Had the oral enrichment thing, and I pricked myself with the pencil lead!! HAha, so proud of it? It went in, and it did sting.
It was then that suddenly my brother's face appeared before me and boomed, for some reason, "Pencil lead is daaannnnggeeroouuss. You can DIE."
I was o.o and had enough sense, luckily, to pluck it out.
Then the blood spurted out. Okay fine, it welled up. Close lah.
Shi Ting; I can't believe her, haha.
We were discussing, "let's make a big deal out of it," and she actually seeked permission from the belly-dancing instructor to let us go to the sick bay. The worst part was that he agreed.
But since I was so 'good' I said no need. Anyway it was really lame cause it had stopped bleeding -.-"
For the third time this week, I walked home in the rain! Yay!
Only I think today's was the heaviest.
At first it was kinda light, so I was fine trailing behind Samuel and Leyu with their matching umbrellas and strolling around and probably discussing about maths or science.
But then it got heavier, but twas fine as well because I met Chrystabel and Jia Ying on the way (:
It's fun walking in the rain. A new-found joy.
It was when I got down from my house that it really started. It was a storm! Yea Ruo Nan, yeah, complete with lightning and thunder and the roaring noise etc.
I waited there dumbly for 10 minutes.
But then, I saw a girl running and I thought, /if i delay by another 10 minutes, it could be the 10 minutes i would use to sleep. and if i waste it, i might end up waking up 10 minutes later tomorrow, and if God had destined that i wake up at 6.40, i'll end up waking up by 6.50am, and i'd be late and get the beta form./
Plus, if I don't do something, the other people in the bus-stop would still be staring mournfully at the rain.
Thus, with that thought, I plunged into the rain.
I WAS SO REJUVENATED!!! HAHAHA, felt like a shower.
But I got my socks completely wet ploughing through the water that went up to half the height of my shoes.
And I look retarded afterwards.
I knew I shouldn't be thinking about that though, cause I was just, few minutes ago, exposed to the danger of being struck down by the very constant lightning or slipping and breaking my neck, or of course, getting flattened by a car since the rain blurred my vision a little.
But here I am, still alive.
It's a miracle how, after travelling in the rain for the week, that I've yet to fall ill.
To Debby: I admit that yeah, perhaps I've been treating you a tad bit shabbily lately, and not really paying attention to your feelings, and about the concert and all. I'm not interested in an ochestra concert, but I suppose it's the only right thing that I still attend anyway to support a friend. Maybe he was partly right... sometimes I find it difficult to communicate to you. But I do try, and attempts often fail, so I screw up a lot. I still don't know how to put it in words, so let the picture speak the thousand words x)

^ I don't actually see how it meant anything xD
To a friend: I guess I went overboard? It was meant as a little joke, but I could see you took it seriously. It's a pretty serious kind of thing I played around with. I don't know if you were, for a moment, afraid that it was real or something, and I know you don't have the highest self-esteem on earth. I do wish you'd been more trusting in your judgement of me and dismissed it as a mere april fool's joke, even though you're someone who takes things seriously. Strangely after this, I feel kinda distant from you, as if I don't know you very well after all. No link right? Still, I hope you'd trust me enough to know I wouldn't let myself waver had it been real and not a stupid joke.
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