you?" LOL, not sure what he's trying to imply >_> and after which he said he'd challenge every one of my boyfriends in the future to arm wrestling. HAHAH!
But he changed his mind because he decided all of them would get to go out with me because he'd either: 1. Lose because he's weaker, 2. Win because he's stronger and get hated for that and he hates being hated.
So he said I should get them to challenge father. But like that I'll never have a boyfriend. Bwahahaha.
My brother then joked that when he finds a girlfriend he shall compare her complexion to mine, which i found very -.-" I told him looks didn't matter and he said strength didn't matter either, that's how the topic switched to kidnappers.
But it was a funny conversation, and I don't really think I'll send all the guys interested to my brother to be challenged. That's weird.
:D Kitty domination.
RI paper is damn tough. Boo.
Anyway, just a little update. Friday marked the end of our cheering. Went to lot 1 with debbs and shi ting out of sheer boredom. ly called halfway to say that debby left her jacket in school, and since she was lazy, she requested he came over.
we met him at McDonalds, he was late for 10+ minutes (shi ting made a precise count).
not funny actually, late guys are not ideal.
I'll still haha though
we all trooped to shi ting's house afterwards and we played PS2 =D
I played Guitar Heroes with debby, but halfway she got lost so ly took it from there, but i still won, and the game said i rock, so i suppose i do x) haha so thick-skinned.
Shi Ting then turned on her computer while debby purposely sprawled across one of the couches so ly had to sit on another chair. so i did the same. but it's okay, this is training ly to be a gentleman. we have good intentions.
i lazily read a magazine while debby squealed about the rabbit game, which was very cute. st also played lemon smasher thing where you have to smash lemons as they fall from the tree, which is kinda ridiculous but hilarious.
reaching home that day, i remembered that slacked like ther ewas no tomorrow. in the end, i got bored halfway through slacking (doesn't make sense does it?) so i played msn games with mark lim. played Uno, Scissors Paper Stone (which was =.=), a few others... the jigsaw puzzle took the longest, nearly 2 hours, i think. in the end we managed to piece it together.

^ This is halway through the jigsaw. looks nice already. my eyes hurt-ed from peering at the screen okay... but was worth it :D
Did the RI physics paper 1 yesterday. went online to ask bryant for help, look at my fantastic drawing:

^ According to me, 5cm>10cm 8D
Tomorrow is the career thing. I'll have to take it seriously, though it's likely i won't. oh wells.
something funny happened in the car today, while my mom was harping on the tooth she crowned recently, how the dentist sucked and all, how much money she spent and how it still hurt, my older brother commented: "that's why we should all eat doughnuts" in his lame British accent.
no link! okay, a bit of link, i just told him recently that doughnuts are cancerous and that he should limit his consumption.
but no link with crowned tooth.
i'm very reluctant to cut the nail on my left ring finger. it's now at 0.55cm, two days ago it was 0.50cm. bwahahaha. not so long actually. but it's getting harder for me to type or play the organ. in fact i realized i type wrong passwords more often.
do i really have to cut it? T_T boohoo.
This is a random post.
All my mother's fault for turning on the lappie. It's nearly impossible to pretend I didn't see it sitting happily on my table.
Anyways I've decided to dig up some images I probably forgot to post.
MSN conversations. Some photos too but i'm lazy to upload those :D

^ The day Debby 'chopped' off her hair! Mwahahahaha. she kept giving that face and suddenly my mom came in and wanted to borrow the lappie. haha debby, your reputation is ruined!

^Imitating him!

^ The combined conversation I had with Mark and Shi Ting, to discuss Off-Centre. In the end Mark did nearly all of the discussing. But that's not important, look at all our dps!! Of course, click to zoom in. all sleepy cats!!!
Yay i'm so influential :D okay not really.
Pure lit exam was fantastic, only our class people there, 23 of us in the room :) Makes me feel special.
Anyway, the teachers were late. by rights yes, we can walk off and take it another day because it's not our fault, we might have something on right after the exam.
irvin even wrote on the whiteboard that we can go home, exam cancelled
usual stuff he does.
the paper was rawr though
During the exam, I flipped to the last page and saw what was written at the bottom:
To see a world in a grain of sand
And heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour
(from Blake's 'Auguries of Innocence')
Respond with Wonderment and Awe :)
And at that moment I smiled. Maybe the TA thought I was crazy, but it doesn't matter. I saw Mr Latiff in that small phrase, which is true anyway; he set the paper. No wonder. He likes giving encouragements, which is why he's a good teacher and we gave him Latiff Lamb on Teacher's Day :D
I've already seen a realistic though a lot more imperfect version of my so-called dream guy (not anyone i like by the way). From there I shall set the standards 8) omg i feel evil, but it's okay. everyone can dream :D
like how pei jun dreams of her pan-asian prince, i'm still supporting her! oh wait, she has Edward already.
Okay okay now, someone must be impatient, waiting for her tribute :D
To Simraan: the girl whom i shan't see online at night anymore
i will miss you
may you study in peace :D
Hahaha can? xD Below was the webcam thing with Simraan. My webcam is either spoiled or not yet installed or something, so no me inside (: yayayay, all the spotlight on simraan.

^ Evilness. Can see what she wrote?

^ She wanted to pose!

^ More poses.

^ Last note to LY xD Hopefully he sees this.
This is a random post. Duh.
Even right now, I'm talking to Shi Ting about physics. Rather, listening to her. Haha.
This sad.
I've done minimum for A Maths... would probably screw up tomorrow -.-"
Oh wells.
At least i managed to clear one or two questions I had doubts with.
And at least i went through Off-Centre once more.
Whatever, not much use trying to cram everything now. So, just pray and give all that I've got.
And study harder for the 'O' Levels =.=
You Are Extremely Charming

When someone talks to you, they feel like they are the most interesting person in the world.
And for you in that moment, they actually are.
You truly care about the people you're around, and it's obvious to everyone who meets you.
You are open, warm, friendly, and welcoming. You epitomize charm.
Let's do it the LY way:
I need to retake this quiz again next time.
Princess Ball Gown

You want prom to be one of the most romantic experiences of your life. For you, it's tradition all the way!
You Are Somewhat Like Your Mom

Believe it or not, you and your mom are pretty darn similar.
It may not seem like it at times, but you and your mom have a lot of common ground.
Over time, you'll probably get closer ... especially if you emphasize the things you like about each other.
Your Family Is 33% Dysfunctional

Your family isn't perfect, but everyone's pretty good at working things out.
There's probably been a bit of family drama in your past... and who's to say it's over?
As long as your family communicates openly and respects one another everything should be fine.
Everyone in your family does love one another. They just may not be so good at showing it.
There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body

You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin.
And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly.
You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option.
Ohkays, I've run out on motivation. If there was any in the first place -.-" 'O' Levels in about one month's time. Gogogo. Not me though, other people who have the capability to mug. I take my hat off to you. Oh wait i don't have a hat :D
Initially, I was supposed to study with LY today, after his extremely short notice last night. Well i asked him a tough maths question he couldn't solve after almost 24 hours, maybe that triggered it off. First planned to invite people, then decided that too much people meant that nobody would be able to focus. He wanted BB library, I wanted Jurong, and blahblahblah, and suddenly his computer magically got fixed by itself, so we didn't go after all =.=
works for me, i was feeling extreeemely lazy.
And i ended up slacking today T_T
Haha, too bad Simraan xD I couldn't say hi to him on your behalf 8D
Called ruo nan today, discovered that she was in the CC studying. I was planning to drop by too, but decided that it would be wasted if i went there and she had already gone home.
This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study This is a pushing force for me to study
Saw this in Cassandra's blog, so decided to try it out:
Your Moon is in Taurus
Even tempered and peace loving, you are not easily ruffled and are rarely given to emotional displays. You have a calming effect on more high-strung or volatile people, and an emotional steadiness that others find soothing. Though gentle and not easily provoked, you are tremendously stubborn and will resist any change which requires an emotional adjustment, such as changes in your home life or marriage.
You seek security and loyalty in love, are extremely devoted to your loved ones, and provide a warm, nurturing atmosphere for them. However, you tend to cling and seek to keep others from changing.
A great deal of physical affection, closeness, and touching is essential to your well-being, and you have a tendency to overindulge in sensual comforts and pleasures. At times you substitute food for emotional comfort and love.Weird, I don't really associate myself with Taurus. It's pretty much the opposite of Leo.
Also from Cassandra's blog... I realize now that my real horoscope is supposedly Cancer. I wouldn't argue against this one though... I'm quite emotional. Lol. I think I'm a Leo-Cancer.
Anyways, this is an excerpt from a conversation:
it is time.....for it to be borned says:-unknown- used confusion
it is time.....for it to be borned says:mark has been confused
it is time.....for it to be borned says:mark is confused
it is time.....for it to be borned says:mark used headbutt
it is time.....for it to be borned says:mark hurt his ownself in confusion
» the damned minutes says:O.O
which i found funnehh xD okay wait, he's confused, i should be sympathetic, but still.. quite funny. okay i'm sure he doesn't mind.. right?
Today was.... not good. Didn't manage to mug again -.-" spend half the day SLEEPING. i'm still sleepy even now, after waking up at 10am and sleeping for a few more hours in the afternoon. Did a bit of chem, one question of a maths =.=
Okay sorry, I'm not cut out for studying.
I had a conversation with Simraan earlier on. We both found LY to be really worrysome. He's either falling sick, falling down, injuring himself, pushing himself too hard, taking extreme sports like diving or skydiving or anything worse, better, and in between .__.
LY, you gotta take care or yoursef. We'll all die young worrying about you.
He's like, the first person I need to keep telling to take care.
There's this air of vulnerability about him.. sort of. Definitely not because i have some secret relationship with him (you wish =.=)
Lol LY, you once told me that average guys live till 78, so you have to live until then. Life is still transient though. Boooo.
Debby told me today that one of the flowers kicked the bucket. The expression was so LOL! Sighs, it's gonna happen anyway. they were all pretty loose and well... fragile.
Did I tell you kitty shall gain world domination? Look at the cat above my name and profile. I'm helping him gain world domination 8D